path: root/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark-2/devices/64
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.icons/Gruvbox_Dark-2/devices/64')
141 files changed, 3005 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark-2/devices/64/audio-card.svg b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark-2/devices/64/audio-card.svg
new file mode 120000
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+../../apps/64/video-card.svg \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark-2/devices/64/audio-headphones.svg b/.icons/Gruvbox_Dark-2/devices/64/audio-headphones.svg
new file mode 100644
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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new file mode 120000
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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162.163 130.708 162.019 L 130.708 162.019 L 131.225 161.471 L 131.513 161.471 L 130.864 162.153 L 131.558 163.071 L 131.264 163.071 L 130.7 162.315 L 130.517 162.473 L 130.517 163.071 L 130.278 163.071 L 130.278 160.8 L 130.517 160.8 L 130.517 162.004 L 130.517 162.004 Q 130.517 162.085 130.505 162.252 L 130.505 162.252 Z"/>
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22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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248.548 193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 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22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 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126.147 L 97.014 126.147 L 97.014 126.147 L 97.014 126.147 L 97.014 126.147 Z M 98.592 139.24 Q 97.939 139.893 97.939 140.777 Q 97.939 141.661 98.592 142.3 Q 99.258 142.953 100.346 142.953 Q 101.435 142.953 102.087 142.3 Q 102.754 141.661 102.754 140.777 Q 102.754 139.893 102.087 139.24 Q 101.435 138.601 100.346 138.601 Q 99.258 138.601 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 L 98.592 139.24 Z M 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 145.222 L 103.679 145.222 L 103.679 146.419 L 102.591 146.419 L 102.591 146.473 Q 103.135 146.664 103.489 147.249 Q 103.842 147.847 103.842 148.405 Q 103.842 148.963 103.679 149.344 L 102.509 148.868 Q 102.605 148.623 102.605 148.201 Q 102.605 147.521 102.061 146.99 Q 101.53 146.473 100.66 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 L 97.014 146.473 Z M 94.076 152.078 L 94.076 150.786 L 97.436 152.337 L 103.679 149.589 L 103.679 150.949 L 98.891 152.935 L 98.891 152.963 L 103.679 154.895 L 103.679 156.255 L 94.076 152.079 L 94.076 152.078 L 94.076 152.078 L 94.076 152.078 L 94.076 152.078 L 94.076 152.078 L 94.076 152.078 Z M 97.014 107.284 L 103.679 107.284 L 103.679 108.481 L 102.754 108.481 L 102.754 108.535 Q 103.23 108.821 103.557 109.406 Q 103.897 110.004 103.897 110.589 Q 103.897 112.14 102.618 112.698 Q 103.897 113.514 103.897 115.024 Q 103.897 116.207 103.135 116.806 Q 102.387 117.404 101.095 117.404 L 97.014 117.404 L 97.014 116.153 L 100.904 116.153 Q 101.911 116.153 102.332 115.785 Q 102.754 115.418 102.754 114.67 Q 102.754 113.935 102.128 113.446 Q 101.503 112.97 100.7 112.97 L 97.014 112.97 L 97.014 111.718 L 100.904 111.718 Q 101.911 111.718 102.332 111.351 Q 102.754 110.984 102.754 110.235 Q 102.754 109.501 102.128 109.011 Q 101.503 108.535 100.7 108.535 L 97.014 108.535 L 97.014 107.284 L 97.014 107.284 L 97.014 107.284 L 97.014 107.284 L 97.014 107.284 L 97.014 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97.014 172.432 L 97.014 172.432 Z M 96.796 177.042 Q 96.796 175.545 97.803 174.58 Q 98.823 173.614 100.346 173.614 Q 101.87 173.614 102.876 174.58 Q 103.897 175.545 103.897 177.042 Q 103.897 178.157 103.352 178.892 Q 102.808 179.626 101.979 179.966 L 101.503 178.823 Q 102.754 178.307 102.754 176.96 Q 102.754 176.13 102.074 175.491 Q 101.394 174.865 100.346 174.865 Q 99.299 174.865 98.619 175.491 Q 97.939 176.13 97.939 176.96 Q 97.939 178.361 99.19 178.892 L 98.714 180.007 Q 97.898 179.667 97.34 178.905 Q 96.796 178.157 96.796 177.042 L 96.796 177.042 L 96.796 177.042 Z M 102.876 138.315 Q 103.897 139.281 103.897 140.777 Q 103.897 142.273 102.876 143.239 Q 101.87 144.205 100.346 144.205 Q 98.823 144.205 97.803 143.239 Q 96.796 142.273 96.796 140.777 Q 96.796 139.281 97.803 138.315 Q 98.823 137.349 100.346 137.349 Q 101.87 137.349 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 L 102.876 138.315 Z M 96.796 121.887 Q 96.796 120.377 97.803 119.425 Q 98.809 118.486 100.346 118.486 Q 101.802 118.486 102.849 119.398 Q 103.897 120.323 103.897 121.751 Q 103.897 123.234 102.931 124.118 Q 101.965 125.015 100.346 125.015 L 100.115 125.002 L 100.115 119.737 Q 99.109 119.792 98.524 120.404 Q 97.939 121.03 97.939 121.859 Q 97.939 123.206 99.081 123.682 L 98.619 124.797 Q 97.844 124.471 97.313 123.723 Q 96.796 122.975 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 L 96.796 121.887 Z M 106.753 182.34 L 100.754 182.34 L 103.679 185.223 L 103.679 186.828 L 103.625 186.828 L 101.027 184.23 L 97.068 186.951 L 97.014 186.951 L 97.014 185.441 L 100.156 183.346 L 99.149 182.34 L 97.014 182.34 L 97.014 181.088 L 106.753 181.088 L 106.753 182.34 L 106.753 182.34 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 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12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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248.548 193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 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37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 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17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 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246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 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248.548 193.159 248.096 196.215 247.535 199.241 C 247.034 201.943 246.394 204.625 245.617 207.268 C 244.909 209.655 244.043 212.003 243.02 214.273 C 242.066 216.385 240.945 218.399 239.656 220.315 C 238.417 222.152 237.001 223.872 235.437 225.434 C 233.863 226.996 232.142 228.411 230.302 229.649 C 228.384 230.936 226.358 232.056 224.243 232.999 C 221.971 234.021 219.62 234.885 217.22 235.593 C 214.574 236.369 211.889 237.007 209.174 237.499 C 206.144 238.068 203.085 238.51 200.026 238.845 C 196.583 239.218 193.131 239.503 189.678 239.699 C 185.803 239.925 181.927 240.073 178.052 240.161 C 173.724 240.249 169.396 240.299 165.068 240.289 L 90.942 240.289 C 86.614 240.299 82.286 240.249 77.958 240.161 C 74.083 240.073 70.207 239.925 66.332 239.699 C 62.879 239.503 59.427 239.218 55.984 238.845 C 52.925 238.51 49.866 238.068 46.836 237.499 C 44.121 237.007 41.436 236.369 38.79 235.593 C 36.39 234.885 34.039 234.021 31.767 232.999 C 29.652 232.056 27.626 230.936 25.708 229.649 C 23.868 228.411 22.147 226.996 20.573 225.434 C 19.009 223.872 17.593 222.152 16.354 220.315 C 15.065 218.399 13.944 216.385 12.99 214.273 C 11.967 212.003 11.101 209.655 10.393 207.268 C 9.616 204.625 8.976 201.943 8.475 199.241 C 7.914 196.215 7.462 193.159 7.127 190.104 C 6.753 186.675 6.468 183.226 6.271 179.778 C 6.045 175.917 5.898 172.056 5.809 168.185 C 5.721 163.862 5.671 159.549 5.681 155.226 L 5.681 97.014 C 5.671 92.701 5.721 88.378 5.809 84.055 C 5.898 80.194 6.045 76.323 6.271 72.462 C 6.468 69.014 6.753 65.575 7.127 62.136 C 7.462 59.081 7.914 56.035 8.475 53.009 C 8.976 50.297 9.616 47.615 10.393 44.972 C 11.101 42.585 11.967 40.247 12.99 37.967 C 13.944 35.865 15.065 33.841 16.354 31.925 C 17.593 30.088 19.009 28.378 20.573 26.806 C 22.147 25.244 23.868 23.829 25.708 22.591 C 27.626 21.304 29.652 20.184 31.767 19.241 C 34.039 18.219 36.39 17.355 38.79 16.657 C 41.436 15.881 44.121 15.243 46.836 14.741 C 49.866 14.181 52.925 13.73 55.984 13.395 C 59.427 13.022 62.879 12.737 66.332 12.541 C 70.207 12.315 74.083 12.167 77.958 12.089 C 82.286 11.991 86.614 11.941 90.942 11.951 L 165.068 11.951 Z M 165.078 15.96 C 169.376 15.95 173.675 15.999 177.973 16.087 C 181.8 16.176 185.626 16.323 189.452 16.539 C 192.836 16.736 196.219 17.011 199.583 17.384 C 202.554 17.699 205.515 18.131 208.446 18.681 C 211.023 19.153 213.58 19.762 216.099 20.499 C 218.322 21.147 220.495 21.953 222.6 22.896 C 224.509 23.751 226.338 24.763 228.069 25.922 C 229.692 27.013 231.207 28.26 232.594 29.646 C 233.981 31.031 235.23 32.544 236.332 34.165 C 237.492 35.894 238.506 37.712 239.361 39.608 C 240.306 41.72 241.112 43.892 241.761 46.102 C 242.509 48.617 243.109 51.162 243.591 53.736 C 244.132 56.664 244.565 59.611 244.889 62.578 C 245.263 65.938 245.539 69.308 245.735 72.688 C 245.952 76.51 246.109 80.322 246.188 84.144 C 246.276 88.437 246.325 92.721 246.325 97.014 C 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 246.325 97.014 L 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 246.325 155.226 C 246.325 159.519 246.276 163.803 246.188 168.096 C 246.109 171.918 245.952 175.74 245.735 179.552 C 245.539 182.932 245.263 186.302 244.889 189.672 C 244.565 192.629 244.132 195.576 243.591 198.504 C 243.109 201.078 242.509 203.623 241.761 206.138 C 241.112 208.358 240.306 210.52 239.361 212.632 C 238.506 214.528 237.492 216.356 236.332 218.075 C 235.23 219.706 233.981 221.219 232.594 222.604 C 231.207 223.98 229.692 225.227 228.069 226.318 C 226.338 227.477 224.509 228.489 222.6 229.344 C 220.495 230.297 218.322 231.093 216.099 231.741 C 213.58 232.478 211.023 233.087 208.446 233.559 C 205.515 234.109 202.554 234.541 199.583 234.865 C 196.219 235.229 192.836 235.514 189.452 235.701 C 185.626 235.917 181.8 236.074 177.973 236.153 C 173.675 236.251 169.376 236.29 165.078 236.29 C 165.078 236.29 165.078 236.29 165.068 236.29 L 90.942 236.29 C 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 90.932 236.29 C 86.634 236.29 82.335 236.251 78.037 236.153 C 74.21 236.074 70.384 235.917 66.558 235.701 C 63.174 235.514 59.791 235.229 56.427 234.865 C 53.456 234.541 50.495 234.109 47.564 233.559 C 44.987 233.087 42.43 232.478 39.911 231.741 C 37.688 231.093 35.515 230.297 33.41 229.344 C 31.501 228.489 29.672 227.477 27.941 226.318 C 26.318 225.227 24.803 223.98 23.416 222.604 C 22.029 221.219 20.78 219.706 19.678 218.075 C 18.518 216.356 17.504 214.528 16.649 212.632 C 15.704 210.52 14.898 208.358 14.249 206.138 C 13.501 203.623 12.901 201.078 12.419 198.504 C 11.878 195.576 11.445 192.629 11.121 189.672 C 10.747 186.302 10.472 182.932 10.275 179.552 C 10.058 175.74 9.901 171.918 9.822 168.096 C 9.734 163.803 9.685 159.519 9.685 155.226 C 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 9.685 155.226 L 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 9.685 97.014 C 9.685 92.721 9.734 88.437 9.822 84.144 C 9.901 80.322 10.058 76.51 10.275 72.688 C 10.472 69.308 10.747 65.938 11.121 62.578 C 11.445 59.611 11.878 56.664 12.419 53.736 C 12.901 51.162 13.501 48.617 14.249 46.102 C 14.898 43.892 15.704 41.72 16.649 39.608 C 17.504 37.712 18.518 35.894 19.678 34.165 C 20.78 32.544 22.029 31.031 23.416 29.646 C 24.803 28.26 26.318 27.013 27.941 25.922 C 29.672 24.763 31.501 23.751 33.41 22.896 C 35.515 21.953 37.688 21.147 39.911 20.499 C 42.43 19.762 44.987 19.153 47.564 18.681 C 50.495 18.131 53.456 17.699 56.427 17.384 C 59.791 17.011 63.174 16.736 66.558 16.539 C 70.384 16.323 74.21 16.176 78.037 16.087 C 82.335 15.999 86.634 15.95 90.932 15.96 C 90.932 15.96 90.932 15.96 90.942 15.96 L 165.068 15.96 C 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 165.078 15.96 Z"/>
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