AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-10-27Create FUNDING.ymlHEADmasterIndrajith K L
2018-08-14* removed unwanted dependenciesIndrajith K L
* improved compression * Introduces Audio Player :sparkles: :fire: :racehorse: :snowflake: :gem:
2018-08-14Adds gulp task to remove folders. :lipstick:Indrajith K L
* Previously most of the temp folder will become a gunk yard if libraries are removed & new one's are added, effect is final archive.zip size is huge because it contains stray files.
2018-08-13:books: fixed documentation for build processIndrajith K L
2018-08-12:books: Updates readmeIndrajith K L
2018-08-12:arrow_up: :gem:Indrajith K L
* Support ES6 * Integrates jsfxr
2018-08-12Adds instructions :books:Indrajith K L
2018-08-12Adds instructions :books:Indrajith K L
2018-08-12:lipstick: some text changesIndrajith K L
2018-08-12Initial Commmit:Indrajith K L
Gulp Tasks for * Copy libs to public folder * Source Uglyfy + Copy * Zip