using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Waher.Networking.XMPP.Sensor; using Waher.Networking.XMPP; using Waher.Things; using Waher.Networking.XMPP.ServiceDiscovery; using Waher.Networking.XMPP.Provisioning; using System.Windows.Forms; using Waher.Things.SensorData; using Waher.Runtime.Settings; using Waher.Persistence.Files; using Waher.Persistence; using System.IO; using Waher.Runtime.Inventory; using System.Reflection; using Waher.Persistence.Serialization; using Waher.Content.Xml; using Timer = System.Threading.Timer; using Waher.Networking.XMPP.Provisioning.SearchOperators; namespace SensorClientAppW { class TheClientV { string Key = "Your_Broker_Key"; string Secret = "Your_Broker_Secret"; private XmppClient xmppClient = null; string Host = ""; int Port = 5222; string UserName = "demoControllApp2"; string PasswordHash = "123456"; private Form1 formW = null; private SensorClient sensorClient; private string sensorJid = null; private ThingReference sensor = null; private SensorDataSubscriptionRequest subscription = null; private double? pressure = null; private double? humidity = null; private string deviceId = null; private FilesProvider db = null; private ThingRegistryClient registryClient = null; private bool Location = false; private string COUNTRY = "IN"; private string REGION = "TVM"; private string CITY = "TVM"; private string AREA = "area"; private string STREET = "Street"; private string STREETNR = "StreetNr"; private string BLD = "Third"; private string APT = "1"; private string ROOM = "room1"; private string NAME = "Kochi"; private DateTime lastFindFriends = DateTime.MinValue; public TheClientV(string Host, int Port, string UserName, string Password, Form1 formW) { this.Host = Host; this.Port = Port; this.UserName = UserName; this.PasswordHash = Password; this.formW = formW; this.init(); } async void init() { Types.Initialize( typeof(FilesProvider).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(ObjectSerializer).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(RuntimeSettings).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(Waher.Content.IContentEncoder).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(XmppClient).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(Waher.Content.Markdown.MarkdownDocument).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(XML).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(Waher.Script.Expression).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(Waher.Script.Graphs.Graph).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(Waher.Script.Persistence.SQL.Select).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(TheClientV).Assembly); db = await FilesProvider.CreateAsync(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "IoT-DEMO-APP", "Default", 8192, 1000, 8192, Encoding.UTF8, 10000); Database.Register(db); await db.RepairIfInproperShutdown(null); await db.Start(); this.deviceId = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("DeviceId", string.Empty); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.deviceId)) { this.deviceId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty); await RuntimeSettings.SetAsync("DeviceId", this.deviceId); } Console.WriteLine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "IoT-DEMO-APP"); Console.WriteLine(this.deviceId); this.xmppClient = new XmppClient(this.Host, this.Port, this.UserName, this.PasswordHash, "en", typeof(TheClientV).Assembly); this.xmppClient.AllowRegistration(Key, Secret); this.xmppClient.OnConnectionError += this.ConnectionError; this.xmppClient.OnStateChanged += this.OnStateChanged; this.xmppClient.OnRosterItemAdded += OnRosterItemAdded; this.xmppClient.OnRosterItemUpdated += OnRosterItemUpdated; this.xmppClient.OnRosterItemRemoved += OnRosterItemRemoved; this.xmppClient.Connect(); } private Task ConnectionError(object _, Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); return Task.CompletedTask; } private async Task OnStateChanged(object Sender, XmppState State) { switch (State) { case XmppState.Connected: Console.WriteLine("Connected"); this.formW.disableFormGroup(); this.formW.setConnectionStatus(true); this.AddFeatures(); await this.RegisterDevice(); // //this.FindSensors(); break; case XmppState.Error: this.formW.setConnectionStatus(false); Console.WriteLine("Connection Error"); break; case XmppState.Offline: this.formW.setConnectionStatus(false); Console.WriteLine("Connection Error"); break; } } private Task OnRosterItemAdded(object obj, RosterItem Item) { Console.Write("Roster Item Added " + Item.BareJid); if (Item.IsInGroup("Sensor")) if (Item.IsInGroup("Sensor")) { Console.WriteLine("Requesting presence subscription."+Item.BareJid); this.xmppClient.RequestPresenceSubscription(Item.BareJid); } return Task.CompletedTask; } private Task OnRosterItemUpdated(object obj, RosterItem Item) { Console.Write("Roster Item Updated " + Item.BareJid); bool IsSensor; if ((IsSensor = (this.sensorJid != null && string.Compare(Item.BareJid, this.sensorJid, true) == 0)) && (Item.State == SubscriptionState.None || Item.State == SubscriptionState.From) && Item.PendingSubscription != PendingSubscription.Subscribe) { this.FriendshipLost(Item); } else if (IsSensor) this.SubscribeToSensorData(); return Task.CompletedTask; } private void FriendshipLost(RosterItem Item) { bool UpdateRegistration = false; if (string.Compare(Item.BareJid, this.sensorJid, true) == 0) { this.sensorJid = null; this.sensor = null; UpdateRegistration = true; } if (UpdateRegistration) Task.Run(this.RegisterDevice); } private Task OnRosterItemRemoved(object obj, RosterItem Item) { Console.Write("Roster Item Removed " + Item.BareJid); this.FriendshipLost(Item); return Task.CompletedTask; } private async Task RegisterDevice() { string ThingRegistryJid = await RuntimeSettings.GetAsync("ThingRegistry.JID", string.Empty); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThingRegistryJid)) { Console.WriteLine("Things Already Registered"); await this.RegisterDevice(ThingRegistryJid); } else { Console.Write("Searching for Thing Registry."); this.xmppClient.SendServiceItemsDiscoveryRequest(this.xmppClient.Domain, (sender, e) => { foreach (Item Item in e.Items) { this.xmppClient.SendServiceDiscoveryRequest(Item.JID, async (sender2, e2) => { try { Item Item2 = (Item)e2.State; if (e2.HasFeature(ThingRegistryClient.NamespaceDiscovery)) { Console.WriteLine("Thing registry found.: " + Item2.JID); await RuntimeSettings.SetAsync("ThingRegistry.JID", Item2.JID); await this.RegisterDevice(Item2.JID); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error Accessing Things Registry"); } }, Item); } return Task.CompletedTask; }, null); } } private async Task RegisterDevice(string RegistryJid) { if (this.registryClient is null || this.registryClient.ThingRegistryAddress != RegistryJid) { if (this.registryClient != null) { this.registryClient.Dispose(); this.registryClient = null; } this.registryClient = new ThingRegistryClient(this.xmppClient, RegistryJid); } string s; List MetaInfo = new List() { new MetaDataStringTag("CLASS", "Controller"), new MetaDataStringTag("TYPE", "Controller"), new MetaDataStringTag("MAN", "DEMO"), new MetaDataStringTag("MODEL", "IOT DEMO Controller"), new MetaDataStringTag("SN", this.deviceId), new MetaDataNumericTag("V", 1.0) }; MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("COUNTRY", COUNTRY)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("REGION", REGION)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("CITY", CITY)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("AREA", AREA)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("STREET", STREET)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("STREETNR", STREETNR)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("BLD", BLD)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("APT", APT)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("ROOM", ROOM)); MetaInfo.Add(new MetaDataStringTag("NAME", NAME)); this.UpdateRegistration(MetaInfo.ToArray()); } private void RegisterDevice(MetaDataTag[] MetaInfo) { Console.WriteLine("Registering device."); this.registryClient.RegisterThing(true, MetaInfo, async (sender, e) => { try { if (e.Ok) { Console.WriteLine("Registration successful."); await RuntimeSettings.SetAsync("ThingRegistry.Location", true); this.FindFriends(MetaInfo); } else { Console.WriteLine("Registration failed."); await this.RegisterDevice(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error While Registering"); } }, null); } private void UpdateRegistration(MetaDataTag[] MetaInfo) { Console.Write("Updating registration of device."); this.registryClient.UpdateThing(MetaInfo, (sender, e) => { if (e.Ok) Console.WriteLine("Registration update successful."); else { Console.WriteLine("Registration update failed."); this.RegisterDevice(MetaInfo); } this.FindFriends(MetaInfo); return Task.CompletedTask; }, null); } private void FindFriends(MetaDataTag[] MetaInfo) { double ms = (DateTime.Now - lastFindFriends).TotalMilliseconds; if (ms < 60000) { int msi = (int)Math.Ceiling(60000 - ms); Timer Timer = null; Console.WriteLine("Delaying search " + msi.ToString() + " ms."); Timer = new Timer((P) => { try { Timer?.Dispose(); this.FindFriends(MetaInfo); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }, null, msi, Timeout.Infinite); return; } this.lastFindFriends = DateTime.Now; this.sensorJid = null; this.sensor = null; foreach (RosterItem Item in this.xmppClient.Roster) { if (Item.IsInGroup("Sensors")) { this.sensorJid = Item.BareJid; this.sensor = this.GetReference(Item, "Sensor"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sensorJid)) this.SubscribeToSensorData(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sensorJid)) { List Search = new List(); foreach (MetaDataTag Tag in MetaInfo) { if (Tag is MetaDataStringTag StringTag) { switch (StringTag.Name) { case "COUNTRY": case "REGION": case "CITY": case "AREA": case "STREET": case "STREETNR": case "BLD": case "APT": case "ROOM": case "NAME": //Search.Add(new StringTagEqualTo(StringTag.Name, StringTag.StringValue)); break; } } } Search.Add(new StringTagEqualTo("TYPE", "Open Weather Map")); //Search.Add(new StringTagEqualTo("TYPE", "Sensors")); Console.WriteLine("Searching for IOT devices in my vicinity."); this.registryClient.Search(0, 100, Search.ToArray(), (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.Things.Length.ToString() + (e.More ? "+" : string.Empty) + " things found."); foreach (SearchResultThing Thing in e.Things) { foreach (MetaDataTag Tag in Thing.Tags) { if (Tag.Name == "TYPE" && Tag is MetaDataStringTag StringTag) { Console.WriteLine(Tag.StringValue); switch (Tag.StringValue) { case "Open Weather Map": if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sensorJid)) { this.sensorJid = Thing.Jid; this.sensor = Thing.Node; RosterItem Item = this.xmppClient[this.sensorJid]; if (Item != null) { this.xmppClient.UpdateRosterItem(this.sensorJid, Item.Name, this.AddReference(Item.Groups, "Sensor", Thing.Node)); if (Item.State != SubscriptionState.Both && Item.State != SubscriptionState.To) this.xmppClient.RequestPresenceSubscription(this.sensorJid); } else { this.xmppClient.AddRosterItem(new RosterItem(this.sensorJid, string.Empty, this.AddReference(null, "Sensor", Thing.Node))); this.xmppClient.RequestPresenceSubscription(this.sensorJid); } } break; } } } } return Task.CompletedTask; }, null); } } private string[] AddReference(string[] Groups, string Prefix, IThingReference NodeReference) { List Result = new List() { Prefix }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeReference.NodeId)) Result.Add(Prefix + ".nid:" + NodeReference.NodeId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeReference.SourceId)) Result.Add(Prefix + ".sid:" + NodeReference.SourceId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeReference.Partition)) Result.Add(Prefix + ".prt:" + NodeReference.Partition); if (Groups != null) { foreach (string Group in Groups) { if (!Group.StartsWith(Prefix)) Result.Add(Group); } } return Result.ToArray(); } private ThingReference GetReference(RosterItem Item, string Prefix) { string NodeId = string.Empty; string SourceId = string.Empty; string Partition = string.Empty; Prefix += "."; foreach (string Group in Item.Groups) { if (Group.StartsWith(Prefix)) { string s = Group.Substring(Prefix.Length); int i = s.IndexOf(':'); if (i < 0) continue; switch (s.Substring(0, i).ToLower()) { case "nid": NodeId = s.Substring(i + 1); break; case "sid": SourceId = s.Substring(i + 1); break; case "prt": Partition = s.Substring(i + 1); break; } } } return new ThingReference(NodeId, SourceId, Partition); } private void AddFeatures() { this.xmppClient.OnError += (Sender, ex) => { Console.WriteLine("Error ", ex); return Task.CompletedTask; }; this.xmppClient.OnPasswordChanged += (Sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Password changed.", this.xmppClient.BareJID); }; this.xmppClient.OnPresenceSubscribe += (Sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Accepting friendship request.", this.xmppClient.BareJID, e.From); e.Accept(); return Task.CompletedTask; }; this.xmppClient.OnPresenceUnsubscribe += (Sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Friendship removed.", this.xmppClient.BareJID, e.From); e.Accept(); return Task.CompletedTask; }; this.xmppClient.OnPresenceSubscribed += (Sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Friendship request accepted. " + this.xmppClient.BareJID + " " + e.From); if (string.Compare(e.FromBareJID, this.sensorJid, true) == 0) this.SubscribeToSensorData(); return Task.CompletedTask; }; this.xmppClient.OnPresenceUnsubscribed += (Sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Friendship removal accepted.", this.xmppClient.BareJID, e.From); return Task.CompletedTask; }; this.xmppClient.OnPresence += XmppClient_OnPresence; this.sensorClient = new SensorClient(this.xmppClient); } private Task XmppClient_OnPresence(object Sender, PresenceEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Presence received." + e.Availability.ToString() + e.From); if (this.sensorJid != null && string.Compare(e.FromBareJID, this.sensorJid, true) == 0 && e.IsOnline) { this.SubscribeToSensorData(); } return Task.CompletedTask; } private void SubscribeToSensorData() { RosterItem SensorItem; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.sensorJid) && (SensorItem = this.xmppClient[this.sensorJid]) != null) { if (SensorItem.HasLastPresence && SensorItem.LastPresence.IsOnline) { ThingReference[] Nodes; if (this.sensor.IsEmpty) Nodes = null; else Nodes = new ThingReference[] { this.sensor }; if (this.subscription != null) { this.subscription.Unsubscribe(); this.subscription = null; } Console.WriteLine("Subscribing to events. : "+ SensorItem.LastPresenceFullJid); this.subscription = this.sensorClient.Subscribe(SensorItem.LastPresenceFullJid, Nodes, FieldType.Momentary, new FieldSubscriptionRule[] { new FieldSubscriptionRule("Humidity", this.humidity, 1), new FieldSubscriptionRule("Pressure", this.pressure , 1), }, new Waher.Content.Duration(false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), new Waher.Content.Duration(false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0), true); this.subscription.OnStateChanged += Subscription_OnStateChanged; this.subscription.OnFieldsReceived += Subscription_OnFieldsReceived; this.subscription.OnErrorsReceived += Subscription_OnErrorsReceived; } else if (SensorItem.State == SubscriptionState.From || SensorItem.State == SubscriptionState.None) { Console.Write("Requesting presence subscription. : "+this.sensorJid); this.xmppClient.RequestPresenceSubscription(this.sensorJid); } } } private Task Subscription_OnStateChanged(object obj, SensorDataReadoutState NewState) { Console.WriteLine("Sensor subscription state changed." + NewState.ToString()); return Task.CompletedTask; } private Task Subscription_OnFieldsReceived(object obj, IEnumerable NewFields) { Console.WriteLine("Fields received"); foreach (Field Field in NewFields) { switch (Field.Name) { case "Humidity": if (Field is QuantityField T) { this.humidity = T.Value; } break; case "Pressure": if (Field is QuantityField P) { this.pressure = P.Value; } break; } } Console.WriteLine(this.humidity + "," + this.pressure); this.formW.UpdateDataGrid(new WeatherData() { Pressure = (double)this.pressure, Humidity = (double)this.humidity }); return Task.CompletedTask; } private Task Subscription_OnErrorsReceived(object obj, IEnumerable NewErrors) { MessageBox.Show("Error Subscribing"); return Task.CompletedTask; } public void Shutdown() { this.db?.Stop()?.Wait(); this.db?.Flush()?.Wait(); } } }