path: root/v_windows/v/old/vlib/regex/regex_test.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'v_windows/v/old/vlib/regex/regex_test.v')
1 files changed, 606 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v_windows/v/old/vlib/regex/regex_test.v b/v_windows/v/old/vlib/regex/regex_test.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..242dc84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/old/vlib/regex/regex_test.v
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+import regex
+import rand
+* Test section
+struct TestItem {
+ src string
+ q string
+ s int
+ e int
+match_test_suite = [
+ // minus in CC
+ TestItem{"d.def",r"abc.\.[\w\-]{,100}",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"abc12345.asd",r"abc.\.[\w\-]{,100}",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"abca.exe",r"abc.\.[\w\-]{,100}",0,8},
+ TestItem{"abc2.exe-test_12",r"abc.\.[\w\-]{,100}",0,13},
+ TestItem{"abcdefGHK",r"[a-f]+\A+",0,9},
+ TestItem{"ab-cd-efGHK",r"[a-f\-g]+\A+",0,11},
+ // base OR
+ TestItem{"a",r"a|b",0,1},
+ TestItem{"a",r"b|a",0,1},
+ TestItem{"b",r"a|b",0,1},
+ TestItem{"b",r"b|a",0,1},
+ TestItem{"c",r"b|a",-1,0},
+ // test base
+ TestItem{"[ciao]",r"(.)ciao(.)",0,6},
+ TestItem{"[ciao] da me",r"(.)ciao(.)",0,6},
+ // positive
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"this",0,4},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"good",10,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"go+d",10,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"g[oae]+d",10,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a goed.",r"g[oae]+d",10,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"g[oae]*d",10,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a goaezd.",r"g[ea-cm-z]*d",10,16},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"this (\w+) a",0,9},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"this( \w+){2} g",0,11},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"( ?\w+){,1}",0,4},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"( ?\w+)+",0,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"this( \w+)+",0,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a good sample.",r"( ?\w+){,2}",0,7},
+ TestItem{"this is a good sample.",r"( ?\w+){,3}",0,9},
+ TestItem{"this is a good sample.",r"( ?\w+){,4}",0,14},
+ TestItem{"this is a good sample.",r"( ?\w+){,5}",0,21},
+ TestItem{"this is a good sample.",r"( ?\w+){2,3}",0,9},
+ TestItem{"this is a good sample.",r"(\s?\w+){2,3}",0,9},
+ TestItem{"this these those.",r"(th[ei]se?\s|\.)+",0,11},
+ TestItem{"this these those ",r"(th[eio]se? ?)+",0,17},
+ TestItem{"this these those ",r"(th[eio]se? )+",0,17},
+ TestItem{"this,these,those. over",r"(th[eio]se?[,. ])+",0,17},
+ TestItem{"soday,this,these,those. over",r".+(th[eio]se?[,. ])+",0,23},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz",r"(c(pa)+z)",0,6},
+ TestItem{"this is a cpapaz over",r"(c(pa)+z)",10,16},
+ TestItem{"this is a cpapapez over",r"(c(p[ae])+z)",10,18},
+ TestItem{"test@post.pip.com",r"[a-z0-9_]+@([a-z0-9_]+\.?)+",0,17},
+ TestItem{"test1@post.pip.com, pera",r"[\w]+@([\w]+\.)+\w+",0,18},
+ TestItem{"pippo@pera.com ",r"[a-z0-9_]+@([a-z0-9_]+\.?)+",0,14},
+ TestItem{"adce aabe",r"(a(ab)+)|(a(dc)+)e",0,4},
+ TestItem{"zadce aabe",r"(a(ab)+)|(a(dc)+)e",1,5},
+ TestItem{"abbz accz addz.",r"c|(d)|e|(ab+)",0,3},
+ TestItem{"this those these ciao",r"((t[hieo]+se?)\s*)+",0,17},
+ TestItem{"this ciao",r"((t[hieo]+se?)\s*)+",0,5},
+ TestItem{"this cpapaz adce aabe",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s[\a]+){2}",5,21},
+ TestItem{"1234this cpapaz adce aabe",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s[\a]+){2}$",9,25},
+ TestItem{"this cpapaz adce aabe third",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s[\a]+){2}",5,21},
+ TestItem{"123cpapaz ole. pippo",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s+\a+[\.,]?)+",3,20},
+ TestItem{"this is a good sample.",r".*i(\w)+",0,4},
+ TestItem{"soday,this,these,those. over",r".*,(th[eio]se?[,. ])+",0,23},
+ TestItem{"soday,this,these,thesa.thesi over",r".*,(th[ei]se?[,. ])+(thes[ai][,. ])+",0,29},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz ole. pippo,",r".*(c(pa)+z)(\s+\a+[\.,]?)+",0,18},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz ole. pippo",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s+\a+[\.,]?)+",0,17},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz ole. pippo, 852",r".*(c(pa)+z)(\s+\a+[\.,]?)+",0,18},
+ TestItem{"123cpapaz ole. pippo",r".*(c(pa)+z)(\s+\a+[\.,]?)+",0,20},
+ TestItem{"...cpapaz ole. pippo",r".*(c(pa)+z)(\s+\a+[\.,]?)+",0,20},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz ole. pippo,",r".*c.+ole.*pi",0,14},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz ole. pipipo,",r".*c.+ole.*p([ip])+o",0,18},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz ole. pipipo",r"^.*c.+ol?e.*p([ip])+o$",0,18},
+ TestItem{"abbb",r"ab{2,3}?",0,3},
+ TestItem{" pippo pera",r"\s(.*)pe(.*)",0,11},
+ TestItem{" abb",r"\s(.*)",0,4},
+ TestItem{"/home/us_er/pippo/info-01.txt", r"(/?[-\w_]+)*\.txt$",0,29}
+ // negative
+ TestItem{"zthis ciao",r"((t[hieo]+se?)\s*)+",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"this is a good.",r"thes",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"test1post.pip.com, pera",r"[\w]+@([\w]+\.)+\w+",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"this cpapaz adce",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s[\a]+){2}",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"this cpapaz adce aabe third",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s[\a]+){2}$",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"1234this cpapaz adce aabe ter",r"(c(pa)+z)(\s[\a]+){2}$",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"cpapaz ole. pipipo,",r"^.*c.+ol?e.*p([ip])+o$",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"/home/us_er/pippo/info-01.jpeg", r"(/?[-\w_]+)*\.txt$",-1,0}
+ // check unicode
+ TestItem{"this is a Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ test",r".*a [Ⅰ-Ⅵ ]+",0,34},
+ TestItem{"123Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ test",r"[Ⅰ-Ⅴ\s]+",3,23},
+ // new edge cases
+ TestItem{"12345678", r"[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"12345678", r"[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]",0,8},
+ TestItem{"123456789", r"^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$",0,9}
+ TestItem{"12345678", r"^\d{8}$",0,8},
+ TestItem{"12345678", r"^\d{7}$",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"12345678", r"^\d{9}$",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"eth", r"(oth)|(eth)",0,3},
+ TestItem{"et", r"(oth)|(eth)",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"et", r".*(oth)|(eth)",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"peoth", r".*(ith)|(eth)",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"poth", r"(eth)|(oth)",1,4},
+ TestItem{"poth", r"(oth)|(eth)",1,4},
+ TestItem{"poth", r".(oth)|(eth)$",0,4},
+ TestItem{"poth", r"^.(oth)|(eth)$",0,4},
+ TestItem{"poth", r"^\w+$",0,4},
+ // test dot_char
+ TestItem{"8-11 l: qllllqllklhlvtl", r"^(\d+)-(\d+) ([a-z]): (.*)$",0,23},
+ TestItem{"accccb deer", r"^a(.*)b d(.+)r",0,11},
+ TestItem{"accccb deer", r"^a(.*)b d(.+)",0,11},
+ TestItem{"accccb deer", r"^(.*)$",0,11},
+ TestItem{"accccb deer", r"^a(.*)b d(.+)p",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"##.#....#.##.####...#.##", r".{18}[.#]",0,19},
+ TestItem{"#.#......##.#..#..##........##....###...##...######.......#.....#..#......#...#........###.#..#.", r'.*#[.#]{4}##[.#]{4}##[.#]{4}###',0,49},
+ // test bcksls chars
+ TestItem{"[ an s. s! ]( wi4ki:something )", r"\[.*\]\( *(\w*:*\w+) *\)",0,31},
+ TestItem{"[ an s. s! ](wiki:something)", r"\[.*\]\( *(\w*:*\w+) *\)",0,28},
+ // Crazywulf tests (?:^|[()])(\d+)(*)(\d+)(?:$|[()])
+ TestItem{"1*1", r"(\d+)([*])(\d+)",0,3},
+ TestItem{"+1*1", r"^(\d+)([*])(\d+)",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"*1*1", r"(?:^|[*])(\d+)([*])(\d+)",0,4},
+ TestItem{"*1*1", r"(?:^|[*()])(\d+)([*])(\d+)",0,4},
+ TestItem{")1*1", r"(?:^|[*()])(\d+)([*])(\d+)",0,4},
+ TestItem{"(1*1", r"(?:^|[*()])(\d+)([*])(\d+)",0,4},
+ TestItem{"*1*1(", r"(?:^|[*()])(\d+)([*])(\d+)(?:$|[*()])",0,5},
+ TestItem{" 1*1(", r"(?:^|[*()])(\d+)([*])(\d+)(?:$|[*()])",-1,0},
+ TestItem{"1*1 ", r"(?:^|[*()])(\d+)([*])(\d+)(?:$|[*()])",-1,0},
+ // particular groups
+ TestItem{"ababababac", r"ab(.*)(ac)",0,10},
+struct TestItemRe {
+ src string
+ q string
+ rep string
+ r string
+const (
+match_test_suite_replace = [
+ // replace tests
+ TestItemRe{
+ "oggi pibao è andato a casa di pbababao ed ha trovato pibabababao",
+ r"(pi?(ba)+o)",
+ "CIAO",
+ "oggi CIAO è andato a casa di CIAO ed ha trovato CIAO"
+ },
+ TestItemRe{
+ "Today is a good day and tomorrow will be for sure.",
+ r"[Tt]o\w+",
+ "CIAO",
+ "CIAO is a good day and CIAO will be for sure."
+ },
+ TestItemRe{
+ "Today is a good day and tomorrow will be for sure.",
+ r"(a\w) ",
+ r"[\0] ",
+ "Tod[ay] is a good d[ay] and tomorrow will be for sure."
+ },
+ TestItemRe{
+ "Today is a good day and tomorrow will be for sure.",
+ r"(a\w) ",
+ r"[\0_\0] ",
+ "Tod[ay_ay] is a good d[ay_ay] and tomorrow will be for sure."
+ },
+ TestItemRe{
+ "Today is a good day and tomorrow will be for sure.",
+ r"(a\w) ",
+ r"[\0\1] ",
+ "Tod[ay] is a good d[ay] and tomorrow will be for sure."
+ },
+match_test_suite_replace_simple = [
+ // replace tests
+ TestItemRe{
+ "oggi pibao è andato a casa di pbababao ed ha trovato pibabababao",
+ r"(pi?(ba)+o)",
+ "CIAO",
+ "oggi CIAO è andato a casa di CIAO ed ha trovato CIAO"
+ },
+ TestItemRe{
+ "Today is a good day and tomorrow will be for sure.",
+ r"[Tt]o\w+",
+ "CIAO",
+ "CIAO is a good day and CIAO will be for sure."
+ },
+struct TestItemCGroup {
+ src string
+ q string
+ s int
+ e int
+ cg []int // [number of items (3*# item), id_group_0, start_0, end_0, id_group_1, start1, start2,... ]
+ cgn map[string]int
+const (
+cgroups_test_suite = [
+ TestItemCGroup{
+ "http://www.ciao.mondo/hello/pippo12_/pera.html",
+ r"(?P<format>https?)|(?:ftps?)://(?P<token>[\w_]+[\.|/])+",0,42,
+ [7, 0, 0, 4, 1, 7, 11, 1, 11, 16, 1, 16, 22, 1, 22, 28, 1, 28, 37, 1, 37, 42],
+ {'format':int(0),'token':1}
+ },
+ TestItemCGroup{
+ "http://www.ciao.mondo/hello/pippo12_/pera.html",
+ r"(?P<format>https?)|(?P<format>ftps?)://(?P<token>[\w_]+.)+",0,46,
+ [8, 0, 0, 4, 1, 7, 11, 1, 11, 16, 1, 16, 22, 1, 22, 28, 1, 28, 37, 1, 37, 42, 1, 42, 46]
+ //[8, 0, 0, 4, 1, 7, 10, 1, 11, 15, 1, 16, 21, 1, 22, 27, 1, 28, 36, 1, 37, 41, 1, 42, 46],
+ {'format':int(0),'token':1}
+ },
+ TestItemCGroup{
+ "http://www.ciao.mondo/hello/pippo12_/pera.html",
+ r"(?P<format>https?)|(?P<format>ftps?)://([\w_]+\.)+",0,16,
+ [3, 0, 0, 4, 1, 7, 11, 1, 11, 16],
+ {'format':int(0)}
+ },
+ TestItemCGroup{
+ "acc +13 pippo",
+ r"(\w+)\s(.)([0-9]+) \w+",0,13,
+ [0, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7],
+ map[string]int{}
+ },
+ TestItemCGroup{
+ "acc +13",
+ r"(\w+)\s(.)([0-9]+)",0,7,
+ [0, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7],
+ map[string]int{}
+ },
+ TestItemCGroup{
+ "ababababac",
+ r"ab(.*)(ac)",0,10,
+ [2, 8, 8, 10],
+ map[string]int{}
+ },
+struct Test_find_all {
+ src string
+ q string
+ res []int // [0,4,5,6...]
+ res_str []string // ['find0','find1'...]
+const (
+find_all_test_suite = [
+ Test_find_all{
+ "abcd 1234 efgh 1234 ghkl1234 ab34546df",
+ r"\d+",
+ [5, 9, 15, 19, 24, 28, 31, 36],
+ ['1234', '1234', '1234', '34546']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "abcd 1234 efgh 1234 ghkl1234 ab34546df",
+ r"\a+",
+ [0, 4, 10, 14, 20, 24, 29, 31, 36, 38],
+ ['abcd', 'efgh', 'ghkl', 'ab', 'df']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "oggi pippo è andato a casa di pluto ed ha trovato pippo",
+ r"p[iplut]+o",
+ [5, 10, 31, 36, 51, 56],
+ ['pippo', 'pluto', 'pippo']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "oggi pibao è andato a casa di pbababao ed ha trovato pibabababao",
+ r"(pi?(ba)+o)",
+ [5, 10, 31, 39, 54, 65],
+ ['pibao', 'pbababao', 'pibabababao']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "Today is a good day and tomorrow will be for sure.",
+ r"[Tt]o\w+",
+ [0, 5, 24, 32],
+ ['Today', 'tomorrow']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "pera\nurl = https://github.com/dario/pig.html\npippo",
+ r"url *= *https?://[\w./]+",
+ [5, 44],
+ ['url = https://github.com/dario/pig.html']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "pera\nurl = https://github.com/dario/pig.html\npippo",
+ r"url *= *https?://.*"+'\n',
+ [5, 45],
+ ['url = https://github.com/dario/pig.html\n']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "#.#......##.#..#..##........##....###...##...######.......#.....#..#......#...#........###.#..#.",
+ r"#[.#]{4}##[.#]{4}##[.#]{4}###",
+ [29, 49],
+ ['#....###...##...####']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "#.#......##.#..#..##........##....###...##...######.......#.....#..#......#...#........###.#..#.",
+ r".*#[.#]{4}##[.#]{4}##[.#]{4}###",
+ [0, 49],
+ ['#.#......##.#..#..##........##....###...##...####']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "1234 Aa dddd Aaf 12334 Aa opopo Aaf",
+ r"Aa.+Aaf",
+ [5, 16, 23, 35],
+ ['Aa dddd Aaf', 'Aa opopo Aaf']
+ },
+ Test_find_all{
+ "@for something @endfor @for something else @endfor altro testo @for body @endfor uno due @for senza dire più @endfor pippo",
+ r"@for.+@endfor",
+ [0, 22, 23, 50, 63, 80, 89, 117],
+ ['@for something @endfor', '@for something else @endfor', '@for body @endfor', '@for senza dire più @endfor']
+ }
+const (
+ debug = true // true for debug println
+fn test_regex(){
+ // check capturing groups
+ for c,to in cgroups_test_suite {
+ // debug print
+ if debug {
+ println("$c [${to.src}] [q${to.q}] (${to.s}, ${to.e})")
+ }
+ mut re := regex.regex_opt(to.q) or {
+ eprintln('err: $err')
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ if to.cgn.len > 0 {
+ re.group_csave_flag = true
+ //re.group_csave = [-1].repeat(3*20+1)
+ if debug { println("continuous save")}
+ } else {
+ if debug { println("NO continuous save")}
+ }
+ start, end := re.match_string(to.src)
+ mut tmp_str := ""
+ if start >= 0 && end > start{
+ tmp_str = to.src[start..end]
+ }
+ if start != to.s || end != to.e {
+ //println("#$c [$to.src] q[$to.q] res[$tmp_str] $start, $end")
+ eprintln("ERROR!")
+ //C.printf("ERROR!! res:(%d, %d) refh:(%d, %d)\n",start, end, to.s, to.e)
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ // check cgroups
+ if to.cgn.len > 0 {
+ if re.group_csave.len == 0 || re.group_csave[0] != to.cg[0] {
+ eprintln("Capturing group len error! found: ${re.group_csave[0]} true ground: ${to.cg[0]}")
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ // check captured groups
+ mut ln := re.group_csave[0]*3
+ for ln > 0 {
+ if re.group_csave[ln] != to.cg[ln] {
+ eprintln("Capturing group failed on $ln item!")
+ assert false
+ }
+ ln--
+ }
+ // check named captured groups
+ for k in to.cgn.keys() {
+ if to.cgn[k] != (re.group_map[k]-1) { // we have -1 because the map not found is 0, in groups we start from 0 and we store using +1
+ eprintln("Named capturing group error! [$k]")
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // check normal captured groups
+ if re.groups.len != to.cg.len {
+ assert false
+ }
+ for ln:=0; ln < re.groups.len; ln++ {
+ if re.groups[ln] != to.cg[ln] {
+ eprintln("Capture group doesn't match:")
+ eprintln("true ground: [${to.cg}]")
+ eprintln("elaborated : [${re.groups}]")
+ assert false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // check find_all
+ for c,to in find_all_test_suite {
+ // debug print
+ if debug { println("#$c [$to.src] q[$to.q] ($to.res, $to.res_str)") }
+ mut re := regex.regex_opt(to.q) or {
+ eprintln('err: $err')
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ re.reset()
+ res := re.find_all(to.src)
+ if res != to.res {
+ eprintln('err: find_all !!')
+ if debug { println("#$c exp: $to.res calculated: $res") }
+ assert false
+ }
+ res_str := re.find_all_str(to.src)
+ if res_str != to.res_str {
+ eprintln('err: find_all_str !!')
+ if debug { println("#$c exp: $to.res_str calculated: $res_str") }
+ assert false
+ }
+ }
+ // check replace
+ for c,to in match_test_suite_replace{
+ // debug print
+ if debug { println("#$c [$to.src] q[$to.q] $to.r") }
+ mut re := regex.regex_opt(to.q) or {
+ eprintln('err: $err')
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ res := re.replace(to.src,to.rep)
+ if res != to.r {
+ eprintln("ERROR: replace.")
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ // check replace simple
+ for c,to in match_test_suite_replace_simple{
+ // debug print
+ if debug { println("#$c [$to.src] q[$to.q] $to.r") }
+ mut re := regex.regex_opt(to.q) or {
+ eprintln('err: $err')
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ res := re.replace_simple(to.src,to.rep)
+ if res != to.r {
+ eprintln("ERROR: replace.")
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ // check match and find
+ for c,to in match_test_suite {
+ // debug print
+ if debug { println("#$c [$to.src] q[$to.q] $to.s $to.e") }
+ // test the find
+ if to.s > 0 {
+ mut re := regex.regex_opt(to.q) or {
+ eprintln('err: $err')
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ // q_str := re.get_query()
+ // eprintln("Query: $q_str")
+ start,end := re.find(to.src)
+ if start != to.s || end != to.e {
+ err_str := re.get_parse_error_string(start)
+ eprintln("ERROR : $err_str start: ${start} end: ${end}")
+ assert false
+ } else {
+ //tmp_str := text[start..end]
+ //println("found in [$start, $end] => [$tmp_str]")
+ assert true
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ // test the match
+ mut re := regex.new()
+ //re.debug = true
+ re.compile_opt(to.q) or {
+ eprintln('err: $err')
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ //println("#$c [$to.src] q[$to.q]")
+ start, end := re.match_string(to.src)
+ mut tmp_str := ""
+ if start >= 0 && end > start{
+ tmp_str = to.src[start..end]
+ }
+ if start != to.s || end != to.e {
+ eprintln("#$c [$to.src] q[$to.q] res[$tmp_str] $start, $end")
+ eprintln("ERROR!")
+ //C.printf("ERROR!! res:(%d, %d) refh:(%d, %d)\n",start, end, to.s, to.e)
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ // rerun to test consistency
+ tmp_str1 := to.src.clone()
+ start1, end1 := re.match_string(tmp_str1)
+ if start1 != start || end1 != end {
+ eprintln("two run ERROR!!")
+ assert false
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ if debug { println("DONE!") }
+// test regex_base function
+fn test_regex_func(){
+ query := r"\d\dabcd"
+ test_str := "78abcd"
+ mut re, re_err, err_pos := regex.regex_base(query)
+ if re_err == regex.compile_ok {
+ start, end := re.match_string(test_str)
+ assert (start == 0) && (end == 6)
+ } else {
+ eprintln("Error in query string in pos ${err_pos}")
+ eprintln("Error: ${re.get_parse_error_string(re_err)}")
+ assert false
+ }
+fn my_repl(re regex.RE, in_txt string, start int, end int) string {
+ s0 := re.get_group_by_id(in_txt,0)[0..1] + "X"
+ s1 := re.get_group_by_id(in_txt,1)[0..1] + "X"
+ s2 := re.get_group_by_id(in_txt,2)[0..1] + "X"
+ return "${s0}${s1}${s2}"
+// test regex replace function
+fn test_regex_func_replace(){
+ filler := "E il primo dei tre regni dell'Oltretomba cristiano visitato da Dante nel corso del viaggio, con la guida di Virgilio."
+ txt := r'"content": "They dont necessarily flag "you will be buying these shares on margin!"", "channel_id"'
+ query := r'"(content":\s+")(.*)(, "channel_id")'
+ mut re := regex.regex_opt(query) or { panic(err) }
+ mut txt1 := ""
+ mut txt2 := ""
+ for _ in 0..3 {
+ rnd := int(10+rand.u32() % 20)
+ txt1 += txt + filler[0..rnd] + "\n"
+ txt2 += "cXTX,X" + filler[0..rnd] + "\n"
+ }
+ result := re.replace_by_fn(txt1, my_repl)
+ if debug {
+ eprintln(result)
+ eprintln(txt2)
+ }
+ assert result == txt2
+} \ No newline at end of file