BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterFallback to next station when Radio Broadcast of station endsIndrajith K L4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2021-06-24Fallback to next station when Radio Broadcast of station endsHEADmasterIndrajith K L
2021-06-22Renames Command ```tune``` to ```fm```Indrajith K L
2021-06-22Removes Restriction to execute commandsIndrajith K L
2021-06-22Adds FM Radio StationsIndrajith K L
2021-06-19* Radio Bot ImplementationIndrajith K L
2021-06-18Adds Support to youtube urlIndrajith K L
2021-05-26Adds New Command for Dark Series QuotesIndrajith K L
2021-05-26Adds New Command for Breaking Bad QuotesIndrajith K L
2021-05-26Renamed gt command to gotIndrajith K L
2021-05-26Merge branch 'main' of github.com:cooljith91112/lul-botIndrajith K L