path: root/.themes/Otis/gnome-shell/assets/checkbox-off.svg
diff options
authorIndrajith2024-07-03 02:03:35 +0530
committerIndrajith2024-07-03 02:03:35 +0530
commit824022cd1f633c70c4d2782934251616756f4668 (patch)
treea310eb4bf72b26c2d110838b8c487daaa3537bea /.themes/Otis/gnome-shell/assets/checkbox-off.svg
parent57eb70137b5bbcdabdc0f02eea5477b3e5f845a1 (diff)
Dots Updated
* Adds GTK Themes * Adds wlogout * Adds tmux config * Adds Pywal-16-colors * Removed unwanted gtk folders * Config Updates * Fish * Hyprland * Hyprlock * Hyprpaper * waybar
Diffstat (limited to '.themes/Otis/gnome-shell/assets/checkbox-off.svg')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.themes/Otis/gnome-shell/assets/checkbox-off.svg b/.themes/Otis/gnome-shell/assets/checkbox-off.svg
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