DotFilesMy Dotfiles configs.Indrajith K L17 months
JSTemplateJS TemplateIndrajith K L5 weeks
Journlr BackendBackend for CLI Journal Note Taker.Indrajith K L18 months
Journlr FrontendCLI Journal Note Taker.Indrajith K L18 months Plugin is an unofficial plugin for VSCode of by ActiveState. kop...Indrajith K L5 years
LeaderboardTestHaxeFlixel Online Leaderboard IntegrationIndrajith K L3 years
SensorClientXMPPXMPP IOT - IEEE P1451.99 Sample Sensor Client ImplementationIndrajith K L4 years
YEADYour Enemy is in Another Dungeon Source Code (Rewrite of Abandoned YEAD Love2D v...Indrajith K L3 years
YEAD-haxeYEAD-haxe ImplementationIndrajith K L3 years
bookmark-managerChrome Extension to Manage BookmarksIndrajith K L4 years
cli-tools-windowsCLI ToolsIndrajith K L2 years
csv_editorA Simple CSV Editor using ImGui + DirectX9Indrajith K L9 months
dialog-starterA starter kit for developing Interactive Fiction using Dialog languageIndrajith K L3 years
dotsMy Arch Linux DOTSIndrajith K L7 months
dungeon-clientAn Multiplayer Game written in HaxeFlixelIndrajith K L5 years
es6-backboneES6-backboneIndrajith K L7 years
experimentsofindrajithPersonal Blog - My ExperimentsIndrajith K L3 years
gamedevjs-jamUntitled Entry for Gamedev.js 2022 JamIndrajith K L3 years
indrajith-devStatic Website for my personal blogIndrajith K L15 months
indrajith-dev-crystalA rewrite of my website hosted on https://indrajith.devIndrajith K L4 months
js13kgames-templateA barebone template aimed for js13kgamesIndrajith K L3 years
lul-botLULBOT - A Discord Bot written for your serverIndrajith K L3 years
package-analyzerAnalyze NPM Package JSON and fetch package details.Indrajith K L21 months
radio-botA Discord Radio bot written for your server which plays radioIndrajith K L4 years
rainmeter_skinsA Collection of Rainmeter skins for my Windows 10 WorkstationIndrajith K L9 months
react-hooks-trainingReact Hooks Training SlidesIndrajith K L12 months
react-redux-saga-starterReact Redux-Saga TemplateIndrajith K L5 years
rebirth-wrenA small game written in Wren+DomeEngine [ABANDONED]Indrajith K L4 years
retrowave-music-player-kodiA Music Player addon written for Kodi/XBMC TV Streaming SoftwareIndrajith K L4 years
retrowave-playerMinimalist Retrowave music player for the web (frontend only).Indrajith K L10 months
svelte-appA modified version of sveltejs/templateIndrajith K L3 years
v-cowinCOWIN Vaccine Availability Checker in V-LangIndrajith K L4 years
vanilla-yo-notificationES6 compatible javascript growl like notification libraryIndrajith K L7 years
wialt_daemonA Daemon written in Crystal Lang which is part of WIALT ProjectIndrajith K L15 months
wialt_listenerA Web Server written in Crystal Lang which is part of WIALT ProjectIndrajith K L15 months
windows-dot-filesRepo for my Windows machine Dot filesIndrajith K L2 years