path: root/v_windows/v/old/vlib/v/parser/tmpl.v
diff options
authorIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
committerIndrajith K L2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530
commitf5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df (patch)
tree2764fc62da58f2ba8da7ed341643fc359873142f /v_windows/v/old/vlib/v/parser/tmpl.v
Adds most of the toolsHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'v_windows/v/old/vlib/v/parser/tmpl.v')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v_windows/v/old/vlib/v/parser/tmpl.v b/v_windows/v/old/vlib/v/parser/tmpl.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1679e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/old/vlib/v/parser/tmpl.v
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
+// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+module parser
+import v.token
+import v.errors
+import os
+import strings
+const tmpl_str_start = "sb.write_string('"
+const tmpl_str_end = "' ) "
+enum State {
+ html
+ css // <style>
+ js // <script>
+ // span // span.{
+// check HTML open tag `<name attr="x" >`
+fn is_html_open_tag(name string, s string) bool {
+ mut len := s.len
+ if len < name.len {
+ return false
+ }
+ mut sub := s[0..1]
+ if sub != '<' { // not start with '<'
+ return false
+ }
+ sub = s[len - 1..len]
+ if sub != '>' { // not end with '<'
+ return false
+ }
+ sub = s[len - 2..len - 1]
+ if sub == '/' { // self-closing
+ return false
+ }
+ sub = s[1..len - 1]
+ if sub.contains_any('<>') { // `<name <bad> >`
+ return false
+ }
+ if sub == name { // `<name>`
+ return true
+ } else {
+ len = name.len
+ if sub.len <= len { // `<nam>` or `<meme>`
+ return false
+ }
+ if sub[..len + 1] != '$name ' { // not `<name ...>`
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+// compile_file compiles the content of a file by the given path as a template
+pub fn (mut p Parser) compile_template_file(template_file string, fn_name string) string {
+ mut lines := os.read_lines(template_file) or {
+ p.error('reading from $template_file failed')
+ return ''
+ }
+ basepath := os.dir(template_file)
+ lstartlength := lines.len * 30
+ mut source := strings.new_builder(1000)
+ source.writeln('
+import strings
+// === vweb html template ===
+fn vweb_tmpl_${fn_name}() {
+mut sb := strings.new_builder($lstartlength)\n
+ source.write_string(parser.tmpl_str_start)
+ mut state := State.html
+ mut in_span := false
+ mut end_of_line_pos := 0
+ mut start_of_line_pos := 0
+ mut tline_number := -1 // keep the original line numbers, even after insert/delete ops on lines; `i` changes
+ for i := 0; i < lines.len; i++ {
+ oline := lines[i]
+ tline_number++
+ start_of_line_pos = end_of_line_pos
+ end_of_line_pos += oline.len + 1
+ $if trace_tmpl ? {
+ eprintln('>>> tfile: $template_file, spos: ${start_of_line_pos:6}, epos:${end_of_line_pos:6}, fi: ${tline_number:5}, i: ${i:5}, line: $oline')
+ }
+ line := oline.trim_space()
+ if is_html_open_tag('style', line) {
+ state = .css
+ } else if line == '</style>' {
+ state = .html
+ } else if is_html_open_tag('script', line) {
+ state = .js
+ } else if line == '</script>' {
+ state = .html
+ }
+ if line.contains('@header') {
+ position := line.index('@header') or { 0 }
+ p.error_with_error(errors.Error{
+ message: "Please use @include 'header' instead of @header (deprecated)"
+ file_path: template_file
+ pos: token.Position{
+ len: '@header'.len
+ line_nr: tline_number
+ pos: start_of_line_pos + position
+ last_line: lines.len
+ }
+ reporter: .parser
+ })
+ } else if line.contains('@footer') {
+ position := line.index('@footer') or { 0 }
+ p.error_with_error(errors.Error{
+ message: "Please use @include 'footer' instead of @footer (deprecated)"
+ file_path: template_file
+ pos: token.Position{
+ len: '@footer'.len
+ line_nr: tline_number
+ pos: start_of_line_pos + position
+ last_line: lines.len
+ }
+ reporter: .parser
+ })
+ }
+ if line.contains('@include ') {
+ lines.delete(i)
+ mut file_name := line.split("'")[1]
+ mut file_ext := os.file_ext(file_name)
+ if file_ext == '' {
+ file_ext = '.html'
+ }
+ file_name = file_name.replace(file_ext, '')
+ // relative path, starting with the current folder
+ mut templates_folder := os.real_path(basepath)
+ if file_name.contains('/') && file_name.starts_with('/') {
+ // an absolute path
+ templates_folder = ''
+ }
+ file_path := os.real_path(os.join_path(templates_folder, '$file_name$file_ext'))
+ $if trace_tmpl ? {
+ eprintln('>>> basepath: "$basepath" , template_file: "$template_file" , fn_name: "$fn_name" , @include line: "$line" , file_name: "$file_name" , file_ext: "$file_ext" , templates_folder: "$templates_folder" , file_path: "$file_path"')
+ }
+ file_content := os.read_file(file_path) or {
+ position := line.index('@include ') or { 0 } + '@include '.len
+ p.error_with_error(errors.Error{
+ message: 'Reading file $file_name from path: $file_path failed'
+ details: "Failed to @include '$file_name'"
+ file_path: template_file
+ pos: token.Position{
+ len: '@include '.len + file_name.len
+ line_nr: tline_number
+ pos: start_of_line_pos + position
+ last_line: lines.len
+ }
+ reporter: .parser
+ })
+ ''
+ }
+ file_splitted := file_content.split_into_lines().reverse()
+ for f in file_splitted {
+ tline_number--
+ lines.insert(i, f)
+ }
+ i--
+ } else if line.contains('@js ') {
+ pos := line.index('@js') or { continue }
+ source.write_string('<script src="')
+ source.write_string(line[pos + 5..line.len - 1])
+ source.writeln('"></script>')
+ } else if line.contains('@css ') {
+ pos := line.index('@css') or { continue }
+ source.write_string('<link href="')
+ source.write_string(line[pos + 6..line.len - 1])
+ source.writeln('" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">')
+ } else if line.contains('@if ') {
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_end)
+ pos := line.index('@if') or { continue }
+ source.writeln('if ' + line[pos + 4..] + '{')
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_start)
+ } else if line.contains('@end') {
+ // Remove new line byte
+ source.go_back(1)
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_end)
+ source.writeln('}')
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_start)
+ } else if line.contains('@else') {
+ // Remove new line byte
+ source.go_back(1)
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_end)
+ source.writeln(' } else { ')
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_start)
+ } else if line.contains('@for') {
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_end)
+ pos := line.index('@for') or { continue }
+ source.writeln('for ' + line[pos + 4..] + '{')
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_start)
+ } else if state == .html && line.contains('span.') && line.ends_with('{') {
+ // `span.header {` => `<span class='header'>`
+ class := line.find_between('span.', '{').trim_space()
+ source.writeln('<span class="$class">')
+ in_span = true
+ } else if state == .html && line.contains('.') && line.ends_with('{') {
+ // `.header {` => `<div class='header'>`
+ class := line.find_between('.', '{').trim_space()
+ source.writeln('<div class="$class">')
+ } else if state == .html && line.contains('#') && line.ends_with('{') {
+ // `#header {` => `<div id='header'>`
+ class := line.find_between('#', '{').trim_space()
+ source.writeln('<div id="$class">')
+ } else if state == .html && line == '}' {
+ if in_span {
+ source.writeln('</span>')
+ in_span = false
+ } else {
+ source.writeln('</div>')
+ }
+ } else if state == .js {
+ // replace `$` to `\$` at first to escape JavaScript template literal syntax
+ source.writeln(line.replace(r'$', r'\$').replace(r'$$', r'@').replace(r'.$',
+ r'.@').replace(r"'", r"\'"))
+ } else if state == .css {
+ // disable template variable declaration in inline stylesheet
+ // because of some CSS rules prefixed with `@`.
+ source.writeln(line.replace(r'.$', r'.@').replace(r"'", r"\'"))
+ } else {
+ // HTML, may include `@var`
+ // escaped by cgen, unless it's a `vweb.RawHtml` string
+ source.writeln(line.replace(r'@', r'$').replace(r'$$', r'@').replace(r'.$',
+ r'.@').replace(r"'", r"\'"))
+ }
+ }
+ source.writeln(parser.tmpl_str_end)
+ source.writeln('_tmpl_res_$fn_name := sb.str() ')
+ source.writeln('}')
+ source.writeln('// === end of vweb html template ===')
+ result := source.str()
+ return result