path: root/bat/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bat/README.md')
1 files changed, 808 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bat/README.md b/bat/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1e2433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bat/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+<p align="center">
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+ A <i>cat(1)</i> clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
+<p align="center">
+ <a href="#syntax-highlighting">Key Features</a> •
+ <a href="#how-to-use">How To Use</a> •
+ <a href="#installation">Installation</a> •
+ <a href="#customization">Customization</a> •
+ <a href="#project-goals-and-alternatives">Project goals, alternatives</a><br>
+ [English]
+ [<a href="doc/README-zh.md">中文</a>]
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+ [<a href="doc/README-ko.md">한국어</a>]
+ [<a href="doc/README-ru.md">Русский</a>]
+### Sponsors
+A special *thank you* goes to our biggest <a href="doc/sponsors.md">sponsors</a>:<br>
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+### Syntax highlighting
+`bat` supports syntax highlighting for a large number of programming and markup
+![Syntax highlighting example](https://imgur.com/rGsdnDe.png)
+### Git integration
+`bat` communicates with `git` to show modifications with respect to the index
+(see left side bar):
+![Git integration example](https://i.imgur.com/2lSW4RE.png)
+### Show non-printable characters
+You can use the `-A`/`--show-all` option to show and highlight non-printable
+![Non-printable character example](https://i.imgur.com/WndGp9H.png)
+### Automatic paging
+By default, `bat` pipes its own output to a pager (e.g. `less`) if the output is too large for one screen.
+If you would rather `bat` work like `cat` all the time (never page output), you can set `--paging=never` as an option, either on the command line or in your configuration file.
+If you intend to alias `cat` to `bat` in your shell configuration, you can use `alias cat='bat --paging=never'` to preserve the default behavior.
+#### File concatenation
+Even with a pager set, you can still use `bat` to concatenate files :wink:.
+Whenever `bat` detects a non-interactive terminal (i.e. when you pipe into another process or into a file), `bat` will act as a drop-in replacement for `cat` and fall back to printing the plain file contents, regardless of the `--pager` option's value.
+## How to use
+Display a single file on the terminal
+> bat README.md
+Display multiple files at once
+> bat src/*.rs
+Read from stdin, determine the syntax automatically (note, highlighting will
+only work if the syntax can be determined from the first line of the file,
+usually through a shebang such as `#!/bin/sh`)
+> curl -s https://sh.rustup.rs | bat
+Read from stdin, specify the language explicitly
+> yaml2json .travis.yml | json_pp | bat -l json
+Show and highlight non-printable characters:
+> bat -A /etc/hosts
+Use it as a `cat` replacement:
+bat > note.md # quickly create a new file
+bat header.md content.md footer.md > document.md
+bat -n main.rs # show line numbers (only)
+bat f - g # output 'f', then stdin, then 'g'.
+### Integration with other tools
+#### `fzf`
+You can use `bat` as a previewer for [`fzf`](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf). To do this,
+use `bat`s `--color=always` option to force colorized output. You can also use `--line-range`
+option to restrict the load times for long files:
+fzf --preview 'bat --color=always --style=numbers --line-range=:500 {}'
+For more information, see [`fzf`'s `README`](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf#preview-window).
+#### `find` or `fd`
+You can use the `-exec` option of `find` to preview all search results with `bat`:
+find … -exec bat {} +
+If you happen to use [`fd`](https://github.com/sharkdp/fd), you can use the `-X`/`--exec-batch` option to do the same:
+fd … -X bat
+#### `ripgrep`
+With [`batgrep`](https://github.com/eth-p/bat-extras/blob/master/doc/batgrep.md), `bat` can be used as the printer for [`ripgrep`](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep) search results.
+batgrep needle src/
+#### `tail -f`
+`bat` can be combined with `tail -f` to continuously monitor a given file with syntax highlighting.
+tail -f /var/log/pacman.log | bat --paging=never -l log
+Note that we have to switch off paging in order for this to work. We have also specified the syntax
+explicitly (`-l log`), as it can not be auto-detected in this case.
+#### `git`
+You can combine `bat` with `git show` to view an older version of a given file with proper syntax
+git show v0.6.0:src/main.rs | bat -l rs
+#### `git diff`
+You can combine `bat` with `git diff` to view lines around code changes with proper syntax
+batdiff() {
+ git diff --name-only --relative --diff-filter=d | xargs bat --diff
+If you prefer to use this as a separate tool, check out `batdiff` in [`bat-extras`](https://github.com/eth-p/bat-extras).
+If you are looking for more support for git and diff operations, check out [`delta`](https://github.com/dandavison/delta).
+#### `xclip`
+The line numbers and Git modification markers in the output of `bat` can make it hard to copy
+the contents of a file. To prevent this, you can call `bat` with the `-p`/`--plain` option or
+simply pipe the output into `xclip`:
+bat main.cpp | xclip
+`bat` will detect that the output is being redirected and print the plain file contents.
+#### `man`
+`bat` can be used as a colorizing pager for `man`, by setting the
+`MANPAGER` environment variable:
+export MANPAGER="sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"
+man 2 select
+(replace `bat` with `batcat` if you are on Debian or Ubuntu)
+It might also be necessary to set `MANROFFOPT="-c"` if you experience
+formatting problems.
+If you prefer to have this bundled in a new command, you can also use [`batman`](https://github.com/eth-p/bat-extras/blob/master/doc/batman.md).
+Note that the [Manpage syntax](assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Manpage.sublime-syntax) is developed in this repository and still needs some work.
+Also, note that this will [not work](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/issues/1145) with Mandocs `man` implementation.
+#### `prettier` / `shfmt` / `rustfmt`
+The [`prettybat`](https://github.com/eth-p/bat-extras/blob/master/doc/prettybat.md) script is a wrapper that will format code and print it with `bat`.
+#### Highlighting `--help` messages
+You can use `bat` to colorize help text: `$ cp --help | bat -plhelp`
+You can also use a wrapper around this:
+# in your .bashrc/.zshrc/*rc
+alias bathelp='bat --plain --language=help'
+help() {
+ "$@" --help 2>&1 | bathelp
+Then you can do `$ help cp` or `$ help git commit`.
+Please report any issues with the help syntax in [this repository](https://github.com/victor-gp/cmd-help-sublime-syntax).
+## Installation
+[![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/bat-cat.svg)](https://repology.org/project/bat-cat/versions)
+### On Ubuntu (using `apt`)
+*... and other Debian-based Linux distributions.*
+`bat` is available on [Ubuntu since 20.04 ("Focal")](https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bat&exact=1) and [Debian since August 2021 (Debian 11 - "Bullseye")](https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/bat).
+If your Ubuntu/Debian installation is new enough you can simply run:
+sudo apt install bat
+**Important**: If you install `bat` this way, please note that the executable may be installed as `batcat` instead of `bat` (due to [a name
+clash with another package](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/issues/982)). You can set up a `bat -> batcat` symlink or alias to prevent any issues that may come up because of this and to be consistent with other distributions:
+``` bash
+mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
+ln -s /usr/bin/batcat ~/.local/bin/bat
+### On Ubuntu (using most recent `.deb` packages)
+*... and other Debian-based Linux distributions.*
+If the package has not yet been promoted to your Ubuntu/Debian installation, or you want
+the most recent release of `bat`, download the latest `.deb` package from the
+[release page](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/releases) and install it via:
+sudo dpkg -i bat_0.18.3_amd64.deb # adapt version number and architecture
+### On Alpine Linux
+You can install [the `bat` package](https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=bat)
+from the official sources, provided you have the appropriate repository enabled:
+apk add bat
+### On Arch Linux
+You can install [the `bat` package](https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/bat/)
+from the official sources:
+pacman -S bat
+### On Fedora
+You can install [the `bat` package](https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=27506) from the official [Fedora Modular](https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/modularity/using-modules/) repository.
+dnf install bat
+### On Funtoo Linux
+You can install [the `bat` package](https://github.com/funtoo/dev-kit/tree/1.4-release/sys-apps/bat) from dev-kit.
+emerge sys-apps/bat
+### On Gentoo Linux
+You can install [the `bat` package](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/sys-apps/bat)
+from the official sources:
+emerge sys-apps/bat
+### On Void Linux
+You can install `bat` via xbps-install:
+xbps-install -S bat
+### On Termux
+You can install `bat` via pkg:
+pkg install bat
+### On FreeBSD
+You can install a precompiled [`bat` package](https://www.freshports.org/textproc/bat) with pkg:
+pkg install bat
+or build it on your own from the FreeBSD ports:
+cd /usr/ports/textproc/bat
+make install
+### On OpenBSD
+You can install `bat` package using [`pkg_add(1)`](https://man.openbsd.org/pkg_add.1):
+pkg_add bat
+### Via nix
+You can install `bat` using the [nix package manager](https://nixos.org/nix):
+nix-env -i bat
+### On openSUSE
+You can install `bat` with zypper:
+zypper install bat
+### Via snap package
+There is currently no recommended snap package available.
+Existing packages may be available, but are not officially supported and may contain [issues](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/issues/1519).
+### On macOS (or Linux) via Homebrew
+You can install `bat` with [Homebrew on MacOS](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/bat) or [Homebrew on Linux](https://formulae.brew.sh/formula-linux/bat):
+brew install bat
+### On macOS via MacPorts
+Or install `bat` with [MacPorts](https://ports.macports.org/port/bat/summary):
+port install bat
+### On Windows
+There are a few options to install `bat` on Windows. Once you have installed `bat`,
+take a look at the ["Using `bat` on Windows"](#using-bat-on-windows) section.
+#### Prerequisites
+You will need to install the [Visual C++ Redistributable](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads) package.
+#### With Chocolatey
+You can install `bat` via [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/packages/Bat):
+choco install bat
+#### With Scoop
+You can install `bat` via [scoop](https://scoop.sh/):
+scoop install bat
+#### From prebuilt binaries:
+You can download prebuilt binaries from the [Release page](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/releases),
+You will need to install the [Visual C++ Redistributable](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads) package.
+### From binaries
+Check out the [Release page](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/releases) for
+prebuilt versions of `bat` for many different architectures. Statically-linked
+binaries are also available: look for archives with `musl` in the file name.
+### From source
+If you want to build `bat` from source, you need Rust 1.60.0 or
+higher. You can then use `cargo` to build everything:
+cargo install --locked bat
+Note that additional files like the man page or shell completion
+files can not be installed in this way. They will be generated by `cargo` and should be available in the cargo target folder (under `build`).
+## Customization
+### Highlighting theme
+Use `bat --list-themes` to get a list of all available themes for syntax
+highlighting. To select the `TwoDark` theme, call `bat` with the
+`--theme=TwoDark` option or set the `BAT_THEME` environment variable to
+`TwoDark`. Use `export BAT_THEME="TwoDark"` in your shell's startup file to
+make the change permanent. Alternatively, use `bat`s
+[configuration file](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat#configuration-file).
+If you want to preview the different themes on a custom file, you can use
+the following command (you need [`fzf`](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf) for this):
+bat --list-themes | fzf --preview="bat --theme={} --color=always /path/to/file"
+`bat` looks good on a dark background by default. However, if your terminal uses a
+light background, some themes like `GitHub` or `OneHalfLight` will work better for you.
+You can also use a custom theme by following the
+['Adding new themes' section below](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat#adding-new-themes).
+### 8-bit themes
+`bat` has three themes that always use [8-bit colors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors),
+even when truecolor support is available:
+- `ansi` looks decent on any terminal. It uses 3-bit colors: black, red, green,
+ yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white.
+- `base16` is designed for [base16](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) terminal themes. It uses
+ 4-bit colors (3-bit colors plus bright variants) in accordance with the
+ [base16 styling guidelines](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16/blob/master/styling.md).
+- `base16-256` is designed for [base16-shell](https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-shell).
+ It replaces certain bright colors with 8-bit colors from 16 to 21. **Do not** use this simply
+ because you have a 256-color terminal but are not using base16-shell.
+Although these themes are more restricted, they have three advantages over truecolor themes. They:
+- Enjoy maximum compatibility. Some terminal utilities do not support more than 3-bit colors.
+- Adapt to terminal theme changes. Even for already printed output.
+- Visually harmonize better with other terminal software.
+### Output style
+You can use the `--style` option to control the appearance of `bat`s output.
+You can use `--style=numbers,changes`, for example, to show only Git changes
+and line numbers but no grid and no file header. Set the `BAT_STYLE` environment
+variable to make these changes permanent or use `bat`s
+[configuration file](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat#configuration-file).
+### Adding new syntaxes / language definitions
+Should you find that a particular syntax is not available within `bat`, you can follow these
+instructions to easily add new syntaxes to your current `bat` installation.
+`bat` uses the excellent [`syntect`](https://github.com/trishume/syntect/)
+library for syntax highlighting. `syntect` can read any
+[Sublime Text `.sublime-syntax` file](https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/syntax.html)
+and theme.
+A good resource for finding Sublime Syntax packages is [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/). Once you found a
+1. Create a folder with syntax definition files:
+ ```bash
+ mkdir -p "$(bat --config-dir)/syntaxes"
+ cd "$(bat --config-dir)/syntaxes"
+ # Put new '.sublime-syntax' language definition files
+ # in this folder (or its subdirectories), for example:
+ git clone https://github.com/tellnobody1/sublime-purescript-syntax
+ ```
+2. Now use the following command to parse these files into a binary cache:
+ ```bash
+ bat cache --build
+ ```
+3. Finally, use `bat --list-languages` to check if the new languages are available.
+ If you ever want to go back to the default settings, call:
+ ```bash
+ bat cache --clear
+ ```
+4. If you think that a specific syntax should be included in `bat` by default, please
+ consider opening a "syntax request" ticket after reading the policies and
+ instructions [here](doc/assets.md): [Open Syntax Request](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/issues/new?labels=syntax-request&template=syntax_request.md).
+### Adding new themes
+This works very similar to how we add new syntax definitions.
+First, create a folder with the new syntax highlighting themes:
+mkdir -p "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
+cd "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
+# Download a theme in '.tmTheme' format, for example:
+git clone https://github.com/greggb/sublime-snazzy
+# Update the binary cache
+bat cache --build
+Finally, use `bat --list-themes` to check if the new themes are available.
+### Adding or changing file type associations
+You can add new (or change existing) file name patterns using the `--map-syntax`
+command line option. The option takes an argument of the form `pattern:syntax` where
+`pattern` is a glob pattern that is matched against the file name and
+the absolute file path. The `syntax` part is the full name of a supported language
+(use `bat --list-languages` for an overview).
+**Note:** You probably want to use this option as [an entry in `bat`'s configuration file](#configuration-file)
+for persistence instead of passing it on the command line as a one-off. Generally
+you'd just use `-l` if you want to manually specify a language for a file.
+Example: To use "INI" syntax highlighting for all files with a `.conf` file extension, use
+Example: To open all files called `.ignore` (exact match) with the "Git Ignore" syntax, use:
+--map-syntax='.ignore:Git Ignore'
+Example: To open all `.conf` files in subfolders of `/etc/apache2` with the "Apache Conf"
+syntax, use (this mapping is already built in):
+--map-syntax='/etc/apache2/**/*.conf:Apache Conf'
+### Using a different pager
+`bat` uses the pager that is specified in the `PAGER` environment variable. If this variable is not
+set, `less` is used by default. If you want to use a different pager, you can either modify the
+`PAGER` variable or set the `BAT_PAGER` environment variable to override what is specified in
+**Note**: If `PAGER` is `more` or `most`, `bat` will silently use `less` instead to ensure support for colors.
+If you want to pass command-line arguments to the pager, you can also set them via the
+`PAGER`/`BAT_PAGER` variables:
+export BAT_PAGER="less -RF"
+Instead of using environment variables, you can also use `bat`s [configuration file](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat#configuration-file) to configure the pager (`--pager` option).
+**Note**: By default, if the pager is set to `less` (and no command-line options are specified),
+`bat` will pass the following command line options to the pager: `-R`/`--RAW-CONTROL-CHARS`,
+`-F`/`--quit-if-one-screen` and `-X`/`--no-init`. The last option (`-X`) is only used for `less`
+versions older than 530.
+The `-R` option is needed to interpret ANSI colors correctly. The second option (`-F`) instructs
+less to exit immediately if the output size is smaller than the vertical size of the terminal.
+This is convenient for small files because you do not have to press `q` to quit the pager. The
+third option (`-X`) is needed to fix a bug with the `--quit-if-one-screen` feature in old versions
+of `less`. Unfortunately, it also breaks mouse-wheel support in `less`.
+If you want to enable mouse-wheel scrolling on older versions of `less`, you can pass just `-R` (as
+in the example above, this will disable the quit-if-one-screen feature). For less 530 or newer,
+it should work out of the box.
+### Indentation
+`bat` expands tabs to 4 spaces by itself, not relying on the pager. To change this, simply add the
+`--tabs` argument with the number of spaces you want to be displayed.
+**Note**: Defining tab stops for the pager (via the `--pager` argument by `bat`, or via the `LESS`
+environment variable for `less`) won't be taken into account because the pager will already get
+expanded spaces instead of tabs. This behaviour is added to avoid indentation issues caused by the
+sidebar. Calling `bat` with `--tabs=0` will override it and let tabs be consumed by the pager.
+### Dark mode
+If you make use of the dark mode feature in macOS, you might want to configure `bat` to use a different
+theme based on the OS theme. The following snippet uses the `default` theme when in the _dark mode_
+and the `GitHub` theme when in the _light mode_.
+alias cat="bat --theme=\$(defaults read -globalDomain AppleInterfaceStyle &> /dev/null && echo default || echo GitHub)"
+## Configuration file
+`bat` can also be customized with a configuration file. The location of the file is dependent
+on your operating system. To get the default path for your system, call
+bat --config-file
+Alternatively, you can use the `BAT_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable to point `bat` to a
+non-default location of the configuration file:
+export BAT_CONFIG_PATH="/path/to/bat.conf"
+A default configuration file can be created with the `--generate-config-file` option.
+bat --generate-config-file
+There is also now a systemwide configuration file, which is located under `/etc/bat/config` on
+Linux and Mac OS and `C:\ProgramData\bat\config` on windows. If the system wide configuration
+file is present, the content of the user configuration will simply be appended to it.
+### Format
+The configuration file is a simple list of command line arguments. Use `bat --help` to see a full list of possible options and values. In addition, you can add comments by prepending a line with the `#` character.
+Example configuration file:
+# Set the theme to "TwoDark"
+# Show line numbers, Git modifications and file header (but no grid)
+# Use italic text on the terminal (not supported on all terminals)
+# Use C++ syntax for Arduino .ino files
+--map-syntax "*.ino:C++"
+## Using `bat` on Windows
+`bat` mostly works out-of-the-box on Windows, but a few features may need extra configuration.
+### Prerequisites
+You will need to install the [Visual C++ Redistributable](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads) package.
+### Paging
+Windows only includes a very limited pager in the form of `more`. You can download a Windows binary
+for `less` [from its homepage](http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/download.html) or [through
+Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/packages/Less). To use it, place the binary in a directory in
+your `PATH` or [define an environment variable](#using-a-different-pager). The [Chocolatey package](#on-windows) installs `less` automatically.
+### Colors
+Windows 10 natively supports colors in both `conhost.exe` (Command Prompt) and PowerShell since
+[v1511](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10_version_history#Version_1511_(November_Update)), as
+well as in newer versions of bash. On earlier versions of Windows, you can use
+[Cmder](http://cmder.net/), which includes [ConEmu](https://conemu.github.io/).
+**Note:** The Git and MSYS versions of `less` do not correctly interpret colors on Windows. If you
+don’t have any other pagers installed, you can disable paging entirely by passing `--paging=never`
+or by setting `BAT_PAGER` to an empty string.
+### Cygwin
+`bat` on Windows does not natively support Cygwin's unix-style paths (`/cygdrive/*`). When passed an absolute cygwin path as an argument, `bat` will encounter the following error: `The system cannot find the path specified. (os error 3)`
+This can be solved by creating a wrapper or adding the following function to your `.bash_profile` file:
+bat() {
+ local index
+ local args=("$@")
+ for index in $(seq 0 ${#args[@]}) ; do
+ case "${args[index]}" in
+ -*) continue;;
+ *) [ -e "${args[index]}" ] && args[index]="$(cygpath --windows "${args[index]}")";;
+ esac
+ done
+ command bat "${args[@]}"
+## Troubleshooting
+### Garbled output
+If an input file contains color codes or other ANSI escape sequences or control characters, `bat` will have problems
+performing syntax highlighting and text wrapping, and thus the output can become garbled.
+When displaying such files it is recommended to disable both syntax highlighting and wrapping by
+passing the `--color=never --wrap=never` options to `bat`.
+### Terminals & colors
+`bat` handles terminals *with* and *without* truecolor support. However, the colors in most syntax
+highlighting themes are not optimized for 8-bit colors. It is therefore strongly recommended
+that you use a terminal with 24-bit truecolor support (`terminator`, `konsole`, `iTerm2`, ...),
+or use one of the basic [8-bit themes](#8-bit-themes) designed for a restricted set of colors.
+See [this article](https://gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728) for more details and a full list of
+terminals with truecolor support.
+Make sure that your truecolor terminal sets the `COLORTERM` variable to either `truecolor` or
+`24bit`. Otherwise, `bat` will not be able to determine whether or not 24-bit escape sequences
+are supported (and fall back to 8-bit colors).
+### Line numbers and grid are hardly visible
+Please try a different theme (see `bat --list-themes` for a list). The `OneHalfDark` and
+`OneHalfLight` themes provide grid and line colors that are brighter.
+### File encodings
+`bat` natively supports UTF-8 as well as UTF-16. For every other file encoding, you may need to
+convert to UTF-8 first because the encodings can typically not be auto-detected. You can `iconv`
+to do so.
+Example: if you have a PHP file in Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) encoding, you can call:
+``` bash
+iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 my-file.php | bat
+Note: you might have to use the `-l`/`--language` option if the syntax can not be auto-detected
+by `bat`.
+## Development
+# Recursive clone to retrieve all submodules
+git clone --recursive https://github.com/sharkdp/bat
+# Build (debug version)
+cd bat
+cargo build --bins
+# Run unit tests and integration tests
+cargo test
+# Install (release version)
+cargo install --path . --locked
+# Build a bat binary with modified syntaxes and themes
+bash assets/create.sh
+cargo install --path . --locked --force
+If you want to build an application that uses `bat`s pretty-printing
+features as a library, check out the [the API documentation](https://docs.rs/bat/).
+Note that you have to use either `regex-onig` or `regex-fancy` as a feature
+when you depend on `bat` as a library.
+## Contributing
+Take a look at the [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md) guide.
+## Maintainers
+- [sharkdp](https://github.com/sharkdp)
+- [eth-p](https://github.com/eth-p)
+- [keith-hall](https://github.com/keith-hall)
+- [Enselic](https://github.com/Enselic)
+## Security vulnerabilities
+Please contact [David Peter](https://david-peter.de/) via email if you want to report a vulnerability in `bat`.
+## Project goals and alternatives
+`bat` tries to achieve the following goals:
+- Provide beautiful, advanced syntax highlighting
+- Integrate with Git to show file modifications
+- Be a drop-in replacement for (POSIX) `cat`
+- Offer a user-friendly command-line interface
+There are a lot of alternatives, if you are looking for similar programs. See
+[this document](doc/alternatives.md) for a comparison.
+## License
+Copyright (c) 2018-2021 [bat-developers](https://github.com/sharkdp/bat).
+`bat` is made available under the terms of either the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your option.
+See the [LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) and [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) files for license details.