path: root/.icons/Gruvbox-Dark/index.theme
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Diffstat (limited to '.icons/Gruvbox-Dark/index.theme')
1 files changed, 889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox-Dark/index.theme b/.icons/Gruvbox-Dark/index.theme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..987dc125d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.icons/Gruvbox-Dark/index.theme
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+# Icon Theme Profile
+# The FreeDesktop Suru icon set is designed and developed by:
+# - Sam Hewitt <sam@snwh.org>
+# - under GPL3
+# The original Suru icon set and concept was created by:
+# - Matthieu James
+# - Canonical Design Team
+# Core developers (in order of appearance):
+# - Andrea Bonanni (original author) <bonandry@gmail.com>
+# - Gustavo Costa <gusbemacbe@gmail.com>
+# * Devices icons are inspired by La Capitaine created by:
+# - Keefer Rourke <mail@krourke.org>
+# - under GPL3/MIT
+# * Emoji icons are derived from the Twenoji created by:
+# - Twitter Team
+# - under MIT
+# * Mimetype icons are based on Numix mimetypes icons created by:
+# - Numix Team
+# - under GPL3
+# * Devices and places icons and several apps icons are inspired by Papirus icons created by:
+# - Alexey Varfolomeev <https://github.com/varlesh>
+# - under GPL3
+# * Numberless icons are from Gravit Designer, under GPL3/MIT
+[Icon Theme]
+Comment=A cyberpunkish, elegant, futuristic, modern and Papirus-like icons theme.
+Comment[af]='N cyberpunkagtige, elegante, futuristiese, moderne en Papirusagtig ikoone tema.
+Comment[ca]=Un tema cyberpunk, elegant, futurista, semblant al Papirus i modern d'icones.
+Comment[de]=Ein cyberpunkliches, elegantes, futuristisches, modernes und Papirus-artiges Ikonthema
+Comment[de_AT]=Ein cyberpunkliches, elegantes, futuristisches, modernes und Papirus-artiges Ikonthema.
+Comment[de_CH]=Ein cyberpunkliches, elegantes, futuristisches, modernes und Papirus-artiges Ikonthema.
+Comment[eo]=Ciberpunkeca, eleganta, futurstila, moderna kaj Papirus-inspirita piktogramaro.
+Comment[el]=Ένα κομψό, κυβερνοπάνκικο, φουτουριστικό, σύγχρονο θέμα εικονιδίων σαν το Papirus.
+Comment[es]=Un tema de iconos cyberpunkoso, elegante, futurista, moderno e inspirado por Papirus.
+Comment[fr]=Un thème d'icônes cyberpunkâtre, élégant, futuriste, moderne et à la Papirus.
+Comment[he]=סט אייקונים אלגנטי, עתידני, מודרני, מעט סייברפאנקי, ובהשראת פפירוס.
+Comment[it]=Un tema di icone cyberpunkico, elegante, futuristico e moderno ed allo stilo di Papirus.
+Comment[ja]=elementary OS のために Suru++ 25 アイコンテーマ.
+Comment[ka]=მოკიბერპანკო, ელეგანტური, ფუტურისტული, თანამედროვე და Paprus-ივით პიქტოგრამების ჯგუფი.
+Comment[nl]=Een cyberpunkachtig, elegant, futuristisch, modern en Papirus-achting iconenthema
+Comment[pt_BR]=Um tema cyperpunk, elegante, futurista e moderno de ícones, e semelhante ao Papirus.
+Comment[pt_PT]=Um tema de ícones cyberpunk, elegante, futurista, moderno e inspirado por Papirus.
+Comment[ro]=O temă cyberpunk, futuristă, modernă, cu icoane asemenea Papirus
+Comment[ru]=Киберпанковая, элегантная, футуристичная и современная Papirus-подобная тема иконок.
+Comment[uk]=Кіберпанкова, елегантна, футуристична, модернова та папірусована тема іконок.
+# Directory list