path: root/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io
diff options
authorIndrajith2024-07-03 02:03:35 +0530
committerIndrajith2024-07-03 02:03:35 +0530
commit824022cd1f633c70c4d2782934251616756f4668 (patch)
treea310eb4bf72b26c2d110838b8c487daaa3537bea /.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io
parent57eb70137b5bbcdabdc0f02eea5477b3e5f845a1 (diff)
Dots Updated
* Adds GTK Themes * Adds wlogout * Adds tmux config * Adds Pywal-16-colors * Removed unwanted gtk folders * Config Updates * Fish * Hyprland * Hyprlock * Hyprpaper * waybar
Diffstat (limited to '.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io')
5 files changed, 7 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/16/stock_network-printer.svg b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/16/stock_network-printer.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5cb46750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/16/stock_network-printer.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="isolation:isolate" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
+ <path fill="#F7F7F7" d="M 3 0.5 L 3 4.525 C 2.25 4.543 1.589 4.594 1.063 4.885 C 0.686 5.092 0.389 5.444 0.225 5.883 C 0.06 6.321 0 6.842 0 7.5 L 0 10.5 C 0 11.158 0.06 11.679 0.225 12.117 C 0.389 12.556 0.686 12.908 1.063 13.115 C 1.815 13.531 2.736 13.485 3.994 13.5 L 3.998 13.5 L 7 13.5 L 7 14.5 L 2 14.5 L 2 15.5 L 14 15.5 L 14 14.5 L 9 14.5 L 9 13.5 L 12.002 13.5 L 12.006 13.5 C 13.264 13.486 14.185 13.531 14.938 13.115 C 15.314 12.908 15.611 12.556 15.775 12.117 C 15.94 11.679 16 11.158 16 10.5 L 16 7.5 C 16 6.842 15.94 6.321 15.775 5.883 C 15.611 5.444 15.314 5.092 14.938 4.885 C 14.411 4.594 13.75 4.543 13 4.525 L 13 0.5 L 3 0.5 Z M 4 1.5 L 12 1.5 L 12 4.5 L 4 4.5 L 4 1.5 Z M 4 5.5 L 12 5.5 C 13.259 5.515 14.087 5.56 14.453 5.762 C 14.637 5.863 14.742 5.974 14.84 6.234 C 14.937 6.494 15 6.908 15 7.5 L 15 10.5 C 15 11.092 14.937 11.506 14.84 11.766 C 14.742 12.026 14.637 12.137 14.453 12.238 C 14.087 12.44 13.259 12.485 12 12.5 L 4.006 12.5 L 4 12.5 C 2.741 12.485 1.911 12.44 1.545 12.238 C 1.362 12.137 1.258 12.026 1.16 11.766 C 1.063 11.506 1 11.092 1 10.5 L 1 7.5 C 1 6.908 1.063 6.494 1.16 6.234 C 1.258 5.974 1.362 5.863 1.545 5.762 C 1.911 5.56 2.741 5.515 4 5.5 Z M 13.5 6.5 C 13.224 6.5 13 6.724 13 7 C 13 7.276 13.224 7.5 13.5 7.5 C 13.776 7.5 14 7.276 14 7 C 14 6.724 13.776 6.5 13.5 6.5 Z M 3 10.5 L 3 11.5 L 13 11.5 L 13 10.5 L 3 10.5 Z"/>
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/22 b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/22
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..19c7bdba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/22
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+16 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/24 b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/24
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..19c7bdba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/24
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+16 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/32 b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/32
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..19c7bdba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/32
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+16 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/scalable b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/scalable
new file mode 120000
index 000000000..19c7bdba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark/stock/io/scalable
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+16 \ No newline at end of file