AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-12-12:bug:HEADmasterIndrajith K L
* Fixes/Removed javascript:void(0) from links (Since React v16.9 unsafe script is not allowed) * Fixes Paginator callback null conditions
2019-12-12:sparkles: Adds Paginator ComponentIndrajith K L
2019-12-12:bug: Removed unwanted token headers in login requestIndrajith K L
2019-12-12:pencil: Updates ReadmeIndrajith K L
2019-12-12:fire: :zap: Major UpdateIndrajith K L
* Adds Actions, Redicers and Middlewares * Adds Http Service * Adds Cancel option for Http Service * Adds HOC's for API Loader, Sidebar and Headers * Adds Random key generator for Routes
2019-12-11Permission Router - In-ProgressIndrajith K L
2019-12-11:tada: Initial CommitIndrajith K L
2019-12-11Initial commit from Create React AppIndrajith K L