path: root/ctags/docs/developers.html
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authorIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
committerIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
commitf5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df (patch)
tree2764fc62da58f2ba8da7ed341643fc359873142f /ctags/docs/developers.html
Adds most of the toolsHEADmaster
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1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..6d6f3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ctags/docs/developers.html
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
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+<h1>Who we are<a class="headerlink" href="#who-we-are" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>Please, add your name, background and interests here If you are
+interested in contributing to Universal Ctags steadily. So we can
+dispatch a task and/or an issue to the right person!</p>
+<p>(Keep the list in alphabetical order.)</p>
+<p>Cameron Eagans &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:me&#37;&#52;&#48;cweagans&#46;net">me<span>&#64;</span>cweagans<span>&#46;</span>net</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I’ve been a PHP developer for almost 10 years, and have been using Vim
+almost as long. My goal is to help guide the direction of the PHP
+parser, as well as maintain the ctags website and help guide new
+contributors to tasks that they may be able to help with. With time,
+I may end up contributing directly to ctags development, but my C skills
+are not so great at the moment.</p>
+<p>Colomban Wendling &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:colomban&#37;&#52;&#48;geany&#46;org">colomban<span>&#64;</span>geany<span>&#46;</span>org</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I am a developer of Geany, a lightweight IDE/editor that uses CTags
+parsers to provide various code insights for a large variety of
+languages. I don’t use CTags directly but through a (currently)
+internal library. Hence, my fields of interest are the quality of the
+parsers (good and comprehensive results) and their code (speed, proof
+against any inputs, absence of memory leaks, regression tests), and a
+CTags library applications could use more readily. I am mostly a C
+developer, but as the maintainer of the CTags parsers in Geany I work
+on all parsers.</p>
+<p>Frank Fesevur &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:ffes&#37;&#52;&#48;users&#46;sourceforge&#46;net">ffes<span>&#64;</span>users<span>&#46;</span>sourceforge<span>&#46;</span>net</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>My current use of ctags is for a Notepad++ plug-in I’m writing.
+The plug-in is not yet released because of problems with the
+Windows version of ctags. Those problems are fixed by now.
+I am a Windows developer, but also an occasional Ubuntu and
+Raspbian user at home. I wrote the windres parser.</p>
+<p>Karol Samborski &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:edv&#46;karol&#37;&#52;&#48;gmail&#46;com">edv<span>&#46;</span>karol<span>&#64;</span>gmail<span>&#46;</span>com</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I like programming in multiple languages such as Haskell, C/C++,
+TypeScript, PHP to name a few. Ctags are useful for me as I code mostly in
+Vim. My goal here is to take care of the TypeScript parser.</p>
+<p>Ken Takata &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:kentkt&#37;&#52;&#48;csc&#46;jp">kentkt<span>&#64;</span>csc<span>&#46;</span>jp</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I use ctags with Vim mainly on Windows and Cygwin.
+I’m the one of the heaviest contributors of Vim.
+I set up the AppVeyor environment and I’m also maintaining the
+<a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags-win32">ctags-win32</a> project.</p>
+<p>Masatake YAMATO &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:yamato&#37;&#52;&#48;redhat&#46;com">yamato<span>&#64;</span>redhat<span>&#46;</span>com</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I’m using ctags in batch jobs running on my source code base
+where most of all source code in Fedora are deployed. I’m an
+Emacs user, so generally I don’t use ctags interactively
+except when hacking Universal Ctags. Therefore my primary goal
+is to improve the robustness of parsers: I introduced Units
+test facility and badinput command for achieving the goal.
+The secondary goal is to support more languages and formats: I
+introduced optlib. I’m working on Fedora. I don’t
+have access to the other platforms.</p>
+<p>Qingming He &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:906459647&#37;&#52;&#48;qq&#46;com">906459647<span>&#64;</span>qq<span>&#46;</span>com</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I’m mainly a Fortran developer and I use ctags combined with Emacs to
+handle my projects. My goal is to improve the Fortran parser to make
+it support Fortran standards from 77 to 2008 and maybe 2015 to be
+released in the near future. I’m also interested in improving the lisp
+parsers (elisp and scheme).</p>
+<p>Szymon Tomasz Stefanek &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:s&#46;stefanek&#37;&#52;&#48;gmail&#46;com">s<span>&#46;</span>stefanek<span>&#64;</span>gmail<span>&#46;</span>com</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I’m a multilanguage developer and I use ctags with my own text editor
+which has some IDE capabilities. I’m the maintainer of the new C/C++ parser.</p>
+<p>Vitor Antunes &lt;<a class="reference external" href="mailto:vitor&#46;hda&#37;&#52;&#48;gmail&#46;com">vitor<span>&#46;</span>hda<span>&#64;</span>gmail<span>&#46;</span>com</a>&gt;</p>
+<div><p>I’ve been working with Verilog for most of the last 10
+years and am an avid Vim user. My goal is to improve the
+Verilog parser such that Vim can get the most out of it
+in plugins like Tagbar and to support the Omni
+completion plugin I am writing.</p>
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