path: root/v_windows/v/old/cmd/tools/vup.v
diff options
authorIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
committerIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
commitf5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df (patch)
tree2764fc62da58f2ba8da7ed341643fc359873142f /v_windows/v/old/cmd/tools/vup.v
Adds most of the toolsHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'v_windows/v/old/cmd/tools/vup.v')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v_windows/v/old/cmd/tools/vup.v b/v_windows/v/old/cmd/tools/vup.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db6684a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/old/cmd/tools/vup.v
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+module main
+import os
+import v.pref
+import v.util.version
+import v.util.recompilation
+struct App {
+ is_verbose bool
+ is_prod bool
+ vexe string
+ vroot string
+fn new_app() App {
+ vexe := os.real_path(pref.vexe_path())
+ vroot := os.dir(vexe)
+ return App{
+ is_verbose: '-v' in os.args
+ is_prod: '-prod' in os.args
+ vexe: vexe
+ vroot: vroot
+ }
+fn main() {
+ app := new_app()
+ recompilation.must_be_enabled(app.vroot, 'Please install V from source, to use `v up` .')
+ os.chdir(app.vroot)
+ println('Updating V...')
+ app.update_from_master()
+ v_hash := version.githash(false)
+ current_hash := version.githash(true)
+ // println(v_hash)
+ // println(current_hash)
+ if v_hash == current_hash {
+ app.show_current_v_version()
+ return
+ }
+ $if windows {
+ app.backup('cmd/tools/vup.exe')
+ }
+ app.recompile_v()
+ app.recompile_vup()
+ app.show_current_v_version()
+fn (app App) vprintln(s string) {
+ if app.is_verbose {
+ println(s)
+ }
+fn (app App) update_from_master() {
+ app.vprintln('> updating from master ...')
+ if !os.exists('.git') {
+ // initialize as if it had been cloned
+ app.git_command('init')
+ app.git_command('remote add origin https://github.com/vlang/v')
+ app.git_command('fetch')
+ app.git_command('reset --hard origin/master')
+ app.git_command('clean --quiet -xdf --exclude v.exe --exclude cmd/tools/vup.exe')
+ } else {
+ // pull latest
+ app.git_command('pull https://github.com/vlang/v master')
+ }
+fn (app App) recompile_v() {
+ // NB: app.vexe is more reliable than just v (which may be a symlink)
+ opts := if app.is_prod { '-prod' } else { '' }
+ vself := '"$app.vexe" $opts self'
+ app.vprintln('> recompiling v itself with `$vself` ...')
+ self_result := os.execute(vself)
+ if self_result.exit_code == 0 {
+ println(self_result.output.trim_space())
+ return
+ } else {
+ app.vprintln('`$vself` failed, running `make`...')
+ app.vprintln(self_result.output.trim_space())
+ }
+ app.make(vself)
+fn (app App) recompile_vup() {
+ vup_result := os.execute('"$app.vexe" -g cmd/tools/vup.v')
+ if vup_result.exit_code != 0 {
+ eprintln('recompiling vup.v failed:')
+ eprintln(vup_result.output)
+ }
+fn (app App) make(vself string) {
+ mut make := 'make'
+ $if windows {
+ make = 'make.bat'
+ }
+ make_result := os.execute(make)
+ if make_result.exit_code != 0 {
+ eprintln('> $make failed:')
+ eprintln('> make output:')
+ eprintln(make_result.output)
+ return
+ }
+ app.vprintln(make_result.output)
+fn (app App) show_current_v_version() {
+ vout := os.execute('"$app.vexe" version')
+ if vout.exit_code >= 0 {
+ mut vversion := vout.output.trim_space()
+ if vout.exit_code == 0 {
+ latest_v_commit := vversion.split(' ').last().all_after('.')
+ latest_v_commit_time := os.execute('git show -s --format=%ci $latest_v_commit')
+ if latest_v_commit_time.exit_code == 0 {
+ vversion += ', timestamp: ' + latest_v_commit_time.output.trim_space()
+ }
+ }
+ println('Current V version:')
+ println(vversion)
+ }
+fn (app App) backup(file string) {
+ backup_file := '${file}_old.exe'
+ if os.exists(backup_file) {
+ os.rm(backup_file) or { eprintln('failed removing $backup_file: $err.msg') }
+ }
+ os.mv(file, backup_file) or { eprintln('failed moving $file: $err.msg') }
+fn (app App) git_command(command string) {
+ app.vprintln('git_command: git $command')
+ git_result := os.execute('git $command')
+ if git_result.exit_code < 0 {
+ app.get_git()
+ // Try it again with (maybe) git installed
+ os.execute_or_exit('git $command')
+ }
+ if git_result.exit_code != 0 {
+ eprintln(git_result.output)
+ exit(1)
+ }
+ app.vprintln(git_result.output)
+fn (app App) get_git() {
+ $if windows {
+ println('Downloading git 32 bit for Windows, please wait.')
+ // We'll use 32 bit because maybe someone out there is using 32-bit windows
+ res_download := os.execute('bitsadmin.exe /transfer "vgit" https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/releases/download/v2.30.0.windows.2/Git- "$os.getwd()/git32.exe"')
+ if res_download.exit_code != 0 {
+ eprintln('Unable to install git automatically: please install git manually')
+ panic(res_download.output)
+ }
+ res_git32 := os.execute('$os.getwd()/git32.exe')
+ if res_git32.exit_code != 0 {
+ eprintln('Unable to install git automatically: please install git manually')
+ panic(res_git32.output)
+ }
+ } $else { // Probably some kind of *nix, usually need to get using a package manager.
+ eprintln("error: Install `git` using your system's package manager")
+ }