const { VoiceChannel, TextChannel, MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const axios = require('axios').default; const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: '' }); require('dotenv').config(); const resourceUrl = '' async function broadcastRadio(client, args, message, voiceChannel, textChannel) { const connection = await voiceChannel.join(); try { playRadioRetroWave(connection, textChannel); } catch (error) { console.log(error); textChannel.send('Something went wrong. RADIO MON got ill...😱😱'); } } async function playRadioRetroWave(connection, textChannel) { const nextMusic = await getNextMusic(); const { id, title, streamUrl, artworkUrl } = nextMusic; const nowPlayingMessage = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Now Playing") .setDescription(title) .setColor('LUMINOUS_VIVID_PINK') .setThumbnail(`${resourceUrl}${artworkUrl}`); textChannel.send(nowPlayingMessage);`${resourceUrl}${streamUrl}`, { seek: 0, volume: 1 }) .on('finish', () => { playRadio(connection, textChannel); }); } async function getNextMusic() { const result = await instance.get('/tracks?cursor=1&limit=1'); return[0]; } module.exports = { async execute(client, message, args) { if( !== process.env.ADMIN_ID) return; const { RADIO_CHANNEL, NOW_PLAYING_CHANNEL } = process.env; if (!RADIO_CHANNEL) return message.reply(`Please add RADIO_CHANNEL to .env with a Voice Channel ID`); if (!NOW_PLAYING_CHANNEL) return message.reply(`Please add NOW_PLAYING_CHANNEL to .env with a Text Channel ID`); const voiceChannel = await client.channels.fetch(process.env.RADIO_CHANNEL); const nowPlayingChannel = await client.channels.fetch(process.env.NOW_PLAYING_CHANNEL); if (!(voiceChannel instanceof VoiceChannel)) return message.reply(`Please provice a Voice Channel ID to the RADIO_CHANNEL`); if (!(nowPlayingChannel instanceof TextChannel)) return message.reply(`Please provice a Text Channel ID to the NOW_PLAYING_CHANNEL`); broadcastRadio(client, args, message, voiceChannel, nowPlayingChannel); } }