path: root/libs/o-ten-one/init.lua
diff options
authorIndrajith K L2022-02-27 01:15:31 +0530
committerIndrajith K L2022-02-27 01:15:31 +0530
commit62ff5245c26c305e35a2903cc64a60cb20718e96 (patch)
tree9042f9917e77b584b0ceb421166221ef7777a5d1 /libs/o-ten-one/init.lua
Initial Commit
* ECS - In-Progress * GameStates - Skeleton Implemented * Library Integrations - Completed * Levels - In-Progress
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/o-ten-one/init.lua')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/o-ten-one/init.lua b/libs/o-ten-one/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7909357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/o-ten-one/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+local splashlib = {
+ _VERSION = "v1.2.0",
+ _DESCRIPTION = "a 0.10.1 splash",
+ _URL = "https://github.com/love2d-community/splashes",
+ _LICENSE = [[Copyright (c) 2016 love-community members (as per git commits in repository above)
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be
+ appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+The font used in this splash is "Handy Andy" by www.andrzejgdula.com]]
+local current_module = (...):gsub("%.init$", "")
+local current_folder = current_module:gsub("%.", "/")
+local timer = require(current_module .. ".timer")
+local colors = {
+ bg = {.42, .75, .89},
+ white = { 1, 1, 1},
+ blue = {.15, .67, .88},
+ pink = {.91, .29, .6},
+ shadow = {0, 0, 0, .33}
+-- patch shader:send if 'lighten' gets optimized away
+local function safesend(shader, name, ...)
+ if shader:hasUniform(name) then
+ shader:send(name, ...)
+ end
+function splashlib.new(init)
+ init = init or {}
+ local self = {}
+ local width, height = love.graphics.getDimensions()
+ self.background = init.background == nil and colors.bg or init.background
+ self.delay_before = init.delay_before or 0.3
+ self.delay_after = init.delay_after or 0.7
+ if init.fill == "rain" then
+ local rain = {}
+ rain.spacing_x = 110
+ rain.spacing_y = 80
+ rain.image = love.graphics.newImage(current_folder .. "/baby.png")
+ rain.img_w = rain.image:getWidth()
+ rain.img_h = rain.image:getHeight()
+ rain.ox = -rain.img_w / 2
+ rain.oy = -rain.img_h / 2
+ rain.batch = love.graphics.newSpriteBatch(rain.image, 512)
+ rain.t = 0
+ local gradient = love.graphics.newMesh({
+ { 0, height/4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ {width, height/4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ {width, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200},
+ { 0, height, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200},
+ }, "fan", "static")
+ do
+ local batch = rain.batch
+ local sx = rain.spacing_x
+ local sy = rain.spacing_y
+ local ox = rain.ox
+ local oy = rain.oy
+ local batch_w = 2 * math.ceil(love.graphics.getWidth() / sx) + 2
+ local batch_h = 2 * math.ceil(love.graphics.getHeight() / sy) + 2
+ batch:clear()
+ if batch:getBufferSize() < batch_w * batch_h then
+ batch:setBufferSize(batch_w * batch_h)
+ end
+ for i = 0, batch_h - 1 do
+ for j = 0, batch_w - 1 do
+ local is_even = (j % 2) == 0
+ local offset_y = is_even and 0 or sy / 2
+ local x = ox + j * sx
+ local y = oy + i * sy + offset_y
+ batch:add(x, y)
+ end
+ end
+ batch:flush()
+ end
+ function self.fill()
+ local y = rain.spacing_y * select(2, math.modf(self.elapsed))
+ local small_y = -rain.spacing_y + y / 2
+ local big_y = -rain.spacing_y + y
+ love.graphics.setBlendMode("subtract")
+ love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, .5)
+ love.graphics.draw(rain.batch, -rain.spacing_x, small_y, 0, 0.5, 0.5)
+ love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha")
+ love.graphics.setColor(.81, .81, .81, 1)
+ love.graphics.draw(rain.batch, -rain.spacing_x, big_y)
+ love.graphics.draw(gradient)
+ end
+ end
+ -- radial mask shader
+ self.maskshader = love.graphics.newShader((init.fill == "lighten" and "#define LIGHTEN" or "") .. [[
+ extern number radius;
+ extern number blur;
+ extern number shadow;
+ extern number lighten;
+ vec4 desat(vec4 color) {
+ number g = dot(vec3(.299, .587, .114), color.rgb);
+ return vec4(g, g, g, 1.0) * lighten;
+ }
+ vec4 effect(vec4 global_color, Image canvas, vec2 tc, vec2 _)
+ {
+ // radial mask
+ vec4 color = Texel(canvas, tc);
+ number r = length((tc - vec2(.5)) * love_ScreenSize.xy);
+ number s = smoothstep(radius+blur, radius-blur, r);
+ #ifdef LIGHTEN
+ color = color + desat(color) * (1.0-s);
+ #else
+ color.a *= s;
+ #endif
+ color.a *= global_color.a;
+ // add shadow on lower diagonal along the circle
+ number sr = 7. * (1. - smoothstep(-.1,.04,(1.-tc.x)-tc.y));
+ s = (1. - pow(exp(-pow(radius-r, 2.) / sr),3.) * shadow);
+ return color - vec4(1, 1, 1, 0) * (1.0-s);
+ }
+ ]])
+ -- this shader makes the text appear from left to right
+ self.textshader = love.graphics.newShader[[
+ extern number alpha;
+ vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image logo, vec2 tc, vec2 sc)
+ {
+ //Probably would be better to just use the texture's dimensions instead; faster reaction.
+ vec2 sd = sc / love_ScreenSize.xy;
+ if (sd.x <= alpha) {
+ return color * Texel(logo, tc);
+ }
+ return vec4(0);
+ }
+ ]]
+ -- this shader applies a stroke effect on the logo using a gradient mask
+ self.logoshader = love.graphics.newShader[[
+ //Using the pen extern, only draw out pixels that have their color below a certain treshold.
+ //Since pen will eventually equal 1.0, the full logo will be drawn out.
+ extern number pen;
+ extern Image mask;
+ vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image logo, vec2 tc, vec2 sc)
+ {
+ number value = max(Texel(mask, tc).r, max(Texel(mask, tc).g, Texel(mask, tc).b));
+ number alpha = Texel(mask, tc).a;
+ //probably could be optimzied...
+ if (alpha > 0.0) {
+ if (pen >= value) {
+ return color * Texel(logo, tc);
+ }
+ }
+ return vec4(0);
+ }
+ ]]
+ self.canvas = love.graphics.newCanvas()
+ self.elapsed = 0
+ self.alpha = 1
+ self.heart = {
+ sprite = love.graphics.newImage(current_folder .. "/heart.png"),
+ scale = 0,
+ rot = 0
+ }
+ self.stripes = {
+ rot = 0,
+ height = 100,
+ offset = -2 * width,
+ radius = math.max(width, height),
+ lighten = 0,
+ shadow = 0,
+ }
+ self.text = {
+ obj = love.graphics.newText(love.graphics.newFont(current_folder .. "/handy-andy.otf", 22), "made with"),
+ alpha = 0
+ }
+ self.text.width, self.text.height = self.text.obj:getDimensions()
+ self.logo = {
+ sprite = love.graphics.newImage(current_folder .. "/logo.png"),
+ mask = love.graphics.newImage(current_folder .. "/logo-mask.png"),
+ pen = 0
+ }
+ self.logo.width, self.logo.height = self.logo.sprite:getDimensions()
+ safesend(self.maskshader, "radius", width*height)
+ safesend(self.maskshader, "lighten", 0)
+ safesend(self.maskshader, "shadow", 0)
+ safesend(self.maskshader, "blur", 1)
+ safesend(self.textshader, "alpha", 0)
+ safesend(self.logoshader, "pen", 0)
+ safesend(self.logoshader, "mask", self.logo.mask)
+ timer.clear()
+ timer.script(function(wait)
+ wait(self.delay_before)
+ -- roll in stripes
+ timer.tween(0.5, self.stripes, {offset = 0})
+ wait(0.3)
+ timer.tween(0.3, self.stripes, {rot = -5 * math.pi / 18, height=height})
+ wait(0.2)
+ -- hackety hack: execute timer to update shader every frame
+ timer.every(0, function()
+ safesend(self.maskshader, "radius", self.stripes.radius)
+ safesend(self.maskshader, "lighten", self.stripes.lighten)
+ safesend(self.maskshader, "shadow", self.stripes.shadow)
+ safesend(self.textshader, "alpha", self.text.alpha)
+ safesend(self.logoshader, "pen", self.logo.pen)
+ end)
+ -- focus the heart, desaturate the rest
+ timer.tween(0.2, self.stripes, {radius = 170*love.graphics.getDPIScale()})
+ timer.tween(0.4, self.stripes, {lighten = .06}, "quad")
+ wait(0.2)
+ timer.tween(0.2, self.stripes, {radius = 70*love.graphics.getDPIScale()}, "out-back")
+ timer.tween(0.7, self.stripes, {shadow = .3}, "back")
+ timer.tween(0.8, self.heart, {scale = 1}, "out-elastic", nil, 1, 0.3)
+ -- write out the text
+ timer.tween(.75, self.text, {alpha = 1}, "linear")
+ -- draw out the logo, in parts
+ local mult = 0.65
+ local function tween_and_wait(dur, pen, easing)
+ timer.tween(mult * dur, self.logo, {pen = pen/255}, easing)
+ wait(mult * dur)
+ end
+ tween_and_wait(0.175, 50, "in-quad") -- L
+ tween_and_wait(0.300, 100, "in-out-quad") -- O
+ tween_and_wait(0.075, 115, "out-sine") -- first dot on O
+ tween_and_wait(0.075, 129, "out-sine") -- second dot on O
+ tween_and_wait(0.125, 153, "in-out-quad") -- \
+ tween_and_wait(0.075, 179, "in-quad") -- /
+ tween_and_wait(0.250, 205, "in-quart") -- e->break
+ tween_and_wait(0.150, 230, "out-cubic") -- e finish
+ tween_and_wait(0.150, 244, "linear") -- ()
+ tween_and_wait(0.100, 255, "linear") -- R
+ wait(0.4)
+ -- no more skipping
+ wait(self.delay_after)
+ self.done = true
+ timer.tween(0.3, self, {alpha = 0})
+ wait(0.3)
+ timer.clear()
+ if self.onDone then self.onDone() end
+ end)
+ self.draw = splashlib.draw
+ self.update = splashlib.update
+ self.skip = splashlib.skip
+ return self
+function splashlib:draw()
+ local width, height = love.graphics.getDimensions()
+ if self.background then
+ love.graphics.clear(self.background)
+ end
+ if self.fill and self.elapsed > self.delay_before + 0.6 then
+ self:fill()
+ end
+ self.canvas:renderTo(function()
+ love.graphics.push()
+ love.graphics.translate(width / 2, height / 2)
+ love.graphics.push()
+ love.graphics.rotate(self.stripes.rot)
+ love.graphics.setColor(colors.pink)
+ love.graphics.rectangle(
+ "fill",
+ self.stripes.offset - width, -self.stripes.height,
+ width * 2, self.stripes.height
+ )
+ love.graphics.setColor(colors.blue)
+ love.graphics.rectangle(
+ "line", -- draw line for anti aliasing
+ -width - self.stripes.offset, 0,
+ width * 2, self.stripes.height
+ )
+ love.graphics.rectangle(
+ "fill",
+ -width - self.stripes.offset, 0,
+ width * 2, self.stripes.height
+ )
+ love.graphics.pop()
+ love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, self.heart.scale)
+ love.graphics.draw(self.heart.sprite, 0, 5, self.heart.rot, self.heart.scale, self.heart.scale, 43, 39)
+ love.graphics.pop()
+ end)
+ love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, self.alpha)
+ love.graphics.setShader(self.maskshader)
+ love.graphics.draw(self.canvas, 0,0)
+ love.graphics.setShader()
+ love.graphics.push()
+ love.graphics.setShader(self.textshader)
+ love.graphics.draw(
+ self.text.obj,
+ (width / 2) - (self.text.width / 2),
+ (height / 2) - (self.text.height / 2) + (height / 10) + 62
+ )
+ love.graphics.pop()
+ love.graphics.push()
+ love.graphics.setShader(self.logoshader)
+ love.graphics.draw(
+ self.logo.sprite,
+ (width / 2) - (self.logo.width / 4),
+ (height / 2) + (self.logo.height / 4) + (height / 10),
+ 0, 0.5, 0.5
+ )
+ love.graphics.setShader()
+ love.graphics.pop()
+function splashlib:update(dt)
+ timer.update(dt)
+ self.elapsed = self.elapsed + dt
+function splashlib:skip()
+ if not self.done then
+ self.done = true
+ timer.tween(0.3, self, {alpha = 0})
+ timer.after(0.3, function ()
+ timer.clear() -- to be safe
+ if self.onDone then self.onDone() end
+ end)
+ end
+setmetatable(splashlib, { __call = function(self, ...) return self.new(...) end })
+return splashlib