path: root/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/fonts.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/fonts.v')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/fonts.v b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/fonts.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf2170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/old/examples/sokol/fonts.v
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+import sokol
+import sokol.sapp
+import sokol.gfx
+import sokol.sgl
+import sokol.sfons
+import os
+struct AppState {
+ pass_action C.sg_pass_action
+ fons &C.FONScontext
+ font_normal int
+fn main() {
+ mut color_action := C.sg_color_attachment_action{
+ action: gfx.Action(C.SG_ACTION_CLEAR)
+ value: C.sg_color{
+ r: 0.3
+ g: 0.3
+ b: 0.32
+ a: 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ mut pass_action := C.sg_pass_action{}
+ pass_action.colors[0] = color_action
+ state := &AppState{
+ pass_action: pass_action
+ fons: &C.FONScontext(0)
+ }
+ title := 'V Metal/GL Text Rendering'
+ desc := C.sapp_desc{
+ user_data: state
+ init_userdata_cb: init
+ frame_userdata_cb: frame
+ window_title: title.str
+ html5_canvas_name: title.str
+ }
+ sapp.run(&desc)
+fn init(mut state AppState) {
+ desc := sapp.create_desc()
+ gfx.setup(&desc)
+ s := &C.sgl_desc_t{}
+ C.sgl_setup(s)
+ state.fons = sfons.create(512, 512, 1)
+ // or use DroidSerif-Regular.ttf
+ if bytes := os.read_bytes(os.resource_abs_path('../assets/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')) {
+ println('loaded font: $bytes.len')
+ state.font_normal = C.fonsAddFontMem(state.fons, c'sans', bytes.data, bytes.len,
+ false)
+ }
+fn frame(user_data voidptr) {
+ mut state := &AppState(user_data)
+ state.render_font()
+ gfx.begin_default_pass(&state.pass_action, sapp.width(), sapp.height())
+ sgl.draw()
+ gfx.end_pass()
+ gfx.commit()
+fn (state &AppState) render_font() {
+ mut sx := 0.0
+ mut sy := 0.0
+ mut dx := 0.0
+ mut dy := 0.0
+ lh := f32(0.0)
+ white := C.sfons_rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
+ black := C.sfons_rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)
+ brown := C.sfons_rgba(192, 128, 0, 128)
+ blue := C.sfons_rgba(0, 192, 255, 255)
+ state.fons.clear_state()
+ sgl.defaults()
+ sgl.matrix_mode_projection()
+ sgl.ortho(0.0, f32(C.sapp_width()), f32(C.sapp_height()), 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)
+ sx = 0
+ sy = 50
+ dx = sx
+ dy = sy
+ state.fons.set_font(state.font_normal)
+ state.fons.set_size(100.0)
+ ascender := f32(0.0)
+ descender := f32(0.0)
+ state.fons.vert_metrics(&ascender, &descender, &lh)
+ dx = sx
+ dy += lh
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, white)
+ dx = C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'The quick ', C.NULL)
+ C.fonsSetFont(state.fons, state.font_normal)
+ C.fonsSetSize(state.fons, 48.0)
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, brown)
+ dx = C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'brown ', C.NULL)
+ C.fonsSetFont(state.fons, state.font_normal)
+ C.fonsSetSize(state.fons, 24.0)
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, white)
+ dx = C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'fox ', C.NULL)
+ dx = sx
+ dy += lh * 1.2
+ C.fonsSetSize(state.fons, 20.0)
+ C.fonsSetFont(state.fons, state.font_normal)
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, blue)
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.',
+ dx = 300
+ dy = 350
+ C.fonsSetAlign(state.fons, C.FONS_ALIGN_LEFT | C.FONS_ALIGN_BASELINE)
+ C.fonsSetSize(state.fons, 60.0)
+ C.fonsSetFont(state.fons, state.font_normal)
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, white)
+ C.fonsSetSpacing(state.fons, 5.0)
+ C.fonsSetBlur(state.fons, 6.0)
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Blurry...', C.NULL)
+ dx = 300
+ dy += 50.0
+ C.fonsSetSize(state.fons, 28.0)
+ C.fonsSetFont(state.fons, state.font_normal)
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, white)
+ C.fonsSetSpacing(state.fons, 0.0)
+ C.fonsSetBlur(state.fons, 3.0)
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy + 2, c'DROP SHADOW', C.NULL)
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, black)
+ C.fonsSetBlur(state.fons, 0)
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'DROP SHADOW', C.NULL)
+ C.fonsSetSize(state.fons, 18.0)
+ C.fonsSetFont(state.fons, state.font_normal)
+ C.fonsSetColor(state.fons, white)
+ dx = 50
+ dy = 350
+ line(f32(dx - 10), f32(dy), f32(dx + 250), f32(dy))
+ C.fonsSetAlign(state.fons, C.FONS_ALIGN_LEFT | C.FONS_ALIGN_TOP)
+ dx = C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Top', C.NULL)
+ dx += 10
+ C.fonsSetAlign(state.fons, C.FONS_ALIGN_LEFT | C.FONS_ALIGN_MIDDLE)
+ dx = C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Middle', C.NULL)
+ dx += 10
+ C.fonsSetAlign(state.fons, C.FONS_ALIGN_LEFT | C.FONS_ALIGN_BASELINE)
+ dx = C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Baseline', C.NULL)
+ dx += 10
+ C.fonsSetAlign(state.fons, C.FONS_ALIGN_LEFT | C.FONS_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Bottom', C.NULL)
+ dx = 150
+ dy = 400
+ line(f32(dx), f32(dy - 30), f32(dx), f32(dy + 80.0))
+ C.fonsSetAlign(state.fons, C.FONS_ALIGN_LEFT | C.FONS_ALIGN_BASELINE)
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Left', C.NULL)
+ dy += 30
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Center', C.NULL)
+ dy += 30
+ C.fonsSetAlign(state.fons, C.FONS_ALIGN_RIGHT | C.FONS_ALIGN_BASELINE)
+ C.fonsDrawText(state.fons, dx, dy, c'Right', C.NULL)
+ C.sfons_flush(state.fons)
+fn line(sx f32, sy f32, ex f32, ey f32) {
+ sgl.begin_lines()
+ sgl.c4b(255, 255, 0, 128)
+ sgl.v2f(sx, sy)
+ sgl.v2f(ex, ey)
+ sgl.end()