path: root/v_windows/v/vlib/x/ttf/render_bmp.v
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'v_windows/v/vlib/x/ttf/render_bmp.v')
1 files changed, 825 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/v_windows/v/vlib/x/ttf/render_bmp.v b/v_windows/v/vlib/x/ttf/render_bmp.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0cf6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v_windows/v/vlib/x/ttf/render_bmp.v
@@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
+module ttf
+* BMP render module utility functions
+* Copyright (c) 2021 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved.
+* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
+* that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+* Note:
+* TODO:
+* - manage text directions R to L
+import encoding.utf8
+import math
+import math.mathutil as mu
+pub struct BitMap {
+pub mut:
+ tf &TTF_File
+ buf &byte = 0 // pointer to the memory buffer
+ buf_size int // allocated buf size in bytes
+ width int = 1 // width of the buffer
+ height int = 1 // height of the buffer
+ bp int = 4 // byte per pixel of the buffer
+ bg_color u32 = 0xFFFFFF_00 // background RGBA format
+ color u32 = 0x000000_FF // RGBA format
+ scale f32 = 1.0 // internal usage!!
+ scale_x f32 = 1.0 // X scale of the single glyph
+ scale_y f32 = 1.0 // Y scale of the single glyph
+ angle f32 = 0.0 // angle of rotation of the bitmap
+ // spaces
+ space_cw f32 = 1.0 // width of the space glyph internal usage!!
+ space_mult f32 = f32(0.0) // 1.0/16.0 // space between letter, is a multiplier for a standrd space ax
+ // used only by internal text rendering!!
+ tr_matrix []f32 = [f32(1), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] // transformation matrix
+ ch_matrix []f32 = [f32(1), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] // character matrix
+ style Style = .filled // default syle
+ align Text_align = .left // default text align
+ justify bool // justify text flag, default deactivated
+ justify_fill_ratio f32 = 0.5 // justify fill ratio, if the ratio of the filled row is >= of this then justify the text
+ filler [][]int // filler buffer for the renderer
+ // flag to force font embedded metrics
+ use_font_metrics bool
+* Utility
+// clear clear the bitmap with 0 bytes
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) clear() {
+ mut sz := bmp.width * bmp.height * bmp.bp
+ unsafe {
+ C.memset(bmp.buf, 0x00, sz)
+ }
+// transform matrix applied to the text
+fn (bmp &BitMap) trf_txt(p &Point) (int, int) {
+ return int(p.x * bmp.tr_matrix[0] + p.y * bmp.tr_matrix[3] + bmp.tr_matrix[6]), int(
+ p.x * bmp.tr_matrix[1] + p.y * bmp.tr_matrix[4] + bmp.tr_matrix[7])
+// transform matrix applied to the char
+fn (bmp &BitMap) trf_ch(p &Point) (int, int) {
+ return int(p.x * bmp.ch_matrix[0] + p.y * bmp.ch_matrix[3] + bmp.ch_matrix[6]), int(
+ p.x * bmp.ch_matrix[1] + p.y * bmp.ch_matrix[4] + bmp.ch_matrix[7])
+// set draw postion in the buffer
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) set_pos(x f32, y f32) {
+ bmp.tr_matrix[6] = x
+ bmp.tr_matrix[7] = y
+// set the rotation angle in radiants
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) set_rotation(a f32) {
+ bmp.tr_matrix[0] = f32(math.cos(a)) // 1
+ bmp.tr_matrix[1] = f32(-math.sin(a)) // 0
+ bmp.tr_matrix[3] = f32(math.sin(a)) // 0
+ bmp.tr_matrix[4] = f32(math.cos(a)) // 1
+* Filler functions
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) init_filler() {
+ h := bmp.height - bmp.filler.len
+ if h < 1 {
+ return
+ }
+ for _ in 0 .. h {
+ bmp.filler << []int{len: 4}
+ }
+ // dprintln("Init filler: ${bmp.filler.len} rows")
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) clear_filler() {
+ for i in 0 .. bmp.height {
+ bmp.filler[i].clear()
+ }
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) exec_filler() {
+ for y in 0 .. bmp.height {
+ if bmp.filler[y].len > 0 {
+ bmp.filler[y].sort()
+ if bmp.filler[y].len & 1 != 0 {
+ // dprintln("even line!! $y => ${bmp.filler[y]}")
+ continue
+ }
+ mut index := 0
+ for index < bmp.filler[y].len {
+ startx := bmp.filler[y][index] + 1
+ endx := bmp.filler[y][index + 1]
+ if startx >= endx {
+ index += 2
+ continue
+ }
+ for x in startx .. endx {
+ bmp.plot(x, y, bmp.color)
+ }
+ index += 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) fline(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32) {
+ mut x0 := f32(in_x0)
+ mut x1 := f32(in_x1)
+ mut y0 := f32(in_y0)
+ mut y1 := f32(in_y1)
+ mut tmp := f32(0)
+ // check bounds
+ if (in_x0 < 0 && in_x1 < 0) || (in_x0 > bmp.width && in_x1 > bmp.width) {
+ return
+ }
+ if y1 < y0 {
+ tmp = x0
+ x0 = x1
+ x1 = tmp
+ tmp = y0
+ y0 = y1
+ y1 = tmp
+ }
+ mut dx := x1 - x0
+ mut dy := y1 - y0
+ if dy == 0 {
+ if in_y0 >= 0 && in_y0 < bmp.filler.len {
+ if in_x0 <= in_x1 {
+ bmp.filler[in_y0] << in_x0
+ bmp.filler[in_y0] << in_x1
+ } else {
+ bmp.filler[in_y0] << in_x1
+ bmp.filler[in_y0] << in_x0
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ mut n := dx / dy
+ for y in 0 .. int(dy + 0.5) {
+ yd := int(y + y0)
+ x := n * y + x0
+ if x > bmp.width || yd >= bmp.filler.len {
+ break
+ }
+ if yd >= 0 && yd < bmp.filler.len {
+ bmp.filler[yd] << int(x + 0.5)
+ // bmp.plot(int(x+0.5), yd, bmp.color)
+ }
+ }
+* Draw functions
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) plot(x int, y int, c u32) bool {
+ if x < 0 || x >= bmp.width || y < 0 || y >= bmp.height {
+ return false
+ }
+ mut index := (x + y * bmp.width) * bmp.bp
+ unsafe {
+ // bmp.buf[index]=0xFF
+ bmp.buf[index] = byte(c & 0xFF) // write only the alpha
+ }
+ /*
+ for count in 0..(bmp.bp) {
+ unsafe{
+ bmp.buf[index + count] = byte((c >> (bmp.bp - count - 1) * 8) & 0x0000_00FF)
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ return true
+* smooth draw functions
+// aline draw an aliased line on the bitmap
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) aline(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32) {
+ // mut c1 := c
+ mut x0 := f32(in_x0)
+ mut x1 := f32(in_x1)
+ mut y0 := f32(in_y0)
+ mut y1 := f32(in_y1)
+ mut tmp := f32(0)
+ mut dx := x1 - x0
+ mut dy := y1 - y0
+ dist := f32(0.4)
+ if mu.abs(dx) > mu.abs(dy) {
+ if x1 < x0 {
+ tmp = x0
+ x0 = x1
+ x1 = tmp
+ tmp = y0
+ y0 = y1
+ y1 = tmp
+ }
+ dx = x1 - x0
+ dy = y1 - y0
+ x0 += 0.5
+ y0 += 0.5
+ m := dy / dx
+ mut x := x0
+ for x <= x1 + 0.5 {
+ y := m * (x - x0) + y0
+ e := 1 - mu.abs(y - 0.5 - int(y))
+ bmp.plot(int(x), int(y), color_multiply_alpha(c, e * 0.75))
+ ys1 := y + dist
+ if int(ys1) != int(y) {
+ v1 := mu.abs(ys1 - y) / dist * (1 - e)
+ bmp.plot(int(x), int(ys1), color_multiply_alpha(c, v1))
+ }
+ ys2 := y - dist
+ if int(ys2) != int(y) {
+ v2 := mu.abs(y - ys2) / dist * (1 - e)
+ bmp.plot(int(x), int(ys2), color_multiply_alpha(c, v2))
+ }
+ x += 1.0
+ }
+ } else {
+ if y1 < y0 {
+ tmp = x0
+ x0 = x1
+ x1 = tmp
+ tmp = y0
+ y0 = y1
+ y1 = tmp
+ }
+ dx = x1 - x0
+ dy = y1 - y0
+ x0 += 0.5
+ y0 += 0.5
+ n := dx / dy
+ mut y := y0
+ for y <= y1 + 0.5 {
+ x := n * (y - y0) + x0
+ e := f32(1 - mu.abs(x - 0.5 - int(x)))
+ bmp.plot(int(x), int(y), color_multiply_alpha(c, f32(e * 0.75)))
+ xs1 := x + dist
+ if int(xs1) != int(x) {
+ v1 := mu.abs(xs1 - x) / dist * (1 - e)
+ bmp.plot(int(xs1), int(y), color_multiply_alpha(c, f32(v1)))
+ }
+ xs2 := x - dist
+ if int(xs2) != int(x) {
+ v2 := mu.abs(x - xs1) / dist * (1 - e)
+ bmp.plot(int(xs2), int(y), color_multiply_alpha(c, f32(v2)))
+ }
+ y += 1.0
+ }
+ }
+* draw functions
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) line(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32) {
+ // outline with aliased borders
+ if bmp.style == .outline_aliased {
+ bmp.aline(in_x0, in_y0, in_x1, in_y1, c)
+ return
+ }
+ // filled with aliased borders
+ else if bmp.style == .filled {
+ bmp.aline(in_x0, in_y0, in_x1, in_y1, c)
+ bmp.fline(in_x0, in_y0, in_x1, in_y1, c)
+ return
+ }
+ // only the filler is drawn
+ else if bmp.style == .raw {
+ bmp.fline(in_x0, in_y0, in_x1, in_y1, c)
+ return
+ }
+ // if we are here we are drawing an outlined border
+ x0 := int(in_x0)
+ x1 := int(in_x1)
+ y0 := int(in_y0)
+ y1 := int(in_y1)
+ // dprintln("line[$x0,$y0,$x1,$y1]")
+ mut x := x0
+ mut y := y0
+ dx := mu.abs(x1 - x0)
+ sx := if x0 < x1 { 1 } else { -1 }
+ dy := -mu.abs(y1 - y0)
+ sy := if y0 < y1 { 1 } else { -1 }
+ // verical line
+ if dx == 0 {
+ if y0 < y1 {
+ for yt in y0 .. y1 + 1 {
+ bmp.plot(x0, yt, c)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ for yt in y1 .. y0 + 1 {
+ bmp.plot(x0, yt, c)
+ }
+ // horizontal line
+ return
+ } else if dy == 0 {
+ if x0 < x1 {
+ for xt in x0 .. x1 + 1 {
+ bmp.plot(xt, y0, c)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ for xt in x1 .. x0 + 1 {
+ bmp.plot(xt, y0, c)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ mut err := dx + dy // error value e_xy
+ for {
+ // bmp.plot(x, y, u32(0xFF00))
+ bmp.plot(x, y, c)
+ // dprintln("$x $y [$x0,$y0,$x1,$y1]")
+ if x == x1 && y == y1 {
+ break
+ }
+ e2 := 2 * err
+ if e2 >= dy { // e_xy+e_x > 0
+ err += dy
+ x += sx
+ }
+ if e2 <= dx { // e_xy+e_y < 0
+ err += dx
+ y += sy
+ }
+ }
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) box(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, c u32) {
+ bmp.line(in_x0, in_y0, in_x1, in_y0, c)
+ bmp.line(in_x1, in_y0, in_x1, in_y1, c)
+ bmp.line(in_x0, in_y1, in_x1, in_y1, c)
+ bmp.line(in_x0, in_y0, in_x0, in_y1, c)
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) quadratic(in_x0 int, in_y0 int, in_x1 int, in_y1 int, in_cx int, in_cy int, c u32) {
+ /*
+ x0 := int(in_x0 * bmp.scale)
+ x1 := int(in_x1 * bmp.scale)
+ y0 := int(in_y0 * bmp.scale)
+ y1 := int(in_y1 * bmp.scale)
+ cx := int(in_cx * bmp.scale)
+ cy := int(in_cy * bmp.scale)
+ */
+ x0 := int(in_x0)
+ x1 := int(in_x1)
+ y0 := int(in_y0)
+ y1 := int(in_y1)
+ cx := int(in_cx)
+ cy := int(in_cy)
+ mut division := f64(1.0)
+ dx := mu.abs(x0 - x1)
+ dy := mu.abs(y0 - y1)
+ // if few pixel draw a simple line
+ // if dx == 0 && dy == 0 {
+ if dx <= 2 || dy <= 2 {
+ // bmp.plot(x0, y0, c)
+ bmp.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, c)
+ return
+ }
+ division = 1.0 / (f64(if dx > dy { dx } else { dy }))
+ // division = 0.1 // 10 division
+ // division = 0.25 // 4 division
+ // dprintln("div: $division")
+ /*
+ ----- Bezier quadratic form -----
+ t = 0.5; // given example value, half length of the curve
+ x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * p[0].x + 2 * (1 - t) * t * p[1].x + t * t * p[2].x;
+ y = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * p[0].y + 2 * (1 - t) * t * p[1].y + t * t * p[2].y;
+ ---------------------------------
+ */
+ mut x_old := x0
+ mut y_old := y0
+ mut t := 0.0
+ for t <= (1.0 + division / 2.0) {
+ s := 1.0 - t
+ x := s * s * x0 + 2.0 * s * t * cx + t * t * x1
+ y := s * s * y0 + 2.0 * s * t * cy + t * t * y1
+ xi := int(x + 0.5)
+ yi := int(y + 0.5)
+ // bmp.plot(xi, yi, c)
+ bmp.line(x_old, y_old, xi, yi, c)
+ x_old = xi
+ y_old = yi
+ t += division
+ }
+* TTF Query functions
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) get_chars_bbox(in_string string) []int {
+ mut res := []int{}
+ mut w := 0
+ mut space_cw, _ := bmp.tf.get_horizontal_metrics(u16(` `))
+ div_space_cw := int((f32(space_cw) * bmp.space_mult) * bmp.scale)
+ space_cw = int(space_cw * bmp.scale)
+ bmp.tf.reset_kern()
+ mut i := 0
+ for i < in_string.len {
+ mut char := u16(in_string[i])
+ // draw the space
+ if int(char) == 32 {
+ w += int(space_cw * bmp.space_cw)
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ // manage unicode chars like latin greek etc
+ c_len := ((0xe5000000 >> ((char >> 3) & 0x1e)) & 3) + 1
+ if c_len > 1 {
+ tmp_char := utf8.get_uchar(in_string, i)
+ // dprintln("tmp_char: ${tmp_char.hex()}")
+ char = u16(tmp_char)
+ }
+ c_index := bmp.tf.map_code(int(char))
+ // Glyph not found
+ if c_index == 0 {
+ w += int(space_cw * bmp.space_cw)
+ i += c_len
+ continue
+ }
+ ax, ay := bmp.tf.next_kern(c_index)
+ // dprintln("char_index: $c_index ax: $ax ay: $ay")
+ // cw, lsb := bmp.tf.get_horizontal_metrics(u16(char))
+ // dprintln("metrics: [${u16(char):c}] cw:$cw lsb:$lsb")
+ //----- Calc Glyph transformations -----
+ mut x0 := w + int(ax * bmp.scale)
+ mut y0 := 0 + int(ay * bmp.scale)
+ p := Point{x0, y0, false}
+ x1, y1 := bmp.trf_txt(p)
+ // init ch_matrix
+ bmp.ch_matrix[0] = bmp.tr_matrix[0] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[1] = bmp.tr_matrix[1] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[3] = bmp.tr_matrix[3] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[4] = bmp.tr_matrix[4] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[6] = int(x1)
+ bmp.ch_matrix[7] = int(y1)
+ // x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max := bmp.tf.read_glyph_dim(c_index)
+ x_min, x_max, _, _ := bmp.tf.read_glyph_dim(c_index)
+ //-----------------
+ width := int((mu.abs(x_max + x_min) + ax) * bmp.scale)
+ // width := int((cw+ax) * bmp.scale)
+ w += width + div_space_cw
+ h := int(mu.abs(int(bmp.tf.y_max - bmp.tf.y_min)) * bmp.scale)
+ res << w
+ res << h
+ i += c_len
+ }
+ return res
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) get_bbox(in_string string) (int, int) {
+ mut w := 0
+ mut space_cw, _ := bmp.tf.get_horizontal_metrics(u16(` `))
+ div_space_cw := int((f32(space_cw) * bmp.space_mult) * bmp.scale)
+ space_cw = int(space_cw * bmp.scale)
+ bmp.tf.reset_kern()
+ mut i := 0
+ for i < in_string.len {
+ mut char := u16(in_string[i])
+ // draw the space
+ if int(char) == 32 {
+ w += int(space_cw * bmp.space_cw)
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ // manage unicode chars like latin greek etc
+ c_len := ((0xe5000000 >> ((char >> 3) & 0x1e)) & 3) + 1
+ if c_len > 1 {
+ tmp_char := utf8.get_uchar(in_string, i)
+ // dprintln("tmp_char: ${tmp_char.hex()}")
+ char = u16(tmp_char)
+ }
+ c_index := bmp.tf.map_code(int(char))
+ // Glyph not found
+ if c_index == 0 {
+ w += int(space_cw * bmp.space_cw)
+ i += c_len
+ continue
+ }
+ ax, ay := bmp.tf.next_kern(c_index)
+ // dprintln("char_index: $c_index ax: $ax ay: $ay")
+ // cw, lsb := bmp.tf.get_horizontal_metrics(u16(char))
+ // dprintln("metrics: [${u16(char):c}] cw:$cw lsb:$lsb")
+ //----- Calc Glyph transformations -----
+ mut x0 := w + int(ax * bmp.scale)
+ mut y0 := 0 + int(ay * bmp.scale)
+ p := Point{x0, y0, false}
+ x1, y1 := bmp.trf_txt(p)
+ // init ch_matrix
+ bmp.ch_matrix[0] = bmp.tr_matrix[0] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[1] = bmp.tr_matrix[1] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[3] = bmp.tr_matrix[3] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[4] = bmp.tr_matrix[4] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[6] = int(x1)
+ bmp.ch_matrix[7] = int(y1)
+ x_min, x_max, _, _ := bmp.tf.read_glyph_dim(c_index)
+ // x_min := 1
+ // x_max := 2
+ //-----------------
+ width := int((mu.abs(x_max + x_min) + ax) * bmp.scale)
+ // width := int((cw+ax) * bmp.scale)
+ w += width + div_space_cw
+ i += c_len
+ }
+ // dprintln("y_min: $bmp.tf.y_min y_max: $bmp.tf.y_max res: ${int((bmp.tf.y_max - bmp.tf.y_min)*buf.scale)} width: ${int( (cw) * buf.scale)}")
+ // buf.box(0,y_base - int((bmp.tf.y_min)*buf.scale), int( (x_max) * buf.scale), y_base-int((bmp.tf.y_max)*buf.scale), u32(0xFF00_0000) )
+ return w, int(mu.abs(int(bmp.tf.y_max - bmp.tf.y_min)) * bmp.scale)
+* TTF draw glyph
+fn (mut bmp BitMap) draw_notdef_glyph(in_x int, in_w int) {
+ mut p := Point{in_x, 0, false}
+ x1, y1 := bmp.trf_txt(p)
+ // init ch_matrix
+ bmp.ch_matrix[0] = bmp.tr_matrix[0] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[1] = bmp.tr_matrix[1] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[3] = bmp.tr_matrix[3] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[4] = bmp.tr_matrix[4] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[6] = int(x1)
+ bmp.ch_matrix[7] = int(y1)
+ x, y := bmp.trf_ch(p)
+ y_h := mu.abs(bmp.tf.y_max - bmp.tf.y_min) * bmp.scale * 0.5
+ bmp.box(int(x), int(y), int(x - in_w), int(y - y_h), bmp.color)
+ bmp.line(int(x), int(y), int(x - in_w), int(y - y_h), bmp.color)
+ bmp.line(int(x - in_w), int(y), int(x), int(y - y_h), bmp.color)
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) draw_text(in_string string) (int, int) {
+ mut w := 0
+ mut space_cw, _ := bmp.tf.get_horizontal_metrics(u16(` `))
+ div_space_cw := int((f32(space_cw) * bmp.space_mult) * bmp.scale)
+ space_cw = int(space_cw * bmp.scale)
+ bmp.tf.reset_kern()
+ mut i := 0
+ for i < in_string.len {
+ mut char := u16(in_string[i])
+ // draw the space
+ if int(char) == 32 {
+ w += int(space_cw * bmp.space_cw)
+ i++
+ continue
+ }
+ // manage unicode chars like latin greek etc
+ c_len := ((0xe5000000 >> ((char >> 3) & 0x1e)) & 3) + 1
+ if c_len > 1 {
+ tmp_char := utf8.get_uchar(in_string, i)
+ // dprintln("tmp_char: ${tmp_char.hex()}")
+ char = u16(tmp_char)
+ }
+ c_index := bmp.tf.map_code(int(char))
+ // Glyph not found
+ if c_index == 0 {
+ bmp.draw_notdef_glyph(w, int(space_cw * bmp.space_cw))
+ w += int(space_cw * bmp.space_cw)
+ i += c_len
+ continue
+ }
+ ax, ay := bmp.tf.next_kern(c_index)
+ // dprintln("char_index: $c_index ax: $ax ay: $ay")
+ cw, _ := bmp.tf.get_horizontal_metrics(u16(char))
+ // cw, lsb := bmp.tf.get_horizontal_metrics(u16(char))
+ // dprintln("metrics: [${u16(char):c}] cw:$cw lsb:$lsb")
+ //----- Draw_Glyph transformations -----
+ mut x0 := w + int(ax * bmp.scale)
+ mut y0 := 0 + int(ay * bmp.scale)
+ p := Point{x0, y0, false}
+ x1, y1 := bmp.trf_txt(p)
+ // init ch_matrix
+ bmp.ch_matrix[0] = bmp.tr_matrix[0] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[1] = bmp.tr_matrix[1] * bmp.scale * bmp.scale_x
+ bmp.ch_matrix[3] = bmp.tr_matrix[3] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[4] = bmp.tr_matrix[4] * -bmp.scale * bmp.scale_y
+ bmp.ch_matrix[6] = int(x1)
+ bmp.ch_matrix[7] = int(y1)
+ x_min, x_max := bmp.draw_glyph(c_index)
+ // x_min := 1
+ // x_max := 2
+ //-----------------
+ mut width := int((mu.abs(x_max + x_min) + ax) * bmp.scale)
+ if bmp.use_font_metrics {
+ width = int((cw + ax) * bmp.scale)
+ }
+ w += width + div_space_cw
+ i += c_len
+ }
+ // dprintln("y_min: $bmp.tf.y_min y_max: $bmp.tf.y_max res: ${int((bmp.tf.y_max - bmp.tf.y_min)*buf.scale)} width: ${int( (cw) * buf.scale)}")
+ // buf.box(0,y_base - int((bmp.tf.y_min)*buf.scale), int( (x_max) * buf.scale), y_base-int((bmp.tf.y_max)*buf.scale), u32(0xFF00_0000) )
+ return w, int(mu.abs(int(bmp.tf.y_max - bmp.tf.y_min)) * bmp.scale)
+pub fn (mut bmp BitMap) draw_glyph(index u16) (int, int) {
+ glyph := bmp.tf.read_glyph(index)
+ if !glyph.valid_glyph {
+ return 0, 0
+ }
+ if bmp.style == .filled || bmp.style == .raw {
+ bmp.clear_filler()
+ }
+ mut s := 0 // status
+ mut c := 0 // contours count
+ mut contour_start := 0
+ mut x0 := 0
+ mut y0 := 0
+ color := bmp.color // u32(0xFFFF_FF00) // RGBA white
+ // color1 := u32(0xFF00_0000) // RGBA red
+ // color2 := u32(0x00FF_0000) // RGBA green
+ mut sp_x := 0
+ mut sp_y := 0
+ mut point := Point{}
+ for count, point_raw in glyph.points {
+ // dprintln("count: $count, state: $s pl:$glyph.points.len")
+ point.x = point_raw.x
+ point.y = point_raw.y
+ point.x, point.y = bmp.trf_ch(point)
+ point.on_curve = point_raw.on_curve
+ if s == 0 {
+ x0 = point.x
+ y0 = point.y
+ sp_x = x0
+ sp_y = y0
+ s = 1 // next state
+ continue
+ } else if s == 1 {
+ if point.on_curve {
+ bmp.line(x0, y0, point.x, point.y, color)
+ // bmp.aline(x0, y0, point.x, point.y, u32(0xFFFF0000))
+ x0 = point.x
+ y0 = point.y
+ } else {
+ s = 2
+ }
+ } else {
+ // dprintln("s==2")
+ mut prev := glyph.points[count - 1]
+ prev.x, prev.y = bmp.trf_ch(prev)
+ if point.on_curve {
+ // dprintln("HERE1")
+ // ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,point.x + x, point.y + y);
+ // bmp.line(x0, y0, point.x + in_x, point.y + in_y, color1)
+ // bmp.quadratic(x0, y0, point.x + in_x, point.y + in_y, prev.x + in_x, prev.y + in_y, u32(0xa0a00000))
+ bmp.quadratic(x0, y0, point.x, point.y, prev.x, prev.y, color)
+ x0 = point.x
+ y0 = point.y
+ s = 1
+ } else {
+ // dprintln("HERE2")
+ // ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,
+ // (prev.x + point.x) / 2 + x,
+ // (prev.y + point.y) / 2 + y);
+ // bmp.line(x0, y0, (prev.x + point.x)/2, (prev.y + point.y)/2, color2)
+ // bmp.quadratic(x0, y0, (prev.x + point.x)/2, (prev.y + point.y)/2, prev.x, prev.y, color2)
+ bmp.quadratic(x0, y0, (prev.x + point.x) / 2, (prev.y + point.y) / 2,
+ prev.x, prev.y, color)
+ x0 = (prev.x + point.x) / 2
+ y0 = (prev.y + point.y) / 2
+ }
+ }
+ if count == glyph.contour_ends[c] {
+ // dprintln("count == glyph.contour_ends[count]")
+ if s == 2 { // final point was off-curve. connect to start
+ mut start_point := glyph.points[contour_start]
+ start_point.x, start_point.y = bmp.trf_ch(start_point)
+ if point.on_curve {
+ // ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,
+ // point.x + x, point.y + y);
+ // bmp.line(x0, y0, start_point.x + in_x, start_point.y + in_y, u32(0x00FF0000))
+ // start_point.x + in_x, start_point.y + in_y, u32(0xFF00FF00))
+ bmp.quadratic(x0, y0, start_point.x, start_point.y, start_point.x,
+ start_point.y, color)
+ } else {
+ // ctx.quadraticCurveTo(prev.x + x, prev.y + y,
+ // (prev.x + point.x) / 2 + x,
+ // (prev.y + point.y) / 2 + y);
+ // bmp.line(x0, y0, start_point.x, start_point.y, u32(0x00FF0000)
+ // u32(0xFF000000))
+ bmp.quadratic(x0, y0, start_point.x, start_point.y, (point.x + start_point.x) / 2,
+ (point.y + start_point.y) / 2, color)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // last point not in a curve
+ // bmp.line(point.x, point.y, sp_x, sp_y, u32(0x00FF0000))
+ bmp.line(point.x, point.y, sp_x, sp_y, color)
+ }
+ contour_start = count + 1
+ s = 0
+ c++
+ }
+ }
+ if bmp.style == .filled || bmp.style == .raw {
+ bmp.exec_filler()
+ }
+ x_min := glyph.x_min
+ x_max := glyph.x_max
+ return x_min, x_max
+ // return glyph.x_min, glyph.x_max