path: root/core/map.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/map.lua')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/map.lua b/core/map.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acbdc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/map.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Class = require("libs.hump.class")
+Gamestate = require("libs.hump.gamestate")
+STI = require("libs.sti")
+Moonshine = require("libs.moonshine")
+Camera = require("libs.hump.camera")
+Windfield = require("libs.windfield")
+local zoomFactor = 2
+local player = {
+ x=0,
+ y=0,
+ sprite=love.graphics.newImage("assets/images/player_demo.png"),
+ speed=100
+local windowWidth, windowHeight = love.graphics.getDimensions()
+local _w = windowWidth/zoomFactor
+local _h = windowHeight/zoomFactor
+Map = Class {
+ __include=Gamestate,
+ init = function(self, mapName)
+ _gameWorld = Windfield.newWorld(0,0)
+ _gameWorld:addCollisionClass('player')
+ _gameWorld:addCollisionClass('interactive')
+ effect = Moonshine(windowWidth, windowHeight, Moonshine.effects.crt)
+ .chain(Moonshine.effects.vignette)
+ .chain(Moonshine.effects.scanlines)
+ .chain(Moonshine.effects.chromasep)
+ effect.scanlines.thickness = .2
+ effect.scanlines.opacity = .5
+ effect.chromasep.angle = 1
+ effect.chromasep.radius = 2
+ notifications = Notifications(zoomFactor)
+ camera = Camera()
+ camera:zoom(zoomFactor)
+ currentMap = STI("assets/maps/"..mapName..".lua")
+ if currentMap.layers["entities"] then
+ for i,obj in pairs(currentMap.layers["entities"].objects) do
+ if obj.name=="player" and obj.type=="player" then
+ player.x = obj.x
+ player.y = obj.y
+ player.collider = _gameWorld:newBSGRectangleCollider(player.x, player.y, 8, 8, 0)
+ player.collider:setFixedRotation(true)
+ player.collider:setCollisionClass('player')
+ end
+ if obj.type=="interactive" then
+ local collider = _gameWorld:newRectangleCollider(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height)
+ local interactiveData = {
+ type = obj.type,
+ interactive_type = obj.properties.interactive_type,
+ data = obj.properties.data
+ }
+ collider:setObject(interactiveData)
+ collider:setCollisionClass('interactive')
+ collider:setType("static")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if currentMap.layers["walls"] then
+ for i,obj in pairs(currentMap.layers["walls"].objects) do
+ local wall = _gameWorld:newRectangleCollider(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height)
+ wall:setType("static")
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ entities={}
+function Map:update(dt)
+ local vx = 0
+ local vy = 0
+ if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
+ vy = player.speed * -1
+ end
+ if love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
+ vy = player.speed
+ end
+ if love.keyboard.isDown("left") then
+ vx = player.speed * -1
+ end
+ if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then
+ vx = player.speed
+ end
+ player.collider:setLinearVelocity(vx, vy)
+ _gameWorld:update(dt)
+ player.x = player.collider:getX() - 4
+ player.y = player.collider:getY() - 4
+ camera:lookAt(player.x, player.y)
+ currentMap:update(dt)
+ if camera.x < _w/2 then
+ camera.x = _w/2
+ end
+ if camera.y < _h/2 then
+ camera.y = _h/2
+ end
+ local mapWidth = currentMap.width * currentMap.tilewidth
+ local mapHeight = currentMap.height * currentMap.tileheight
+ if camera.x > (mapWidth - _w/2) then
+ camera.x = (mapWidth - _w/2)
+ end
+ if camera.y > (mapHeight - _h/2) then
+ camera.y = (mapHeight - _h/2)
+ end
+ if player.collider:enter('interactive') then
+ local _interColliderData = player.collider:getEnterCollisionData('interactive')
+ local interactiveCollider = _interColliderData.collider
+ local interactiveData = interactiveCollider:getObject()
+ if interactiveData.interactive_type=="pickable" then
+ notifications:send(interactiveData.data)
+ end
+ if interactiveData.interactive_type=="message_notification" then
+ notifications:send(interactiveData.data)
+ end
+ end
+ notifications:update(dt)
+function Map:draw()
+ effect(function()
+ camera:attach()
+ drawMapLayer("ground")
+ drawMapLayer("decorations")
+ love.graphics.draw(player.sprite, player.x, player.y)
+ drawMapLayer("foreground")
+ _gameWorld:draw()
+ camera:detach()
+ notifications:draw()
+ end)
+function Map:keypressed(key, scancode)
+function drawMapLayer(layerName)
+ if currentMap.layers[layerName].visible then
+ currentMap:drawLayer(currentMap.layers[layerName])
+ end
+return Map \ No newline at end of file