path: root/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl
diff options
authorIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
committerIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
commitf5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df (patch)
tree2764fc62da58f2ba8da7ed341643fc359873142f /v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl
Adds most of the toolsHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl')
3 files changed, 585 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl.v b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f06a8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+* Sokol 3d cube multishader demo
+* Copyright (c) 2021 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved.
+* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
+* that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+* - download the sokol shader convertor tool from https://github.com/floooh/sokol-tools-bin
+* - compile the .glsl shared file with:
+* linux : sokol-shdc --input rt_glsl_instancing.glsl --output rt_glsl_instancing.h --slang glsl330
+* windows: sokol-shdc.exe --input rt_glsl_instancing.glsl --output rt_glsl_instancing.h --slang glsl330
+* --slang parameter can be:
+* - glsl330: desktop GL
+* - glsl100: GLES2 / WebGL
+* - glsl300es: GLES3 / WebGL2
+* - hlsl4: D3D11
+* - hlsl5: D3D11
+* - metal_macos: Metal on macOS
+* - metal_ios: Metal on iOS device
+* - metal_sim: Metal on iOS simulator
+* - wgpu: WebGPU
+* you can have multiple platforms at the same time passing parameters like this: --slang glsl330:hlsl5:metal_macos
+* for further infos have a look at the sokol shader tool docs.
+* TODO:
+* - frame counter
+import gg
+import gg.m4
+import gx
+import math
+import sokol.gfx
+//import sokol.sgl
+import time
+const (
+ win_width = 800
+ win_height = 800
+ bg_color = gx.white
+ num_inst = 16384
+struct App {
+ gg &gg.Context
+ texture C.sg_image
+ init_flag bool
+ frame_count int
+ mouse_x int = -1
+ mouse_y int = -1
+ mouse_down bool
+ // glsl
+ cube_pip_glsl C.sg_pipeline
+ cube_bind C.sg_bindings
+ pipe map[string]C.sg_pipeline
+ bind map[string]C.sg_bindings
+ // time
+ ticks i64
+ // instances
+ inst_pos [num_inst]m4.Vec4
+ // camera
+ camera_x f32
+ camera_z f32
+* GLSL Include and functions
+#flag -I @VMODROOT/.
+#include "rt_glsl_instancing.h" #Please use sokol-shdc to generate the necessary rt_glsl_march.h file from rt_glsl_march.glsl (see the instructions at the top of this file)
+fn C.instancing_shader_desc(gfx.Backend) &C.sg_shader_desc
+* Texture functions
+fn create_texture(w int, h int, buf byteptr) C.sg_image{
+ sz := w * h * 4
+ mut img_desc := C.sg_image_desc{
+ width: w
+ height: h
+ num_mipmaps: 0
+ min_filter: .linear
+ mag_filter: .linear
+ //usage: .dynamic
+ wrap_u: .clamp_to_edge
+ wrap_v: .clamp_to_edge
+ label: &byte(0)
+ d3d11_texture: 0
+ }
+ // comment if .dynamic is enabled
+ img_desc.data.subimage[0][0] = C.sg_range{
+ ptr: buf
+ size: size_t(sz)
+ }
+ sg_img := C.sg_make_image(&img_desc)
+ return sg_img
+fn destroy_texture(sg_img C.sg_image){
+ C.sg_destroy_image(sg_img)
+// Use only if usage: .dynamic is enabled
+fn update_text_texture(sg_img C.sg_image, w int, h int, buf byteptr){
+ sz := w * h * 4
+ mut tmp_sbc := C.sg_image_data{}
+ tmp_sbc.subimage[0][0] = C.sg_range{
+ ptr: buf
+ size: size_t(sz)
+ }
+ C.sg_update_image(sg_img, &tmp_sbc)
+* Draw functions
+ Cube vertex buffer with packed vertex formats for color and texture coords.
+ Note that a vertex format which must be portable across all
+ backends must only use the normalized integer formats
+ (BYTE4N, UBYTE4N, SHORT2N, SHORT4N), which can be converted
+ to floating point formats in the vertex shader inputs.
+ The reason is that D3D11 cannot convert from non-normalized
+ formats to floating point inputs (only to integer inputs),
+ and WebGL2 / GLES2 don't support integer vertex shader inputs.
+struct Vertex_t {
+ x f32
+ y f32
+ z f32
+ color u32
+ //u u16 // for compatibility with D3D11
+ //v u16 // for compatibility with D3D11
+ u f32
+ v f32
+// march shader init
+fn init_cube_glsl_i(mut app App) {
+ /* cube vertex buffer */
+ //d := u16(32767) // for compatibility with D3D11, 32767 stand for 1
+ d := f32(1.0)
+ c := u32(0xFFFFFF_FF) // color RGBA8
+ vertices := [
+ // Face 0
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, c, 0, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, c, d, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, c, d, d},
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, c, 0, d},
+ // Face 1
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, c, 0, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, c, d, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, c, d, d},
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, c, 0, d},
+ // Face 2
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, c, 0, 0},
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, c, d, 0},
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, c, d, d},
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, c, 0, d},
+ // Face 3
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, c, 0, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, c, d, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, c, d, d},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, c, 0, d},
+ // Face 4
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, c, 0, 0},
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, c, d, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, c, d, d},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, c, 0, d},
+ // Face 5
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, c, 0, 0},
+ Vertex_t{-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, c, d, 0},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, c, d, d},
+ Vertex_t{ 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, c, 0, d},
+ ]
+ mut vert_buffer_desc := C.sg_buffer_desc{label: c'cube-vertices'}
+ unsafe {C.memset(&vert_buffer_desc, 0, sizeof(vert_buffer_desc))}
+ vert_buffer_desc.size = size_t(vertices.len * int(sizeof(Vertex_t)))
+ vert_buffer_desc.data = C.sg_range{
+ ptr: vertices.data
+ size: size_t(vertices.len * int(sizeof(Vertex_t)))
+ }
+ vert_buffer_desc.@type = .vertexbuffer
+ vbuf := gfx.make_buffer(&vert_buffer_desc)
+ /* create an instance buffer for the cube */
+ mut inst_buffer_desc := C.sg_buffer_desc{label: c'instance-data'}
+ unsafe {C.memset(&inst_buffer_desc, 0, sizeof(inst_buffer_desc))}
+ inst_buffer_desc.size = size_t(num_inst * int(sizeof(m4.Vec4)))
+ inst_buffer_desc.@type = .vertexbuffer
+ inst_buffer_desc.usage = .stream
+ inst_buf := gfx.make_buffer(&inst_buffer_desc)
+ /* create an index buffer for the cube */
+ indices := [
+ u16(0), 1, 2, 0, 2, 3,
+ 6, 5, 4, 7, 6, 4,
+ 8, 9, 10, 8, 10, 11,
+ 14, 13, 12, 15, 14, 12,
+ 16, 17, 18, 16, 18, 19,
+ 22, 21, 20, 23, 22, 20
+ ]
+ mut index_buffer_desc := C.sg_buffer_desc{label: c'cube-indices'}
+ unsafe {C.memset(&index_buffer_desc, 0, sizeof(index_buffer_desc))}
+ index_buffer_desc.size = size_t(indices.len * int(sizeof(u16)))
+ index_buffer_desc.data = C.sg_range{
+ ptr: indices.data
+ size: size_t(indices.len * int(sizeof(u16)))
+ }
+ index_buffer_desc.@type = .indexbuffer
+ ibuf := gfx.make_buffer(&index_buffer_desc)
+ /* create shader */
+ shader := gfx.make_shader(C.instancing_shader_desc(C.sg_query_backend()))
+ mut pipdesc := C.sg_pipeline_desc{}
+ unsafe {C.memset(&pipdesc, 0, sizeof(pipdesc))}
+ pipdesc.layout.buffers[0].stride = int(sizeof(Vertex_t))
+ // the constants [C.ATTR_vs_m_pos, C.ATTR_vs_m_color0, C.ATTR_vs_m_texcoord0] are generated by sokol-shdc
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_pos ].format = .float3 // x,y,z as f32
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_pos ].buffer_index = 0
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_color0 ].format = .ubyte4n // color as u32
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_pos ].buffer_index = 0
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_texcoord0].format = .float2 // u,v as f32
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_pos ].buffer_index = 0
+ // instancing
+ // the constant ATTR_vs_i_inst_pos is generated by sokol-shdc
+ pipdesc.layout.buffers[1].stride = int(sizeof(m4.Vec4))
+ pipdesc.layout.buffers[1].step_func = .per_instance // we will pass a single parameter for each instance!!
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_inst_pos ].format = .float4
+ pipdesc.layout.attrs[C.ATTR_vs_i_inst_pos ].buffer_index = 1
+ pipdesc.shader = shader
+ pipdesc.index_type = .uint16
+ pipdesc.depth = C.sg_depth_state{
+ write_enabled: true
+ compare: gfx.CompareFunc(C.SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL)
+ }
+ pipdesc.cull_mode = .back
+ pipdesc.label = "glsl_shader pipeline".str
+ mut bind := C.sg_bindings{}
+ unsafe {C.memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(bind))}
+ bind.vertex_buffers[0] = vbuf // vertex buffer
+ bind.vertex_buffers[1] = inst_buf // instance buffer
+ bind.index_buffer = ibuf
+ bind.fs_images[C.SLOT_tex] = app.texture
+ app.bind['inst'] = bind
+ app.pipe['inst'] = gfx.make_pipeline(&pipdesc)
+ println("GLSL March init DONE!")
+fn calc_tr_matrices(w f32, h f32, rx f32, ry f32, in_scale f32) m4.Mat4{
+ proj := m4.perspective(60, w/h, 0.01, 4000.0)
+ view := m4.look_at(m4.Vec4{e:[f32(0.0),100,6,0]!}, m4.Vec4{e:[f32(0),0,0,0]!}, m4.Vec4{e:[f32(0),1.0,0,0]!})
+ view_proj := view * proj
+ rxm := m4.rotate(m4.rad(rx), m4.Vec4{e:[f32(1),0,0,0]!})
+ rym := m4.rotate(m4.rad(ry), m4.Vec4{e:[f32(0),1,0,0]!})
+ model := rym * rxm
+ scale_m := m4.scale(m4.Vec4{e:[in_scale, in_scale, in_scale, 1]!})
+ res := (scale_m * model)* view_proj
+ return res
+// triangles draw
+fn draw_cube_glsl_i(mut app App){
+ if app.init_flag == false {
+ return
+ }
+ ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels()
+ //ratio := f32(ws.width) / ws.height
+ dw := f32(ws.width / 2)
+ dh := f32(ws.height / 2)
+ rot := [f32(app.mouse_y), f32(app.mouse_x)]
+ tr_matrix := calc_tr_matrices(dw, dh, rot[0], rot[1], 2.3)
+ gfx.apply_pipeline(app.pipe['inst'])
+ gfx.apply_bindings(app.bind['inst'])
+ //***************
+ // Instancing
+ //***************
+ // passing the instancing to the vs
+ time_ticks := f32(time.ticks() - app.ticks) / 1000
+ cube_size := 2
+ sz := 128 // field size dimension
+ cx := 64 // x center for the cubes
+ cz := 64 // z center for the cubes
+ //frame := (app.frame_count/4) % 100
+ for index in 0..num_inst {
+ x := f32(index % sz)
+ z := f32(index / sz)
+ // simply waves
+ y := f32(math.cos((x+time_ticks)/2.0)*math.sin(z/2.0))*2
+ // sombrero function
+ //r := ((x-cx)*(x-cx)+(z-cz)*(z-cz))/(sz/2)
+ //y := f32(math.sin(r+time_ticks)*4.0)
+ spare_param := f32(index % 10)
+ app.inst_pos[index] = m4.Vec4{e:[f32((x - cx - app.camera_x) * cube_size),y ,f32( (z - cz - app.camera_z) * cube_size),spare_param]!}
+ }
+ range := C.sg_range{
+ ptr: unsafe { &app.inst_pos }
+ size: size_t(num_inst * int(sizeof(m4.Vec4)))
+ }
+ gfx.update_buffer(app.bind['inst'].vertex_buffers[1], &range )
+ // Uniforms
+ // *** vertex shadeer uniforms ***
+ // passing the view matrix as uniform
+ // res is a 4x4 matrix of f32 thus: 4*16 byte of size
+ vs_uniforms_range := C.sg_range{
+ ptr: unsafe { &tr_matrix }
+ size: size_t(4 * 16)
+ }
+ gfx.apply_uniforms(C.SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, C.SLOT_vs_params_i, &vs_uniforms_range)
+ // *** fragment shader uniforms ***
+ time_ticks := f32(time.ticks() - app.ticks) / 1000
+ mut tmp_fs_params := [
+ f32(ws.width), ws.height * ratio, // x,y resolution to pass to FS
+ 0,0, // dont send mouse position
+ //app.mouse_x, // mouse x
+ //ws.height - app.mouse_y*2, // mouse y scaled
+ time_ticks, // time as f32
+ app.frame_count, // frame count
+ 0,0 // padding bytes , see "fs_params" struct paddings in rt_glsl.h
+ ]!
+ fs_uniforms_range := C.sg_range{
+ ptr: unsafe { &tmp_fs_params }
+ size: size_t(sizeof(tmp_fs_params))
+ }
+ gfx.apply_uniforms(C.SG_SHADERSTAGE_FS, C.SLOT_fs_params, &fs_uniforms_range)
+ // 3 vertices for triangle * 2 triangles per face * 6 faces = 36 vertices to draw for num_inst times
+ gfx.draw(0, (3 * 2) * 6, num_inst)
+fn draw_start_glsl(app App){
+ if app.init_flag == false {
+ return
+ }
+ ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels()
+ //ratio := f32(ws.width) / ws.height
+ //dw := f32(ws.width / 2)
+ //dh := f32(ws.height / 2)
+ gfx.apply_viewport(0, 0, ws.width, ws.height, true)
+fn draw_end_glsl(app App){
+ gfx.end_pass()
+ gfx.commit()
+fn frame(mut app App) {
+ ws := gg.window_size_real_pixels()
+ // clear
+ mut color_action := C.sg_color_attachment_action{
+ action: gfx.Action(C.SG_ACTION_CLEAR)
+ value: C.sg_color{
+ r: 0.0
+ g: 0.0
+ b: 0.0
+ a: 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ mut pass_action := C.sg_pass_action{}
+ pass_action.colors[0] = color_action
+ gfx.begin_default_pass(&pass_action, ws.width, ws.height)
+ draw_start_glsl(app)
+ draw_cube_glsl_i(mut app)
+ draw_end_glsl(app)
+ app.frame_count++
+* Init / Cleanup
+fn my_init(mut app App) {
+ // create chessboard texture 256*256 RGBA
+ w := 256
+ h := 256
+ sz := w * h * 4
+ tmp_txt := unsafe { malloc(sz) }
+ mut i := 0
+ for i < sz {
+ unsafe {
+ y := (i >> 0x8) >> 5 // 8 cell
+ x := (i & 0xFF) >> 5 // 8 cell
+ // upper left corner
+ if x == 0 && y == 0 {
+ tmp_txt[i + 0] = byte(0xFF)
+ tmp_txt[i + 1] = byte(0)
+ tmp_txt[i + 2] = byte(0)
+ tmp_txt[i + 3] = byte(0xFF)
+ }
+ // low right corner
+ else if x == 7 && y == 7 {
+ tmp_txt[i + 0] = byte(0)
+ tmp_txt[i + 1] = byte(0xFF)
+ tmp_txt[i + 2] = byte(0)
+ tmp_txt[i + 3] = byte(0xFF)
+ } else {
+ col := if ((x + y) & 1) == 1 { 0xFF } else { 128 }
+ tmp_txt[i + 0] = byte(col) // red
+ tmp_txt[i + 1] = byte(col) // green
+ tmp_txt[i + 2] = byte(col) // blue
+ tmp_txt[i + 3] = byte(0xFF) // alpha
+ }
+ i += 4
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe {
+ app.texture = create_texture(w, h, tmp_txt)
+ free(tmp_txt)
+ }
+ // glsl
+ init_cube_glsl_i(mut app)
+ app.init_flag = true
+fn cleanup(mut app App) {
+ gfx.shutdown()
+* events handling
+fn my_event_manager(mut ev gg.Event, mut app App) {
+ if ev.typ == .mouse_down{
+ app.mouse_down = true
+ }
+ if ev.typ == .mouse_up{
+ app.mouse_down = false
+ }
+ if app.mouse_down == true && ev.typ == .mouse_move {
+ app.mouse_x = int(ev.mouse_x)
+ app.mouse_y = int(ev.mouse_y)
+ }
+ if ev.typ == .touches_began || ev.typ == .touches_moved {
+ if ev.num_touches > 0 {
+ touch_point := ev.touches[0]
+ app.mouse_x = int(touch_point.pos_x)
+ app.mouse_y = int(touch_point.pos_y)
+ }
+ }
+ // keyboard
+ if ev.typ == .key_down {
+ step := f32(1.0)
+ match ev.key_code {
+ .w { app.camera_z += step }
+ .s { app.camera_z -= step }
+ .a { app.camera_x -= step }
+ .d { app.camera_x += step }
+ else{}
+ }
+ }
+* Main
+[console] // is needed for easier diagnostics on windows
+fn main(){
+ // App init
+ mut app := &App{
+ gg: 0
+ }
+ app.gg = gg.new_context({
+ width: win_width
+ height: win_height
+ create_window: true
+ window_title: 'Instancing Cube'
+ user_data: app
+ bg_color: bg_color
+ frame_fn: frame
+ init_fn: my_init
+ cleanup_fn: cleanup
+ event_fn: my_event_manager
+ })
+ app.ticks = time.ticks()
+ app.gg.run()
diff --git a/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl_instancing.glsl b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl_instancing.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e780b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl_instancing.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Shader code for texcube-sapp sample.
+// NOTE: This source file also uses the '#pragma sokol' form of the
+// custom tags.
+//#pragma sokol @ctype mat4 hmm_mat4
+#pragma sokol @vs vs_i
+uniform vs_params_i {
+ mat4 mvp;
+in vec4 pos;
+in vec4 color0;
+in vec2 texcoord0;
+in vec4 inst_pos;
+out vec4 color;
+out vec4 color_inst;
+out vec2 uv;
+const vec4 palette[10] = vec4[10](
+ vec4(1,0,0,1),
+ vec4(0,1,0,1),
+ vec4(0,0,1,1),
+ vec4(1,1,0,1),
+ vec4(0,1,1,1),
+ vec4(1,1,1,1),
+ vec4(0,0,0,1),
+ vec4(0.2,0.2,0.2,1),
+ vec4(0.3,0.3,0.3,1),
+ vec4(0.9,0.9,0.9,1)
+void main() {
+ vec4 delta_pos = vec4(inst_pos.xyz,0);
+ float w = inst_pos.w;
+ color_inst = palette[int(w)];
+ gl_Position = mvp * (pos + delta_pos);
+ color = color0;
+ uv = texcoord0/4;
+#pragma sokol @end
+#pragma sokol @fs fs_i
+uniform sampler2D tex;
+in vec4 color;
+in vec4 color_inst;
+in vec2 uv;
+out vec4 frag_color;
+void main() {
+ vec4 c = color;
+ vec4 txt = texture(tex, uv);
+ c = txt * c * color_inst;
+ frag_color = c ;
+#pragma sokol @end
+#pragma sokol @program instancing vs_i fs_i
diff --git a/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/v.mod b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/v.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/v.mod