--- layout: posts.njk title: Big List of Open Source Game Development Tools description: Big List of Open Source Game Development Tools ---

Most of the people always think game development is an expensive thing, because most of the time when we search about game development we will be discouraged by either the subscription amount or the percentage cut of the so called AAA engines or the platform. Yes, you can makes games with those tools nobody is going to stop you. But eventually you will be restricted with a small set of features or because most of the useful and important features will be behind a paywall and you will be forced to pay for the features. But in the case of Open Source tools/engines you can adapt, modify or you can introduce your own functionality/features to the tools/engine that you are mostly needed.

Enough with the blah blah!!

Welcome to the big list (eventually it will be) of always updating bucket of Open Source Game Development Tools. Here you find not only Game Engines but other open source tools and utilities that will help you in developing your dream game/prototypes.

{% for tool in gtools.gameTools%} {% endfor %}
Tool Tool Type Supported Graphics OS Supported
{{tool.toolName}} {{tool.type}} {{tool.graphics}} {{tool.os}}
If you want to add a tool or engine to this list or if you have any complaint with this article drop a {% feather "mail" %} @ indrajith(at)indrajith(dot)dev