path: root/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes
diff options
authorIndrajith K L2022-03-19 16:54:23 +0530
committerIndrajith K L2022-03-19 16:54:23 +0530
commit29fcd231e3da9b33c237886f3c1bb30a557ad641 (patch)
tree8eba56550b35938e7c445c9ed6d9005c14036666 /themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes
Initial Commit
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes')
6 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/blockquote.html b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/blockquote.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14bb107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/blockquote.html
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<!-- Author: Parsia Hakimian -->
+<!-- port of Octopress blockquote plugin to Hugo
+ see readme for usage -->
+<!-- reset scratch variables at the start -->
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_author" false }}
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_source" false }}
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_link" false }}
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_title" false }}
+{{ if .IsNamedParams }}
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_author" (.Get "author") }}
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_source" (.Get "source") }}
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_link" (.Get "link") }}
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_title" (.Get "title") }}
+{{ else }}
+ <!-- for the positional version if any -->
+{{ end }}
+<!-- if title is not set explicitly then we need to beautify the link
+ if length of link is more than 32 chars, we will cut it off by 32 and
+ then drop everything after the last / if any and put it in into title -->
+{{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_title" }}
+ <!-- do nothing -->
+{{ else }}
+ {{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_link" }} <!-- if link is given -->
+ {{ range last 1 (split ($.Scratch.Get "bl_link" ) "://") }} <!-- split by :// and then only take the items after it to remove protocol:// -->
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "title_without_protocol" . }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ range last 1 (split ($.Scratch.Get "title_without_protocol" ) "www.") }} <!-- also remove the www. at the start if any. we are using a second split because all URLS may not start with it -->
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "title_without_protocol" . }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_title" ($.Scratch.Get "title_without_protocol") }}
+ <!-- if link is longer than 32 bytes we should trim it -->
+ {{ if (gt (len ($.Scratch.Get "title_without_protocol") ) 32) }}
+ {{ $title := (slicestr ($.Scratch.Get "title_without_protocol") 0 32) }} <!-- get the first 32 characters of title_without_protocol -->
+ {{ $split_by_fw_slash := split $title "/" }} <!-- now split on / because we want to stop after the last forward slash -->
+ {{ $count := (sub (len $split_by_fw_slash) 1) }} <!-- we want everything but the last part so we adjust the count accordingly -->
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "tempstring" "" }} <!-- temp variable to hold the concatinated string -->
+ {{ range first $count $split_by_fw_slash }} <!-- loop through all parts except last and concat them (add / between halves) -->
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "tempstring" ( . | printf "%s%s/" ($.Scratch.Get "tempstring") | printf "%s" ) }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_title" ( printf "%s..." ($.Scratch.Get "tempstring") | printf "%s" ) }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+{{ end }}
+ <p>{{ .Inner | markdownify }}</p>
+ <footer>
+ <strong>{{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_author" }}{{ . }}{{ end }}</strong>
+ {{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_source" }}
+ <cite>{{ . }}</cite>
+ {{ else }}
+ {{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_link" }}
+ <cite>
+ <a href="{{ . }}" title="{{ . }}">{{ $.Scratch.Get "bl_title" }}</a> <!-- can't have new lines here -->
+ </cite>
+ {{ else }}
+ {{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_title" }}
+ <cite>
+ {{ $.Scratch.Get "bl_title" }}</a>
+ </cite>
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ {{ end }}
+ </footer>
diff --git a/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/collapse.html b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/collapse.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17d8d3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/collapse.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{{ if .Get "summary" }}
+{{ else }}
+{{ warnf "missing value for param 'summary': %s" .Position }}
+{{ end }}
+<p><details {{ if (eq (.Get "openByDefault") true) }} open=true {{ end }}>
+ <summary markdown="span">{{ .Get "summary" | markdownify }}</summary>
+ {{ .Inner | markdownify }}
diff --git a/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/figure.html b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/figure.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c93eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/figure.html
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<figure{{ if or (.Get "class") (eq (.Get "align") "center") }} class="
+ {{- if eq (.Get "align") "center" }}align-center {{ end }}
+ {{- with .Get "class" }}{{ . }}{{- end }}"
+{{- end -}}>
+ {{- if .Get "link" -}}
+ <a href="{{ .Get "link" }}"{{ with .Get "target" }} target="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ with .Get "rel" }} rel="{{ . }}"{{ end }}>
+ {{- end }}
+ <img loading="lazy" src="{{ .Get "src" }}{{- if eq (.Get "align") "center" }}#center{{- end }}"
+ {{- if or (.Get "alt") (.Get "caption") }}
+ alt="{{ with .Get "alt" }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ .Get "caption" | markdownify| plainify }}{{ end }}"
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- with .Get "width" }} width="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
+ {{- with .Get "height" }} height="{{ . }}"{{ end -}}
+ /> <!-- Closing img tag -->
+ {{- if .Get "link" }}</a>{{ end -}}
+ {{- if or (or (.Get "title") (.Get "caption")) (.Get "attr") -}}
+ <figcaption>
+ {{ with (.Get "title") -}}
+ {{ . }}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- if or (.Get "caption") (.Get "attr") -}}<p>
+ {{- .Get "caption" | markdownify -}}
+ {{- with .Get "attrlink" }}
+ <a href="{{ . }}">
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- .Get "attr" | markdownify -}}
+ {{- if .Get "attrlink" }}</a>{{ end }}</p>
+ {{- end }}
+ </figcaption>
+ {{- end }}
diff --git a/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/ltr.html b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/ltr.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad7682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/ltr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "md" false }}
+{{ if .IsNamedParams }}
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "md" (.Get "md") }}
+{{ else }}
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "md" (.Get 0) }}
+{{ end }}
+<div dir="ltr">
+ {{ if eq ($.Scratch.Get "md") false }}
+ {{ .Inner }}
+ {{ else }}
+ {{ .Inner | markdownify }}
+ {{ end }}
diff --git a/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..520ec17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/rawhtml.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!-- raw html -->
+{{.Inner}} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/rtl.html b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/rtl.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a69b8ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/PaperMod/layouts/shortcodes/rtl.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "md" false }}
+{{ if .IsNamedParams }}
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "md" (.Get "md") }}
+{{ else }}
+{{ $.Scratch.Set "md" (.Get 0) }}
+{{ end }}
+<div dir="rtl">
+ {{ if eq ($.Scratch.Get "md") false }}
+ {{ .Inner }}
+ {{ else }}
+ {{ .Inner | markdownify }}
+ {{ end }}