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author | Indrajith K L | 2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530 |
committer | Indrajith K L | 2022-12-03 17:00:20 +0530 |
commit | f5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df (patch) | |
tree | 2764fc62da58f2ba8da7ed341643fc359873142f /helix-22.03-x86_64-windows | |
download | cli-tools-windows-f5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df.tar.gz cli-tools-windows-f5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df.tar.bz2 cli-tools-windows-f5c4671bfbad96bf346bd7e9a21fc4317b4959df.zip |
Diffstat (limited to 'helix-22.03-x86_64-windows')
281 files changed, 11925 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/LICENSE b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a612ad9 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 +================================== + +1. Definitions +-------------- + +1.1. "Contributor" + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to + the creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. "Contributor Version" + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used + by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. + +1.3. "Contribution" + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. "Covered Software" + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached + the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code + Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case + including portions thereof. + +1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" + means + + (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described + in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of + version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the + terms of a Secondary License. + +1.6. "Executable Form" + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. "Larger Work" + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in + a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. "License" + means this document. + +1.9. "Licensable" + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, + whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and + all of the rights conveyed by this License. + +1.10. "Modifications" + means any of the following: + + (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, + deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered + Software; or + + (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered + Software. + +1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, + process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such + Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the + License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having + made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its + Contributor Version. + +1.12. "Secondary License" + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU + Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General + Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those + licenses. + +1.13. "Source Code Form" + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. "You" (or "Your") + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that + controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For + purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct + or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, + whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than + fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial + ownership of such entity. + +2. License Grants and Conditions +-------------------------------- + +2.1. Grants + +Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, +non-exclusive license: + +(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or + as part of a Larger Work; and + +(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer + for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its + Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + +The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution +become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first +distributes such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + +The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under +this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the +distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. +Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a +Contributor: + +(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; + or + +(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + +(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of + its Contributions. + +This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with +the notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + +No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to +distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this +License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if +permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + +Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its +Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights +to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + +This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under +applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other +equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + +Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted +in Section 2.1. + +3. Responsibilities +------------------- + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + +All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any +Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under +the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source +Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this +License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not +attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code +Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + +If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + +(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code + Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of + the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code + Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more + than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and + +(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this + License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the + license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter + the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + +You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, +provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for +the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered +Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the +Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this +License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software +under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of +the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered +Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary +License(s). + +3.4. Notices + +You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices +(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, +or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of +the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to +the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + +You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, +indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered +Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on +behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any +such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by +You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any +liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, +indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional +disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any +jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation +--------------------------------------------------- + +If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this +License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to +statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with +the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) +describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must +be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered +Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute +or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a +recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. + +5. Termination +-------------- + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically +if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become +compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular +Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such +Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an +ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the +non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have +come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular +Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor +notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the +first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License +from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after +Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent +infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, +counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version +directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to +You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section +2.1 of this License shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all +end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which +have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License +prior to termination shall survive termination. + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * +* ------------------------- * +* * +* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * +* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * +* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * +* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * +* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * +* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * +* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * +* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * +* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * +* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * +* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 7. Limitation of Liability * +* -------------------------- * +* * +* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * +* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * +* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * +* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * +* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * +* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * +* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * +* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * +* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * +* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * +* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * +* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * +* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * +* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * +* limitation may not apply to You. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +8. Litigation +------------- + +Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the +courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal +place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that +jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. +Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring +cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous +---------------- + +This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject +matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent +necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides +that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter +shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. + +10. Versions of the License +--------------------------- + +10.1. New Versions + +Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section +10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or +publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a +distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + +You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version +of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, +or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license +steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + +If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to +create a new license for such software, you may create and use a +modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove +any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that +such modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary +Licenses + +If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With +Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the +notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice +------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular +file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE +file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look +for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice +--------------------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as + defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/README.md b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4052d94 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +# Helix + + +[](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/actions) + + + +A kakoune / neovim inspired editor, written in Rust. + +The editing model is very heavily based on kakoune; during development I found +myself agreeing with most of kakoune's design decisions. + +For more information, see the [website](https://helix-editor.com) or +[documentation](https://docs.helix-editor.com/). + +All shortcuts/keymaps can be found [in the documentation on the website](https://docs.helix-editor.com/keymap.html). + +[Troubleshooting](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/wiki/Troubleshooting) + +# Features + +- Vim-like modal editing +- Multiple selections +- Built-in language server support +- Smart, incremental syntax highlighting and code editing via tree-sitter + +It's a terminal-based editor first, but I'd like to explore a custom renderer +(similar to emacs) in wgpu or skulpin. + +Note: Only certain languages have indentation definitions at the moment. Check +`runtime/queries/<lang>/` for `indents.toml`. + +# Installation + +We provide packaging for various distributions, but here's a quick method to +build from source. + +``` +git clone https://github.com/helix-editor/helix +cd helix +cargo install --path helix-term +hx --grammar fetch +hx --grammar build +``` + +This will install the `hx` binary to `$HOME/.cargo/bin` and build tree-sitter grammars. + +Helix also needs its runtime files so make sure to copy/symlink the `runtime/` directory into the +config directory (for example `~/.config/helix/runtime` on Linux/macOS, or `%AppData%/helix/runtime` on Windows). +This location can be overridden via the `HELIX_RUNTIME` environment variable. + +Packages already solve this for you by wrapping the `hx` binary with a wrapper +that sets the variable to the install dir. + +> NOTE: running via cargo also doesn't require setting explicit `HELIX_RUNTIME` path, it will automatically +> detect the `runtime` directory in the project root. + +[](https://repology.org/project/helix/versions) + +## MacOS + +Helix can be installed on MacOS through homebrew via: + +``` +brew tap helix-editor/helix +brew install helix +``` + +# Contributing + +Contributing guidelines can be found [here](./docs/CONTRIBUTING.md). + +# Getting help + +Your question might already be answered on the [FAQ](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/wiki/FAQ). + +Discuss the project on the community [Matrix Space](https://matrix.to/#/#helix-community:matrix.org) (make sure to join `#helix-editor:matrix.org` if you're on a client that doesn't support Matrix Spaces yet). diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/hx.exe b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/hx.exe Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..e610347 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/hx.exe diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/.gitkeep b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/.gitkeep new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/.gitkeep diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/bash.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/bash.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c36fa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/bash.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/c-sharp.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/c-sharp.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb7a663 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/c-sharp.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/c.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/c.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e049ed --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/c.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/cmake.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/cmake.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..e03f7af --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/cmake.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/comment.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/comment.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..90de920 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/comment.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/cpp.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/cpp.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a67f15 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/cpp.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/css.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/css.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..404d490 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/css.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/dart.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/dart.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..f41ea9c --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/dart.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/dockerfile.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/dockerfile.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a248d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/dockerfile.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/elixir.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/elixir.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..814796d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/elixir.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/elm.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/elm.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..03be45d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/elm.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/erlang.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/erlang.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0e54ec --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/erlang.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/fish.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/fish.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..43dc832 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/fish.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-commit.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-commit.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..90abf69 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-commit.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-config.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-config.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..8289918 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-config.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-diff.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-diff.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..939d5e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-diff.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-rebase.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-rebase.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e94008 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/git-rebase.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/glsl.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/glsl.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6871c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/glsl.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/go.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/go.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b58456 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/go.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/graphql.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/graphql.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..dee2cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/graphql.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/haskell.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/haskell.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..a28a9ea --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/haskell.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/hcl.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/hcl.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea50eeb --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/hcl.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/html.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/html.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aaebd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/html.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/iex.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/iex.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5c1091 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/iex.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/java.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/java.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc5a1ad --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/java.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/javascript.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/javascript.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..a336f76 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/javascript.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/json.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/json.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c768af --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/json.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/julia.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/julia.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..e59a7a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/julia.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/kotlin.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/kotlin.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..16647f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/kotlin.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/latex.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/latex.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1c3dcd --- /dev/null +++ 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100644 index 0000000..50b820f --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/llvm.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/lua.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/lua.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..2444dbf --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/lua.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/make.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/make.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..79108f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/make.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/markdown.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/markdown.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..2732cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/markdown.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/nix.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/nix.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..9726c48 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/nix.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ocaml-interface.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ocaml-interface.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9ed18b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ocaml-interface.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ocaml.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ocaml.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..20090ad --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ocaml.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/org.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/org.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdb37e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/org.dll diff 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b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/python.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/regex.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/regex.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..aaca090 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/regex.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/rescript.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/rescript.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..c90c8c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/rescript.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ruby.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ruby.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..189d9b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/ruby.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/rust.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/rust.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e367ea --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/rust.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/scala.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/scala.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..1666831 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/scala.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/solidity.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/solidity.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb4151f --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/solidity.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/svelte.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/svelte.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..54bd958 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/svelte.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tablegen.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tablegen.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b43bec --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tablegen.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/toml.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/toml.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce7d273 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/toml.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tsq.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tsq.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..a674b4a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tsq.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tsx.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tsx.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..7046f1f --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/tsx.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/twig.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/twig.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..08a1b49 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/twig.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/typescript.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/typescript.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f52074 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/typescript.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/vue.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/vue.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4a3748 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/vue.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/wgsl.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/wgsl.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..8129ec8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/wgsl.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/yaml.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/yaml.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fa89dd --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/yaml.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/zig.dll b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/zig.dll Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000..67d4520 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/grammars/zig.dll diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/bash/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/bash/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57898f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/bash/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +[ + (string) + (raw_string) + (heredoc_body) + (heredoc_start) +] @string + +(command_name) @function + +(variable_name) @variable.other.member + +[ + "case" + "do" + "done" + "elif" + "else" + "esac" + "export" + "fi" + "for" + "function" + "if" + "in" + "unset" + "while" + "then" +] @keyword + +(comment) @comment + +(function_definition name: (word) @function) + +(file_descriptor) @constant.numeric.integer + +[ + (command_substitution) + (process_substitution) + (expansion) +]@embedded + +[ + "$" + "&&" + ">" + ">>" + "<" + "|" +] @operator + +( + (command (_) @constant) + (#match? @constant "^-") +) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/bash/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/bash/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/bash/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c-sharp/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c-sharp/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b94dd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c-sharp/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +;; Methods +(method_declaration + name: (identifier) @function) + +(method_declaration + type: [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @type) + +(invocation_expression + (member_access_expression + name: (identifier) @function)) + +(invocation_expression + (member_access_expression + expression: (identifier) @variable)) + +(invocation_expression + function: (conditional_access_expression + (member_binding_expression + name: (identifier) @function))) + +(invocation_expression + [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @function) + +; Generic Method invocation with generic type +(invocation_expression + function: (generic_name + . (identifier) @function)) + +;; Namespaces + +(namespace_declaration + name: [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @namespace) + +;; Types +(interface_declaration name: (identifier) @type) +(class_declaration name: (identifier) @type) +(enum_declaration name: (identifier) @type) +(struct_declaration (identifier) @type) +(record_declaration (identifier) @type) +(namespace_declaration name: (identifier) @type) +(using_directive (_) @namespace) +(constructor_declaration name: (identifier) @type) +(object_creation_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @type) +(type_parameter_list (type_parameter) @type) + +[ + (implicit_type) + (nullable_type) + (pointer_type) + (function_pointer_type) + (predefined_type) +] @type.builtin + +;; Generic Types +(type_of_expression + (generic_name + (identifier) @type)) + +(base_list + (generic_name + (identifier) @type)) + +(type_constraint + (generic_name + (identifier) @type)) + +(object_creation_expression + (generic_name + (identifier) @type)) + +(property_declaration + (generic_name + (identifier) @type)) + +(_ + type: (generic_name + (identifier) @type)) + +;; Enum +(enum_member_declaration (identifier) @variable.other.member) + +;; Literals +[ + (real_literal) + (integer_literal) +] @constant.numeric.integer + +(character_literal) @constant.character +[ + (string_literal) + (verbatim_string_literal) + (interpolated_string_text) + (interpolated_verbatim_string_text) + "\"" + "$\"" + "@$\"" + "$@\"" + ] @string + +(boolean_literal) @constant.builtin.boolean +[ + (null_literal) + (void_keyword) +] @constant.builtin + +;; Comments +(comment) @comment + +;; Tokens +[ + ";" + "." + "," +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "--" + "-" + "-=" + "&" + "&&" + "+" + "++" + "+=" + "<" + "<=" + "<<" + "<<=" + "=" + "==" + "!" + "!=" + "=>" + ">" + ">=" + ">>" + ">>=" + "|" + "||" + "|=" + "?" + "??" + "^" + "^=" + "~" + "*" + "*=" + "/" + "/=" + "%" + "%=" + ":" + ".." + "&=" + "->" + "??=" +] @operator + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +;; Keywords +(modifier) @keyword +(this_expression) @keyword +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +[ + "as" + "base" + "break" + "case" + "catch" + "checked" + "class" + "continue" + "default" + "delegate" + "do" + "else" + "enum" + "event" + "explicit" + "finally" + "for" + "foreach" + "goto" + "if" + "implicit" + "interface" + "is" + "lock" + "namespace" + "operator" + "params" + "return" + "sizeof" + "stackalloc" + "static" + "struct" + "switch" + "throw" + "try" + "typeof" + "unchecked" + "using" + "while" + "new" + "await" + "in" + "yield" + "get" + "set" + "when" + "out" + "ref" + "from" + "where" + "select" + "record" + "init" + "with" + "let" +] @keyword + +(preprocessor_call) @keyword.directive +(preprocessor_call (_) @keyword.directive) + +;; Linq +(from_clause (identifier) @variable) +(group_clause) +(order_by_clause) +(select_clause (identifier) @variable) +(query_continuation (identifier) @variable) @keyword + +;; Record +(with_expression + (with_initializer_expression + (simple_assignment_expression + (identifier) @variable))) + +;; Exprs +(binary_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable) +(binary_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)]* @variable) +(conditional_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable) +(prefix_unary_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable) +(postfix_unary_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)]* @variable) +(assignment_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable) +(cast_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @type [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable) + +;; Class +(base_list (identifier) @type) +(property_declaration (generic_name)) +(property_declaration + type: (nullable_type) @type + name: (identifier) @variable) +(property_declaration + type: (predefined_type) @type + name: (identifier) @variable) +(property_declaration + type: (identifier) @type + name: (identifier) @variable) + +;; Delegate + +(delegate_declaration (identifier) @type) + +;; Lambda +(lambda_expression) @variable + +;; Attribute +(attribute) @type + +;; Parameter +(parameter + type: (identifier) @type + name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(parameter_modifier) @keyword + +(parameter_list + (parameter + name: (identifier) @parameter)) + +(parameter_list + (parameter + type: [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @type)) + +;; Typeof +(type_of_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @type) + +;; Variable +(variable_declaration [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @type) +(variable_declarator [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable) + +;; Return +(return_statement (identifier) @variable) +(yield_statement (identifier) @variable) + +;; Type +(generic_name (identifier) @type) +(type_parameter [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable.parameter) +(type_argument_list [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @type) + +;; Type constraints +(type_parameter_constraints_clause (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(type_constraint (identifier) @type) + +;; Exception +(catch_declaration (identifier) @type (identifier) @variable) +(catch_declaration (identifier) @type) + +;; Switch +(switch_statement (identifier) @variable) +(switch_expression (identifier) @variable) + +;; Lock statement +(lock_statement (identifier) @variable) + +;; Rest +(member_access_expression) @variable +(element_access_expression (identifier) @variable) +(argument (identifier) @variable) +(for_statement (identifier) @variable) +(for_each_statement (identifier) @variable) +(expression_statement (identifier) @variable) +(member_access_expression expression: (identifier) @variable) +(member_access_expression name: (identifier) @variable) +(conditional_access_expression [(identifier) (qualified_name)] @variable) +((identifier) @comment.unused + (#eq? @comment.unused "_")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c-sharp/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c-sharp/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c-sharp/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..918f3f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +"goto" @keyword +"register" @keyword +"break" @keyword +"case" @keyword +"const" @keyword +"continue" @keyword +"default" @keyword +"do" @keyword +"else" @keyword +"enum" @keyword +"extern" @keyword +"for" @keyword +"if" @keyword +"inline" @keyword +"return" @keyword +"sizeof" @keyword +"static" @keyword +"struct" @keyword +"switch" @keyword +"typedef" @keyword +"union" @keyword +"volatile" @keyword +"while" @keyword + +[ + "#define" + "#elif" + "#else" + "#endif" + "#if" + "#ifdef" + "#ifndef" + "#include" + (preproc_directive) +] @keyword.directive + +"--" @operator +"-" @operator +"-=" @operator +"->" @operator +"=" @operator +"!=" @operator +"*" @operator +"&" @operator +"&&" @operator +"+" @operator +"++" @operator +"+=" @operator +"<" @operator +"==" @operator +">" @operator +"||" @operator + +"." @punctuation.delimiter +";" @punctuation.delimiter + +(enumerator) @type.enum.variant + +(string_literal) @string +(system_lib_string) @string + +(null) @constant +(number_literal) @constant.numeric.integer +(char_literal) @constant.character + +(call_expression + function: (identifier) @function) +(call_expression + function: (field_expression + field: (field_identifier) @function)) +(function_declarator + declarator: (identifier) @function) +(preproc_function_def + name: (identifier) @function.special) + +(field_identifier) @variable.other.member +(statement_identifier) @label +(type_identifier) @type +(primitive_type) @type +(sized_type_specifier) @type + +((identifier) @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]*$")) + +(identifier) @variable + +(comment) @comment diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4076e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +indent = [ + "compound_statement", + "field_declaration_list", + "enumerator_list", + "parameter_list", + "init_declarator", + "case_statement", + "condition_clause", + "expression_statement", +] + +outdent = [ + "case", + "}", + "]", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45f554e --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/c/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +(function_definition + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(struct_specifier + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(enum_specifier + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(union_specifier + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(parameter_declaration) @parameter.inside + +(comment) @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71e9b5d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +[ + (quoted_argument) + (bracket_argument) + ] @string + +(variable) @variable + +[ + (bracket_comment) + (line_comment) + ] @comment + +(normal_command (identifier) @function) + +["ENV" "CACHE"] @string.special.symbol +["$" "{" "}" "<" ">"] @punctuation +["(" ")"] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + (function) + (endfunction) + (macro) + (endmacro) + ] @keyword.function + +[ + (if) + (elseif) + (else) + (endif) + ] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + (foreach) + (endforeach) + (while) + (endwhile) + ] @keyword.control.repeat + +(function_command + (function) + . (argument) @function + (argument)* @variable.parameter + ) + +(macro_command + (macro) + . (argument) @function.macro + (argument)* @variable.parameter + ) + +(normal_command + (identifier) @function.builtin + . (argument) @variable + (#match? @function.builtin "^(?i)(set)$")) + +(normal_command + (identifier) @function.builtin + . (argument) + (argument) @constant + (#match? @constant "^(?:PARENT_SCOPE|CACHE)$") + (#match? @function.builtin "^(?i)(unset)$")) + +(normal_command + (identifier) @function.builtin + . (argument) + . (argument) + (argument) @constant + (#match? @constant "^(?:PARENT_SCOPE|CACHE|FORCE)$") + (#match? @function.builtin "^(?i)(set)$") + ) + +((argument) @constant.builtin.boolean + (#match? @constant.builtin.boolean "^(?i)(?:1|on|yes|true|y|0|off|no|false|n|ignore|notfound|.*-notfound)$") + ) + +(if_command + (if) + (argument) @operator + (#match? @operator "^(?:NOT|AND|OR|COMMAND|POLICY|TARGET|TEST|DEFINED|IN_LIST|EXISTS|IS_NEWER_THAN|IS_DIRECTORY|IS_SYMLINK|IS_ABSOLUTE|MATCHES|LESS|GREATER|EQUAL|LESS_EQUAL|GREATER_EQUAL|STRLESS|STRGREATER|STREQUAL|STRLESS_EQUAL|STRGREATER_EQUAL|VERSION_LESS|VERSION_GREATER|VERSION_EQUAL|VERSION_LESS_EQUAL|VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL)$") +) + +(normal_command + (identifier) @function.builtin + . (argument) + (argument) @constant + (#match? @constant "^(?:ALL|COMMAND|DEPENDS|BYPRODUCTS|WORKING_DIRECTORY|COMMENT|JOB_POOL|VERBATIM|USES_TERMINAL|COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS|SOURCES)$") + (#match? @function.builtin "^(?i)(add_custom_target)$") + ) + +(normal_command + (identifier) @function.builtin + (argument) @constant + (#match? @constant "^(?:OUTPUT|COMMAND|MAIN_DEPENDENCY|DEPENDS|BYPRODUCTS|IMPLICIT_DEPENDS|WORKING_DIRECTORY|COMMENT|DEPFILE|JOB_POOL|VERBATIM|APPEND|USES_TERMINAL|COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS)$") + (#match? @function.builtin "^(?i)(add_custom_command)$") + ) + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b886a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +indent = [ + "if_condition", + "foreach_loop", + "while_loop", + "function_def", + "macro_def", + "normal_command", +] + +outdent = [ + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cb6c25 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +((line_comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) +((bracket_comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fa9ded --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cmake/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +(macro_def) @function.around + +(argument) @parameter.inside + +[ + (bracket_comment) + (line_comment) +] @comment.inside + +(line_comment)+ @comment.around + +(bracket_comment) @comment.around
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/comment/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/comment/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88685d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/comment/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +[ + "(" + ")" +] @punctuation.bracket + +":" @punctuation.delimiter + +((tag (name) @warning) + (#match? @warning "^(TODO|HACK|WARNING)$")) + +("text" @warning + (#match? @warning "^(TODO|HACK|WARNING)$")) + +((tag (name) @error) + (match? @error "^(FIXME|XXX|BUG)$")) + +("text" @error + (match? @error "^(FIXME|XXX|BUG)$")) + +(tag + (name) @ui.text + (user)? @constant) + +; Issue number (#123) +("text" @constant.numeric + (#match? @constant.numeric "^#[0-9]+$")) + +; User mention (@user) +("text" @tag + (#match? @tag "^[@][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3348ef3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +; inherits: c + +; Functions + +(call_expression + function: (qualified_identifier + name: (identifier) @function)) + +(template_function + name: (identifier) @function) + +(template_method + name: (field_identifier) @function) + +(template_function + name: (identifier) @function) + +(function_declarator + declarator: (qualified_identifier + name: (identifier) @function)) + +(function_declarator + declarator: (qualified_identifier + name: (identifier) @function)) + +(function_declarator + declarator: (field_identifier) @function) + +; Types + +((namespace_identifier) @type + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + +(auto) @type + +; Constants + +(this) @variable.builtin +(nullptr) @constant + +; Keywords + +"catch" @keyword +"class" @keyword +"constexpr" @keyword +"delete" @keyword +"explicit" @keyword +"final" @keyword +"friend" @keyword +"mutable" @keyword +"namespace" @keyword +"noexcept" @keyword +"new" @keyword +"override" @keyword +"private" @keyword +"protected" @keyword +"public" @keyword +"template" @keyword +"throw" @keyword +"try" @keyword +"typename" @keyword +"using" @keyword +"virtual" @keyword + +; Strings + +(raw_string_literal) @string diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ca2ed8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +indent = [ + "compound_statement", + "field_declaration_list", + "enumerator_list", + "parameter_list", + "init_declarator", + "case_statement", + "condition_clause", + "expression_statement", +] + +outdent = [ + "case", + "access_specifier", + "}", + "]", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5a5208 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: c diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e3de1a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/cpp/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +; inherits: c + +(lambda_expression + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(class_specifier + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/css/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/css/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dfc0c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/css/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +(comment) @comment + +(tag_name) @tag +(nesting_selector) @tag +(universal_selector) @tag + +"~" @operator +">" @operator +"+" @operator +"-" @operator +"*" @operator +"/" @operator +"=" @operator +"^=" @operator +"|=" @operator +"~=" @operator +"$=" @operator +"*=" @operator + +"and" @operator +"or" @operator +"not" @operator +"only" @operator + +(attribute_selector (plain_value) @string) +(pseudo_element_selector (tag_name) @attribute) +(pseudo_class_selector (class_name) @attribute) + +(class_name) @variable.other.member +(id_name) @variable.other.member +(namespace_name) @variable.other.member +(property_name) @variable.other.member +(feature_name) @variable.other.member + +(attribute_name) @attribute + +(function_name) @function + +((property_name) @variable + (#match? @variable "^--")) +((plain_value) @variable + (#match? @variable "^--")) + +"@media" @keyword +"@import" @keyword +"@charset" @keyword +"@namespace" @keyword +"@supports" @keyword +"@keyframes" @keyword +(at_keyword) @keyword +(to) @keyword +(from) @keyword +(important) @keyword + +(string_value) @string +(color_value) @string.special + +(integer_value) @constant.numeric.integer +(float_value) @constant.numeric.float +(unit) @type + +"#" @punctuation.delimiter +"," @punctuation.delimiter +":" @punctuation.delimiter diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/css/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/css/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/css/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f667d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +(dotted_identifier_list) @string + +; Methods +; -------------------- +(super) @function.builtin + +(function_expression_body (identifier) @function.method) +((identifier)(selector (argument_part)) @function.method) + +; Annotations +; -------------------- +(annotation + name: (identifier) @attribute) +(marker_annotation + name: (identifier) @attribute) + +; Types +; -------------------- +(class_definition + name: (identifier) @type) + +(constructor_signature + name: (identifier) @function.method) + +(function_signature + name: (identifier) @function.method) + +(getter_signature + (identifier) @function.builtin) + +(setter_signature + name: (identifier) @function.builtin) + +(enum_declaration + name: (identifier) @type) + +(enum_constant + name: (identifier) @type.builtin) + +(void_type) @type.builtin + +((scoped_identifier + scope: (identifier) @type) + (#match? @type "^[a-zA-Z]")) + +((scoped_identifier + scope: (identifier) @type + name: (identifier) @type) + (#match? @type "^[a-zA-Z]")) + +; the DisabledDrawerButtons in : const DisabledDrawerButtons(history: true), +(type_identifier) @type.builtin + +; Variables +; -------------------- +; the "File" in var file = File(); +((identifier) @namespace + (#match? @namespace "^_?[A-Z].*[a-z]")) ; catch Classes or IClasses not CLASSES + +("Function" @type.builtin) +(inferred_type) @type.builtin + +; properties +(unconditional_assignable_selector + (identifier) @variable.other.member) + +(conditional_assignable_selector + (identifier) @variable.other.member) + +; assignments +; -------------------- +; the "strings" in : strings = "some string" +(assignment_expression + left: (assignable_expression) @variable) + +(this) @variable.builtin + +; Parameters +; -------------------- +(formal_parameter + name: (identifier) @variable) + +(named_argument + (label (identifier) @variable)) + +; Literals +; -------------------- +[ + (hex_integer_literal) + (decimal_integer_literal) + (decimal_floating_point_literal) + ;(octal_integer_literal) + ;(hex_floating_point_literal) +] @constant.numeric.integer + +(symbol_literal) @string.special.symbol +(string_literal) @string + +[ + (const_builtin) + (final_builtin) +] @variable.builtin + +[ + (true) + (false) +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +(null_literal) @constant.builtin + +(comment) @comment.line +(documentation_comment) @comment.block.documentation + +; Tokens +; -------------------- +(template_substitution + "$" @punctuation.special + "{" @punctuation.special + "}" @punctuation.special +) @embedded + +(template_substitution + "$" @punctuation.special + (identifier_dollar_escaped) @variable +) @embedded + +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +; Punctuation +;--------------------- +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + ";" + "." + "," + ":" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +; Operators +;--------------------- +[ + "@" + "?" + "=>" + ".." + "==" + "&&" + "%" + "<" + ">" + "=" + ">=" + "<=" + "||" + (multiplicative_operator) + (increment_operator) + (is_operator) + (prefix_operator) + (equality_operator) + (additive_operator) +] @operator + +; Keywords +; -------------------- +["import" "library" "export"] @keyword.control.import +["do" "while" "continue" "for"] @keyword.control.repeat +["return" "yield"] @keyword.control.return +["as" "in" "is"] @keyword.operator + +[ + "?." + "??" + "if" + "else" + "switch" + "default" + "late" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + "try" + "throw" + "catch" + "finally" + (break_statement) +] @keyword.control.exception + +; Reserved words (cannot be used as identifiers) +[ + (case_builtin) + "abstract" + "async" + "async*" + "await" + "class" + "covariant" + "deferred" + "dynamic" + "enum" + "extends" + "extension" + "external" + "factory" + "Function" + "get" + "implements" + "interface" + "mixin" + "new" + "on" + "operator" + "part" + "required" + "set" + "show" + "static" + "super" + "sync*" + "typedef" + "with" +] @keyword + +; when used as an identifier: +((identifier) @variable.builtin + (#match? @variable.builtin "^(abstract|as|covariant|deferred|dynamic|export|external|factory|Function|get|implements|import|interface|library|operator|mixin|part|set|static|typedef)$")) + +; Error +(ERROR) @error + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c11e05 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +indent = [ + "class_body", + "function_body", + "function_expression_body", + "declaration", + "initializers", + "switch_block", + "if_statement", + "formal_parameter_list", + "formal_parameter", + "list_literal", + "return_statement", + "arguments" +] + +outdent = [ + "}", + "]", + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..629838e --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dart/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +; Scopes +;------- + +[ + (block) + (try_statement) + (catch_clause) + (finally_clause) +] @local.scope + +; Definitions +;------------ + +(class_definition + body: (_) @local.definition) + +; References +;------------ + +(identifier) @local.reference diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dockerfile/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dockerfile/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a945fb --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dockerfile/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +[ + "FROM" + "AS" + "RUN" + "CMD" + "LABEL" + "EXPOSE" + "ENV" + "ADD" + "COPY" + "ENTRYPOINT" + "VOLUME" + "USER" + "WORKDIR" + "ARG" + "ONBUILD" + "STOPSIGNAL" + "HEALTHCHECK" + "SHELL" + "MAINTAINER" + "CROSS_BUILD" +] @keyword + +[ + ":" + "@" +] @operator + +(comment) @comment + + +(image_spec + (image_tag + ":" @punctuation.special) + (image_digest + "@" @punctuation.special)) + +(double_quoted_string) @string + +(expansion + [ + "$" + "{" + "}" + ] @punctuation.special +) @none + +((variable) @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*$")) + + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dockerfile/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dockerfile/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20396f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/dockerfile/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) + +([(shell_command) (shell_fragment)] @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "bash")) + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elixir/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elixir/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76fd2af --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elixir/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +; The following code originates mostly from +; https://github.com/elixir-lang/tree-sitter-elixir, with minor edits to +; align the captures with helix. The following should be considered +; Copyright 2021 The Elixir Team +; +; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +; You may obtain a copy of the License at +; +; https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +; +; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +; limitations under the License. + +; Reserved keywords + +["when" "and" "or" "not" "in" "not in" "fn" "do" "end" "catch" "rescue" "after" "else"] @keyword + +; Operators + +; * doc string +(unary_operator + operator: "@" @comment.block.documentation + operand: (call + target: (identifier) @comment.block.documentation.__attribute__ + (arguments + [ + (string) @comment.block.documentation + (charlist) @comment.block.documentation + (sigil + quoted_start: _ @comment.block.documentation + quoted_end: _ @comment.block.documentation) @comment.block.documentation + (boolean) @comment.block.documentation + ])) + (#match? @comment.block.documentation.__attribute__ "^(moduledoc|typedoc|doc)$")) + +; * module attribute +(unary_operator + operator: "@" @variable.other.member + operand: [ + (identifier) @variable.other.member + (call + target: (identifier) @variable.other.member) + (boolean) @variable.other.member + (nil) @variable.other.member + ]) + +; * capture operator +(unary_operator + operator: "&" + operand: [ + (integer) @operator + (binary_operator + left: [ + (call target: (dot left: (_) right: (identifier) @function)) + (identifier) @function + ] operator: "/" right: (integer) @operator) + ]) + +(operator_identifier) @operator + +(unary_operator + operator: _ @operator) + +(binary_operator + operator: _ @operator) + +(dot + operator: _ @operator) + +(stab_clause + operator: _ @operator) + +; Literals + +(nil) @constant.builtin + +(boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float + +(alias) @type + +(call + target: (dot + left: (atom) @type)) + +(char) @constant.character + +; Quoted content + +(interpolation "#{" @punctuation.special "}" @punctuation.special) @embedded + +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +[ + (atom) + (quoted_atom) + (keyword) + (quoted_keyword) +] @string.special.symbol + +[ + (string) + (charlist) +] @string + +; Note that we explicitly target sigil quoted start/end, so they are not overridden by delimiters + +(sigil + (sigil_name) @__name__ + quoted_start: _ @string + quoted_end: _ @string + (#match? @__name__ "^[sS]$")) @string + +(sigil + (sigil_name) @__name__ + quoted_start: _ @string.regexp + quoted_end: _ @string.regexp + (#match? @__name__ "^[rR]$")) @string.regexp + +(sigil + (sigil_name) @__name__ + quoted_start: _ @string.special + quoted_end: _ @string.special) @string.special + +; Calls + +; * definition keyword +(call + target: (identifier) @keyword + (#match? @keyword "^(def|defdelegate|defexception|defguard|defguardp|defimpl|defmacro|defmacrop|defmodule|defn|defnp|defoverridable|defp|defprotocol|defstruct)$")) + +; * kernel or special forms keyword +(call + target: (identifier) @keyword + (#match? @keyword "^(alias|case|cond|else|for|if|import|quote|raise|receive|require|reraise|super|throw|try|unless|unquote|unquote_splicing|use|with)$")) + +; * function call +(call + target: [ + ; local + (identifier) @function + ; remote + (dot + right: (identifier) @function) + ]) + +; * just identifier in function definition +(call + target: (identifier) @keyword + (arguments + [ + (identifier) @function + (binary_operator + left: (identifier) @function + operator: "when") + ]) + (#match? @keyword "^(def|defdelegate|defguard|defguardp|defmacro|defmacrop|defn|defnp|defp)$")) + +; * pipe into identifier (definition) +(call + target: (identifier) @keyword + (arguments + (binary_operator + operator: "|>" + right: (identifier) @variable)) + (#match? @keyword "^(def|defdelegate|defguard|defguardp|defmacro|defmacrop|defn|defnp|defp)$")) + +; * pipe into identifier (function call) +(binary_operator + operator: "|>" + right: (identifier) @function) + +; Identifiers + +; * special +( + (identifier) @constant.builtin + (#match? @constant.builtin "^(__MODULE__|__DIR__|__ENV__|__CALLER__|__STACKTRACE__)$") +) + +; * unused +( + (identifier) @comment + (#match? @comment "^_") +) + +; * regular +(identifier) @variable + +; Comment + +(comment) @comment + +; Punctuation + +[ + "%" +] @punctuation + +[ + "," + ";" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" + "<<" + ">>" +] @punctuation.bracket + +(ERROR) @warning diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elixir/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elixir/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8370a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elixir/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) + +((sigil + (sigil_name) @_sigil_name + (quoted_content) @injection.content) + (#match? @_sigil_name "^(r|R)$") + (#set! injection.language "regex") + (#set! injection.combined)) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c8fd12 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +; Keywords +[ + "if" + "then" + "else" + "let" + "in" + ] @keyword.control +(case) @keyword.control +(of) @keyword.control + +(colon) @keyword.operator +(backslash) @keyword +(as) @keyword +(port) @keyword +(exposing) @keyword +(alias) @keyword +(infix) @keyword + +(arrow) @keyword.operator +(dot) @keyword.operator + +(port) @keyword + +(type_annotation(lower_case_identifier) @function) +(port_annotation(lower_case_identifier) @function) +(file (value_declaration (function_declaration_left(lower_case_identifier) @function))) + +(field name: (lower_case_identifier) @attribute) +(field_access_expr(lower_case_identifier) @attribute) + +(operator_identifier) @keyword.operator +(eq) @keyword.operator.assignment + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +"|" @keyword +"," @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "|>" +] @keyword + + +(import) @keyword.contol.import +(module) @keyword.other + +(number_constant_expr) @constant.numeric + +(type) @type + +(type_declaration(upper_case_identifier) @type) +(type_ref) @type +(type_alias_declaration name: (upper_case_identifier) @type) + +(union_pattern constructor: (upper_case_qid (upper_case_identifier) @label (dot) (upper_case_identifier) @variable.other.member)) +(union_pattern constructor: (upper_case_qid (upper_case_identifier) @variable.other.member)) + +(union_variant(upper_case_identifier) @variable.other.member) +(value_expr name: (value_qid (upper_case_identifier) @label)) +(value_expr (upper_case_qid (upper_case_identifier) @label (dot) (upper_case_identifier) @variable.other.member)) +(value_expr(upper_case_qid(upper_case_identifier)) @variable.other.member) + +; comments +(line_comment) @comment +(block_comment) @comment + +; strings +(string_escape) @constant.character.escape + +(open_quote) @string +(close_quote) @string +(regular_string_part) @string + +(open_char) @constant.character +(close_char) @constant.character diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83f8245 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +; Parse glsl where defined + +((glsl_content) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "glsl")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab10311 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +(value_declaration) @local.scope +(type_alias_declaration) @local.scope +(type_declaration) @local.scope +(type_annotation) @local.scope +(port_annotation) @local.scope +(infix_declaration) @local.scope +(let_in_expr) @local.scope + +(function_declaration_left (lower_pattern (lower_case_identifier)) @local.definition) +(function_declaration_left (lower_case_identifier) @local.definition) + +(value_expr(value_qid(upper_case_identifier)) @local.reference) +(value_expr(value_qid(lower_case_identifier)) @local.reference) +(type_ref (upper_case_qid) @local.reference) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/tags.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/tags.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03999fb --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/elm/tags.scm @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +(value_declaration (function_declaration_left (lower_case_identifier) @name)) @definition.function + +(function_call_expr (value_expr (value_qid) @name)) @reference.function +(exposed_value (lower_case_identifier) @name) @reference.function +(type_annotation ((lower_case_identifier) @name) (colon)) @reference.function + +(type_declaration ((upper_case_identifier) @name) ) @definition.type + +(type_ref (upper_case_qid (upper_case_identifier) @name)) @reference.type +(exposed_type (upper_case_identifier) @name) @reference.type + +(type_declaration (union_variant (upper_case_identifier) @name)) @definition.union + +(value_expr (upper_case_qid (upper_case_identifier) @name)) @reference.union + + +(module_declaration + (upper_case_qid (upper_case_identifier)) @name +) @definition.module diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/erlang/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/erlang/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc742f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/erlang/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +; Attributes +; module declaration +(attribute + name: (atom) @keyword + (arguments (atom) @module) + (#eq? @keyword "module")) + +(attribute + name: (atom) @keyword + (arguments + . + (atom) @module) + (#eq? @keyword "import")) + +(attribute + name: (atom) @keyword + (arguments + . + (atom) @type + [ + (tuple (atom) @variable.other.member) + (tuple + (binary_operator + left: (atom) @variable.other.member + operator: "=")) + (tuple + (binary_operator + left: + (binary_operator + left: (atom) @variable.other.member + operator: "=") + operator: "::")) + ]) + (#eq? @keyword "record")) + +(attribute + name: (atom) @keyword + (arguments + . + [ + (atom) @keyword.directive + (variable) @keyword.directive + (call + function: + [(variable) (atom)] @keyword.directive) + ]) + (#eq? @keyword "define")) + +(attribute + name: (atom) @keyword + module: (atom) @module + (#eq? @keyword "spec")) + +; Functions +(function name: (atom) @function) +(call module: (atom) @module) +(call function: (atom) @function) +(stab_clause name: (atom) @function) +(function_capture module: (atom) @module) +(function_capture function: (atom) @function) + +; Records +(record_content + (binary_operator + left: (atom) @variable.other.member + operator: "=")) + +(record field: (atom) @variable.other.member) +(record name: (atom) @type) + +; Keywords +((attribute name: (atom) @keyword) + (#match? + @keyword + "^(define|export|export_type|include|include_lib|ifdef|ifndef|if|elif|else|endif|vsn|on_load|behaviour|record|file|type|opaque|spec)$")) + +["case" "fun" "if" "of" "when" "end" "receive" "try" "catch" "after"] @keyword + +; Operators +(binary_operator + left: (atom) @function + operator: "/" + right: (integer) @constant.numeric.integer) + +(binary_operator operator: _ @operator) +(unary_operator operator: _ @operator) +["/" ":" "#" "->"] @operator + +; Comments +((variable) @comment.discard + (#match? @comment.discard "^_")) + +(tripledot) @comment.discard + +(comment) @comment + +; Macros +(macro + "?"+ @keyword.directive + name: (_) @keyword.directive) + +; Basic types +(variable) @variable +[ + (atom) + (quoted_atom) +] @string.special.symbol +(string) @string +(character) @constant.character + +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float + +; Punctuation +["," "." "-" ";"] @punctuation.delimiter +["(" ")" "{" "}" "[" "]" "<<" ">>"] @punctuation.bracket + +; (ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/erlang/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/erlang/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/erlang/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..def5393 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +;; Operators + +[ + "&&" + "||" + "|" + "&" + "=" + "!=" + ".." + "!" + (direction) + (stream_redirect) + (test_option) +] @operator + +[ + "not" + "and" + "or" +] @keyword.operator + +;; Conditionals + +(if_statement +[ + "if" + "end" +] @keyword.control.conditional) + +(switch_statement +[ + "switch" + "end" +] @keyword.control.conditional) + +(case_clause +[ + "case" +] @keyword.control.conditional) + +(else_clause +[ + "else" +] @keyword.control.conditional) + +(else_if_clause +[ + "else" + "if" +] @keyword.control.conditional) + +;; Loops/Blocks + +(while_statement +[ + "while" + "end" +] @keyword.control.repeat) + +(for_statement +[ + "for" + "end" +] @keyword.control.repeat) + +(begin_statement +[ + "begin" + "end" +] @keyword.control.repeat) + +;; Keywords + +[ + "in" + (break) + (continue) +] @keyword + +"return" @keyword.control.return + +;; Punctuation + +[ + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" + "(" + ")" +] @punctuation.bracket + +"," @punctuation.delimiter + +;; Commands + +(command + argument: [ + (word) @variable.parameter (#match? @variable.parameter "^-") + ] +) + +; non-bultin command names +(command name: (word) @function) + +; derived from builtin -n (fish 3.2.2) +(command + name: [ + (word) @function.builtin + (#match? @function.builtin "^(\.|:|_|alias|argparse|bg|bind|block|breakpoint|builtin|cd|command|commandline|complete|contains|count|disown|echo|emit|eval|exec|exit|fg|functions|history|isatty|jobs|math|printf|pwd|random|read|realpath|set|set_color|source|status|string|test|time|type|ulimit|wait)$") + ] +) + +(test_command "test" @function.builtin) + +;; Functions + +(function_definition ["function" "end"] @keyword.function) + +(function_definition + name: [ + (word) (concatenation) + ] +@function) + +(function_definition + option: [ + (word) + (concatenation (word)) + ] @variable.parameter (#match? @variable.parameter "^-") +) + +;; Strings + +[(double_quote_string) (single_quote_string)] @string +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +;; Variables + +(variable_name) @variable +(variable_expansion) @constant + +;; Nodes + +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float +(comment) @comment +(test_option) @string + +((word) @constant.builtin.boolean +(#match? @constant.builtin.boolean "^(true|false)$")) + +;; Error + +(ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f1e563 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +indent = [ + "function_definition", + "while_statement", + "for_statement", + "if_statement", + "begin_statement", + "switch_statement", +] + +outdent = [ + "end" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de8caa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/fish/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +(function_definition) @function.around + +(comment) @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-commit/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-commit/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b50d41 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-commit/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +(subject) @markup.heading +(path) @string.special.path +(branch) @string.special.symbol +(commit) @constant +(item) @markup.link.url +(header) @tag + +(change kind: "new file" @diff.plus) +(change kind: "deleted" @diff.minus) +(change kind: "modified" @diff.delta) +(change kind: "renamed" @diff.delta.moved) + +[":" "->"] @punctuation.delimeter +(comment) @comment diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-commit/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-commit/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79f7691 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-commit/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +(((scissors) + (message) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.include-children) + (#set! injection.language "diff")) + +((rebase_command) @injection.content + (#set! injection.include-children) + (#set! injection.language "git-rebase")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-config/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-config/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84767ed --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-config/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +((section_name) @keyword.directive + (#eq? @keyword.directive "include")) + +((section_header + (section_name) @keyword.directive + (subsection_name)) + (#eq? @keyword.directive "includeIf")) + +(section_name) @markup.heading +(variable (name) @variable.other.member) +[(true) (false)] @constant.builtin.boolean +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer + +((string) @string.special.path + (#match? @string.special.path "^(~|./|/)")) + +[(string) (subsection_name)] @string + +[ + "[" + "]" + "\"" +] @punctuation.bracket + +"=" @punctuation.delimiter + +(comment) @comment diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-diff/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-diff/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c1a882 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-diff/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[(addition) (new_file)] @diff.plus +[(deletion) (old_file)] @diff.minus + +(commit) @constant +(location) @attribute +(command) @markup.bold diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-rebase/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-rebase/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f00703 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-rebase/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +(operation operator: ["p" "pick" "r" "reword" "e" "edit" "s" "squash" "m" "merge" "d" "drop" "b" "break" "x" "exec"] @keyword) +(operation operator: ["l" "label" "t" "reset"] @function) +(operation operator: ["f" "fixup"] @function.special) + +(option) @operator +(label) @string.special.symbol +(commit) @constant +"#" @punctuation.delimiter +(comment) @comment + +(ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-rebase/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-rebase/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..070129b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/git-rebase/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +((operation + operator: ["x" "exec"] + (command) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "bash")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/folds.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/folds.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5a5208 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/folds.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: c diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af2a049 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +; inherits: c + +[ + "in" + "out" + "inout" + "uniform" + "shared" + "layout" + "attribute" + "varying" + "buffer" + "coherent" + "readonly" + "writeonly" + "precision" + "highp" + "mediump" + "lowp" + "centroid" + "sample" + "patch" + "smooth" + "flat" + "noperspective" + "invariant" + "precise" +] @keyword + +"subroutine" @keyword.function + +(extension_storage_class) @attribute + +( + (identifier) @variable.builtin + (#match? @variable.builtin "^gl_") +) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7fd499 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +indent = [ + "init_declarator", + "compound_statement", + "preproc_arg", + "field_declaration_list", + "case_statement", + "conditional_expression", + "enumerator_list", + "struct_specifier", + "compound_literal_expression" +] + +outdent = [ + "#define", + "#ifdef", + "#endif", + "{", + "}" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6330ea3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +; inherits: c + +((preproc_arg) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "glsl")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5a5208 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/glsl/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: c diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ff8675 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +; Function calls + +(call_expression + function: (identifier) @function) + +(call_expression + function: (selector_expression + field: (field_identifier) @function.method)) + +; Function definitions + +(function_declaration + name: (identifier) @function) + +(method_declaration + name: (field_identifier) @function.method) + +; Identifiers + +((identifier) @constant (match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]+$")) +(const_spec + name: (identifier) @constant) + +(parameter_declaration (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(variadic_parameter_declaration (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +(type_identifier) @type +(field_identifier) @variable.other.member +(identifier) @variable +(package_identifier) @variable + + +; Operators + +[ + "--" + "-" + "-=" + ":=" + "!" + "!=" + "..." + "*" + "*" + "*=" + "/" + "/=" + "&" + "&&" + "&=" + "%" + "%=" + "^" + "^=" + "+" + "++" + "+=" + "<-" + "<" + "<<" + "<<=" + "<=" + "=" + "==" + ">" + ">=" + ">>" + ">>=" + "|" + "|=" + "||" + "~" +] @operator + +; Keywords + +[ + "break" + "case" + "chan" + "const" + "continue" + "default" + "defer" + "else" + "fallthrough" + "for" + "func" + "go" + "goto" + "if" + "interface" + "map" + "range" + "return" + "select" + "struct" + "switch" + "type" + "var" +] @keyword + +[ + "import" + "package" +] @keyword.control.import + +; Delimiters + +[ + ":" + "." + "," + ";" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +; Literals + +[ + (interpreted_string_literal) + (raw_string_literal) + (rune_literal) +] @string + +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +[ + (int_literal) + (float_literal) + (imaginary_literal) +] @constant.numeric.integer + +[ + (true) + (false) +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +[ + (nil) + (iota) +] @constant.builtin + +(comment) @comment diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7929ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +indent = [ + "import_declaration", + "const_declaration", + #"var_declaration", + #"short_var_declaration", + "type_declaration", + "type_spec", + # simply block should be enough + # "function_declaration", + # "method_declaration", + # "composite_literal", + "func_literal", + "literal_value", + "element", + "keyed_element", + "expression_case", + "default_case", + "type_case", + "communication_case", + "argument_list", + "field_declaration_list", + "block", +] + +outdent = [ + "case", + "}", + "]", + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d240e2b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +; Scopes + +(block) @local.scope + +; Definitions + +(parameter_declaration (identifier) @local.definition) +(variadic_parameter_declaration (identifier) @local.definition) + +(short_var_declaration + left: (expression_list + (identifier) @local.definition)) + +(var_spec + name: (identifier) @local.definition) + +(for_statement + (range_clause + left: (expression_list + (identifier) @local.definition))) + +(const_declaration + (const_spec + name: (identifier) @local.definition)) + +; References + +(identifier) @local.reference +(field_identifier) @local.reference + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/tags.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/tags.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d87008a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/tags.scm @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +( + (comment)* @doc + . + (function_declaration + name: (identifier) @name) @definition.function + (#strip! @doc "^//\\s*") + (#set-adjacent! @doc @definition.function) +) + +( + (comment)* @doc + . + (method_declaration + name: (field_identifier) @name) @definition.method + (#strip! @doc "^//\\s*") + (#set-adjacent! @doc @definition.method) +) + +(call_expression + function: [ + (identifier) @name + (parenthesized_expression (identifier) @name) + (selector_expression field: (field_identifier) @name) + (parenthesized_expression (selector_expression field: (field_identifier) @name)) + ]) @reference.call + +(type_spec + name: (type_identifier) @name) @definition.type + +(type_identifier) @name @reference.type diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d77e14b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/go/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +(function_declaration + body: (block)? @function.inside) @function.around + +(func_literal + (_)? @function.inside) @function.around + +(method_declaration + body: (block)? @function.inside) @function.around + +;; struct and interface declaration as class textobject? +(type_declaration + (type_spec (type_identifier) (struct_type (field_declaration_list (_)?) @class.inside))) @class.around + +(type_declaration + (type_spec (type_identifier) (interface_type (method_spec_list (_)?) @class.inside))) @class.around + +(parameter_list + (_) @parameter.inside) + +(argument_list + (_) @parameter.inside) + +(comment) @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/graphql/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/graphql/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fab405 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/graphql/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +; Types +;------ + +(scalar_type_definition + (name) @type) + +(object_type_definition + (name) @type) + +(interface_type_definition + (name) @type) + +(union_type_definition + (name) @type) + +(enum_type_definition + (name) @type) + +(input_object_type_definition + (name) @type) + +(directive_definition + (name) @type) + +(directive_definition + "@" @type) + +(scalar_type_extension + (name) @type) + +(object_type_extension + (name) @type) + +(interface_type_extension + (name) @type) + +(union_type_extension + (name) @type) + +(enum_type_extension + (name) @type) + +(input_object_type_extension + (name) @type) + +(named_type + (name) @type) + +(directive) @type + +; Properties +;----------- + +(field + (name) @variable.other.member) + +(field + (alias + (name) @variable.other.member)) + +(field_definition + (name) @variable.other.member) + +(object_value + (object_field + (name) @variable.other.member)) + +(enum_value + (name) @variable.other.member) + +; Variable Definitions and Arguments +;----------------------------------- + +(operation_definition + (name) @variable) + +(fragment_name + (name) @variable) + +(input_fields_definition + (input_value_definition + (name) @variable.parameter)) + +(argument + (name) @variable.parameter) + +(arguments_definition + (input_value_definition + (name) @variable.parameter)) + +(variable_definition + (variable) @variable.parameter) + +(argument + (value + (variable) @variable)) + +; Constants +;---------- + +(string_value) @string + +(int_value) @constants.numeric.integer + +(float_value) @constants.numeric.float + +(boolean_value) @constants.builtin.boolean + +; Literals +;--------- + +(description) @comment + +(comment) @comment + +(directive_location + (executable_directive_location) @type.builtin) + +(directive_location + (type_system_directive_location) @type.builtin) + +; Keywords +;---------- + +[ + "query" + "mutation" + "subscription" + "fragment" + "scalar" + "type" + "interface" + "union" + "enum" + "input" + "extend" + "directive" + "schema" + "on" + "repeatable" + "implements" +] @keyword + +; Punctuation +;------------ + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +"=" @operator + +"|" @punctuation.delimiter +"&" @punctuation.delimiter +":" @punctuation.delimiter + +"..." @punctuation.special +"!" @punctuation.special diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5009f3b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;; Literals and comments + +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(exp_negation) @constant.numeric.integer +(exp_literal (float)) @constant.numeric.float +(char) @constant.character +(string) @string + +(con_unit) @constant.builtin ; unit, as in () + +(comment) @comment + + +;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;; Punctuation + +[ + "(" + ")" + "{" + "}" + "[" + "]" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + (comma) + ";" +] @punctuation.delimiter + + +;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;; Keywords, operators, includes + +(pragma) @constant.macro + +[ + "if" + "then" + "else" + "case" + "of" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + "import" + "qualified" + "module" +] @keyword.control.import + +[ + (operator) + (constructor_operator) + (type_operator) + (tycon_arrow) + (qualified_module) ; grabs the `.` (dot), ex: import System.IO + (all_names) + (wildcard) + "=" + "|" + "::" + "=>" + "->" + "<-" + "\\" + "`" + "@" +] @operator + +(qualified_module (module) @constructor) +(qualified_type (module) @namespace) +(qualified_variable (module) @namespace) +(import (module) @namespace) + +[ + (where) + "let" + "in" + "class" + "instance" + "data" + "newtype" + "family" + "type" + "as" + "hiding" + "deriving" + "via" + "stock" + "anyclass" + "do" + "mdo" + "rec" + "forall" + "∀" + "infix" + "infixl" + "infixr" +] @keyword + + +;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;; Functions and variables + +(signature name: (variable) @type) +(function name: (variable) @function) + +(variable) @variable +"_" @variable.builtin + +(exp_infix (variable) @operator) ; consider infix functions as operators + +("@" @namespace) ; "as" pattern operator, e.g. x@Constructor + + +;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;; Types + +(type) @type + +(constructor) @constructor + +; True or False +((constructor) @_bool (#match? @_bool "(True|False)")) @constant.builtin.boolean diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad67fe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/haskell/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +(signature name: (variable)) @local.definition +(function name: (variable)) @local.definition +(pat_name (variable)) @local.definition +(exp_name (variable)) @local.reference diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/folds.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/folds.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb20b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/folds.scm @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[ + (comment) + (block) + (heredoc_template) + (object) +] @fold diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03b3e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +(ERROR) @error + +; { key: val } + +(object_elem val: (expression + (variable_expr + (identifier) @type.builtin (#match? @type.builtin "^(bool|string|number|object|tuple|list|map|set|any)$")))) + +(get_attr (identifier) @variable.builtin (#match? @variable.builtin "^(root|cwd|module)$")) +(variable_expr (identifier) @variable.builtin (#match? @variable.builtin "^(var|local|path)$")) +((identifier) @type.builtin (#match? @type.builtin "^(bool|string|number|object|tuple|list|map|set|any)$")) +((identifier) @keyword (#match? @keyword "^(module|root|cwd|resource|variable|data|locals|terraform|provider|output)$")) + +; highlight identifier keys as though they were block attributes +(object_elem key: (expression (variable_expr (identifier) @variable.other.member))) + +(attribute (identifier) @variable.other.member) +(function_call (identifier) @function.method) +(block (identifier) @type.builtin) + +(identifier) @variable +(comment) @comment +(null_lit) @constant.builtin +(numeric_lit) @constant.number +(bool_lit) @constant.builtin.boolean + +[ + (template_interpolation_start) ; ${ + (template_interpolation_end) ; } + (template_directive_start) ; %{ + (template_directive_end) ; } + (strip_marker) ; ~ +] @punctuation.special + +[ + (heredoc_identifier) ; <<END + (heredoc_start) ; END +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + (quoted_template_start) ; " + (quoted_template_end); " + (template_literal) ; non-interpolation/directive content +] @string + +[ + "if" + "else" + "endif" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + "for" + "endfor" + "in" +] @keyword.control.repeat + +[ + ":" + "=" +] @none + +[ + (ellipsis) + "\?" + "=>" +] @punctuation.special + +[ + "." + ".*" + "," + "[*]" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "{" + "}" + "[" + "]" + "(" + ")" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "!" + "\*" + "/" + "%" + "\+" + "-" + ">" + ">=" + "<" + "<=" + "==" + "!=" + "&&" + "||" +] @operator diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0d4a3f --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +indent = [ + "object", + "block", + "tuple", + "for_tuple_expr", + "for_object_expr" +] + +outdent = [ + "object_end", + "block_end", + "tuple_end" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd69161 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/hcl/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/html/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/html/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c70a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/html/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +(tag_name) @tag +(erroneous_end_tag_name) @tag.error +(doctype) @constant +(attribute_name) @attribute +(attribute_value) @string +(comment) @comment + +[ + "<" + ">" + "</" +] @punctuation.bracket diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/html/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/html/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef58f41 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/html/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) + +((script_element + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "javascript")) + +((style_element + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "css")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/iex/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/iex/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2847fbf --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/iex/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +(prompt) @comment diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/iex/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/iex/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48863d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/iex/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +((evaluation_block (prompt_line (expression) @injection.content)) + (#set! injection.language "elixir") + (#set! injection.combined)) + +((result) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "elixir")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/java/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/java/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77902fc --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/java/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +; Methods + +(method_declaration + name: (identifier) @function.method) +(method_invocation + name: (identifier) @function.method) +(super) @function.builtin + +; Annotations + +(annotation + name: (identifier) @attribute) +(marker_annotation + name: (identifier) @attribute) + +"@" @operator + +; Types + +(interface_declaration + name: (identifier) @type) +(class_declaration + name: (identifier) @type) +(enum_declaration + name: (identifier) @type) + +((field_access + object: (identifier) @type) + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) +((scoped_identifier + scope: (identifier) @type) + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + +(constructor_declaration + name: (identifier) @type) + +(type_identifier) @type + +[ + (boolean_type) + (integral_type) + (floating_point_type) + (floating_point_type) + (void_type) +] @type.builtin + +; Variables + +((identifier) @constant + (#match? @constant "^_*[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]+$")) + +(identifier) @variable + +(this) @variable.builtin + +; Literals + +[ + (hex_integer_literal) + (decimal_integer_literal) + (octal_integer_literal) +] @constant.numeric.integer + +[ + (decimal_floating_point_literal) + (hex_floating_point_literal) +] @constant.numeric.float + +(character_literal) @constant.character +(string_literal) @string + +[ + (true) + (false) + (null_literal) +] @constant.builtin + +(comment) @comment + +; Keywords + +[ + "abstract" + "assert" + "break" + "case" + "catch" + "class" + "continue" + "default" + "do" + "else" + "enum" + "exports" + "extends" + "final" + "finally" + "for" + "if" + "implements" + "import" + "instanceof" + "interface" + "module" + "native" + "new" + "open" + "opens" + "package" + "private" + "protected" + "provides" + "public" + "requires" + "return" + "static" + "strictfp" + "switch" + "synchronized" + "throw" + "throws" + "to" + "transient" + "transitive" + "try" + "uses" + "volatile" + "while" + "with" +] @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/java/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/java/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/java/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights-jsx.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights-jsx.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..751da08 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights-jsx.scm @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +(jsx_opening_element (identifier) @tag) +(jsx_closing_element (identifier) @tag) +(jsx_self_closing_element (identifier) @tag) +(jsx_attribute (property_identifier) @attribute) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights-params.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights-params.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95ffc72 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights-params.scm @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +(formal_parameters + [ + (identifier) @variable.parameter + (array_pattern + (identifier) @variable.parameter) + (object_pattern + [ + (pair_pattern value: (identifier) @variable.parameter) + (shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) @variable.parameter + ]) + ] +) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6163b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,205 @@ +; Special identifiers +;-------------------- + +([ + (identifier) + (shorthand_property_identifier) + (shorthand_property_identifier_pattern) + ] @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z_][A-Z\\d_]+$")) + + +((identifier) @constructor + (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) + +((identifier) @variable.builtin + (#match? @variable.builtin "^(arguments|module|console|window|document)$") + (#is-not? local)) + +((identifier) @function.builtin + (#eq? @function.builtin "require") + (#is-not? local)) + +; Function and method definitions +;-------------------------------- + +(function + name: (identifier) @function) +(function_declaration + name: (identifier) @function) +(method_definition + name: (property_identifier) @function.method) + +(pair + key: (property_identifier) @function.method + value: [(function) (arrow_function)]) + +(assignment_expression + left: (member_expression + property: (property_identifier) @function.method) + right: [(function) (arrow_function)]) + +(variable_declarator + name: (identifier) @function + value: [(function) (arrow_function)]) + +(assignment_expression + left: (identifier) @function + right: [(function) (arrow_function)]) + +; Function and method calls +;-------------------------- + +(call_expression + function: (identifier) @function) + +(call_expression + function: (member_expression + property: (property_identifier) @function.method)) + +; Variables +;---------- + +(identifier) @variable + +; Properties +;----------- + +(property_identifier) @variable.other.member + +; Literals +;--------- + +(this) @variable.builtin +(super) @variable.builtin + +[ + (true) + (false) + (null) + (undefined) +] @constant.builtin + +(comment) @comment + +[ + (string) + (template_string) +] @string + +(regex) @string.regexp +(number) @constant.numeric.integer + +; Tokens +;------- + +(template_substitution + "${" @punctuation.special + "}" @punctuation.special) @embedded + +[ + ";" + "?." + "." + "," +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "-" + "--" + "-=" + "+" + "++" + "+=" + "*" + "*=" + "**" + "**=" + "/" + "/=" + "%" + "%=" + "<" + "<=" + "<<" + "<<=" + "=" + "==" + "===" + "!" + "!=" + "!==" + "=>" + ">" + ">=" + ">>" + ">>=" + ">>>" + ">>>=" + "~" + "^" + "&" + "|" + "^=" + "&=" + "|=" + "&&" + "||" + "??" + "&&=" + "||=" + "??=" +] @operator + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "as" + "async" + "await" + "break" + "case" + "catch" + "class" + "const" + "continue" + "debugger" + "default" + "delete" + "do" + "else" + "export" + "extends" + "finally" + "for" + "from" + "function" + "get" + "if" + "import" + "in" + "instanceof" + "let" + "new" + "of" + "return" + "set" + "static" + "switch" + "target" + "throw" + "try" + "typeof" + "var" + "void" + "while" + "with" + "yield" +] @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d711ab --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +indent = [ + "array", + "object", + "arguments", + "formal_parameters", + + "statement_block", + "object_pattern", + "class_body", + "named_imports", + + "binary_expression", + "return_statement", + "template_substitution", + # (expression_statement (call_expression)) + "export_clause", + + # typescript + "enum_declaration", + "interface_declaration", + "object_type", +] + +outdent = [ + "}", + "]", + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e842911 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +; Parse the contents of tagged template literals using +; a language inferred from the tag. + +(call_expression + function: [ + (identifier) @injection.language + (member_expression + property: (property_identifier) @injection.language) + ] + arguments: (template_string) @injection.content) + +; Parse the contents of gql template literals + +((call_expression + function: (identifier) @_template_function_name + arguments: (template_string) @injection.content) + (#eq? @_template_function_name "gql") + (#set! injection.language "graphql")) + +; Parse regex syntax within regex literals + +((regex_pattern) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "regex")) + + ; Parse JSDoc annotations in comments + +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "jsdoc")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d680ac --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +; Scopes +;------- + +[ + (statement_block) + (function) + (arrow_function) + (function_declaration) + (method_definition) +] @local.scope + +; Definitions +;------------ + +(pattern/identifier)@local.definition + +(variable_declarator + name: (identifier) @local.definition) + +; References +;------------ + +(identifier) @local.reference diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/tags.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/tags.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7bbd31 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/javascript/tags.scm @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +( + (comment)* @doc + . + (method_definition + name: (property_identifier) @name) @definition.method + (#not-eq? @name "constructor") + (#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$") + (#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.method) +) + +( + (comment)* @doc + . + [ + (class + name: (_) @name) + (class_declaration + name: (_) @name) + ] @definition.class + (#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$") + (#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.class) +) + +( + (comment)* @doc + . + [ + (function + name: (identifier) @name) + (function_declaration + name: (identifier) @name) + (generator_function + name: (identifier) @name) + (generator_function_declaration + name: (identifier) @name) + ] @definition.function + (#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$") + (#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.function) +) + +( + (comment)* @doc + . + (lexical_declaration + (variable_declarator + name: (identifier) @name + value: [(arrow_function) (function)]) @definition.function) + (#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$") + (#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.function) +) + +( + (comment)* @doc + . + (variable_declaration + (variable_declarator + name: (identifier) @name + value: [(arrow_function) (function)]) @definition.function) + (#strip! @doc "^[\\s\\*/]+|^[\\s\\*/]$") + (#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.function) +) + +(assignment_expression + left: [ + (identifier) @name + (member_expression + property: (property_identifier) @name) + ] + right: [(arrow_function) (function)] +) @definition.function + +(pair + key: (property_identifier) @name + value: [(arrow_function) (function)]) @definition.function + +( + (call_expression + function: (identifier) @name) @reference.call + (#not-match? @name "^(require)$") +) + +(call_expression + function: (member_expression + property: (property_identifier) @name) + arguments: (_) @reference.call) + +(new_expression + constructor: (_) @name) @reference.class diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/json/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/json/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6df6c9e --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/json/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +[ + (true) + (false) +] @constant.builtin.boolean +(null) @constant.builtin +(number) @constant.numeric +(pair + key: (_) @keyword) + +(string) @string +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape +(ERROR) @error + +"," @punctuation.delimiter +[ + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/json/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/json/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64a8d17 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/json/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +indent = [ + "object", + "array" +] + +outdent = [ + "]", + "}" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/folds.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/folds.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91eede5 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/folds.scm @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[ + (module_definition) + (struct_definition) + (macro_definition) + (function_definition) + (compound_expression) ; begin blocks + (let_statement) + (if_statement) + (for_statement) + (while_statement) +] @fold diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c44798 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ + +[ + (triple_string) + (string) +] @string + +(string + prefix: (identifier) @constant.builtin) + +(macro_identifier) @function.macro +(macro_identifier (identifier) @function.macro) ; for any one using the variable highlight +(macro_definition + name: (identifier) @function.macro + ["macro" "end" @keyword]) + +(field_expression + (identifier) + (identifier) @variable.other.member .) + +(function_definition + name: (identifier) @function) +(call_expression + (identifier) @function) +(call_expression + (field_expression (identifier) @function.method .)) +(broadcast_call_expression + (identifier) @function) +(broadcast_call_expression + (field_expression (identifier) @function.method .)) +(parameter_list + (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(parameter_list + (optional_parameter . + (identifier) @variable.parameter)) +(typed_parameter + (identifier) @variable.parameter + (identifier) @type) +(type_parameter_list + (identifier) @type) +(typed_parameter + (identifier) @variable.parameter + (parameterized_identifier) @type) +(function_expression + . (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(spread_parameter) @variable.parameter +(spread_parameter + (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(named_argument + . (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(argument_list + (typed_expression + (identifier) @variable.parameter + (identifier) @type)) +(argument_list + (typed_expression + (identifier) @variable.parameter + (parameterized_identifier) @type)) + +;; Symbol expressions (:my-wanna-be-lisp-keyword) +(quote_expression + (identifier)) @string.special.symbol + +;; Parsing error! foo (::Type) get's parsed as two quote expressions +(argument_list + (quote_expression + (quote_expression + (identifier) @type))) + +(type_argument_list + (identifier) @type) +(parameterized_identifier (_)) @type +(argument_list + (typed_expression . (identifier) @variable.parameter)) + +(typed_expression + (identifier) @type .) +(typed_expression + (parameterized_identifier) @type .) + +(struct_definition + name: (identifier) @type) + +(number) @constant.numeric.integer +(range_expression + (identifier) @constant.numeric.integer + (eq? @constant.numeric.integer "end")) +(range_expression + (_ + (identifier) @constant.numeric.integer + (eq? @constant.numeric.integer "end"))) +(coefficient_expression + (number) + (identifier) @constant.builtin) + +;; TODO: operators. +;; Those are a bit difficult to implement since the respective nodes are hidden right now (_power_operator) +;; and heavily use Unicode chars (support for those are bad in vim/lua regexes) +;[; + ;(power_operator); + ;(times_operator); + ;(plus_operator); + ;(arrow_operator); + ;(comparison_operator); + ;(assign_operator); +;] @operator ; + +"end" @keyword + +(if_statement + ["if" "end"] @keyword.control.conditional) +(elseif_clause + ["elseif"] @keyword.control.conditional) +(else_clause + ["else"] @keyword.control.conditional) +(ternary_expression + ["?" ":"] @keyword.control.conditional) + +(function_definition ["function" "end"] @keyword.function) + +(comment) @comment + +[ + "const" + "return" + "macro" + "struct" + "primitive" + "type" +] @keyword + +((identifier) @keyword (match? @keyword "global|local")) + +(compound_expression + ["begin" "end"] @keyword) +(try_statement + ["try" "end" ] @keyword.control.exception) +(finally_clause + "finally" @keyword.control.exception) +(catch_clause + "catch" @keyword.control.exception) +(quote_statement + ["quote" "end"] @keyword) +(let_statement + ["let" "end"] @keyword) +(for_statement + ["for" "end"] @keyword.control.repeat) +(while_statement + ["while" "end"] @keyword.control.repeat) +(break_statement) @keyword.control.repeat +(continue_statement) @keyword.control.repeat +(for_binding + "in" @keyword.control.repeat) +(for_clause + "for" @keyword.control.repeat) +(do_clause + ["do" "end"] @keyword) + +(export_statement + ["export"] @keyword.control.import) + +[ + "using" + "module" + "import" +] @keyword.control.import + +((identifier) @keyword.control.import (#eq? @keyword.control.import "baremodule")) + +(((identifier) @constant.builtin) (match? @constant.builtin "^(nothing|Inf|NaN)$")) +(((identifier) @constant.builtin.boolean) (#eq? @constant.builtin.boolean "true")) +(((identifier) @constant.builtin.boolean) (#eq? @constant.builtin.boolean "false")) + + +["::" ":" "." "," "..." "!"] @punctuation.delimiter +["[" "]" "(" ")" "{" "}"] @punctuation.bracket + +["="] @operator + +(identifier) @variable +;; In case you want type highlighting based on Julia naming conventions (this might collide with mathematical notation) +;((identifier) @type ; exception: mark `A_foo` sort of identifiers as variables + ;(match? @type "^[A-Z][^_]")) +((identifier) @constant + (match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z_]{2}[A-Z_]*$")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c1e804 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +((triple_string) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "markdown")) + +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5ac794 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/julia/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + +(import_statement + (identifier) @definition.import) +(variable_declaration + (identifier) @local.definition) +(variable_declaration + (tuple_expression + (identifier) @local.definition)) +(for_binding + (identifier) @local.definition) +(for_binding + (tuple_expression + (identifier) @local.definition)) + +(assignment_expression + (tuple_expression + (identifier) @local.definition)) +(assignment_expression + (bare_tuple_expression + (identifier) @local.definition)) +(assignment_expression + (identifier) @local.definition) + +(type_parameter_list + (identifier) @definition.type) +(type_argument_list + (identifier) @definition.type) +(struct_definition + name: (identifier) @definition.type) + +(parameter_list + (identifier) @definition.parameter) +(typed_parameter + (identifier) @definition.parameter + (identifier)) +(function_expression + . (identifier) @definition.parameter) +(argument_list + (typed_expression + (identifier) @definition.parameter + (identifier))) +(spread_parameter + (identifier) @definition.parameter) + +(function_definition + name: (identifier) @definition.function) @local.scope +(macro_definition + name: (identifier) @definition.macro) @local.scope + +(identifier) @local.reference + +[ + (try_statement) + (finally_clause) + (quote_statement) + (let_statement) + (compound_expression) + (for_statement) +] @local.scope diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/folds.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/folds.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..768972b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/folds.scm @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +[ + (import_list) + + (when_expression) + (control_structure_body) + + (lambda_literal) + (function_body) + (primary_constructor) + (secondary_constructor) + (anonymous_initializer) + + (class_body) + (enum_class_body) + + (interpolated_expression) +] @fold diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b90fcf --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +;;; Operators & Punctuation + +(multi_line_string_literal + "$" @punctuation + (interpolated_identifier) @none) +(multi_line_string_literal + "${" @punctuation + (interpolated_expression) @none + "}" @punctuation.) + +; NOTE: `interpolated_identifier`s can be highlighted in any way +(line_string_literal + "$" @punctuation + (interpolated_identifier) @none) +(line_string_literal + "${" @punctuation + (interpolated_expression) @none + "}" @punctuation) + +[ + "." + "," + ";" + ":" + "::" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "(" ")" + "[" "]" + "{" "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "!" + "!=" + "!==" + "=" + "==" + "===" + ">" + ">=" + "<" + "<=" + "||" + "&&" + "+" + "++" + "+=" + "-" + "--" + "-=" + "*" + "*=" + "/" + "/=" + "%" + "%=" + "?." + "?:" + "!!" + "is" + "!is" + "in" + "!in" + "as" + "as?" + ".." + "->" +] @operator + +;;; Keywords + +(type_alias "typealias" @keyword) +[ + (class_modifier) + (member_modifier) + (function_modifier) + (property_modifier) + (platform_modifier) + (variance_modifier) + (parameter_modifier) + (visibility_modifier) + (reification_modifier) + (inheritance_modifier) +]@keyword + +[ + "val" + "var" + "enum" + "class" + "object" + "interface" +; "typeof" ; NOTE: It is reserved for future use +] @keyword + +("fun") @keyword.function + +(jump_expression) @keyword.control.return + +[ + "if" + "else" + "when" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + "for" + "do" + "while" +] @keyword.control.repeat + +[ + "try" + "catch" + "throw" + "finally" +] @keyword.control.exception + +(annotation + "@" @attribute (use_site_target)? @attribute) +(annotation + (user_type + (type_identifier) @attribute)) +(annotation + (constructor_invocation + (user_type + (type_identifier) @attribute))) + +(file_annotation + "@" @attribute "file" @attribute ":" @attribute) +(file_annotation + (user_type + (type_identifier) @attribute)) +(file_annotation + (constructor_invocation + (user_type + (type_identifier) @attribute))) + +;;; Literals +; NOTE: Escapes not allowed in multi-line strings +(line_string_literal (character_escape_seq) @constant.character.escape) + +[ + (line_string_literal) + (multi_line_string_literal) +] @string + +(character_literal) @constant.character + +[ + "null" ; should be highlighted the same as booleans + (boolean_literal) +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +(real_literal) @constant.numeric.float +[ + (integer_literal) + (long_literal) + (hex_literal) + (bin_literal) + (unsigned_literal) +] @constant.numeric.integer + +[ + (comment) + (shebang_line) +] @comment + +;;; Function calls + +(call_expression + . (simple_identifier) @function.builtin + (#match? @function.builtin "^(arrayOf|arrayOfNulls|byteArrayOf|shortArrayOf|intArrayOf|longArrayOf|ubyteArrayOf|ushortArrayOf|uintArrayOf|ulongArrayOf|floatArrayOf|doubleArrayOf|booleanArrayOf|charArrayOf|emptyArray|mapOf|setOf|listOf|emptyMap|emptySet|emptyList|mutableMapOf|mutableSetOf|mutableListOf|print|println|error|TODO|run|runCatching|repeat|lazy|lazyOf|enumValues|enumValueOf|assert|check|checkNotNull|require|requireNotNull|with|suspend|synchronized)$")) + +; object.function() or object.property.function() +(call_expression + (navigation_expression + (navigation_suffix + (simple_identifier) @function) . )) + +; function() +(call_expression + . (simple_identifier) @function) + +;;; Function definitions + +; lambda parameters +(lambda_literal + (lambda_parameters + (variable_declaration + (simple_identifier) @variable.parameter))) + +(parameter_with_optional_type + (simple_identifier) @variable.parameter) + +(parameter + (simple_identifier) @variable.parameter) + +(anonymous_initializer + ("init") @constructor) + +(constructor_invocation + (user_type + (type_identifier) @constructor)) + +(secondary_constructor + ("constructor") @constructor) +(primary_constructor) @constructor + +(getter + ("get") @function.builtin) +(setter + ("set") @function.builtin) + +(function_declaration + . (simple_identifier) @function) + +; TODO: Seperate labeled returns/breaks/continue/super/this +; Must be implemented in the parser first +(label) @label + +(import_header + (identifier + (simple_identifier) @function @_import .) + (import_alias + (type_identifier) @function)? + (#match? @_import "^[a-z]")) + +; The last `simple_identifier` in a `import_header` will always either be a function +; or a type. Classes can appear anywhere in the import path, unlike functions +(import_header + (identifier + (simple_identifier) @type @_import) + (import_alias + (type_identifier) @type)? + (#match? @_import "^[A-Z]")) + +(import_header + "import" @keyword.control.import) + +(package_header + . (identifier)) @namespace + +((type_identifier) @type.builtin + (#match? @function.builtin "^(Byte|Short|Int|Long|UByte|UShort|UInt|ULong|Float|Double|Boolean|Char|String|Array|ByteArray|ShortArray|IntArray|LongArray|UByteArray|UShortArray|UIntArray|ULongArray|FloatArray|DoubleArray|BooleanArray|CharArray|Map|Set|List|EmptyMap|EmptySet|EmptyList|MutableMap|MutableSet|MutableList)$")) + +(type_identifier) @type + +(enum_entry + (simple_identifier) @constant) + +(_ + (navigation_suffix + (simple_identifier) @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$"))) + +; SCREAMING CASE identifiers are assumed to be constants +((simple_identifier) @constant +(#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$")) + +; id_1.id_2.id_3: `id_2` and `id_3` are assumed as object properties +(_ + (navigation_suffix + (simple_identifier) @variable.other.member)) + +(class_body + (property_declaration + (variable_declaration + (simple_identifier) @variable.other.member))) + +(class_parameter + (simple_identifier) @variable.other.member) + +; `super` keyword inside classes +(super_expression) @variable.builtin + +; `this` this keyword inside classes +(this_expression) @variable.builtin + +;;; Identifiers +; `field` keyword inside property getter/setter +; FIXME: This will highlight the keyword outside of getters and setters +; since tree-sitter does not allow us to check for arbitrary nestation +((simple_identifier) @variable.builtin +(#eq? @variable.builtin "field")) + +; `it` keyword inside lambdas +; FIXME: This will highlight the keyword outside of lambdas since tree-sitter +; does not allow us to check for arbitrary nestation +((simple_identifier) @variable.builtin +(#eq? @variable.builtin "it")) + +(simple_identifier) @variable diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abdc205 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/kotlin/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) + +; There are 3 ways to define a regex +; - "[abc]?".toRegex() +((call_expression + (navigation_expression + ([(line_string_literal) (multi_line_string_literal)] @injection.content) + (navigation_suffix + ((simple_identifier) @_function + (#eq? @_function "toRegex"))))) + (#set! injection.language "regex")) + +; - Regex("[abc]?") +((call_expression + ((simple_identifier) @_function + (#eq? @_function "Regex")) + (call_suffix + (value_arguments + (value_argument + [ (line_string_literal) (multi_line_string_literal) ] @injection.content)))) + (#set! injection.language "regex")) + +; - Regex.fromLiteral("[abc]?") +((call_expression + (navigation_expression + ((simple_identifier) @_class + (#eq? @_class "Regex")) + (navigation_suffix + ((simple_identifier) @_function + (#eq? @_function "fromLiteral")))) + (call_suffix + (value_arguments + (value_argument + [ (line_string_literal) (multi_line_string_literal) ] @injection.content)))) + (#set! injection.language "regex")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/folds.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/folds.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb5c717 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/folds.scm @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[ + (chapter) + (part) + (section) + (subsection) + (subsubsection) + (paragraph) + (subparagraph) + + (environment) + (displayed_equation) +] @fold diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a030b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,410 @@ +;; Math +[ + (displayed_equation) + (inline_formula) +] @text.math + +;; This highlights the whole environment like vimtex does +((environment + (begin + name: (word) @_env)) @text.math + (#any-of? @_env + "displaymath" "displaymath*" + "equation" "equation*" + "multline" "multline*" + "eqnarray" "eqnarray*" + "align" "align*" + "array" "array*" + "split" "split*" + "alignat" "alignat*" + "gather" "gather*" + "flalign" "flalign*")) + +[ + (generic_command_name) + "\\newcommand" + "\\renewcommand" + "\\DeclareRobustCommand" + "\\DeclareMathOperator" + "\\newglossaryentry" + "\\caption" + "\\label" + "\\newlabel" + "\\color" + "\\colorbox" + "\\textcolor" + "\\pagecolor" + "\\definecolor" + "\\definecolorset" + "\\newtheorem" + "\\declaretheorem" + "\\newacronym" +] @function.macro + +[ + "\\ref" + "\\vref" + "\\Vref" + "\\autoref" + "\\pageref" + "\\cref" + "\\Cref" + "\\cref*" + "\\Cref*" + "\\namecref" + "\\nameCref" + "\\lcnamecref" + "\\namecrefs" + "\\nameCrefs" + "\\lcnamecrefs" + "\\labelcref" + "\\labelcpageref" + "\\crefrange" + "\\crefrange" + "\\Crefrange" + "\\Crefrange" + "\\crefrange*" + "\\crefrange*" + "\\Crefrange*" + "\\Crefrange*" +] @function.macro + +[ + "\\cite" + "\\cite*" + "\\Cite" + "\\nocite" + "\\citet" + "\\citep" + "\\citet*" + "\\citep*" + "\\citeauthor" + "\\citeauthor*" + "\\Citeauthor" + "\\Citeauthor*" + "\\citetitle" + "\\citetitle*" + "\\citeyear" + "\\citeyear*" + "\\citedate" + "\\citedate*" + "\\citeurl" + "\\fullcite" + "\\citeyearpar" + "\\citealt" + "\\citealp" + "\\citetext" + "\\parencite" + "\\parencite*" + "\\Parencite" + "\\footcite" + "\\footfullcite" + "\\footcitetext" + "\\textcite" + "\\Textcite" + "\\smartcite" + "\\Smartcite" + "\\supercite" + "\\autocite" + "\\Autocite" + "\\autocite*" + "\\Autocite*" + "\\volcite" + "\\Volcite" + "\\pvolcite" + "\\Pvolcite" + "\\fvolcite" + "\\ftvolcite" + "\\svolcite" + "\\Svolcite" + "\\tvolcite" + "\\Tvolcite" + "\\avolcite" + "\\Avolcite" + "\\notecite" + "\\notecite" + "\\pnotecite" + "\\Pnotecite" + "\\fnotecite" +] @function.macro + +[ + "\\ref" + "\\vref" + "\\Vref" + "\\autoref" + "\\pageref" + "\\cref" + "\\Cref" + "\\cref*" + "\\Cref*" + "\\namecref" + "\\nameCref" + "\\lcnamecref" + "\\namecrefs" + "\\nameCrefs" + "\\lcnamecrefs" + "\\labelcref" + "\\labelcpageref" +] @function.macro + + +[ + "\\crefrange" + "\\crefrange" + "\\Crefrange" + "\\Crefrange" + "\\crefrange*" + "\\crefrange*" + "\\Crefrange*" + "\\Crefrange*" +] @function.macro + + +[ + "\\gls" + "\\Gls" + "\\GLS" + "\\glspl" + "\\Glspl" + "\\GLSpl" + "\\glsdisp" + "\\glslink" + "\\glstext" + "\\Glstext" + "\\GLStext" + "\\glsfirst" + "\\Glsfirst" + "\\GLSfirst" + "\\glsplural" + "\\Glsplural" + "\\GLSplural" + "\\glsfirstplural" + "\\Glsfirstplural" + "\\GLSfirstplural" + "\\glsname" + "\\Glsname" + "\\GLSname" + "\\glssymbol" + "\\Glssymbol" + "\\glsdesc" + "\\Glsdesc" + "\\GLSdesc" + "\\glsuseri" + "\\Glsuseri" + "\\GLSuseri" + "\\glsuserii" + "\\Glsuserii" + "\\GLSuserii" + "\\glsuseriii" + "\\Glsuseriii" + "\\GLSuseriii" + "\\glsuseriv" + "\\Glsuseriv" + "\\GLSuseriv" + "\\glsuserv" + "\\Glsuserv" + "\\GLSuserv" + "\\glsuservi" + "\\Glsuservi" + "\\GLSuservi" +] @function.macro + + +[ + "\\acrshort" + "\\Acrshort" + "\\ACRshort" + "\\acrshortpl" + "\\Acrshortpl" + "\\ACRshortpl" + "\\acrlong" + "\\Acrlong" + "\\ACRlong" + "\\acrlongpl" + "\\Acrlongpl" + "\\ACRlongpl" + "\\acrfull" + "\\Acrfull" + "\\ACRfull" + "\\acrfullpl" + "\\Acrfullpl" + "\\ACRfullpl" + "\\acs" + "\\Acs" + "\\acsp" + "\\Acsp" + "\\acl" + "\\Acl" + "\\aclp" + "\\Aclp" + "\\acf" + "\\Acf" + "\\acfp" + "\\Acfp" + "\\ac" + "\\Ac" + "\\acp" + "\\glsentrylong" + "\\Glsentrylong" + "\\glsentrylongpl" + "\\Glsentrylongpl" + "\\glsentryshort" + "\\Glsentryshort" + "\\glsentryshortpl" + "\\Glsentryshortpl" + "\\glsentryfullpl" + "\\Glsentryfullpl" +] @function.macro + +(comment) @comment + +(bracket_group) @variable.parameter + +[(math_operator) "="] @operator + +[ + "\\usepackage" + "\\documentclass" + "\\input" + "\\include" + "\\subfile" + "\\subfileinclude" + "\\subfileinclude" + "\\includegraphics" + "\\addbibresource" + "\\bibliography" + "\\includesvg" + "\\includeinkscape" + "\\usepgflibrary" + "\\usetikzlibrary" +] @keyword.control.import + +[ + "\\part" + "\\chapter" + "\\section" + "\\subsection" + "\\subsubsection" + "\\paragraph" + "\\subparagraph" +] @type + +"\\item" @punctuation.special + +((word) @punctuation.delimiter +(#eq? @punctuation.delimiter "&")) + +["$" "\\[" "\\]" "\\(" "\\)"] @punctuation.delimiter + +(label_definition + name: (_) @text.reference) +(label_reference + label: (_) @text.reference) +(equation_label_reference + label: (_) @text.reference) +(label_reference + label: (_) @text.reference) +(label_number + label: (_) @text.reference) + +(citation + key: (word) @text.reference) + +(key_val_pair + key: (_) @variable.parameter + value: (_)) + +["[" "]" "{" "}"] @punctuation.bracket ;"(" ")" is has no special meaning in LaTeX + +(chapter + text: (brace_group) @markup.heading) + +(part + text: (brace_group) @markup.heading) + +(section + text: (brace_group) @markup.heading) + +(subsection + text: (brace_group) @markup.heading) + +(subsubsection + text: (brace_group) @markup.heading) + +(paragraph + text: (brace_group) @markup.heading) + +(subparagraph + text: (brace_group) @markup.heading) + +((environment + (begin + name: (word) @_frame) + (brace_group + child: (text) @markup.heading)) + (#eq? @_frame "frame")) + +((generic_command + name:(generic_command_name) @_name + arg: (brace_group + (text) @markup.heading)) + (#eq? @_name "\\frametitle")) + +;; Formatting + +((generic_command + name:(generic_command_name) @_name + arg: (_) @markup.italic) + (#eq? @_name "\\emph")) + +((generic_command + name:(generic_command_name) @_name + arg: (_) @markup.italic) + (#match? @_name "^(\\\\textit|\\\\mathit)$")) + +((generic_command + name:(generic_command_name) @_name + arg: (_) @markup.bold) + (#match? @_name "^(\\\\textbf|\\\\mathbf)$")) + +((generic_command + name:(generic_command_name) @_name + . + arg: (_) @markup.link.url) + (#match? @_name "^(\\\\url|\\\\href)$")) + +(ERROR) @error + +[ + "\\begin" + "\\end" +] @text.environment + +(begin + name: (_) @text.environment.name + (#not-any-of? @text.environment.name + "displaymath" "displaymath*" + "equation" "equation*" + "multline" "multline*" + "eqnarray" "eqnarray*" + "align" "align*" + "array" "array*" + "split" "split*" + "alignat" "alignat*" + "gather" "gather*" + "flalign" "flalign*")) + +(end + name: (_) @text.environment.name + (#not-any-of? @text.environment.name + "displaymath" "displaymath*" + "equation" "equation*" + "multline" "multline*" + "eqnarray" "eqnarray*" + "align" "align*" + "array" "array*" + "split" "split*" + "alignat" "alignat*" + "gather" "gather*" + "flalign" "flalign*")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/latex/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/folds.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/folds.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c2bbb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/folds.scm @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[ + (namespace) + (section) + + (instance) + (def) + (theorem) + (example) + + (product) + (array) + (list) + + (string) +] @fold diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a64feb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +(open + namespace: (identifier) @namespace) +(namespace + name: (identifier) @namespace) +(section + name: (identifier) @namespace) + +;; Identifier naming conventions +((identifier) @type + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + +(arrow) @type +(product) @type + +;; Declarations + +[ + "abbrev" + "def" + "theorem" + "constant" + "instance" + "axiom" + "example" + "inductive" + "structure" + "class" + + "deriving" + + "section" + "namespace" +] @keyword + +(attributes + (identifier) @function) + +(abbrev + name: (identifier) @type) +(def + name: (identifier) @function) +(theorem + name: (identifier) @function) +(constant + name: (identifier) @type) +(instance + name: (identifier) @function) +(instance + type: (identifier) @type) +(axiom + name: (identifier) @function) +(structure + name: (identifier) @type) +(structure + extends: (identifier) @type) + +(where_decl + type: (identifier) @type) + +(proj + name: (identifier) @field) + +(binders + type: (identifier) @type) + +["if" "then" "else"] @keyword.control.conditional + +["for" "in" "do"] @keyword.control.repeat + +(import) @include + +; Tokens + +[ + "!" + "$" + "%" + "&&" + "*" + "*>" + "+" + "++" + "-" + "/" + "::" + ":=" + "<" + "<$>" + "<*" + "<*>" + "<=" + "<|" + "<|>" + "=" + "==" + "=>" + ">" + ">" + ">=" + ">>" + ">>=" + "@" + "^" + "|>" + "|>." + "||" + "←" + "→" + "↔" + "∘" + "∧" + "∨" + "≠" + "≤" + "≥" +] @operator + +[ + "@&" +] @operator + +[ + "attribute" + "by" + "end" + "export" + "extends" + "fun" + "let" + "have" + "match" + "open" + "return" + "universe" + "variable" + "where" + "with" + "λ" + (hash_command) + (prelude) + (sorry) +] @keyword + +[ + "prefix" + "infix" + "infixl" + "infixr" + "postfix" + "notation" + "macro_rules" + "syntax" + "elab" + "builtin_initialize" +] @keyword + +[ + "noncomputable" + "partial" + "private" + "protected" + "unsafe" +] @keyword + +[ + "apply" + "exact" + "rewrite" + "rw" + "simp" + (trivial) +] @keyword + +[ + "catch" + "finally" + "try" +] @exception + +((apply + name: (identifier) @exception) + (#match? @exception "throw")) + +[ + "unless" + "mut" +] @keyword + +[(true) (false)] @boolean + +(number) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float + +(comment) @comment +(char) @character +(string) @string +(interpolated_string) @string +; (escape_sequence) @string.escape + +; Reset highlighing in string interpolation +(interpolation) @none + +(interpolation + "{" @punctuation.special + "}" @punctuation.special) + +["(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" "⟨" "⟩"] @punctuation.bracket + +["|" "," "." ":" ";"] @punctuation.delimiter + +(sorry) @error + +;; Error +(ERROR) @error + +; Variables +(identifier) @variable diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..030714f --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "markdown")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd6c203 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lean/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +[ + (module) + (namespace) + (section) +] @local.scope diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ledger/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ledger/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02a9ea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ledger/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + (comment) + (note) +] @comment + +[ + (date) + (interval) + (quantity) +] @constant.numeric.integer + +((account) @variable.other.member) +((commodity) @text.literal) + +"include" @keyword.local.import + +[ + "account" + "alias" + "assert" + "check" + "commodity" + "def" + "default" + "end" + "eval" + "format" + "nomarket" + "note" + "payee" + "check" + "A" + "Y" + "N" + "D" + "C" + "P" +] @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ledger/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ledger/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c171478 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ledger/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +([(comment) (note)] @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ba254e --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: yaml diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddc3578 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +indent = [ + "block_mapping_pair", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b324302 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir-yaml/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +; inherits: yaml + +((document (block_node (block_scalar) @injection.content)) + (#set! injection.language "llvm")) + +((document (block_node (block_mapping (block_mapping_pair + key: (flow_node (plain_scalar (string_scalar))) ; "body" + value: (block_node (block_scalar) @injection.content))))) + (#set! injection.language "mir")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7923461 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +[ + (label) + (bb_ref) +] @label + +[ + (comment) + (multiline_comment) +] @comment + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" + "<" + ">" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "," + ":" + "|" + "*" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "=" + "x" +] @operator + +[ + "true" + "false" +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +[ + "null" + "_" + "unknown-address" +] @constant.builtin + +[ + (stack_object) + (constant_pool_index) + (jump_table_index) + (var) + (physical_register) + (ir_block) + (external_symbol) + (global_var) + (ir_local_var) + (metadata_ref) + (mnemonic) +] @variable + +(low_level_type) @type + +[ + (immediate_type) + (primitive_type) +] @type.builtin + +(number) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float +(string) @string + +(instruction name: _ @keyword.operator) + +[ + "successors" + "liveins" + "pre-instr-symbol" + "post-instr-symbol" + "heap-alloc-marker" + "debug-instr-number" + "debug-location" + "mcsymbol" + "tied-def" + "target-flags" + "CustomRegMask" + "same_value" + "def_cfa_register" + "restore" + "undefined" + "offset" + "rel_offset" + "def_cfa" + "llvm_def_aspace_cfa" + "register" + "escape" + "remember_state" + "restore_state" + "window_save" + "negate_ra_sign_state" + "intpred" + "floatpred" + "shufflemask" + "liveout" + "target-index" + "blockaddress" + "intrinsic" + "load" + "store" + "unknown-size" + "on" + "from" + "into" + "align" + "basealign" + "addrspace" + "call-entry" + "custom" + "constant-pool" + "stack" + "got" + "jump-table" + "syncscope" + "address-taken" + "landing-pad" + "inlineasm-br-indirect-target" + "ehfunclet-entry" + "bbsections" + + (intpred) + (floatpred) + (memory_operand_flag) + (atomic_ordering) + (register_flag) + (instruction_flag) + (float_keyword) +] @keyword + +(ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a70e5a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +indent = [ + "basic_block", +] + +outdent = [ + "label", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b476f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +([ (comment) (multiline_comment)] @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..003ce59 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm-mir/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +(basic_block) @function.around + +(argument) @parameter.inside + +[ + (comment) + (multiline_comment) +] @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around + +(multiline_comment) @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb70519 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +(type) @type +(type_keyword) @type.builtin + +(type [ + (local_var) + (global_var) + ] @type) + +(argument) @variable.parameter + +(_ inst_name: _ @keyword.operator) + +[ + "catch" + "filter" +] @keyword.operator + +[ + "to" + "nuw" + "nsw" + "exact" + "unwind" + "from" + "cleanup" + "swifterror" + "volatile" + "inbounds" + "inrange" + (icmp_cond) + (fcmp_cond) + (fast_math) +] @keyword.control + +(_ callee: _ @function) +(function_header name: _ @function) + +[ + "declare" + "define" + (calling_conv) +] @keyword.function + +[ + "target" + "triple" + "datalayout" + "source_filename" + "addrspace" + "blockaddress" + "align" + "syncscope" + "within" + "uselistorder" + "uselistorder_bb" + "module" + "asm" + "sideeffect" + "alignstack" + "inteldialect" + "unwind" + "type" + "global" + "constant" + "externally_initialized" + "alias" + "ifunc" + "section" + "comdat" + "thread_local" + "localdynamic" + "initialexec" + "localexec" + "any" + "exactmatch" + "largest" + "nodeduplicate" + "samesize" + "distinct" + "attributes" + "vscale" + "no_cfi" + (linkage_aux) + (dso_local) + (visibility) + (dll_storage_class) + (unnamed_addr) + (attribute_name) +] @keyword + + +(function_header [ + (linkage) + (calling_conv) + (unnamed_addr) + ] @keyword.function) + +[ + (string) + (cstring) +] @string + +(number) @constant.numeric.integer +(comment) @comment +(label) @label +(_ inst_name: "ret" @keyword.control.return) +(float) @constant.numeric.float + +[ + (local_var) + (global_var) +] @variable + +[ + (struct_value) + (array_value) + (vector_value) +] @constructor + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" + "<" + ">" + "<{" + "}>" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "," + ":" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "=" + "|" + "x" + "..." +] @operator + +[ + "true" + "false" +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +[ + "undef" + "poison" + "null" + "none" + "zeroinitializer" +] @constant.builtin + +(ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cd603c --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +indent = [ + "function_body", + "instruction", +] + +outdent = [ + "}", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1946c28 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +; Scopes + +(function_body) @local.scope + +; Definitions + +(argument + (value (var (local_var) @local.definition))) + +(instruction + (local_var) @local.definition) + +; References +(local_var) @local.reference diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd15dc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/llvm/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +(define + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(struct_type + (struct_body) @class.inside) @class.around + +(packed_struct_type + (struct_body) @class.inside) @class.around + +(array_type + (array_vector_body) @class.inside) @class.around + +(vector_type + (array_vector_body) @class.inside) @class.around + +(argument) @parameter.inside + +(comment) @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e73b32d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +;;; Highlighting for lua + +;;; Builtins +(self) @variable.builtin + +;; Keywords + +(if_statement +[ + "if" + "then" + "end" +] @keyword.control.conditional) + +[ + "else" + "elseif" + "then" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +(for_statement +[ + "for" + "do" + "end" +] @keyword.control.repeat) + +(for_in_statement +[ + "for" + "do" + "end" +] @keyword.control.repeat) + +(while_statement +[ + "while" + "do" + "end" +] @keyword.control.repeat) + +(repeat_statement +[ + "repeat" + "until" +] @keyword.control.repeat) + +(do_statement +[ + "do" + "end" +] @keyword) + +[ + "in" + "local" + (break_statement) + "goto" + "return" +] @keyword + +;; Operators + +[ + "not" + "and" + "or" +] @operator + +[ +"=" +"~=" +"==" +"<=" +">=" +"<" +">" +"+" +"-" +"%" +"/" +"//" +"*" +"^" +"&" +"~" +"|" +">>" +"<<" +".." +"#" + ] @operator + +;; Punctuation +["," "." ":" ";"] @punctuation.delimiter + +;; Brackets +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +; ;; Constants +[ +(false) +(true) +] @constant.builtin.boolean +(nil) @constant.builtin +(spread) @constant ;; "..." +((identifier) @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*$")) + +;; Parameters +(parameters + (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +; ;; Functions +(function [(function_name) (identifier)] @function) +(function ["function" "end"] @keyword.function) + +(function + (function_name + (function_name_field + (property_identifier) @function .))) + +(local_function (identifier) @function) +(local_function ["function" "end"] @keyword.function) + +(variable_declaration + (variable_declarator (identifier) @function) (function_definition)) +(local_variable_declaration + (variable_declarator (identifier) @function) (function_definition)) + +(function_definition ["function" "end"] @keyword.function) + +(function_call + [ + ((identifier) @variable (method) @function.method) + ((_) (method) @function.method) + (identifier) @function + (field_expression (property_identifier) @function) + ] + . (arguments)) + +;; Nodes +(table ["{" "}"] @constructor) +(comment) @comment +(string) @string +(number) @constant.numeric.integer +(label_statement) @label +; A bit of a tricky one, this will only match field names +(field . (identifier) @variable.other.member (_)) +(shebang) @comment + +;; Property +(property_identifier) @variable.other.member + +;; Variable +(identifier) @variable + +;; Error +(ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df1a975 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +indent = [ + "function_definition", + "variable_declaration", + "local_variable_declaration", + "field", + "local_function", + "function", + "if_statement", + "for_statement", + "for_in_statement", + "repeat_statement", + "return_statement", + "while_statement", + "table", + "arguments", + "do_statement", +] + +oudent = [ + "end", + "until", + "}", + ")", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/lua/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/make/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/make/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50380ba --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/make/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +[ + "(" + ")" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + ":" + "&:" + "::" + "|" + ";" + "\"" + "'" + "," +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "$" + "$$" +] @punctuation.special + +(automatic_variable + [ "@" "%" "<" "?" "^" "+" "/" "*" "D" "F"] @punctuation.special) + +(automatic_variable + "/" @error . ["D" "F"]) + +[ + "=" + ":=" + "::=" + "?=" + "+=" + "!=" + "@" + "-" + "+" +] @operator + +[ + (text) + (string) + (raw_text) +] @string + +(variable_assignment (word) @string) + +[ + "ifeq" + "ifneq" + "ifdef" + "ifndef" + "else" + "endif" + "if" + "or" ; boolean functions are conditional in make grammar + "and" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +"foreach" @keyword.control.repeat + +[ + "define" + "endef" + "vpath" + "undefine" + "export" + "unexport" + "override" + "private" +; "load" +] @keyword + +[ + "include" + "sinclude" + "-include" +] @keyword.control.import + +[ + "subst" + "patsubst" + "strip" + "findstring" + "filter" + "filter-out" + "sort" + "word" + "words" + "wordlist" + "firstword" + "lastword" + "dir" + "notdir" + "suffix" + "basename" + "addsuffix" + "addprefix" + "join" + "wildcard" + "realpath" + "abspath" + "call" + "eval" + "file" + "value" + "shell" +] @keyword.function + +[ + "error" + "warning" + "info" +] @keyword.control.exception + +;; Variable +(variable_assignment + name: (word) @variable) + +(variable_reference + (word) @variable) + +(comment) @comment + +((word) @clean @string.regexp + (#match? @clean "[%\*\?]")) + +(function_call + function: "error" + (arguments (text) @error)) + +(function_call + function: "warning" + (arguments (text) @warning)) + +(function_call + function: "info" + (arguments (text) @info)) + +;; Install Command Categories +;; Others special variables +;; Variables Used by Implicit Rules +[ + "VPATH" + ".RECIPEPREFIX" +] @constant.builtin + +(variable_assignment + name: (word) @clean @constant.builtin + (#match? @clean "^(AR|AS|CC|CXX|CPP|FC|M2C|PC|CO|GET|LEX|YACC|LINT|MAKEINFO|TEX|TEXI2DVI|WEAVE|CWEAVE|TANGLE|CTANGLE|RM|ARFLAGS|ASFLAGS|CFLAGS|CXXFLAGS|COFLAGS|CPPFLAGS|FFLAGS|GFLAGS|LDFLAGS|LDLIBS|LFLAGS|YFLAGS|PFLAGS|RFLAGS|LINTFLAGS|PRE_INSTALL|POST_INSTALL|NORMAL_INSTALL|PRE_UNINSTALL|POST_UNINSTALL|NORMAL_UNINSTALL|MAKEFILE_LIST|MAKE_RESTARTS|MAKE_TERMOUT|MAKE_TERMERR|\.DEFAULT_GOAL|\.RECIPEPREFIX|\.EXTRA_PREREQS)$")) + +(variable_reference + (word) @clean @constant.builtin + (#match? @clean "^(AR|AS|CC|CXX|CPP|FC|M2C|PC|CO|GET|LEX|YACC|LINT|MAKEINFO|TEX|TEXI2DVI|WEAVE|CWEAVE|TANGLE|CTANGLE|RM|ARFLAGS|ASFLAGS|CFLAGS|CXXFLAGS|COFLAGS|CPPFLAGS|FFLAGS|GFLAGS|LDFLAGS|LDLIBS|LFLAGS|YFLAGS|PFLAGS|RFLAGS|LINTFLAGS|PRE_INSTALL|POST_INSTALL|NORMAL_INSTALL|PRE_UNINSTALL|POST_UNINSTALL|NORMAL_UNINSTALL|MAKEFILE_LIST|MAKE_RESTARTS|MAKE_TERMOUT|MAKE_TERMERR|\.DEFAULT_GOAL|\.RECIPEPREFIX|\.EXTRA_PREREQS\.VARIABLES|\.FEATURES|\.INCLUDE_DIRS|\.LOADED)$")) + +;; Standart targets +(targets + (word) @constant.macro + (#match? @constant.macro "^(all|install|install-html|install-dvi|install-pdf|install-ps|uninstall|install-strip|clean|distclean|mostlyclean|maintainer-clean|TAGS|info|dvi|html|pdf|ps|dist|check|installcheck|installdirs)$")) + +(targets + (word) @constant.macro + (#match? @constant.macro "^(all|install|install-html|install-dvi|install-pdf|install-ps|uninstall|install-strip|clean|distclean|mostlyclean|maintainer-clean|TAGS|info|dvi|html|pdf|ps|dist|check|installcheck|installdirs)$")) + +;; Builtin targets +(targets + (word) @constant.macro + (#match? @constant.macro "^\.(PHONY|SUFFIXES|DEFAULT|PRECIOUS|INTERMEDIATE|SECONDARY|SECONDEXPANSION|DELETE_ON_ERROR|IGNORE|LOW_RESOLUTION_TIME|SILENT|EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES|NOTPARALLEL|ONESHELL|POSIX)$")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/make/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/make/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/make/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/markdown/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/markdown/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed22b80 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/markdown/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +(setext_heading (heading_content) @markup.heading.1 (setext_h1_underline) @markup.heading.marker) +(setext_heading (heading_content) @markup.heading.2 (setext_h2_underline) @markup.heading.marker) + +(atx_heading (atx_h1_marker) @markup.heading.marker (heading_content) @markup.heading.1) +(atx_heading (atx_h2_marker) @markup.heading.marker (heading_content) @markup.heading.2) +(atx_heading (atx_h3_marker) @markup.heading.marker (heading_content) @markup.heading.3) +(atx_heading (atx_h4_marker) @markup.heading.marker (heading_content) @markup.heading.4) +(atx_heading (atx_h5_marker) @markup.heading.marker (heading_content) @markup.heading.5) +(atx_heading (atx_h6_marker) @markup.heading.marker (heading_content) @markup.heading.6) + +(code_fence_content) @none + +[ + (indented_code_block) + (fenced_code_block) +] @markup.raw.block + +(block_quote) @markup.quote + +(code_span) @markup.raw.inline + +(emphasis) @markup.italic + +(strong_emphasis) @markup.bold + +(link_destination) @markup.link.url +(link_label) @markup.link.label + +[ + (link_text) + (image_description) +] @markup.link.text + +[ + (list_marker_plus) + (list_marker_minus) + (list_marker_star) + (list_marker_dot) + (list_marker_parenthesis) +] @punctuation.special + +[ + (backslash_escape) + (hard_line_break) +] @string.character.escape + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/markdown/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/markdown/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10dcab0 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/markdown/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +(fenced_code_block + (info_string) @injection.language + (code_fence_content) @injection.content + (#set! injection.include-children)) + +((html_block) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "html")) +((html_tag) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "html")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/nix/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/nix/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f668206 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/nix/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +(comment) @comment + +[ + "if" + "then" + "else" + "let" + "inherit" + "in" + "rec" + "with" + "assert" +] @keyword + +((identifier) @variable.builtin + (#match? @variable.builtin "^(__currentSystem|__currentTime|__nixPath|__nixVersion|__storeDir|builtins)$") + (#is-not? local)) + +((identifier) @function.builtin + (#match? @function.builtin "^(__add|__addErrorContext|__all|__any|__appendContext|__attrNames|__attrValues|__bitAnd|__bitOr|__bitXor|__catAttrs|__compareVersions|__concatLists|__concatMap|__concatStringsSep|__deepSeq|__div|__elem|__elemAt|__fetchurl|__filter|__filterSource|__findFile|__foldl'|__fromJSON|__functionArgs|__genList|__genericClosure|__getAttr|__getContext|__getEnv|__hasAttr|__hasContext|__hashFile|__hashString|__head|__intersectAttrs|__isAttrs|__isBool|__isFloat|__isFunction|__isInt|__isList|__isPath|__isString|__langVersion|__length|__lessThan|__listToAttrs|__mapAttrs|__match|__mul|__parseDrvName|__partition|__path|__pathExists|__readDir|__readFile|__replaceStrings|__seq|__sort|__split|__splitVersion|__storePath|__stringLength|__sub|__substring|__tail|__toFile|__toJSON|__toPath|__toXML|__trace|__tryEval|__typeOf|__unsafeDiscardOutputDependency|__unsafeDiscardStringContext|__unsafeGetAttrPos|__valueSize|abort|baseNameOf|derivation|derivationStrict|dirOf|fetchGit|fetchMercurial|fetchTarball|fromTOML|import|isNull|map|placeholder|removeAttrs|scopedImport|throw|toString)$") + (#is-not? local)) + +[ + (string) + (indented_string) +] @string + +[ + (path) + (hpath) + (spath) +] @string.special.path + +(uri) @string.special.uri + +; boolean +((identifier) @constant.builtin.boolean (#match? @constant.builtin.boolean "^(true|false)$")) @constant.builtin.boolean +; null +((identifier) @constant.builtin (#eq? @constant.builtin "null")) @constant.builtin + +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float + +(interpolation + "${" @punctuation.special + "}" @punctuation.special) @embedded + +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +(function + universal: (identifier) @variable.parameter +) + +(formal + name: (identifier) @variable.parameter + "?"? @punctuation.delimiter) + +(app + function: [ + (identifier) @function + (select + attrpath: (attrpath + attr: (attr_identifier) @function .))]) + + +(unary + operator: _ @operator) + +(binary + operator: _ @operator) + +(attr_identifier) @variable.other.member +(inherit attrs: (attrs_inherited (identifier) @variable.other.member) ) + +[ + ";" + "." + "," +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +(identifier) @variable diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/nix/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/nix/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b92ab75 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/nix/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +indent = [ + # "function", + "bind", + "assert", + "with", + "let", + "if", + + "attrset", + "list", + "indented_string", + "parenthesized", +] + +outdent = [ + "}", + "]", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml-interface/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml-interface/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d3dfbc --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml-interface/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: ocaml diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml-interface/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml-interface/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml-interface/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a08b126 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +; Modules +;-------- + +[(module_name) (module_type_name)] @namespace + +; Types +;------ + +[(class_name) (class_type_name) (type_constructor)] @type + +[(constructor_name) (tag)] @constructor + +; Functions +;---------- + +(let_binding + pattern: (value_name) @function + (parameter)) + +(let_binding + pattern: (value_name) @function + body: [(fun_expression) (function_expression)]) + +(value_specification (value_name) @function) + +(external (value_name) @function) + +(method_name) @function.method + +; Variables +;---------- + +(value_pattern) @variable.parameter + +; Application +;------------ + +(infix_expression + left: (value_path (value_name) @function) + (infix_operator) @operator + (#eq? @operator "@@")) + +(infix_expression + (infix_operator) @operator + right: (value_path (value_name) @function) + (#eq? @operator "|>")) + +(application_expression + function: (value_path (value_name) @function)) + +; Properties +;----------- + +[(label_name) (field_name) (instance_variable_name)] @variable.other.member + +; Constants +;---------- + +[(boolean) (unit)] @constant + +[(number) (signed_number)] @constant.numeric.integer + +(character) @constant.character + +(string) @string + +(quoted_string "{" @string "}" @string) @string + +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +[ + (conversion_specification) + (pretty_printing_indication) +] @punctuation.special + +; Keywords +;--------- + +[ + "and" "as" "assert" "begin" "class" "constraint" + "end" "external" "in" + "inherit" "initializer" "lazy" "let" "match" "method" "module" + "mutable" "new" "nonrec" "object" "of" "private" "rec" "sig" "struct" + "type" "val" "virtual" "when" "with" +] @keyword + +["fun" "function" "functor"] @keyword.function + +["if" "then" "else"] @keyword.control.conditional + +["exception" "try"] @keyword.control.exception + +["include" "open"] @keyword.control.import + +["for" "to" "downto" "while" "do" "done"] @keyword.control.repeat + +; Macros +;------- + +(attribute ["[@" "]"] @attribute) +(item_attribute ["[@@" "]"] @attribute) +(floating_attribute ["[@@@" "]"] @attribute) +(extension ["[%" "]"] @function.macro) +(item_extension ["[%%" "]"] @function.macro) +(quoted_extension ["{%" "}"] @function.macro) +(quoted_item_extension ["{%%" "}"] @function.macro) +"%" @function.macro + +["(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" "[|" "|]" "[<" "[>"] @punctuation.bracket + +(object_type ["<" ">"] @punctuation.bracket) + +[ + "," "." ";" ":" "=" "|" "~" "?" "+" "-" "!" ">" "&" + "->" ";;" ":>" "+=" ":=" ".." +] @punctuation.delimiter + +; Operators +;---------- + +[ + (prefix_operator) + (sign_operator) + (infix_operator) + (hash_operator) + (indexing_operator) + (let_operator) + (and_operator) + (match_operator) +] @operator + +(match_expression (match_operator) @keyword) + +(value_definition [(let_operator) (and_operator)] @keyword) + +;; TODO: this is an error now +;(prefix_operator "!" @operator) + +(infix_operator ["&" "+" "-" "=" ">" "|" "%"] @operator) + +(signed_number ["+" "-"] @operator) + +["*" "#" "::" "<-"] @operator + +; Attributes +;----------- + +(attribute_id) @variable.other.member + +; Comments +;--------- + +[(comment) (line_number_directive) (directive) (shebang)] @comment + +(ERROR) @error + +; Blanket highlights +; ------------------ + +[(value_name) (type_variable)] @variable diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7586b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +indent = [ + "let_binding", + "type_binding", + "structure", + "signature", + "record_declaration", + "function_expression", + "match_case", +] + +outdent = [ + "}", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f3f3fd --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ocaml/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +; Scopes +;------- + +[ + (let_binding) + (class_binding) + (class_function) + (method_definition) + (fun_expression) + (object_expression) + (for_expression) + (match_case) + (attribute_payload) +] @local.scope + +; Definitions +;------------ + +(value_pattern) @local.definition + +; References +;----------- + +(value_path . (value_name) @local.reference) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/org/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/org/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db8329f --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/org/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +(headline (stars) @markup.heading.marker (#eq? @markup.heading.marker "*")) @markup.heading.1 +(headline (stars) @markup.heading.marker (#eq? @markup.heading.marker "**")) @markup.heading.2 +(headline (stars) @markup.heading.marker (#eq? @markup.heading.marker "***")) @markup.heading.3 +(headline (stars) @markup.heading.marker (#eq? @markup.heading.marker "****")) @markup.heading.4 +(headline (stars) @markup.heading.marker (#eq? @markup.heading.marker "*****")) @markup.heading.5 +(headline (stars) @markup.heading.marker (#eq? @markup.heading.marker "******")) @markup.heading.6 + +(block) @markup.raw.block +(list) @markup.list.unnumbered +(directive) @markup.label +(property_drawer) @markup.label + + +((expr) @markup.bold + (#match? @markup.bold "\\*.*\\*")) + +((expr) @markup.italic + (#match? @markup.italic "/.*/")) +((expr) @markup.raw.inline + (#match? @markup.raw.inline "~.*~")) + +((expr) @markup.quote + (#match? @markup.quote "=.*=")) + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/org/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/org/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24d712d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/org/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +(block parameter: (expr) @injection.language + (contents) @injection.content + (#set! injection.include-children)) + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6f0429 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +; Variables +(variable_declaration + . + (scope) @keyword) +[ +(single_var_declaration) +(scalar_variable) +(array_variable) +(hash_variable) +(hash_variable) +] @variable + + +[ +(package_name) +(special_scalar_variable) +(special_array_variable) +(special_hash_variable) +(special_literal) +(super) +] @constant + +( + [ + (package_name) + (super) + ] + . + ("::" @operator) +) + +(comments) @comment +(pod_statement) @comment.block.documentation + +[ +(use_no_statement) +(use_no_feature_statement) +(use_no_if_statement) +(use_no_version) +(use_constant_statement) +(use_parent_statement) +] @keyword + +(use_constant_statement + constant: (identifier) @constant) + +[ +"require" +] @keyword + +(method_invocation + . + (identifier) @variable) + +(method_invocation + (arrow_operator) + . + (identifier) @function) +(method_invocation + function_name: (identifier) @function) +(named_block_statement + function_name: (identifier) @function) + +(call_expression + function_name: (identifier) @function) +(function_definition + name: (identifier) @function) +[ +(function) +(map) +(grep) +(bless) +] @function + +[ +"return" +"sub" +"package" +"BEGIN" +"END" +] @keyword.function + +[ +"(" +")" +"[" +"]" +"{" +"}" +] @punctuation.bracket +(standard_input_to_variable) @punctuation.bracket + +[ +"=~" +"or" +"=" +"==" +"+" +"-" +"." +"//" +"||" +(arrow_operator) +(hash_arrow_operator) +(array_dereference) +(hash_dereference) +(to_reference) +(type_glob) +(hash_access_variable) +(ternary_expression) +(ternary_expression_in_hash) +] @operator + +[ +(regex_option) +(regex_option_for_substitution) +(regex_option_for_transliteration) +] @variable.parameter + +(type_glob + (identifier) @variable) +( + (scalar_variable) + . + ("->" @operator)) + +[ +(word_list_qw) +(command_qx_quoted) +(string_single_quoted) +(string_double_quoted) +(string_qq_quoted) +(bareword) +(transliteration_tr_or_y) +] @string + +[ +(regex_pattern_qr) +(patter_matcher_m) +(substitution_pattern_s) +] @string.regexp + +(escape_sequence) @string.special + +[ +"," +(semi_colon) +(start_delimiter) +(end_delimiter) +(ellipsis_statement) +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ +(integer) +(floating_point) +(scientific_notation) +(hexadecimal) +] @constant.numeric + +[ +; (if_statement) +(unless_statement) +(if_simple_statement) +(unless_simple_statement) +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ +"if" +"elsif" +"else" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +(foreach_statement) @keyword.control.repeat +(foreach_statement + . + (scope) @keyword) + +(function_attribute) @label + +(function_signature) @type + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..365e066 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +indent = [ + "function", + "identifier", + "method_invocation", + "if_statement", + "unless_statement", + "if_simple_statement", + "unless_simple_statement", + "variable_declaration", + "block", + "list_item", + "word_list_qw" +] + +outdent = [ + "}" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cab5f53 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comments) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..972b877 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/perl/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +(function_definition + (identifier) (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(anonymous_function + (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(argument + (_) @parameter.inside) + +[ + (comments) + (pod_statement) +] @comment.inside + +(comments)+ @comment.around + +(pod_statement) @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5379fa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +(php_tag) @tag +"?>" @tag + +; Types + +(primitive_type) @type.builtin +(cast_type) @type.builtin +(named_type (name) @type) @type +(named_type (qualified_name) @type) @type + +; Functions + +(array_creation_expression "array" @function.builtin) +(list_literal "list" @function.builtin) + +(method_declaration + name: (name) @function.method) + +(function_call_expression + function: (qualified_name (name)) @function) + +(scoped_call_expression + name: (name) @function) + +(member_call_expression + name: (name) @function.method) + +(function_definition + name: (name) @function) + +; Member + +(property_element + (variable_name) @variable.other.member) + +(member_access_expression + name: (variable_name (name)) @variable.other.member) +(member_access_expression + name: (name) @variable.other.member) + +; Variables + +(relative_scope) @variable.builtin + +((name) @constant + (#match? @constant "^_?[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]+$")) + +((name) @constructor + (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) + +((name) @variable.builtin + (#eq? @variable.builtin "this")) + +(variable_name) @variable + +; Basic tokens + +(string) @string +(heredoc) @string +(boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean +(null) @constant.builtin +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float +(comment) @comment + +"$" @operator + +; Keywords + +"abstract" @keyword +"as" @keyword +"break" @keyword +"case" @keyword +"catch" @keyword +"class" @keyword +"const" @keyword +"continue" @keyword +"declare" @keyword +"default" @keyword +"do" @keyword +"echo" @keyword +"else" @keyword +"elseif" @keyword +"enddeclare" @keyword +"endforeach" @keyword +"endif" @keyword +"endswitch" @keyword +"endwhile" @keyword +"enum" @keyword +"extends" @keyword +"final" @keyword +"finally" @keyword +"foreach" @keyword +"fn" @keyword +"function" @keyword +"global" @keyword +"if" @keyword +"implements" @keyword +"include_once" @keyword +"include" @keyword +"insteadof" @keyword +"interface" @keyword +"match" @keyword +"namespace" @keyword +"new" @keyword +"private" @keyword +"protected" @keyword +"public" @keyword +"require_once" @keyword +"require" @keyword +"return" @keyword +"static" @keyword +"switch" @keyword +"throw" @keyword +"trait" @keyword +"try" @keyword +"use" @keyword +"while" @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85c104d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +indent = [ + "array_creation_expression", + "arguments", + "formal_parameters", + "compound_statement", + "declaration_list", + "binary_expression", + "return_statement", + "expression_statement", + "switch_block", + "anonymous_function_use_clause", +] + +oudent = [ + "}", + ")", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..614a385 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +((text) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "html") + (#set! injection.combined)) + +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/tags.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/tags.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef889ce --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/tags.scm @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +(class_declaration + name: (name) @name) @definition.class + +(function_definition + name: (name) @name) @definition.function + +(method_declaration + name: (name) @name) @definition.function + +(object_creation_expression + [ + (qualified_name (name) @name) + (variable_name (name) @name) + ]) @reference.class + +(function_call_expression + function: [ + (qualified_name (name) @name) + (variable_name (name)) @name + ]) @reference.call + +(scoped_call_expression + name: (name) @name) @reference.call + +(member_call_expression + name: (name) @name) @reference.call diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51abe5c --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/php/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +(class_declaration + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(interface_declaration + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(trait_declaration + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(enum_declaration + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(function_definition + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(method_declaration + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(arrow_function + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(anonymous_function_creation_expression + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(formal_parameters + [ + (simple_parameter) + (variadic_parameter) + (property_promotion_parameter) + ] @parameter.inside) + +(comment) @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c35c430 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +[ + "syntax" + "package" + "option" + "import" + "service" + "rpc" + "returns" + "message" + "enum" + "oneof" + "repeated" + "reserved" + "to" + "stream" + "extend" + "optional" +] @keyword + +[ + (keyType) + (type) +] @type.builtin + +[ + (mapName) + (enumName) + (messageName) + (extendName) + (serviceName) + (rpcName) +] @type + +[ + (fieldName) + (optionName) +] @variable.other.member +(enumVariantName) @type.enum.variant + +(fullIdent) @namespace + +(intLit) @constant.numeric.integer +(floatLit) @constant.numeric.float +(boolLit) @constant.builtin.boolean +(strLit) @string + +(constant) @constant + +(comment) @comment + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e655f8d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +indent = [ + "messageBody", + "enumBody", + "oneofBody", + "serviceBody", + "rpcBody", + "msgLit", +] + +outdent = [ + "}", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/protobuf/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9131acc --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +; Identifier naming conventions + +((identifier) @constructor + (#match? @constructor "^[A-Z]")) + +((identifier) @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z_]*$")) + +; Builtin functions + +((call + function: (identifier) @function.builtin) + (#match? + @function.builtin + "^(abs|all|any|ascii|bin|bool|breakpoint|bytearray|bytes|callable|chr|classmethod|compile|complex|delattr|dict|dir|divmod|enumerate|eval|exec|filter|float|format|frozenset|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|help|hex|id|input|int|isinstance|issubclass|iter|len|list|locals|map|max|memoryview|min|next|object|oct|open|ord|pow|print|property|range|repr|reversed|round|set|setattr|slice|sorted|staticmethod|str|sum|super|tuple|type|vars|zip|__import__)$")) + +; Function calls + +(decorator) @function + +(call + function: (attribute attribute: (identifier) @function.method)) +(call + function: (identifier) @function) + +; Function definitions + +(function_definition + name: (identifier) @function) + +(identifier) @variable +(attribute attribute: (identifier) @variable.other.member) +(type (identifier) @type) + +; Literals + +[ + (none) + (true) + (false) +] @constant.builtin + +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float +(comment) @comment +(string) @string +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +(interpolation + "{" @punctuation.special + "}" @punctuation.special) @embedded + +[ + "-" + "-=" + "!=" + "*" + "**" + "**=" + "*=" + "/" + "//" + "//=" + "/=" + "&" + "%" + "%=" + "^" + "+" + "->" + "+=" + "<" + "<<" + "<=" + "<>" + "=" + ":=" + "==" + ">" + ">=" + ">>" + "|" + "~" + "and" + "in" + "is" + "not" + "or" +] @operator + +[ + "as" + "assert" + "async" + "await" + "break" + "class" + "continue" + "def" + "del" + "elif" + "else" + "except" + "exec" + "finally" + "for" + "from" + "global" + "if" + "import" + "lambda" + "nonlocal" + "pass" + "print" + "raise" + "return" + "try" + "while" + "with" + "yield" +] @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bc6848 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +indent = [ + "list", + "tuple", + "dictionary", + "set", + + "if_statement", + "for_statement", + "while_statement", + "with_statement", + "try_statement", + "import_from_statement", + + "parenthesized_expression", + "generator_expression", + "list_comprehension", + "set_comprehension", + "dictionary_comprehension", + + "tuple_pattern", + "list_pattern", + "argument_list", + "parameters", + "binary_operator", + + "function_definition", + "class_definition", +] + +outdent = [ + ")", + "]", + "}", + "return_statement", + "pass_statement", + "raise_statement", +] + +ignore = ["string"] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/tags.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/tags.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5ca827 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/tags.scm @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +(class_definition + name: (identifier) @name) @definition.class + +(function_definition + name: (identifier) @name) @definition.function + +(call + function: [ + (identifier) @name + (attribute + attribute: (identifier) @name) + ]) @reference.call diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ca2608 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/python/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +(function_definition + body: (block)? @function.inside) @function.around + +(class_definition + body: (block)? @class.inside) @class.around + +(parameters + (_) @parameter.inside) + +(lambda_parameters + (_) @parameter.inside) + +(argument_list + (_) @parameter.inside) + +(comment) @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/regex/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/regex/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9376caa --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/regex/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +; upstream: https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-regex/blob/e1cfca3c79896ff79842f057ea13e529b66af636/queries/highlights.scm + +[ + "(" + ")" + "(?" + "(?:" + "(?<" + ">" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "*" + "+" + "|" + "=" + "<=" + "!" + "<!" + "?" +] @operator + +[ + (identity_escape) + (control_letter_escape) + (character_class_escape) + (control_escape) + (start_assertion) + (end_assertion) + (boundary_assertion) + (non_boundary_assertion) +] @constant.character.escape + +(group_name) @property + +(count_quantifier + [ + (decimal_digits) @constant.numeric + "," @punctuation.delimiter + ]) + +(character_class + [ + "^" @operator + (class_range "-" @operator) + ]) + +(class_character) @constant.character +(pattern_character) @string diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9cbeb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +(comment) @comment + +; Identifiers +;------------ + +; Escaped identifiers like \"+." +((value_identifier) @function.macro + (#match? @function.macro "^\\.*$")) + +[ + (type_identifier) + (unit_type) + "list" +] @type + +[ + (variant_identifier) + (polyvar_identifier) +] @constant + +(property_identifier) @variable.other.member +(module_identifier) @namespace + +(jsx_identifier) @tag +(jsx_attribute (property_identifier) @variable.parameter) + +; Parameters +;---------------- + +(list_pattern (value_identifier) @variable.parameter) +(spread_pattern (value_identifier) @variable.parameter) + +; String literals +;---------------- + +[ + (string) + (template_string) +] @string + +(template_substitution + "${" @punctuation.bracket + "}" @punctuation.bracket) @embedded + +(character) @constant.character +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +; Other literals +;--------------- + +[ + (true) + (false) +] @constant.builtin + +(number) @constant.numeric +(polyvar) @constant +(polyvar_string) @constant + +; Functions +;---------- + +[ + (formal_parameters (value_identifier)) + (labeled_parameter (value_identifier)) +] @variable.parameter + +(function parameter: (value_identifier) @variable.parameter) + +; Meta +;----- + +[ + "@" + "@@" + (decorator_identifier) +] @label + +(extension_identifier) @keyword +("%") @keyword + +; Misc +;----- + +(subscript_expression index: (string) @variable.other.member) +(polyvar_type_pattern "#" @constant) + +[ + ("include") + ("open") +] @keyword + +[ + "as" + "export" + "external" + "let" + "module" + "mutable" + "private" + "rec" + "type" + "and" +] @keyword + +[ + "if" + "else" + "switch" +] @keyword + +[ + "exception" + "try" + "catch" + "raise" +] @keyword + +[ + "." + "," + "|" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "++" + "+" + "+." + "-" + "-." + "*" + "*." + "/" + "/." + "<" + "<=" + "==" + "===" + "!" + "!=" + "!==" + ">" + ">=" + "&&" + "||" + "=" + ":=" + "->" + "|>" + ":>" + (uncurry) +] @operator + +[ + "(" + ")" + "{" + "}" + "[" + "]" +] @punctuation.bracket + +(polyvar_type + [ + "[" + "[>" + "[<" + "]" + ] @punctuation.bracket) + +[ + "~" + "?" + "=>" + "..." +] @punctuation + +(ternary_expression ["?" ":"] @operator) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..201cce7 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) + +((raw_js) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "javascript")) + +((raw_gql) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "graphql")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa1c4ff --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rescript/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +; Classes (modules) +;------------------ + +(module_declaration definition: ((_) @class.inside)) @class.around + +; Functions +;---------- + +(function body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +; Comments +;--------- + +(comment) @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..898f8f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +; Keywords + +[ + "alias" + "and" + "begin" + "break" + "case" + "class" + "def" + "do" + "else" + "elsif" + "end" + "ensure" + "for" + "if" + "in" + "module" + "next" + "or" + "rescue" + "retry" + "return" + "then" + "unless" + "until" + "when" + "while" + "yield" +] @keyword + +((identifier) @keyword + (#match? @keyword "^(private|protected|public)$")) + +; Function calls + +((identifier) @function.method.builtin + (#eq? @function.method.builtin "require")) + +"defined?" @function.method.builtin + +(call + method: [(identifier) (constant)] @function.method) + +; Function definitions + +(alias (identifier) @function.method) +(setter (identifier) @function.method) +(method name: [(identifier) (constant)] @function.method) +(singleton_method name: [(identifier) (constant)] @function.method) + +; Identifiers + +[ + (class_variable) + (instance_variable) +] @variable.other.member + +((identifier) @constant.builtin + (#match? @constant.builtin "^__(FILE|LINE|ENCODING)__$")) + +((constant) @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z\\d_]+$")) + +(constant) @constructor + +(self) @variable.builtin +(super) @variable.builtin + +(block_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(block_parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(destructured_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(hash_splat_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(lambda_parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(method_parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(splat_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +(keyword_parameter name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(optional_parameter name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +((identifier) @function.method + (#is-not? local)) +(identifier) @variable + +; Literals + +[ + (string) + (bare_string) + (subshell) + (heredoc_body) + (heredoc_beginning) +] @string + +[ + (simple_symbol) + (delimited_symbol) + (hash_key_symbol) + (bare_symbol) +] @string.special.symbol + +(regex) @string.regexp +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +[ + (integer) + (float) +] @constant.numeric.integer + +[ + (nil) + (true) + (false) +]@constant.builtin + +(interpolation + "#{" @punctuation.special + "}" @punctuation.special) @embedded + +(comment) @comment + +; Operators + +[ +"=" +"=>" +"->" +] @operator + +[ + "," + ";" + "." +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" + "%w(" + "%i(" +] @punctuation.bracket diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b417751 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +indent = [ + "argument_list", + "array", + "begin", + "block", + "call", + "class", + "case", + "do_block", + "elsif", + "if", + "hash", + "method", + "module", + "singleton_class", + "singleton_method", +] + +outdent = [ + ")", + "}", + "]", + "end", + "when", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..393caaf --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +((method) @local.scope + (#set! local.scope-inherits false)) + +[ + (lambda) + (block) + (do_block) +] @local.scope + +(block_parameter (identifier) @local.definition) +(block_parameters (identifier) @local.definition) +(destructured_parameter (identifier) @local.definition) +(hash_splat_parameter (identifier) @local.definition) +(lambda_parameters (identifier) @local.definition) +(method_parameters (identifier) @local.definition) +(splat_parameter (identifier) @local.definition) + +(keyword_parameter name: (identifier) @local.definition) +(optional_parameter name: (identifier) @local.definition) + +(identifier) @local.reference + +(assignment left: (identifier) @local.definition) +(operator_assignment left: (identifier) @local.definition) +(left_assignment_list (identifier) @local.definition) +(rest_assignment (identifier) @local.definition) +(destructured_left_assignment (identifier) @local.definition) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/tags.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/tags.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47ba1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/ruby/tags.scm @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +; Method definitions + +( + (comment)* @doc + . + [ + (method + name: (_) @name) @definition.method + (singleton_method + name: (_) @name) @definition.method + ] + (#strip! @doc "^#\\s*") + (#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.method) +) + +(alias + name: (_) @name) @definition.method + +(setter + (identifier) @ignore) + +; Class definitions + +( + (comment)* @doc + . + [ + (class + name: [ + (constant) @name + (scope_resolution + name: (_) @name) + ]) @definition.class + (singleton_class + value: [ + (constant) @name + (scope_resolution + name: (_) @name) + ]) @definition.class + ] + (#strip! @doc "^#\\s*") + (#select-adjacent! @doc @definition.class) +) + +; Module definitions + +( + (module + name: [ + (constant) @name + (scope_resolution + name: (_) @name) + ]) @definition.module +) + +; Calls + +(call method: (identifier) @name) @reference.call + +( + [(identifier) (constant)] @name @reference.call + (#is-not? local) + (#not-match? @name "^(lambda|load|require|require_relative|__FILE__|__LINE__)$") +) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26496c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +; ------- +; Tree-Sitter doesn't allow overrides in regards to captures, +; though it is possible to affect the child node of a captured +; node. Thus, the approach here is to flip the order so that +; overrides are unnecessary. +; ------- + + + +; ------- +; Types +; ------- + +; --- +; Primitives +; --- + +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape +(primitive_type) @type.builtin +(boolean_literal) @constant.builtin.boolean +(integer_literal) @constant.numeric.integer +(float_literal) @constant.numeric.float +(char_literal) @constant.character +[ + (string_literal) + (raw_string_literal) +] @string +[ + (line_comment) + (block_comment) +] @comment + +; --- +; Extraneous +; --- + +(self) @variable.builtin +(enum_variant (identifier) @type.enum.variant) + +(field_initializer + (field_identifier) @variable.other.member) +(shorthand_field_initializer + (identifier) @variable.other.member) +(shorthand_field_identifier) @variable.other.member + +(lifetime + "'" @label + (identifier) @label) +(loop_label + (identifier) @type) + +; --- +; Punctuation +; --- + +[ + "::" + "." + ";" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket +(type_arguments + [ + "<" + ">" + ] @punctuation.bracket) +(type_parameters + [ + "<" + ">" + ] @punctuation.bracket) + +; --- +; Variables +; --- + +(let_declaration + pattern: [ + ((identifier) @variable) + ((tuple_pattern + (identifier) @variable)) + ]) + +; It needs to be anonymous to not conflict with `call_expression` further below. +(_ + value: (field_expression + value: (identifier)? @variable + field: (field_identifier) @variable.other.member)) + +(arguments + (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(parameter + pattern: (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(closure_parameters + (identifier) @variable.parameter) + + + +; ------- +; Keywords +; ------- + +(for_expression + "for" @keyword.control) +((identifier) @keyword.control + (#match? @keyword.control "^yield$")) +[ + "while" + "loop" + "in" + "break" + "continue" + + "match" + "if" + "else" + "return" + + "await" +] @keyword.control + +"use" @keyword.control.import +(mod_item "mod" @keyword.control.import !body) +(use_as_clause "as" @keyword.control.import) + +(type_cast_expression "as" @keyword.operator) + +[ + (crate) + (super) + "as" + "pub" + "mod" + "extern" + + "fn" + "struct" + "enum" + "impl" + "where" + "trait" + "for" + + "type" + "union" + "unsafe" + "default" + "macro_rules!" + + "let" + "ref" + "move" + + "dyn" + "static" + "const" + "async" +] @keyword + +(mutable_specifier) @keyword.mut + +; TODO: variable.mut to highlight mutable identifiers via locals.scm + +; ------- +; Guess Other Types +; ------- + +((identifier) @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z\\d_]+$")) + +; --- +; PascalCase identifiers in call_expressions (e.g. `Ok()`) +; are assumed to be enum constructors. +; --- + +(call_expression + function: [ + ((identifier) @type.variant + (#match? @type.variant "^[A-Z]")) + (scoped_identifier + name: ((identifier) @type.variant + (#match? @type.variant "^[A-Z]"))) + ]) + +; --- +; Assume that types in match arms are enums and not +; tuple structs. Same for `if let` expressions. +; --- + +(match_pattern + (scoped_identifier + name: (identifier) @constructor)) +(tuple_struct_pattern + type: [ + ((identifier) @constructor) + (scoped_identifier + name: (identifier) @constructor) + ]) +(struct_pattern + type: [ + ((type_identifier) @constructor) + (scoped_type_identifier + name: (type_identifier) @constructor) + ]) + +; --- +; Other PascalCase identifiers are assumed to be structs. +; --- + +((identifier) @type + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + + + +; ------- +; Functions +; ------- + +(call_expression + function: [ + ((identifier) @function) + (scoped_identifier + name: (identifier) @function) + (field_expression + field: (field_identifier) @function) + ]) +(generic_function + function: [ + ((identifier) @function) + (scoped_identifier + name: (identifier) @function) + (field_expression + field: (field_identifier) @function.method) + ]) + +(function_item + name: (identifier) @function) + +; --- +; Macros +; --- +(meta_item + (identifier) @function.macro) + +(inner_attribute_item) @attribute + +(macro_definition + name: (identifier) @function.macro) +(macro_invocation + macro: [ + ((identifier) @function.macro) + (scoped_identifier + name: (identifier) @function.macro) + ] + "!" @function.macro) + +(metavariable) @variable.parameter +(fragment_specifier) @type + + + +; ------- +; Operators +; ------- + +[ + "*" + "'" + "->" + "=>" + "<=" + "=" + "==" + "!" + "!=" + "%" + "%=" + "&" + "&=" + "&&" + "|" + "|=" + "||" + "^" + "^=" + "*" + "*=" + "-" + "-=" + "+" + "+=" + "/" + "/=" + ">" + "<" + ">=" + ">>" + "<<" + ">>=" + "@" + ".." + "..=" + "'" +] @operator + + + +; ------- +; Paths +; ------- + +(use_declaration + argument: (identifier) @namespace) +(use_wildcard + (identifier) @namespace) +(extern_crate_declaration + name: (identifier) @namespace) +(mod_item + name: (identifier) @namespace) +(scoped_use_list + path: (identifier)? @namespace) +(use_list + (identifier) @namespace) +(use_as_clause + path: (identifier)? @namespace + alias: (identifier) @namespace) + +; --- +; Remaining Paths +; --- + +(scoped_identifier + path: (identifier)? @namespace + name: (identifier) @namespace) +(scoped_type_identifier + path: (identifier) @namespace) + + + +; ------- +; Remaining Identifiers +; ------- + +"?" @special + +(type_identifier) @type +(identifier) @variable +(field_identifier) @variable.other.member diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51a0cee --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +indent = [ + "use_list", + "block", + "match_block", + "arguments", + "parameters", + "declaration_list", + "field_declaration_list", + "field_initializer_list", + "struct_pattern", + "tuple_pattern", + "unit_expression", + "enum_variant_list", + "call_expression", + "binary_expression", + "field_expression", + "tuple_expression", + "array_expression", + "where_clause", + "macro_invocation" +] + +outdent = [ + "where", + "}", + "]", + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77c7080 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +([(line_comment) (block_comment)] @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) + +((macro_invocation + (token_tree) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "rust") + (#set! injection.include-children)) + +((macro_rule + (token_tree) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "rust") + (#set! injection.include-children)) + +(call_expression + function: (scoped_identifier + path: (identifier) @_regex (#eq? @_regex "Regex") + name: (identifier) @_new (#eq? @_new "new")) + arguments: (arguments (raw_string_literal) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "regex")) + +(call_expression + function: (scoped_identifier + path: (scoped_identifier (identifier) @_regex (#eq? @_regex "Regex") .) + name: (identifier) @_new (#eq? @_new "new")) + arguments: (arguments (raw_string_literal) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "regex")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6428f9b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +; Scopes + +(block) @local.scope + +; Definitions + +(parameter + (identifier) @local.definition) + +(let_declaration + pattern: (identifier) @local.definition) + +(closure_parameters (identifier)) @local.definition + +; References +(identifier) @local.reference + diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..086db67 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/rust/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +(function_item + body: (_) @function.inside) @function.around + +(struct_item + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(enum_item + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(union_item + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(trait_item + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(impl_item + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(parameters + (_) @parameter.inside) + +(closure_parameters + (_) @parameter.inside) + +(arguments + (_) @parameter.inside) + +[ + (line_comment) + (block_comment) +] @comment.inside + +(line_comment)+ @comment.around + +(block_comment) @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50a6e18 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +; CREDITS @stumash (stuart.mashaal@gmail.com) + +;; variables + + +((identifier) @variable.builtin + (#match? @variable.builtin "^this$")) + +(interpolation) @none + +; Assume other uppercase names constants. +; NOTE: In order to distinguish constants we highlight +; all the identifiers that are uppercased. But this solution +; is not suitable for all occurrences e.g. it will highlight +; an uppercased method as a constant if used with no params. +; Introducing highlighting for those specific cases, is probably +; best way to resolve the issue. +((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z]")) + +;; types + +(type_identifier) @type + +(class_definition + name: (identifier) @type) + +(object_definition + name: (identifier) @type) + +(trait_definition + name: (identifier) @type) + +(type_definition + name: (type_identifier) @type) + +; method definition + +(class_definition + body: (template_body + (function_definition + name: (identifier) @function.method))) +(object_definition + body: (template_body + (function_definition + name: (identifier) @function.method))) +(trait_definition + body: (template_body + (function_definition + name: (identifier) @function.method))) + +; imports + +(import_declaration + path: (identifier) @namespace) +((stable_identifier (identifier) @namespace)) + +((import_declaration + path: (identifier) @type) (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) +((stable_identifier (identifier) @type) (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + +((import_selectors (identifier) @type) (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + +; method invocation + + +(call_expression + function: (identifier) @function) + +(call_expression + function: (field_expression + field: (identifier) @function.method)) + +((call_expression + function: (identifier) @variable.other.member) + (#match? @variable.other.member "^[A-Z]")) + +(generic_function + function: (identifier) @function) + +( + (identifier) @function.builtin + (#match? @function.builtin "^super$") +) + +; function definitions + +(function_definition + name: (identifier) @function) + +(parameter + name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +; expressions + + +(field_expression field: (identifier) @variable.other.member) +(field_expression value: (identifier) @type + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + +(infix_expression operator: (identifier) @operator) +(infix_expression operator: (operator_identifier) @operator) +(infix_type operator: (operator_identifier) @operator) +(infix_type operator: (operator_identifier) @operator) + +; literals +(boolean_literal) @constant.builtin.boolean +(integer_literal) @constant.numeric.integer +(floating_point_literal) @constant.numeric.float + + +(symbol_literal) @string.special.symbol + +[ +(string) +(character_literal) +(interpolated_string_expression) +] @string + +(interpolation "$" @punctuation.special) + +;; keywords + +[ + "abstract" + "case" + "class" + "extends" + "final" + "finally" +;; `forSome` existential types not implemented yet + "implicit" + "lazy" +;; `macro` not implemented yet + "object" + "override" + "package" + "private" + "protected" + "sealed" + "trait" + "type" + "val" + "var" + "with" +] @keyword + +(null_literal) @constant.builtin +(wildcard) @keyword + +;; special keywords + +"new" @keyword.operator + +[ + "else" + "if" + "match" + "try" + "catch" + "throw" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "." + "," +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "do" + "for" + "while" + "yield" +] @keyword.control.repeat + +"def" @keyword.function + +[ + "=>" + "<-" + "@" +] @keyword.operator + +"import" @keyword.control.import + +"return" @keyword.control.return + +(comment) @comment + +;; `case` is a conditional keyword in case_block + +(case_block + (case_clause ("case") @keyword.control.conditional)) + +(identifier) @variable
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6de5484 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ + +indent = [ + "block", + "arguments", + "parameter", + "class_definition", + "trait_definition", + "object_definition", + "function_definition", + "val_definition", + "import_declaration", + "while_expression", + "do_while_expression", + "for_expression", + "try_expression", + "match_expression" +] + +outdent = [ + "}", + "]", + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/scala/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/solidity/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/solidity/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61c89ac --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/solidity/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +(comment) @comment + +; Pragma +(pragma_directive) @tag +(solidity_version_comparison_operator ">=" @tag) +(solidity_version_comparison_operator "<=" @tag) +(solidity_version_comparison_operator "=" @tag) +(solidity_version_comparison_operator "~" @tag) +(solidity_version_comparison_operator "^" @tag) + + +; Literals +[ + (string) + (hex_string_literal) + (unicode_string_literal) + (yul_string_literal) +] @string +[ + (number_literal) + (yul_decimal_number) + (yul_hex_number) +] @constant.numeric +[ + (true) + (false) +] @constant.builtin + + +; Type +(type_name) @type +(primitive_type) @type +(struct_declaration struct_name: (identifier) @type) +(enum_declaration enum_type_name: (identifier) @type) +; Color payable in payable address conversion as type and not as keyword +(payable_conversion_expression "payable" @type) +(emit_statement . (identifier) @type) +; Handles ContractA, ContractB in function foo() override(ContractA, contractB) {} +(override_specifier (identifier) @type) +; Ensures that delimiters in mapping( ... => .. ) are not colored like types +(type_name "(" @punctuation.bracket "=>" @punctuation.delimiter ")" @punctuation.bracket) + + + +; Functions and parameters + +(function_definition + function_name: (identifier) @function) +(modifier_definition + name: (identifier) @function) +(yul_evm_builtin) @function.builtin + +; Use contructor coloring for special functions +(constructor_definition "constructor" @constructor) +(fallback_receive_definition "receive" @constructor) +(fallback_receive_definition "fallback" @constructor) + +(modifier_invocation (identifier) @function) + +; Handles expressions like structVariable.g(); +(call_expression . (member_expression (property_identifier) @function.method)) + +; Handles expressions like g(); +(call_expression . (identifier) @function) + +; Function parameters +(event_paramater name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(function_definition + function_name: (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +; Yul functions +(yul_function_call function: (yul_identifier) @function) + +; Yul function parameters +(yul_function_definition . (yul_identifier) @function (yul_identifier) @variable.parameter) + +(meta_type_expression "type" @keyword) + +(member_expression (property_identifier) @variable.other.member) +(property_identifier) @variable.other.member +(struct_expression ((identifier) @variable.other.member . ":")) +(enum_value) @variable.other.member + + +; Keywords +[ + "pragma" + "import" + "contract" + "interface" + "library" + "is" + "struct" + "enum" + "event" + "using" + "assembly" + "switch" + "case" + "default" + "break" + "continue" + "if" + "else" + "for" + "while" + "do" + "try" + "catch" + "return" + "emit" + "public" + "internal" + "private" + "external" + "pure" + "view" + "payable" + "modifier" + "returns" + "memory" + "storage" + "calldata" + "function" + "var" + (constant) + (virtual) + (override_specifier) + (yul_leave) +] @keyword + +(import_directive "as" @keyword) +(import_directive "from" @keyword) +(event_paramater "indexed" @keyword) + +; Punctuation + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + + +[ + "." + "," +] @punctuation.delimiter + + +; Operators + +[ + "&&" + "||" + ">>" + ">>>" + "<<" + "&" + "^" + "|" + "+" + "-" + "*" + "/" + "%" + "**" + "<" + "<=" + "==" + "!=" + "!==" + ">=" + ">" + "!" + "~" + "-" + "+" + "delete" + "new" + "++" + "--" +] @operator + +(identifier) @variable +(yul_identifier) @variable diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22b0c55 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +; Special identifiers +;-------------------- + +; TODO: +((element (start_tag (tag_name) @_tag) (text) @markup.heading) + (#match? @_tag "^(h[0-9]|title)$")) + +((element (start_tag (tag_name) @_tag) (text) @markup.bold) + (#match? @_tag "^(strong|b)$")) + +((element (start_tag (tag_name) @_tag) (text) @markup.italic) + (#match? @_tag "^(em|i)$")) + +; ((element (start_tag (tag_name) @_tag) (text) @markup.strike) +; (#match? @_tag "^(s|del)$")) + +((element (start_tag (tag_name) @_tag) (text) @markup.underline) + (#eq? @_tag "u")) + +((element (start_tag (tag_name) @_tag) (text) @markup.inline) + (#match? @_tag "^(code|kbd)$")) + +((element (start_tag (tag_name) @_tag) (text) @markup.link.url) + (#eq? @_tag "a")) + +((attribute + (attribute_name) @_attr + (quoted_attribute_value (attribute_value) @markup.link.url)) + (#match? @_attr "^(href|src)$")) + +(tag_name) @tag +(attribute_name) @variable.other.member +(erroneous_end_tag_name) @error +(comment) @comment + +[ + (attribute_value) + (quoted_attribute_value) +] @string + +[ + (text) + (raw_text_expr) +] @none + +[ + (special_block_keyword) + (then) + (as) +] @keyword + +[ + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.brackets + +"=" @operator + +[ + "<" + ">" + "</" + "/>" + "#" + ":" + "/" + "@" +] @punctuation.definition.tag diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..693db8e --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +indent = [ + "element" + "if_statement" + "each_statement" + "await_statement" +] + +outdent = [ + "end_tag" + "else_statement" + "if_end_expr" + "each_end_expr" + "await_end_expr" + ">" + "/>" +] + +ignore = "comment" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04e860c --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/svelte/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +; injections.scm +; -------------- +((style_element + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "css")) + +((attribute + (attribute_name) @_attr + (quoted_attribute_value (attribute_value) @css)) + (#eq? @_attr "style")) + +((script_element + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "javascript")) + +((raw_text_expr) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "javascript")) + +( + (script_element + (start_tag + (attribute + (quoted_attribute_value (attribute_value) @_lang))) + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#match? @_lang "(ts|typescript)") + (#set! injection.language "typescript") +) + +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ade5ba --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +[ + (comment) + (multiline_comment) +] @comment + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" + "<" + ">" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "," + ";" + "." +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + "#" + "-" + "..." + ":" +] @operator + +[ + "=" + "!cond" + (operator_keyword) +] @function + +[ + "true" + "false" +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +[ + "?" +] @constant.builtin + +(var) @variable + +(template_arg (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +(_ argument: (value (identifier) @variable.parameter)) + +(type) @type + +"code" @type.builtin + +(number) @constant.numeric.integer +[ + (string_string) + (code_string) +] @string + +(preprocessor) @keyword.directive + +[ + "class" + "field" + "let" + "defvar" + "def" + "defset" + "defvar" + "assert" +] @keyword + +[ + "let" + "in" + "foreach" + "if" + "then" + "else" +] @keyword.operator + +"include" @keyword.control.import + +[ + "multiclass" + "defm" +] @namespace + +(ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43532f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +indent = [ + "statement", +] + +outdent = [ + "}", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b476f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +([ (comment) (multiline_comment)] @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/textobjects.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/textobjects.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89645b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tablegen/textobjects.scm @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +(class + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(multiclass + body: (_) @class.inside) @class.around + +(_ argument: _ @parameter.inside) + +[ + (comment) + (multiline_comment) +] @comment.inside + +(comment)+ @comment.around + +(multiline_comment) @comment.around diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/toml/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/toml/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2742b2b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/toml/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +; Properties +;----------- + +(bare_key) @variable.other.member +(quoted_key) @string + +; Literals +;--------- + +(boolean) @constant.builtin.boolean +(comment) @comment +(string) @string +(integer) @constant.numeric.integer +(float) @constant.numeric.float +(offset_date_time) @string.special +(local_date_time) @string.special +(local_date) @string.special +(local_time) @string.special + +; Punctuation +;------------ + +"." @punctuation.delimiter +"," @punctuation.delimiter + +"=" @operator + +"[" @punctuation.bracket +"]" @punctuation.bracket +"[[" @punctuation.bracket +"]]" @punctuation.bracket +"{" @punctuation.bracket +"}" @punctuation.bracket diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/toml/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/toml/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/toml/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsq/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsq/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..549895c --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsq/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +; mark the string passed #match? as a regex +(((predicate_name) @function + (capture) + (string) @string.regexp) + (#eq? @function "#match?")) + +; highlight inheritance comments +((query . (comment) @keyword.directive) + (#match? @keyword.directive "^;\ +inherits *:")) + +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" +] @punctuation.bracket + +":" @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + (one_or_more) + (zero_or_one) + (zero_or_more) +] @operator + +[ + (wildcard_node) + (anchor) +] @constant.builtin + +[ + (anonymous_leaf) + (string) +] @string + +(comment) @comment + +(field_name) @variable.other.member + +(capture) @label + +(predicate_name) @function + +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape + +(node_name) @variable diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsq/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsq/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsq/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsx/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsx/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b61e36 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsx/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: typescript diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsx/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsx/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b61e36 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/tsx/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: typescript diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/twig/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/twig/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c95ab6 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/twig/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +(comment_directive) @comment + +[ + "{%" + "{%-" + "{%~" + "%}" + "-%}" + "~%}" + "{{" + "{{-" + "{{~" + "}}" + "-}}" + "~}}" +] @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/twig/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/twig/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f082273 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/twig/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +((content) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "html") + (#set! injection.combined)) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3212a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +; inherits: javascript + +; Types + +(type_identifier) @type +(predefined_type) @type.builtin + +((identifier) @type + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]")) + +(type_arguments + "<" @punctuation.bracket + ">" @punctuation.bracket) + +; Variables + +(required_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) +(optional_parameter (identifier) @variable.parameter) + +; Keywords + +[ + "abstract" + "declare" + "enum" + "export" + "implements" + "interface" + "keyof" + "namespace" + "private" + "protected" + "public" + "type" + "readonly" +] @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d711ab --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +indent = [ + "array", + "object", + "arguments", + "formal_parameters", + + "statement_block", + "object_pattern", + "class_body", + "named_imports", + + "binary_expression", + "return_statement", + "template_substitution", + # (expression_statement (call_expression)) + "export_clause", + + # typescript + "enum_declaration", + "interface_declaration", + "object_type", +] + +outdent = [ + "}", + "]", + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff0ddfa --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +; inherits: javascript diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/locals.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/locals.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa6d6ff --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/locals.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +(required_parameter (identifier) @local.definition) +(optional_parameter (identifier) @local.definition) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/tags.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/tags.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccae934 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/typescript/tags.scm @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +(function_signature + name: (identifier) @name) @definition.function + +(method_signature + name: (property_identifier) @name) @definition.method + +(abstract_method_signature + name: (property_identifier) @name) @definition.method + +(abstract_class_declaration + name: (type_identifier) @name) @definition.class + +(module + name: (identifier) @name) @definition.module + +(interface_declaration + name: (type_identifier) @name) @definition.interface + +(type_annotation + (type_identifier) @name) @reference.type + +(new_expression + constructor: (identifier) @name) @reference.class diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/vue/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/vue/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f90ae42 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/vue/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +(tag_name) @tag +(end_tag) @tag + +(directive_name) @keyword +(directive_argument) @constant + +(attribute + (attribute_name) @attribute + (quoted_attribute_value + (attribute_value) @string) +) + +(comment) @comment + +[ + "<" + ">" + "</" + "{{" + "}}" +] @punctuation.bracket
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/vue/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/vue/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73df868 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/vue/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +(directive_attribute + (directive_name) @keyword + (quoted_attribute_value + (attribute_value) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "javascript")) + +((interpolation + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "javascript")) + +((script_element + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "javascript")) + +((style_element + (raw_text) @injection.content) + (#set! injection.language "css")) + +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/wgsl/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/wgsl/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fbc87d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/wgsl/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +(const_literal) @constant.numeric + +(type_declaration) @type + +(function_declaration + (identifier) @function) + +(struct_declaration + (identifier) @type) + +(type_constructor_or_function_call_expression + (type_declaration) @function) + +(parameter + (variable_identifier_declaration (identifier) @variable.parameter)) + +[ + "struct" + "bitcast" + ; "block" + "discard" + "enable" + "fallthrough" + "fn" + "let" + "private" + "read" + "read_write" + "return" + "storage" + "type" + "uniform" + "var" + "workgroup" + "write" + (texel_format) +] @keyword ; TODO reserved keywords + +[ + (true) + (false) +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +[ "," "." ":" ";" ] @punctuation.delimiter + +;; brackets +[ + "(" + ")" + "[" + "]" + "{" + "}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +[ + "loop" + "for" + "break" + "continue" + "continuing" +] @keyword.control.repeat + +[ + "if" + "else" + "elseif" + "switch" + "case" + "default" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + "&" + "&&" + "/" + "!" + "=" + "==" + "!=" + ">" + ">=" + ">>" + "<" + "<=" + "<<" + "%" + "-" + "+" + "|" + "||" + "*" + "~" + "^" +] @operator + +(attribute + (identifier) @variable.other.member) + +(comment) @comment + +(ERROR) @error diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/wgsl/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/wgsl/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/wgsl/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4fed27 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +(block_mapping_pair + key: (flow_node [(double_quote_scalar) (single_quote_scalar)] @variable.other.member)) +(block_mapping_pair + key: (flow_node (plain_scalar (string_scalar) @variable.other.member))) + +(flow_mapping + (_ key: (flow_node [(double_quote_scalar) (single_quote_scalar)] @variable.other.member))) +(flow_mapping + (_ key: (flow_node (plain_scalar (string_scalar) @variable.other.member)))) + +(boolean_scalar) @constant.builtin.boolean +(null_scalar) @constant.builtin +(double_quote_scalar) @string +(single_quote_scalar) @string +(block_scalar) @string +(string_scalar) @string +(escape_sequence) @constant.character.escape +(integer_scalar) @constant.numeric.integer +(float_scalar) @constant.numeric.float +(comment) @comment +(anchor_name) @type +(alias_name) @type +(tag) @type +(yaml_directive) @keyword +(ERROR) @error + +[ +"," +"-" +":" +">" +"?" +"|" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ +"[" +"]" +"{" +"}" +] @punctuation.bracket + +["*" "&" "---" "..."] @punctuation.special diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddc3578 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +indent = [ + "block_mapping_pair", +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..321c90a --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/yaml/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +((comment) @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/highlights.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/highlights.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62c99ac --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/highlights.scm @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +[ + (container_doc_comment) + (doc_comment) + (line_comment) +] @comment + +[ + variable: (IDENTIFIER) + variable_type_function: (IDENTIFIER) +] @variable + +parameter: (IDENTIFIER) @variable.parameter + +[ + field_member: (IDENTIFIER) + field_access: (IDENTIFIER) +] @variable.other.member + +;; assume TitleCase is a type +( + [ + variable_type_function: (IDENTIFIER) + field_access: (IDENTIFIER) + parameter: (IDENTIFIER) + ] @type + (#match? @type "^[A-Z]([a-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*)*$") +) +;; assume camelCase is a function +( + [ + variable_type_function: (IDENTIFIER) + field_access: (IDENTIFIER) + parameter: (IDENTIFIER) + ] @function + (#match? @function "^[a-z]+([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)+$") +) + +;; assume all CAPS_1 is a constant +( + [ + variable_type_function: (IDENTIFIER) + field_access: (IDENTIFIER) + ] @constant + (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+$") +) + +[ + function_call: (IDENTIFIER) + function: (IDENTIFIER) +] @function + +exception: "!" @function.macro + +( + (IDENTIFIER) @variable.builtin + (#eq? @variable.builtin "_") +) + +(PtrTypeStart "c" @variable.builtin) + +( + (ContainerDeclType + [ + (ErrorUnionExpr) + "enum" + ] + ) + (ContainerField (IDENTIFIER) @constant) +) + +field_constant: (IDENTIFIER) @constant + +(BUILTINIDENTIFIER) @function.builtin + +((BUILTINIDENTIFIER) @keyword.control.import + (#any-of? @keyword.control.import "@import" "@cImport")) + +(INTEGER) @constant.numeric.integer + +(FLOAT) @constant.numeric.float + +[ + (LINESTRING) + (STRINGLITERALSINGLE) +] @string + +(CHAR_LITERAL) @constant.character +(EscapeSequence) @constant.character.escape +(FormatSequence) @string.special + +[ + "allowzero" + "volatile" + "anytype" + "anyframe" + (BuildinTypeExpr) +] @type.builtin + +(BreakLabel (IDENTIFIER) @label) +(BlockLabel (IDENTIFIER) @label) + +[ + "true" + "false" +] @constant.builtin.boolean + +[ + "undefined" + "unreachable" + "null" +] @constant.builtin + +[ + "else" + "if" + "switch" +] @keyword.control.conditional + +[ + "for" + "while" +] @keyword.control.repeat + +[ + "or" + "and" + "orelse" +] @operator + +[ + "struct" + "enum" + "union" + "error" + "packed" + "opaque" +] @keyword + +[ + "try" + "error" + "catch" +] @function.macro + +; VarDecl +[ + "threadlocal" + "fn" +] @keyword.function + +[ + "const" + "var" + "test" + "pub" + "usingnamespace" +] @keyword + +[ + "return" + "break" + "continue" +] @keyword.control + +; Macro +[ + "defer" + "errdefer" + "async" + "nosuspend" + "await" + "suspend" + "resume" + "export" + "extern" +] @function.macro + +; PrecProc +[ + "comptime" + "inline" + "noinline" + "asm" + "callconv" + "noalias" +] @keyword.directive + +[ + "linksection" + "align" +] @function.builtin + +[ + (CompareOp) + (BitwiseOp) + (BitShiftOp) + (AdditionOp) + (AssignOp) + (MultiplyOp) + (PrefixOp) + "*" + "**" + "->" + ".?" + ".*" + "?" +] @operator + +[ + ";" + "." + "," + ":" +] @punctuation.delimiter + +[ + ".." + "..." +] @punctuation.special + +[ + "[" + "]" + "(" + ")" + "{" + "}" + (Payload "|") + (PtrPayload "|") + (PtrIndexPayload "|") +] @punctuation.bracket + +; Error +(ERROR) @keyword diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/indents.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/indents.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36ba8e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/indents.toml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +indent = [ + "Block", + "BlockExpr", + "ContainerDecl", + "SwitchExpr", + "AssignExpr", + "ErrorUnionExpr", + "Statement", + "InitList" +] + +outdent = [ + "}", + "]", + ")" +] diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/injections.scm b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/injections.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3df9589 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/queries/zig/injections.scm @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +([(line_comment) (doc_comment)] @injection.content + (#set! injection.language "comment")) diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/README.md b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c9c5ae --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# User submitted themes + +If you submit a theme, please include a comment at the top with your name and email address: + +```toml +# Author : Name <email@my.domain> +``` + +We have a preview page for themes on our [wiki](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/wiki/Themes)! diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_default_dark.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_default_dark.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8dd1b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_default_dark.toml @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# Author: RayGervais <raygervais@hotmail.ca> + +"ui.background" = { bg = "base00" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "base05", bg = "base01" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base01", bg = "base04" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base01" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base01" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base01" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base02" } +"comment" = { fg = "base03", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "base04", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base05", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.text" = "base05" +"operator" = "base05" +"ui.text.focus" = "base05" +"variable" = "base08" +"constant.numeric" = "base09" +"constant" = "base09" +"attributes" = "base09" +"type" = "base0A" +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "base0A", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"string" = "base0B" +"variable.other.member" = "base0B" +"constant.character.escape" = "base0C" +"function" = "base0D" +"constructor" = "base0D" +"special" = "base0D" +"keyword" = "base0E" +"label" = "base0E" +"namespace" = "base0E" +"ui.help" = { fg = "base06", bg = "base01" } + +"markup.heading" = "base0D" +"markup.list" = "base08" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "base0A", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "base0E", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "base09", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "base08" +"markup.quote" = "base0C" +"markup.raw" = "base0B" + +"diff.plus" = "base0B" +"diff.delta" = "base09" +"diff.minus" = "base08" + +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"ui.gutter" = { bg = "base01" } +"info" = "base0D" +"hint" = "base03" +"debug" = "base03" +"warning" = "base09" +"error" = "base08" + +[palette] +base00 = "#181818" # Default Background +base01 = "#282828" # Lighter Background (Used for status bars, line number and folding marks) +base02 = "#383838" # Selection Background +base03 = "#585858" # Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting +base04 = "#b8b8b8" # Dark Foreground (Used for status bars) +base05 = "#d8d8d8" # Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators +base06 = "#e8e8e8" # Light Foreground (Not often used) +base07 = "#f8f8f8" # Light Background (Not often used) +base08 = "#ab4642" # Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted +base09 = "#dc9656" # Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url +base0A = "#f7ca88" # Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background +base0B = "#a1b56c" # Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted +base0C = "#86c1b9" # Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes +base0D = "#7cafc2" # Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings +base0E = "#ba8baf" # Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed +base0F = "#a16946" # Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags, e.g. <?php ?> diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_default_light.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_default_light.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50be51b --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_default_light.toml @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# Author: NNB <nnbnh@protonmail.com> + +"ui.background" = { bg = "base00" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "base05", bg = "base01" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base01", bg = "base04" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base01" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base01" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base01" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base02" } +"comment" = { fg = "base03", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "base04", bg = "base01" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "base04", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base05", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.text" = "base05" +"operator" = "base05" +"ui.text.focus" = "base05" +"variable" = "base08" +"constant.numeric" = "base09" +"constant" = "base09" +"attributes" = "base09" +"type" = "base0A" +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "base0A", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"string" = "base0B" +"variable.other.member" = "base0B" +"constant.character.escape" = "base0C" +"function" = "base0D" +"constructor" = "base0D" +"special" = "base0D" +"keyword" = "base0E" +"label" = "base0E" +"namespace" = "base0E" +"ui.help" = { fg = "base06", bg = "base01" } + +"markup.heading" = "base0D" +"markup.list" = "base08" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "base0A", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "base0E", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "base09", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "base08" +"markup.quote" = "base0C" +"markup.raw" = "base0B" + +"diff.plus" = "base0B" +"diff.delta" = "base09" +"diff.minus" = "base08" + +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"ui.gutter" = { bg = "base01" } +"info" = "base0D" +"hint" = "base03" +"debug" = "base03" +"warning" = "base09" +"error" = "base08" + +[palette] +base00 = "#f8f8f8" # Default Background +base01 = "#e8e8e8" # Lighter Background (Used for status bars, line number and folding marks) +base02 = "#d8d8d8" # Selection Background +base03 = "#b8b8b8" # Comments, Invisibles, Line Highlighting +base04 = "#585858" # Dark Foreground (Used for status bars) +base05 = "#383838" # Default Foreground, Caret, Delimiters, Operators +base06 = "#282828" # Light Foreground (Not often used) +base07 = "#181818" # Light Background (Not often used) +base08 = "#ab4642" # Variables, XML Tags, Markup Link Text, Markup Lists, Diff Deleted +base09 = "#dc9656" # Integers, Boolean, Constants, XML Attributes, Markup Link Url +base0A = "#f7ca88" # Classes, Markup Bold, Search Text Background +base0B = "#a1b56c" # Strings, Inherited Class, Markup Code, Diff Inserted +base0C = "#86c1b9" # Support, Regular Expressions, Escape Characters, Markup Quotes +base0D = "#7cafc2" # Functions, Methods, Attribute IDs, Headings +base0E = "#ba8baf" # Keywords, Storage, Selector, Markup Italic, Diff Changed +base0F = "#a16946" # Deprecated, Opening/Closing Embedded Language Tags, e.g. <?php ?> diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_terminal.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_terminal.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6ca71d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/base16_terminal.toml @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# Author: NNB <nnbnh@protonmail.com> + +"ui.menu" = { fg = "light-gray", bg = "gray" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "light-gray", bg = "black" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "black" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "black" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "white", bg = "black", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"ui.selection" = { fg = "gray", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"comment" = { fg = "light-gray", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "white", bg = "black" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "gray", bg = "black" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "white", bg = "black" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "light-gray", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "light-white", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"variable" = "light-red" +"constant.numeric" = "yellow" +"constant" = "yellow" +"attributes" = "yellow" +"type" = "light-yellow" +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "light-yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"string" = "light-green" +"variable.other.member" = "light-green" +"constant.character.escape" = "light-cyan" +"function" = "light-blue" +"constructor" = "light-blue" +"special" = "light-blue" +"keyword" = "light-magenta" +"label" = "light-magenta" +"namespace" = "light-magenta" + +"markup.heading" = "light-blue" +"markup.list" = "light-red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "light-yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "light-magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "light-red" +"markup.quote" = "light-cyan" +"markup.raw" = "light-green" + +"diff.plus" = "light-green" +"diff.delta" = "yellow" +"diff.minus" = "light-red" + +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"ui.gutter" = { bg = "black" } +"info" = "light-blue" +"hint" = "gray" +"debug" = "gray" +"warning" = "yellow" +"error" = "light-red" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/bogster.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/bogster.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2b4277 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/bogster.toml @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# Author : Wojciech Kępka <wojciech@wkepka.dev> + +"attribute" = "#dc7759" +"keyword" = { fg = "#dcb659", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"keyword.directive" = "#dcb659" +"namespace" = "#d32c5d" +"punctuation" = "#dc7759" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "#dc7759" +"operator" = { fg = "#dc7759", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"special" = "#7fdc59" +"variable.other.member" = "#c6b8ad" +"variable" = "#c6b8ad" +"variable.parameter" = "#c6b8ad" +"type" = "#dc597f" +"type.builtin" = { fg = "#d32c5d", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"constructor" = "#dc597f" +"function" = "#59dcd8" +"function.macro" = { fg = "#dc7759", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "#59dcd8", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"comment" = "#627d9d" +"variable.builtin" = "#c6b8ad" +"constant" = "#59dcb7" +"constant.builtin" = "#59dcb7" +"string" = "#59dcb7" +"constant.numeric" = "#59c0dc" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "#7fdc59", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"label" = "#59c0dc" + +"module" = "#d32c5d" + +# TODO +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = "#59dcb7" +"diff.delta" = "#dc7759" +"diff.minus" = "#dc597f" + +"ui.background" = { bg = "#161c23" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "#415367" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "#e5ded6" } # TODO +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "#e5ded6", bg = "#232d38" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "#c6b8ad", bg = "#232d38" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "#232d38" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "#232d38" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "#232d38", fg = "#e5ded6" } + +"ui.text" = { fg = "#e5ded6" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "#e5ded6", modifiers= ["bold"] } + +"ui.selection" = { bg = "#313f4e" } +# "ui.cursor.match" # TODO might want to override this because dimmed is not widely supported +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "#313f4e", bg = "#dc7759" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "#ABB2BF", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "#e5ded6", bg = "#313f4e" } + +"warning" = "#dc7759" +"error" = "#dc597f" +"info" = "#59dcb7" +"hint" = "#59c0dc" + +# make diagnostic underlined, to distinguish with selection text. +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/dark_plus.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/dark_plus.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab7c16e --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/dark_plus.toml @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +# Author: Shafkath Shuhan <shafkathshuhannyc@gmail.com> + +"namespace" = { fg = "type" } +"module" = { fg = "type" } + +"type" = { fg = "type" } +"type.builtin" = { fg = "type" } +"type.enum.variant" = { fg = "constant" } +"constructor" = { fg = "constant" } +"variable.other.member" = { fg = "variable" } + +"keyword" = { fg = "keyword" } +"keyword.directive" = { fg = "keyword" } +"keyword.control" = { fg = "special" } +"label" = { fg = "keyword" } + +"special" = { fg = "text" } +"operator" = { fg = "text" } + +"punctuation" = { fg = "text" } +"punctuation.delimiter" = { fg = "text" } + +"variable" = { fg = "variable" } +"variable.parameter" = { fg = "variable" } +"variable.builtin" = { fg = "keyword" } +"constant" = { fg = "constant" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "keyword" } + +"function" = { fg = "fn_declaration" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "fn_declaration" } +"function.macro" = { fg = "keyword" } +"attribute" = { fg = "fn_declaration" } + +"comment" = { fg = "dark_green" } + +"string" = { fg = "orange" } +"constant.character" = { fg = "orange" } +"string.regexp" = { fg = "gold" } +"constant.numeric" = { fg = "pale_green" } +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "gold" } + +# TODO +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = { fg = "pale_green" } +"diff.delta" = { fg = "gold" } +"diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } + +"ui.background" = { fg = "light_gray", bg = "dark_gray2" } + +"ui.window" = { bg = "widget" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "widget" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "widget" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { bg = "widget" } + +# TODO: Alternate bg colour for `ui.cursor.match` and `ui.selection`. +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "cursor", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "cursor", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "#3a3d41", modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +"ui.selection" = { bg = "#3a3d41" } +"ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "dark_blue" } + +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "dark_gray" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "light_gray2" } + +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "white", bg = "blue" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "white", bg = "blue" } + +"ui.text" = { fg = "text", bg = "background" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "white" } + +"warning" = { fg = "gold2" } +"error" = { fg = "red" } +"info" = { fg = "light_blue" } +"hint" = { fg = "light_gray3" } + +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +[palette] +white = "#ffffff" +orange = "#ce9178" +gold = "#d7ba7d" +gold2 = "#cca700" +pale_green = "#b5cea8" +dark_green = "#6A9955" +light_gray = "#d4d4d4" +light_gray2 = "#c6c6c6" +light_gray3 = "#eeeeee" +dark_gray = "#858585" +dark_gray2 = "#1e1e1e" +blue = "#007acc" +light_blue = "#75beff" +dark_blue = "#264f78" +red = "#ff1212" + +type = "#4EC9B0" +keyword = "#569CD6" +special = "#C586C0" +variable = "#9CDCFE" +fn_declaration = "#DCDCAA" +constant = "#4FC1FF" + +background = "#1e1e1e" +text = "#d4d4d4" +cursor = "#a6a6a6" +widget = "#252526" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/dracula.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/dracula.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1db25d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/dracula.toml @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# Author : Sebastian Zivota <loewenheim@mailbox.org> +"comment" = { fg = "comment" } +"constant" = { fg = "purple" } +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "pink" } +"function" = { fg = "green" } +"keyword" = { fg = "pink" } +"operator" = { fg = "pink" } +"punctuation" = { fg = "foreground" } +"string" = { fg = "yellow" } +"string.regexp" = { fg = "red" } +"tag" = { fg = "pink" } +"type" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"type.enum.variant" = { fg = "foreground", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"variable" = { fg = "foreground" } +"variable.builtin" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"variable.parameter" = { fg ="orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } + +"diff.plus" = { fg = "green" } +"diff.delta" = { fg = "orange" } +"diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } + +"ui.background" = { fg = "foreground", bg = "background" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "background", bg = "orange", modifiers = ["dim"] } +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "green", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "background", bg = "cyan", modifier = ["dim"] } +"ui.help" = { fg = "foreground", bg = "background_dark" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "comment" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "foreground" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "foreground", bg = "background_dark" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "cyan", bg = "background_dark" } +"ui.popup" = { fg = "foreground", bg = "background_dark" } +"ui.selection" = { fg = "background", bg = "purple", modifiers = ["dim"] } +"ui.selection.primary" = { fg = "background", bg = "pink" } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "foreground", bg = "background_dark" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "comment", bg = "background_dark" } +"ui.text" = { fg = "foreground" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "cyan" } +"ui.window" = { fg = "foreground" } + +"error" = { fg = "red" } +"warning" = { fg = "cyan" } + +"markup.heading" = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.list" = "cyan" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = "cyan" +"markup.link.text" = "pink" +"markup.quote" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.raw" = { fg = "foreground" } + +[palette] +background = "#282a36" +background_dark = "#21222c" +foreground = "#f8f8f2" +comment = "#6272a4" +red = "#ff5555" +orange = "#ffb86c" +yellow = "#f1fa8c" +green = "#50fa7b" +purple = "#bd93f9" +cyan = "#8be9fd" +pink = "#ff79c6" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/everforest_dark.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/everforest_dark.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b8e9bb --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/everforest_dark.toml @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# Everforest (Dark Hard) +# Author: CptPotato + +# Original Author: +# URL: https://github.com/sainnhe/everforest +# Filename: autoload/everforest.vim +# Author: sainnhe +# Email: sainnhe@gmail.com +# License: MIT License + +"constant.character.escape" = "orange" +"type" = "yellow" +"constant" = "purple" +"constant.numeric" = "purple" +"string" = "green" +"comment" = "grey0" +"variable" = "fg" +"variable.builtin" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "fg" +"variable.other.member" = "fg" +"label" = "aqua" +"punctuation" = "grey2" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "grey2" +"punctuation.bracket" = "fg" +"keyword" = "red" +"operator" = "orange" +"function" = "green" +"function.builtin" = "blue" +"function.macro" = "aqua" +"tag" = "yellow" +"namespace" = "aqua" +"attribute" = "aqua" +"constructor" = "yellow" +"module" = "blue" +"special" = "orange" + +"markup.heading.marker" = "grey2" +"markup.heading.1" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.2" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.3" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.4" = { fg = "green", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.5" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.6" = { fg = "fg", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "purple" +"markup.quote" = "grey2" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "orange" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +"ui.background" = { bg = "bg0" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "fg" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "orange", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.cursor.insert" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "grey1" } +"ui.cursor.select" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "blue" } +"ui.linenr" = "grey0" +"ui.linenr.selected" = "fg" +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "grey0", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.popup" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.window" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.text" = "fg" +"ui.text.focus" = "fg" +"ui.menu" = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "green" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "bg3" } + +"hint" = "blue" +"info" = "aqua" +"warning" = "yellow" +"error" = "red" +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + + +[palette] + +bg0 = "#2b3339" +bg1 = "#323c41" +bg2 = "#3a454a" +bg3 = "#445055" +bg4 = "#4c555b" +bg5 = "#53605c" +bg_visual = "#503946" +bg_red = "#4e3e43" +bg_green = "#404d44" +bg_blue = "#394f5a" +bg_yellow = "#4a4940" + +fg = "#d3c6aa" +red = "#e67e80" +orange = "#e69875" +yellow = "#dbbc7f" +green = "#a7c080" +aqua = "#83c092" +blue = "#7fbbb3" +purple = "#d699b6" +grey0 = "#7a8478" +grey1 = "#859289" +grey2 = "#9da9a0" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/everforest_light.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/everforest_light.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d977bdf --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/everforest_light.toml @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# Everforest (Dark Hard) +# Author: CptPotato + +# Original Author: +# URL: https://github.com/sainnhe/everforest +# Filename: autoload/everforest.vim +# Author: sainnhe +# Email: sainnhe@gmail.com +# License: MIT License + +"constant.character.escape" = "orange" +"type" = "yellow" +"constant" = "purple" +"constant.numeric" = "purple" +"string" = "green" +"comment" = "grey0" +"variable" = "fg" +"variable.builtin" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "fg" +"variable.other.member" = "fg" +"label" = "aqua" +"punctuation" = "grey2" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "grey2" +"punctuation.bracket" = "fg" +"keyword" = "red" +"operator" = "orange" +"function" = "green" +"function.builtin" = "blue" +"function.macro" = "aqua" +"tag" = "yellow" +"namespace" = "aqua" +"attribute" = "aqua" +"constructor" = "yellow" +"module" = "blue" +"special" = "orange" + +"markup.heading.marker" = "grey2" +"markup.heading.1" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.2" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.3" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.4" = { fg = "green", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.5" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.6" = { fg = "fg", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "purple" +"markup.quote" = "grey2" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "orange" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +"ui.background" = { bg = "bg0" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "fg" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "orange", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.cursor.insert" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "grey1" } +"ui.cursor.select" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "blue" } +"ui.linenr" = "grey0" +"ui.linenr.selected" = "fg" +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "grey0", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.popup" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.window" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.text" = "fg" +"ui.text.focus" = "fg" +"ui.menu" = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "green" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "bg3" } + +"hint" = "blue" +"info" = "aqua" +"warning" = "yellow" +"error" = "red" +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + + +[palette] + +bg0 = "#fff9e8" +bg1 = "#f7f4e0" +bg2 = "#f0eed9" +bg3 = "#e9e8d2" +bg4 = "#e1ddcb" +bg5 = "#bec5b2" +bg_visual = "#edf0cd" +bg_red = "#fce5dc" +bg_green = "#f1f3d4" +bg_blue = "#eaf2eb" +bg_yellow = "#fbefd0" + +fg = "#5c6a72" +red = "#f85552" +orange = "#f57d26" +yellow = "#dfa000" +green = "#8da101" +aqua = "#35a77c" +blue = "#3a94c5" +purple = "#df69ba" +grey0 = "#a6b0a0" +grey1 = "#939f91" +grey2 = "#829181" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/gruvbox.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/gruvbox.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f27b993 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/gruvbox.toml @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +# Author : Jakub Bartodziej <kubabartodziej@gmail.com> +# The theme uses the gruvbox dark palette with standard contrast: github.com/morhetz/gruvbox + +"attribute" = "aqua1" +"keyword" = { fg = "red1" } +"keyword.directive" = "red0" +"namespace" = "aqua1" +"punctuation" = "orange1" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "orange1" +"operator" = "purple1" +"special" = "purple0" +"variable.other.member" = "blue1" +"variable" = "fg1" +"variable.builtin" = "orange1" +"variable.parameter" = "fg2" +"type" = "yellow1" +"type.builtin" = "yellow1" +"constructor" = { fg = "purple1", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function" = { fg = "green1", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.macro" = "aqua1" +"function.builtin" = "yellow1" +"tag" = "red1" +"comment" = { fg = "gray1", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"constant" = { fg = "purple1" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "purple1", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"string" = "green1" +"constant.numeric" = "purple1" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "fg2", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"label" = "aqua1" +"module" = "aqua1" + +"diff.plus" = "green1" +"diff.delta" = "orange1" +"diff.minus" = "red1" + +"warning" = { fg = "orange1", bg = "bg1" } +"error" = { fg = "red1", bg = "bg1" } +"info" = { fg = "aqua1", bg = "bg1" } +"hint" = { fg = "blue1", bg = "bg1" } + +"ui.background" = { bg = "bg0" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "bg4" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "yellow1" } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "fg1", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "fg4", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "bg1" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "bg1" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "bg1", fg = "fg1" } +"ui.text" = { fg = "fg1" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "fg1" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "bg3", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "fg1", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "bg2", bg = "blue1", modifiers = ["bold"] } + +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +"markup.heading" = "aqua1" +"markup.bold" = { modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "green1", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red1" +"markup.raw" = "red1" + +[palette] +bg0 = "#282828" # main background +bg1 = "#3c3836" +bg2 = "#504945" +bg3 = "#665c54" +bg4 = "#7c6f64" + +fg0 = "#fbf1c7" +fg1 = "#ebdbb2" # main foreground +fg2 = "#d5c4a1" +fg3 = "#bdae93" +fg4 = "#a89984" # gray0 + +gray0 = "#a89984" +gray1 = "#928374" + +red0 = "#cc241d" # neutral +red1 = "#fb4934" # bright +green0 = "#98971a" +green1 = "#b8bb26" +yellow0 = "#d79921" +yellow1 = "#fabd2f" +blue0 = "#458588" +blue1 = "#83a598" +purple0 = "#b16286" +purple1 = "#d3869b" +aqua0 = "#689d6a" +aqua1 = "#8ec07c" +orange0 = "#d65d0e" +orange1 = "#fe8019" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/gruvbox_light.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/gruvbox_light.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab8325c --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/gruvbox_light.toml @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +# Author : Rohan Jain <crodjer@pm.me> +# Author : Jakub Bartodziej <kubabartodziej@gmail.com> +# The theme uses the gruvbox light palette with standard contrast: github.com/morhetz/gruvbox + +"attribute" = "aqua1" +"keyword" = { fg = "red1" } +"keyword.directive" = "red0" +"namespace" = "aqua1" +"punctuation" = "orange1" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "orange1" +"operator" = "purple1" +"special" = "purple0" +"variable.other.member" = "blue1" +"variable" = "fg1" +"variable.builtin" = "orange1" +"variable.parameter" = "fg2" +"type" = "yellow1" +"type.builtin" = "yellow1" +"constructor" = { fg = "purple1", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function" = { fg = "green1", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.macro" = "aqua1" +"function.builtin" = "yellow1" +"tag" = "red1" +"comment" = { fg = "gray1", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"constant" = { fg = "purple1" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "purple1", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"string" = "green1" +"constant.numeric" = "purple1" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "fg2", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"label" = "aqua1" +"module" = "aqua1" + +"diff.plus" = "green1" +"diff.delta" = "orange1" +"diff.minus" = "red1" + +"warning" = { fg = "orange1", bg = "bg1" } +"error" = { fg = "red1", bg = "bg1" } +"info" = { fg = "aqua1", bg = "bg1" } +"hint" = { fg = "blue1", bg = "bg1" } + +"ui.background" = { bg = "bg0" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "bg4" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "yellow1" } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "fg1", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "fg4", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "bg1" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "bg1" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "bg1", fg = "fg1" } +"ui.text" = { fg = "fg1" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "fg1" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "bg3", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "fg1", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "bg2", bg = "blue1", modifiers = ["bold"] } + +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +"markup.heading" = "aqua1" +"markup.bold" = { modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "green1", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red1" +"markup.raw" = "red1" + +[palette] +bg0 = "#fbf1c7" # main background +bg1 = "#ebdbb2" +bg2 = "#d5c4a1" +bg3 = "#bdae93" +bg4 = "#a89984" + +fg0 = "#282828" # main foreground +fg1 = "#3c3836" +fg2 = "#504945" +fg3 = "#665c54" +fg4 = "#7c6f64" # gray0 + +gray0 = "#7c6f64" +gray1 = "#928374" + +red0 = "#cc241d" # neutral +red1 = "#9d0006" # bright +green0 = "#98971a" +green1 = "#79740e" +yellow0 = "#d79921" +yellow1 = "#b57614" +blue0 = "#458588" +blue1 = "#076678" +purple0 = "#b16286" +purple1 = "#8f3f71" +aqua0 = "#689d6a" +aqua1 = "#427b58" +orange0 = "#d65d0e" +orange1 = "#af3a03" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/ingrid.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/ingrid.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7c33e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/ingrid.toml @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# Author : Ingrid Rebecca Abraham <git@ingrids.email> + +"attribute" = "#839A53" +"keyword" = { fg = "#D74E50", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"keyword.directive" = "#6F873E" +"namespace" = "#839A53" +"punctuation" = "#C97270" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "#C97270" +"operator" = { fg = "#D74E50", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"special" = "#D68482" +"variable.other.member" = "#89BEB7" +"variable" = "#A6B6CE" +"variable.parameter" = "#89BEB7" +"type" = { fg = "#A6B6CE", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"type.builtin" = "#839A53" +"constructor" = { fg = "#839A53", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function" = { fg = "#89BEB7", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.macro" = { fg = "#D4A520", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.builtin" = "#89BEB7" +"comment" = "#A6B6CE" +"variable.builtin" = "#D4A520" +"constant" = "#D4A520" +"constant.builtin" = "#D4A520" +"string" = "#D74E50" +"constant.numeric" = "#D74E50" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "#D74E50", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"label" = "#D68482" + +"module" = "#839A53" + +# TODO +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = "#839A53" +"diff.delta" = "#D4A520" +"diff.minus" = "#D74E50" + +"ui.background" = { bg = "#FFFCFD" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "#bbbbbb" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "#F3EAE9" } # TODO +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "#250E07", bg = "#F3EAE9" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "#7b91b3", bg = "#F3EAE9" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "#F3EAE9" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "#D8B8B3" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "#D8B8B3", fg = "#250E07" } + +"ui.text" = { fg = "#7B91B3" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "#250E07", modifiers= ["bold"] } + +"ui.selection" = { bg = "#540099" } +# "ui.cursor.match" # TODO might want to override this because dimmed is not widely supported +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "#D74E50", bg = "#F3EAE9" } + +"warning" = "#D4A520" +"error" = "#D74E50" +"info" = "#839A53" +"hint" = "#A6B6CE" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6ff0a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai.toml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +# Author: Shafkath Shuhan <shafkathshuhannyc@gmail.com> + +"namespace" = { fg = "type" } +"module" = { fg = "type" } + +"type" = { fg = "type" } +"type.builtin" = { fg = "#66D9EF" } +"type.enum.variant" = { fg = "text" } +"constructor" = { fg = "text" } +"variable.other.member" = { fg = "variable" } + +"keyword" = { fg = "keyword" } +"keyword.directive" = { fg = "keyword" } +"keyword.control" = { fg = "keyword" } +"label" = { fg = "keyword" } + +"special" = { fg = "keyword" } +"operator" = { fg = "text" } + +"punctuation" = { fg = "text" } +"punctuation.delimiter" = { fg = "text" } + +"variable" = { fg = "variable" } +"variable.parameter" = { fg = "#fd971f" } +"variable.builtin" = { fg = "keyword" } +"constant" = { fg = "variable" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "#ae81ff" } + +"function" = { fg = "fn_declaration" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "fn_declaration" } +"function.macro" = { fg = "keyword" } +"attribute" = { fg = "fn_declaration" } + +"comment" = { fg = "#88846F" } + +"string" = { fg = "#e6db74" } +"constant.character" = { fg = "#e6db74" } +"string.regexp" = { fg = "regex" } +"constant.numeric" = { fg = "#ae81ff" } +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "#ae81ff" } + +# TODO +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = { fg = "#a6e22e" } +"diff.delta" = { fg = "#fd971f" } +"diff.minus" = { fg = "#f92672" } + +"ui.background" = { fg = "text", bg = "background" } + +"ui.window" = { bg = "widget" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "widget" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "widget" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { bg = "widget" } + +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "cursor", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "cursor", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "#888888", modifiers = ["reversed"] } + +"ui.selection" = { bg = "#878b91" } +"ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "#575b61" } + +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "#90908a" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "#c2c2bf" } + +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "active_text", bg = "#75715e" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "active_text", bg = "#75715e" } + +"ui.text" = { fg = "text", bg = "background" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "active_text" } + +"warning" = { fg = "#cca700" } +"error" = { fg = "#f48771" } +"info" = { fg = "#75beff" } +"hint" = { fg = "#eeeeeb3" } + +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +[palette] +type = "#A6E22E" +keyword = "#F92672" +regex = "#CE9178" +special = "#C586C0" +variable = "#F8F8F2" +fn_declaration = "#A6E22E" + +background = "#272822" +text = "#f8f8f2" +active_text = "#ffffff" +cursor = "#a6a6a6" +inactive_cursor = "#878b91" +widget = "#1e1f1c" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8de9994 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro.toml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# Author : WindSoilder<WindSoilder@outlook.com> +# The unofficial Monokai Pro theme, simply migrate from jetbrains monokai pro theme: https://github.com/subtheme-dev/monokai-pro +# Credit goes to the original creator: https://monokai.pro + +"ui.linenr.selected" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers= ["bold"] } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base2", bg = "yellow" } + +"info" = "base8" +"hint" = "base8" + +# background color +"ui.background" = { bg = "base2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base8", bg = "base8x0c" } + +# status bars, panels, modals, autocompletion +"ui.statusline" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "base3" } + +# active line, highlighting +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "base4" } + +# comments, nord3 based lighter color +"comment" = { fg = "base5", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base5" } + +# cursor, variables, constants, attributes, fields +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base7", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"attribute" = "blue" +"variable" = "base8" +"constant" = "orange" +"variable.builtin" = "red" +"constant.builtin" = "red" +"namespace" = "base8" + +# base text, punctuation +"ui.text" = { fg = "base8" } +"punctuation" = "base6" + +# classes, types, primiatives +"type" = "green" +"type.builtin" = { fg = "red"} +"label" = "base8" + +# declaration, methods, routines +"constructor" = "blue" +"function" = "green" +"function.macro" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "cyan" } + +# operator, tags, units, punctuations +"operator" = "red" +"variable.other.member" = "base8" + +# keywords, special +"keyword" = { fg = "red" } +"keyword.directive" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "#f59762" + +# error +"error" = "red" + +# annotations, decorators +"special" = "#f59762" +"module" = "#f59762" + +# warnings, escape characters, regex +"warning" = "orange" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "base8" } + +# strings +"string" = "yellow" + +# integer, floating point +"constant.numeric" = "purple" + +# vcs +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "orange" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +# make diagnostic underlined, to distinguish with selection text. +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +# markup highlight, no need for `markup.raw` and `markup.list`, make them to be default +"markup.heading" = "green" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "yellow" +"markup.quote" = "green" + +[palette] +# primary colors +"red" = "#ff6188" +"orange" = "#fc9867" +"yellow" = "#ffd866" +"green" = "#a9dc76" +"blue" = "#78dce8" +"purple" = "#ab9df2" +# base colors, sorted from darkest to lightest +"base0" = "#19181a" +"base1" = "#221f22" +"base2" = "#2d2a2e" +"base3" = "#403e41" +"base4" = "#5b595c" +"base5" = "#727072" +"base6" = "#939293" +"base7" = "#c1c0c0" +"base8" = "#fcfcfa" +# variants (for when transparency isn't supported) +"base8x0c" = "#363337" # using base2 as bg diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_machine.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_machine.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c589004 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_machine.toml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# Author : WindSoilder<WindSoilder@outlook.com> +# The unofficial Monokai Pro theme, simply migrate from jetbrains monokai pro theme: https://github.com/subtheme-dev/monokai-pro +# Credit goes to the original creator: https://monokai.pro + +"ui.linenr.selected" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers= ["bold"] } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base2", bg = "yellow" } + +"info" = "base8" +"hint" = "base8" + +# background color +"ui.background" = { bg = "base2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base8", bg = "base8x0c" } + +# status bars, panels, modals, autocompletion +"ui.statusline" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "base3" } + +# active line, highlighting +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "base4" } + +# comments, nord3 based lighter color +"comment" = { fg = "base5", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base5" } + +# cursor, variables, constants, attributes, fields +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base7", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"attribute" = "blue" +"variable" = "base8" +"constant" = "orange" +"variable.builtin" = "red" +"constant.builtin" = "red" +"namespace" = "base8" + +# base text, punctuation +"ui.text" = { fg = "base8" } +"punctuation" = "base6" + +# classes, types, primiatives +"type" = "green" +"type.builtin" = { fg = "red"} +"label" = "base8" + +# declaration, methods, routines +"constructor" = "blue" +"function" = "green" +"function.macro" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "cyan" } + +# operator, tags, units, punctuations +"operator" = "red" +"variable.other.member" = "base8" + +# keywords, special +"keyword" = { fg = "red" } +"keyword.directive" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "#f59762" + +# error +"error" = "red" + +# annotations, decorators +"special" = "#f59762" +"module" = "#f59762" + +# warnings, escape characters, regex +"warning" = "orange" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "base8" } + +# strings +"string" = "yellow" + +# integer, floating point +"constant.numeric" = "purple" + +# vcs +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "orange" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +# make diagnostic underlined, to distinguish with selection text. +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +# markup highlight, no need for `markup.raw` and `markup.list`, make them to be default +"markup.heading" = "green" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "yellow" +"markup.quote" = "green" + +[palette] +# primary colors +"red" = "#ff6d7e" +"orange" = "#ffb270" +"yellow" = "#ffed72" +"green" = "#a2e57b" +"blue" = "#7cd5f1" +"purple" = "#baa0f8" +# base colors +"base0" = "#161b1e" +"base1" = "#1d2528" +"base2" = "#273136" +"base3" = "#3a4449" +"base4" = "#545f62" +"base5" = "#6b7678" +"base6" = "#798384" +"base7" = "#b8c4c3" +"base8" = "#f2fffc" +# variants +"base8x0c" = "#303a3e" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_octagon.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_octagon.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9badf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_octagon.toml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# Author : WindSoilder<WindSoilder@outlook.com> +# The unofficial Monokai Pro theme, simply migrate from jetbrains monokai pro theme: https://github.com/subtheme-dev/monokai-pro +# Credit goes to the original creator: https://monokai.pro + +"ui.linenr.selected" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers= ["bold"] } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base2", bg = "yellow" } + +"info" = "base8" +"hint" = "base8" + +# background color +"ui.background" = { bg = "base2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base8", bg = "base8x0c" } + +# status bars, panels, modals, autocompletion +"ui.statusline" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "base3" } + +# active line, highlighting +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "base4" } + +# comments, nord3 based lighter color +"comment" = { fg = "base5", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base5" } + +# cursor, variables, constants, attributes, fields +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base7", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"attribute" = "blue" +"variable" = "base8" +"constant" = "orange" +"variable.builtin" = "red" +"constant.builtin" = "red" +"namespace" = "base8" + +# base text, punctuation +"ui.text" = { fg = "base8" } +"punctuation" = "base6" + +# classes, types, primiatives +"type" = "green" +"type.builtin" = { fg = "red"} +"label" = "base8" + +# declaration, methods, routines +"constructor" = "blue" +"function" = "green" +"function.macro" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "cyan" } + +# operator, tags, units, punctuations +"operator" = "red" +"variable.other.member" = "base8" + +# keywords, special +"keyword" = { fg = "red" } +"keyword.directive" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "#f59762" + +# error +"error" = "red" + +# annotations, decorators +"special" = "#f59762" +"module" = "#f59762" + +# warnings, escape characters, regex +"warning" = "orange" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "base8" } + +# strings +"string" = "yellow" + +# integer, floating point +"constant.numeric" = "purple" + +# vcs +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "orange" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +# make diagnostic underlined, to distinguish with selection text. +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +# markup highlight, no need for `markup.raw` and `markup.list`, make them to be default +"markup.heading" = "green" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "yellow" +"markup.quote" = "green" + +[palette] +# primary colors +"red" = "#ff657a" +"orange" = "#ff9b5e" +"yellow" = "#ffd76d" +"green" = "#bad761" +"blue" = "#9cd1bb" +"purple" = "#c39ac9" +# base colors +"base0" = "#161821" +"base1" = "#1e1f2b" +"base2" = "#282a3a" +"base3" = "#3a3d4b" +"base4" = "#535763" +"base5" = "#696d77" +"base6" = "#767b81" +"base7" = "#b2b9bd" +"base8" = "#eaf2f1" +# variants +"base8x0c" = "#303342" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_ristretto.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_ristretto.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed7ebea --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_ristretto.toml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# Author : WindSoilder<WindSoilder@outlook.com> +# The unofficial Monokai Pro theme, simply migrate from jetbrains monokai pro theme: https://github.com/subtheme-dev/monokai-pro +# Credit goes to the original creator: https://monokai.pro + +"ui.linenr.selected" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers= ["bold"] } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base2", bg = "yellow" } + +"info" = "base8" +"hint" = "base8" + +# background color +"ui.background" = { bg = "base2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base8", bg = "base8x0c" } + +# status bars, panels, modals, autocompletion +"ui.statusline" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "base3" } + +# active line, highlighting +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "base4" } + +# comments, nord3 based lighter color +"comment" = { fg = "base5", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base5" } + +# cursor, variables, constants, attributes, fields +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base7", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"attribute" = "blue" +"variable" = "base8" +"constant" = "orange" +"variable.builtin" = "red" +"constant.builtin" = "red" +"namespace" = "base8" + +# base text, punctuation +"ui.text" = { fg = "base8" } +"punctuation" = "base6" + +# classes, types, primiatives +"type" = "green" +"type.builtin" = { fg = "red"} +"label" = "base8" + +# declaration, methods, routines +"constructor" = "blue" +"function" = "green" +"function.macro" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "cyan" } + +# operator, tags, units, punctuations +"operator" = "red" +"variable.other.member" = "base8" + +# keywords, special +"keyword" = { fg = "red" } +"keyword.directive" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "#f59762" + +# error +"error" = "red" + +# annotations, decorators +"special" = "#f59762" +"module" = "#f59762" + +# warnings, escape characters, regex +"warning" = "orange" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "base8" } + +# strings +"string" = "yellow" + +# integer, floating point +"constant.numeric" = "purple" + +# vcs +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "orange" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +# make diagnostic underlined, to distinguish with selection text. +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +# markup highlight, no need for `markup.raw` and `markup.list`, make them to be default +"markup.heading" = "green" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "yellow" +"markup.quote" = "green" + +[palette] +# primary colors +"red" = "#fd6883" +"orange" = "#f38d70" +"yellow" = "#f9cc6c" +"green" = "#adda78" +"blue" = "#85dacc" +"purple" = "#a8a9eb" +# base colors +"base0" = "#191515" +"base1" = "#211c1c" +"base2" = "#2c2525" +"base3" = "#403838" +"base4" = "#5b5353" +"base5" = "#72696a" +"base6" = "#8c8384" +"base7" = "#c3b7b8" +"base8" = "#fff1f3" +# variants +"base8x0c" = "#352e2e" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_spectrum.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_spectrum.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da06e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/monokai_pro_spectrum.toml @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# Author : WindSoilder<WindSoilder@outlook.com> +# The unofficial Monokai Pro theme, simply migrate from jetbrains monokai pro theme: https://github.com/subtheme-dev/monokai-pro +# Credit goes to the original creator: https://monokai.pro + +"ui.linenr.selected" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers= ["bold"] } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base2", bg = "yellow" } + +"info" = "base8" +"hint" = "base8" + +# background color +"ui.background" = { bg = "base2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base8", bg = "base8x0c" } + +# status bars, panels, modals, autocompletion +"ui.statusline" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base3" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "base3" } + +# active line, highlighting +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base4" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "base4" } + +# comments, nord3 based lighter color +"comment" = { fg = "base5", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base5" } + +# cursor, variables, constants, attributes, fields +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base7", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"attribute" = "blue" +"variable" = "base8" +"constant" = "orange" +"variable.builtin" = "red" +"constant.builtin" = "red" +"namespace" = "base8" + +# base text, punctuation +"ui.text" = { fg = "base8" } +"punctuation" = "base6" + +# classes, types, primiatives +"type" = "green" +"type.builtin" = { fg = "red"} +"label" = "base8" + +# declaration, methods, routines +"constructor" = "blue" +"function" = "green" +"function.macro" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "cyan" } + +# operator, tags, units, punctuations +"operator" = "red" +"variable.other.member" = "base8" + +# keywords, special +"keyword" = { fg = "red" } +"keyword.directive" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "#f59762" + +# error +"error" = "red" + +# annotations, decorators +"special" = "#f59762" +"module" = "#f59762" + +# warnings, escape characters, regex +"warning" = "orange" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "base8" } + +# strings +"string" = "yellow" + +# integer, floating point +"constant.numeric" = "purple" + +# vcs +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "orange" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +# make diagnostic underlined, to distinguish with selection text. +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +# markup highlight, no need for `markup.raw` and `markup.list`, make them to be default +"markup.heading" = "green" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "yellow" +"markup.quote" = "green" + +[palette] +# primary colors +"red" = "#fc618d" +"orange" = "#fd9353" +"yellow" = "#fce566" +"green" = "#7bd88f" +"blue" = "#5ad4e6" +"purple" = "#948ae3" +# base colors +"base0" = "#131313" +"base1" = "#191919" +"base2" = "#222222" +"base3" = "#363537" +"base4" = "#525053" +"base5" = "#69676c" +"base6" = "#8b888f" +"base7" = "#bab6c0" +"base8" = "#f7f1ff" +# variants +"base8x0c" = "#2b2b2b" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/nord.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/nord.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..deb9045 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/nord.toml @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +# Author : RayGervais<raygervais@hotmail.ca> + +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "nord4" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "nord8", modifiers= ["bold"] } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "nord8", bg = "nord2" } + +"info" = "nord8" +"hint" = "nord8" + +# Polar Night +# nord0 - background color +"ui.background" = { bg = "nord0" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "nord8", bg = "nord1" } + + +# nord1 - status bars, panels, modals, autocompletion +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "nord4", bg = "#4c566a" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "#232d38" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "#232d38" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "#232d38", fg = "nord4" } + +# nord2 - active line, highlighting +"ui.selection" = { bg = "nord2" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "nord2" } + +# nord3 - comments, nord3 based lighter color +# relative: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord/issues/94 +"comment" = { fg = "gray", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "gray" } + +# Snow Storm +# nord4 - cursor, variables, constants, attributes, fields +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "nord4", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"attribute" = "nord4" +"variable" = "nord4" +"constant" = "nord4" +"variable.builtin" = "nord4" +"constant.builtin" = "nord4" +"namespace" = "nord4" + +# nord5 - suble UI text + +# nord6 - base text, punctuation +"ui.text" = { fg = "nord6" } +"punctuation" = "nord6" + +# Frost +# nord7 - classes, types, primiatives +"type" = "nord7" +"type.builtin" = { fg = "nord7"} +"label" = "nord7" + +# nord8 - declaration, methods, routines +"constructor" = "nord8" +"function" = "nord8" +"function.macro" = { fg = "nord8" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "nord8" } + +# nord9 - operator, tags, units, punctuations +"punctuation.delimiter" = "nord9" +"operator" = { fg = "nord9" } +"variable.other.member" = "nord9" + +# nord10 - keywords, special +"keyword" = { fg = "nord10" } +"keyword.directive" = "nord10" +"variable.parameter" = "nord10" + +# Aurora +# nord11 - error +"error" = "nord11" + +# nord12 - annotations, decorators +"special" = "nord12" +"module" = "nord12" + +# nord13 - warnings, escape characters, regex +"warning" = "nord13" +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "nord13" } + +# nord14 - strings +"string" = "nord14" + +# nord15 - integer, floating point +"constant.numeric" = "nord15" + +# TODO markup +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +# vcs +"diff.plus" = "nord14" +"diff.delta" = "nord12" +"diff.minus" = "nord11" + +[palette] +nord0 = "#2e3440" +nord1 = "#3b4252" +nord2 = "#434c5e" +nord4 = "#d8dee9" +nord6 = "#eceff4" +nord7 = "#8fbcbb" +nord8 = "#88c0d0" +nord9 = "#81a1c1" +nord10 = "#5e81ac" +nord11 = "#bf616a" +nord12 = "#d08770" +nord13 = "#ebcb8b" +nord14 = "#a3be8c" +nord15 = "#b48ead" +gray = "#616e88" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/onedark.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/onedark.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..acdaf99 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/onedark.toml @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# Author : Gokul Soumya <gokulps15@gmail.com> + +"attribute" = { fg = "yellow" } +"comment" = { fg = "light-gray", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"constant" = { fg = "cyan" } +"constant.numeric" = { fg = "gold" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "gold" } +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "gold" } +"constructor" = { fg = "blue" } +"function" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.macro" = { fg = "purple" } +"keyword" = { fg = "red" } +"keyword.control" = { fg = "purple" } +"keyword.control.import" = { fg = "red" } +"keyword.directive" = { fg = "purple" } +"label" = { fg = "purple" } +"namespace" = { fg = "blue" } +"operator" = { fg = "purple" } +"keyword.operator" = { fg = "purple" } +"property" = { fg = "red" } +"special" = { fg = "blue" } +"string" = { fg = "green" } +"type" = { fg = "yellow" } +# "variable" = { fg = "blue" } +"variable.builtin" = { fg = "blue" } +"variable.parameter" = { fg = "red" } +"variable.other.member" = { fg = "red" } + +"markup.heading" = { fg = "red" } +"markup.raw.inline" = { fg = "green" } +"markup.bold" = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.list" = { fg = "red" } +"markup.quote" = { fg = "yellow" } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["underlined"]} +"markup.link.text" = { fg = "purple" } + +"diff.plus" = "green" +"diff.delta" = "gold" +"diff.minus" = "red" + +diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"info" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"hint" = { fg = "green", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"warning" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"error" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold"] } + +"ui.background" = { bg = "black" } + +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "white", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "white", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["underlined"]} + +"ui.selection" = { bg = "light-gray" } +"ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "gray" } + +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "linenr", modifiers = ["dim"] } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "white" } + +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "white", bg = "light-black" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "light-gray", bg = "light-black" } + +"ui.text" = { fg = "white" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "white", bg = "light-black", modifiers = ["bold"] } + +"ui.help" = { bg = "gray" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "gray" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "gray" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "black", bg = "blue" } + +[palette] + +yellow = "#E5C07B" +blue = "#61AFEF" +red = "#E06C75" +purple = "#C678DD" +green = "#98C379" +gold = "#D19A66" +cyan = "#56B6C2" +white = "#ABB2BF" +black = "#282C34" +light-black = "#2C323C" +gray = "#3E4452" +light-gray = "#5C6370" +linenr = "#4B5263" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/rose_pine.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/rose_pine.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d019709 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/rose_pine.toml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +# Author: RayGervais<raygervais@hotmail.ca> +# Author: ChrisHa<chunghha@users.noreply.github.com> + +"ui.background" = { bg = "base" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "text", bg = "overlay" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "iris", bg = "surface" } +"ui.linenr" = {fg = "subtle" } +"ui.liner.selected" = "highlightOverlay" +"ui.selection" = { bg = "highlight" } +"comment" = "subtle" +"ui.statusline" = {fg = "foam", bg = "surface" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "iris", bg = "surface" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "foam", bg = "surface" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "rose", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.text" = { fg = "text" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "foam", modifiers = ["bold"]} +"ui.text.info" = {fg = "pine", modifiers = ["bold"]} +"operator" = "rose" +"variable" = "text" +"constant.numeric" = "iris" +"constant" = "gold" +"attributes" = "gold" +"type" = "foam" +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"string" = "gold" +"property" = "foam" +"constant.character.escape" = "subtle" +"function" = "rose" +"function.builtin" = "rose" +"function.method" = "foam" +"constructor" = "gold" +"special" = "gold" +"keyword" = "pine" +"label" = "iris" +"namespace" = "pine" +"ui.popup" = { bg = "surface" } +"ui.popup.info" = { bg = "surface" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "overlay", fg = "foam" } +"text" = "text" +"diff.plus" = "foam" +"diff.delta" = "rose" +"diff.minus" = "love" + +"info" = "gold" +"hint" = "gold" +"debug" = "rose" +"diagnostic" = "rose" +"error" = "love" + +"markup.heading.marker" = "subtle" +"markup.heading.1" = { fg = "love", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.2" = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.3" = { fg = "rose", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.4" = { fg = "pine", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.5" = { fg = "form", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.6" = { fg = "fg", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.list" = { fg = "love" } +"markup.bold" = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "iris", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "pine", modifiers = ["underlined"]} +"markup.link.text" = { fg = "foam" } +"markup.quote" = { fg = "rose" } +"markup.raw" = { fg = "foam" } + +[palette] +base = "#191724" +surface = "#1f1d2e" +overlay = "#26233a" +inactive = "#555169" +subtle = "#6e6a86" +text = "#e0def4" +love = "#eb6f92" +gold = "#f6c177" +rose = "#ebbcba" +pine = "#31748f" +foam = "#9ccfd8" +iris = "#c4a7e7" +highlight = "#2a2837" +highlightInactive = "#211f2d" +highlightOverlay = "#3a384a" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/rose_pine_dawn.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/rose_pine_dawn.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dc7a32 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/rose_pine_dawn.toml @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +# Author: RayGervais<raygervais@hotmail.ca> +# Author: ChrisHa<chunghha@users.noreply.github.com> + +"ui.background" = { bg = "surface" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "text", bg = "overlay" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "iris", bg = "surface" } +"ui.linenr" = {fg = "subtle" } +"ui.liner.selected" = "highlightOverlay" +"ui.selection" = { bg = "highlight" } +"comment" = "subtle" +"ui.statusline" = {fg = "foam", bg = "surface" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "iris", bg = "surface" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "foam", bg = "surface" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "rose", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.text" = { fg = "text" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "foam", modifiers = ["bold"]} +"ui.text.info" = {fg = "pine", modifiers = ["bold"]} +"operator" = "rose" +"variable" = "text" +"number" = "iris" +"constant" = "gold" +"attributes" = "gold" +"type" = "foam" +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"string" = "gold" +"property" = "foam" +"escape" = "subtle" +"function" = "rose" +"function.builtin" = "rose" +"function.method" = "foam" +"constructor" = "gold" +"special" = "gold" +"keyword" = "pine" +"label" = "iris" +"namespace" = "pine" +"ui.popup" = { bg = "surface" } +"ui.popup.info" = { bg = "surface" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "base" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "overlay", fg = "foam" } +"text" = "text" +"diff.plus" = "foam" +"diff.delta" = "rose" +"diff.minus" = "love" + +"info" = "gold" +"hint" = "gold" +"debug" = "rose" +"diagnostic" = "rose" +"error" = "love" + +"markup.heading.marker" = "subtle" +"markup.heading.1" = { fg = "love", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.2" = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.3" = { fg = "rose", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.4" = { fg = "pine", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.5" = { fg = "form", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.heading.6" = { fg = "fg", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.list" = { fg = "love" } +"markup.bold" = { fg = "gold", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "iris", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "pine", modifiers = ["underlined"]} +"markup.link.text" = { fg = "foam" } +"markup.quote" = { fg = "rose" } +"markup.raw" = { fg = "foam" } + +[palette] +base = "#faf4ed" +surface = "#fffaf3" +overlay = "#f2e9de" +inactive = "#9893a5" +subtle = "#6e6a86" +text = "#575279" +love = "#b4637a" +gold = "#ea9d34" +rose = "#d7827e" +pine = "#286983" +foam = "#56949f" +iris = "#907aa9" +highlight = "#eee9e6" +highlightInactive = "#f2ede9" +highlightOverlay = "#e4dfde" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/serika-dark.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/serika-dark.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da14578 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/serika-dark.toml @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +# Serika (Dark) +# Author: VuiMuich + +# Original Author: +# URL: https://github.com/arturoalviar/serika-syntax +# Author: arturoalviar +# License: MIT License + +"escape" = "orange" +"type" = "yellow" +"constant" = "purple" +"number" = "purple" +"string" = "fg" +"comment" = "grey2" +"variable" = "yellow" +"variable.builtin" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "yellow" +"variable.property" = "yellow" +"label" = "aqua" +"punctuation" = "grey0" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "grey2" +"punctuation.bracket" = "fg" +"keyword" = "red" +"operator" = "grey0" +"function" = "green" +"function.builtin" = "blue" +"function.macro" = "aqua" +"tag" = "yellow" +"namespace" = "fg" +"attribute" = "aqua" +"constructor" = "yellow" +"module" = "blue" +"property" = "yellow" +"special" = "orange" + +"ui.background" = { bg = "bg0" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "fg" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "grey3", bg = "grey2" } +"ui.cursor.insert" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.cursor.select" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.linenr" = "yellow" +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "fg", modifiers = ["bold", "underlined"] } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "grey1", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.popup" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.window" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.text" = "fg" +"ui.text.focus" = "yellow" +"ui.menu" = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "bg3" } + +"hint" = "blue" +"info" = "aqua" +"warning" = "yellow" +"error" = "nasty-red" +"diagnostic" = { fg = "dark-red", Modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +"diff.plus" = { fg = "green" } +"diff.delta" = { fg = "orange" } +"diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } + +"markup.heading" = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.list" = "cyan" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = "cyan" +"markup.link.text" = "pink" +"markup.quote" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.raw" = { fg = "foreground" } + +[palette] + +bg0 = "#323437" +bg1 = "#494c50" +bg2 = "#55585e" +bg3 = "#61656b" +bg4 = "#6d7278" +bg5 = "#797e86" +bg_visual = "#646669" +bg_red = "#7e2a33" +bg_green = "#86b365" +bg_blue = "#6a89af" +bg_yellow = "#e2b714" + +fg = "#d1d0c5" +red = "#f9ebed" +nasty-red = "#ca4754" +dark-red = "#7e2a33" +orange = "#dd8a3c" +yellow = "#e2b714" +green = "#e5eae1" +aqua = "#b9c2c6" +blue = "#bdcadb" +purple = "#d0c4d4" +grey0 = "#aaaeb3" +grey1 = "#e1e1e3" +grey2 = "#646669" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/serika-light.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/serika-light.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edde904 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/serika-light.toml @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +# Serika (Light) +# Author: VuiMuich + +# Original Author: +# URL: https://github.com/arturoalviar/serika-syntax +# Author: arturoalviar +# License: MIT License + +"escape" = "orange" +"type" = "yellow" +"constant" = "purple" +"number" = "purple" +"string" = "fg" +"comment" = "grey2" +"variable" = "yellow" +"variable.builtin" = "blue" +"variable.parameter" = "yellow" +"variable.property" = "yellow" +"label" = "aqua" +"punctuation" = "grey0" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "grey2" +"punctuation.bracket" = "fg" +"keyword" = "red" +"operator" = "grey0" +"function" = "green" +"function.builtin" = "blue" +"function.macro" = "aqua" +"tag" = "yellow" +"namespace" = "fg" +"attribute" = "aqua" +"constructor" = "yellow" +"module" = "blue" +"property" = "yellow" +"special" = "orange" + +"ui.background" = { bg = "bg0" } +"ui.cursor" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "fg" } +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "grey1", bg = "grey2" } +"ui.cursor.insert" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.cursor.select" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.linenr" = "yellow" +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "fg", modifiers = ["bold", "underlined"] } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "grey1", bg = "bg5" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "grey2", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.popup" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg5" } +"ui.window" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg5" } +"ui.help" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg5" } +"ui.text" = "fg" +"ui.text.focus" = "yellow" +"ui.menu" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg3" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg_yellow" } +"ui.selection" = { fg = "bg0", bg = "bg3" } + +"hint" = "blue" +"info" = "aqua" +"warning" = "yellow" +"error" = "nasty-red" +"diagnostic" = { fg = "dark-red", Modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +"diff.plus" = { fg = "green" } +"diff.delta" = { fg = "orange" } +"diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } + +"markup.heading" = { fg = "purple", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.list" = "cyan" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = "cyan" +"markup.link.text" = "pink" +"markup.quote" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.raw" = { fg = "foreground" } + + +[palette] + +bg0 = "#e1e1e3" +bg1 = "#494c50" +bg2 = "#55585e" +bg3 = "#61656b" +bg4 = "#6d7278" +bg5 = "#797e86" +bg_visual = "#646669" +bg_red = "#7e2a33" +bg_green = "#86b365" +bg_blue = "#6a89af" +bg_yellow = "#e2b714" + +fg = "#323437" +red = "#621d28" +nasty-red = "#da3333" +dark-red = "#791717" +orange = "#57320f" +yellow = "#e2b714" +green = "#3f4b34" +aqua = "#455054" +blue = "#3f5673" +purple = "#534059" +grey0 = "#aaaeb3" +grey1 = "#e1e1e3" +grey2 = "#646669" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/solarized_dark.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/solarized_dark.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd2013e --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/solarized_dark.toml @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +"attribute" = { fg = "violet" } +"keyword" = { fg = "green" } +"keyword.directive" = { fg = "orange" } +"namespace" = { fg = "violet" } +"operator" = { fg = "green" } +"special" = { fg = "orange" } +"variable.builtin" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"variable.function" = { fg = "blue" } +"type" = { fg = "yellow" } +"type.builtin" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"constructor" = { fg = "blue" } +"function" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.macro" = { fg = "magenta" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.special" = { fg = "magenta" } +"comment" = { fg = "base01" } +"string" = { fg = "cyan" } +"constant" = { fg = "cyan" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"label" = { fg = "green" } +"module" = { fg = "violet" } +"tag" = { fg = "magenta" } + +# TODO +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = { fg = "green" } +"diff.delta" = { fg = "orange" } +"diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } + +# 背景 +"ui.background" = { bg = "base03" } + +# 行号栏 +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base0", bg = "base02" } +# 当前行号栏 +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } + +# 状态栏 +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base0" } +# 非活动状态栏 +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base1", bg = "base01" } + +# 补全窗口, preview窗口 +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base02" } +# 影响 补全选中 cmd弹出信息选中 +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base02", bg = "base2"} +"ui.menu" = { fg = "base1" } +# ?? +"ui.window" = { fg = "base3" } +# 命令行 补全的帮助信息 +"ui.help" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } + +# 快捷键窗口 +"ui.popup.info" = { bg = "base1" } +# 快捷键字体 +"ui.text.info" = {fg = "base02", modifiers = ["bold"]} + +# 普通ui的字体样式 +"ui.text" = { fg = "base1" } +# 影响 picker列表选中, 快捷键帮助窗口文本 +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"]} +# file picker中, 预览的当前选中项 +"ui.highlight" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold", "italic", "underlined"] } + +# 主光标/selectio +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base1" } +"ui.cursor.select" = { fg = "base02", bg = "cyan" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base0175" } +"ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "base015" } + +# normal模式的光标 +"ui.cursor" = {fg = "base02", bg = "cyan"} +"ui.cursor.insert" = {fg = "base03", bg = "base3"} +# 当前光标匹配的标点符号 +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base00" } + +"warning" = { fg = "orange", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"error" = { fg = "red", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"info" = { fg = "blue", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"hint" = { fg = "base01", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +[palette] +# 深色 越来越深 +base03 = "#002b36" +base02 = "#073642" +base0175 = "#16404b" +base015 = "#2c4f59" +base01 = "#586e75" +base00 = "#657b83" +base0 = "#839496" +base1 = "#93a1a1" +base2 = "#eee8d5" +base3 = "#fdf6e3" + +# 浅色 越來越浅 +yellow = "#b58900" +orange = "#cb4b16" +red = "#dc322f" +magenta = "#d33682" +violet = "#6c71c4" +blue = "#268bd2" +cyan = "#2aa198" +green = "#859900" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/solarized_light.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/solarized_light.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c82029 --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/solarized_light.toml @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +"attribute" = { fg = "violet" } +"keyword" = { fg = "green" } +"keyword.directive" = { fg = "orange" } +"namespace" = { fg = "violet" } +"operator" = { fg = "green" } +"special" = { fg = "orange" } +"variable.builtin" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"variable.function" = { fg = "blue" } +"type" = { fg = "yellow" } +"type.builtin" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"constructor" = { fg = "blue" } +"function" = { fg = "blue" } +"function.macro" = { fg = "magenta" } +"function.builtin" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.special" = { fg = "magenta" } +"comment" = { fg = "base01" } +"string" = { fg = "cyan" } +"constant" = { fg = "cyan" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "cyan", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"constant.character.escape" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"label" = { fg = "green" } +"module" = { fg = "violet" } +"tag" = { fg = "magenta" } + +# TODO +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = { fg = "green" } +"diff.delta" = { fg = "orange" } +"diff.minus" = { fg = "red" } + +# 背景 +"ui.background" = { bg = "base03" } + +# 行号栏 +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "base0", bg = "base02" } +# 当前行号栏 +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"] } + +# 状态栏 +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base0" } +# 非活动状态栏 +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "base1", bg = "base01" } + +# 补全窗口, preview窗口 +"ui.popup" = { bg = "base02" } +# 影响 补全选中 cmd弹出信息选中 +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "base02", bg = "base2"} +"ui.menu" = { fg = "base1" } +# ?? +"ui.window" = { fg = "base3" } +# 命令行 补全的帮助信息 +"ui.help" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } + +# 快捷键窗口 +"ui.popup.info" = { bg = "base1" } +# 快捷键字体 +"ui.text.info" = {fg = "base02", modifiers = ["bold"]} + +# 普通ui的字体样式 +"ui.text" = { fg = "base1" } +# 影响 picker列表选中, 快捷键帮助窗口文本 +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "blue", modifiers = ["bold"]} +# file picker中, 预览的当前选中项 +"ui.highlight" = { fg = "red", modifiers = ["bold", "italic", "underlined"] } + +# 主光标/selectio +"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "base03", bg = "base1" } +"ui.cursor.select" = { fg = "base02", bg = "cyan" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "base0175" } +"ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "base015" } + +# normal模式的光标 +"ui.cursor" = {fg = "base02", bg = "cyan"} +"ui.cursor.insert" = {fg = "base03", bg = "base3"} +# 当前光标匹配的标点符号 +"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "base02", bg = "light-gray" } + +"warning" = { fg = "orange", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"error" = { fg = "red", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"info" = { fg = "blue", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"hint" = { fg = "base01", modifiers= ["bold", "underlined"] } +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +[palette] +red = '#dc322f' +green = '#859900' +yellow = '#b58900' +blue = '#268bd2' +magenta = '#d33682' +cyan = '#2aa198' +orange = '#cb4b16' +violet = '#6c71c4' + +# 深色 越来越深 +base0 = '#657b83' +base1 = '#586e75' +base2 = '#073642' +base3 = '#002b36' + +## 浅色 越來越浅 +base00 = '#839496' +base01 = '#93a1a1' +base015 = '#c5c8bd' +base0175 = '#dddbcc' +base02 = '#eee8d5' +base03 = '#fdf6e3' diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/spacebones_light.toml b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/spacebones_light.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29c7d7f --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/themes/spacebones_light.toml @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# Author : Koen Van der Auwera <atog@hey.com> +# Based on SpaceBones Light https://github.com/chipotle/spacebones +# https://github.com/chipotle/spacebones/blob/main/SpaceBones%20Light.bbColorScheme + +"attribute" = "#b1951d" +"keyword" = { fg = "#3a81c3" } +"keyword.directive" = "#3a81c3" +"namespace" = "#b1951d" +"punctuation" = "#6c3163" +"punctuation.delimiter" = "#6c3163" +"operator" = "#ba2f59" +"special" = "#ba2f59" +"property" = "#7590db" +"variable.property" = "#7590db" +"variable" = "#715ab1" +"variable.builtin" = "#715ab1" +"variable.parameter" = "#7590db" +"type" = "#6c3163" +"type.builtin" = "#6c3163" +"constructor" = { fg = "#4e3163", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function" = { fg = "#715ab1", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"function.macro" = "#b1951d" +"function.builtin" = "#b1951d" +"comment" = { fg = "#a49da5", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"constant" = { fg = "#6c3163" } +"constant.builtin" = { fg = "#6c3163", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"string" = "#2d9574" +"number" = "#6c3163" +"escape" = { fg = "fg2", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"label" = "#b1951d" +"module" = "#b1951d" + +# TODO +"markup.heading" = "blue" +"markup.list" = "red" +"markup.bold" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } +"markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } +"markup.link.url" = { fg = "yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } +"markup.link.text" = "red" +"markup.quote" = "cyan" +"markup.raw" = "green" + +"diff.plus" = "#2d9574" +"diff.delta" = "#715ab1" +"diff.minus" = "#ba2f59" + +"warning" = { fg = "#da8b55" } +"error" = { fg = "#e0211d" } +"info" = { fg = "#b1951d" } +"hint" = { fg = "#d1dcdf" } + +"ui.background" = { bg = "bg0" } +"ui.linenr" = { fg = "bg3" } +"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "#b1951d" } +"ui.statusline" = { fg = "fg1", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "fg4", bg = "bg1" } +"ui.popup" = { bg = "bg1" } +"ui.window" = { bg = "bg1" } +"ui.help" = { bg = "bg1", fg = "fg1" } +"ui.text" = { fg = "fg1" } +"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "fg1" } +"ui.selection" = { bg = "bg3", modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.primary" = { modifiers = ["reversed"] } +"ui.cursor.match" = { bg = "bg3" } +"ui.menu" = { fg = "fg1", bg = "bg2" } +"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "#655370", bg = "#d1dcdf", modifiers = ["bold"] } + +"diagnostic" = { modifiers = ["underlined"] } + +[palette] +bg0 = "#fbf8ef" +bg1 = "#efeae9" +bg2 = "#d1dcdf" +bg3 = "#b4c6cb" + +fg1 = "#655370" +fg2 = "#5f3bc4" +fg3 = "#bdae93" +fg4 = "#a89984" diff --git a/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/tutor.txt b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/tutor.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6f600d --- /dev/null +++ b/helix-22.03-x86_64-windows/runtime/tutor.txt @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ + _ _ __ __ + | | | | _ \ \ / / + | |_| | ___ | | (_) \ \/ / + | _ | / _ \ | | _ ) ( + | | | | | __/ | | | | / /\ \ + |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| /_/ \_\ + + A post-modern modal text editor. +_________________________________________________________________ + + Welcome to the Helix editor! Helix is different from editors + you might be used to in that it is modal, meaning that it has + different modes for editing text. The primary modes you will + use are Normal mode and Insert mode. While in Normal mode, the + keys you press won't actually type text. Instead, they will + perform various actions with the text. This allows for more + efficient editing. This tutor will teach you how you can make + use of Helix's modal editing features. To begin, ensure your + caps-lock key is not pressed and hold the j key until you reach + the first lesson. + + +================================================================= += BASIC CURSOR MOVEMENT = +================================================================= + + ↑ + k * h is on the left + ← h l → * l is on the right + j * j looks like a down arrow + ↓ + + The cursor can be moved using the h, j, k, l keys, as shown + above. The cursor/arrow keys will also work, but it is faster + to use the hjkl keys as they are closer to the other keys you + will be using. Try moving around to get a feel for hjkl. + Once you're ready, hold j to continue to the next lesson. + + + + + + + +================================================================= += EXITING HELIX = +================================================================= + + 1. Press the : key to enter command mode. Your cursor will + move to the bottom of the screen. + 2. Type q or quit and press <ENTER> to exit Helix. + + Note: The quit command will fail if there are unsaved changes. + To force quit and DISCARD these changes, use q! or quit!. + You will learn how to save files later. + + To exit command mode without entering a command, press <ESC>. + + Now, move on to the next lesson. + + + + + + + +================================================================= += DELETION = +================================================================= + + Press the d key to delete the character under the cursor. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + 2. Move the cursor to each extra character, and press d to + delete it. + + --> Thhiss senttencee haass exxtra charracterss. + + Once the sentence is correct, move on to the next lesson. + + + + + + + + + +================================================================= += INSERT MODE = +================================================================= + + Press the i key to enter Insert mode. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + 2. Move to a place in the line which is missing text and press + i to enter Insert mode. Keys you press will now type text. + 3. Enter the missing text. + 4. Press <ESC> to exit Insert mode and return to Normal mode. + 5. Repeat until the line matches the line below it. + + --> Th stce misg so. + This sentence is missing some text. + + Note: If you want to move the cursor while in Insert mode, + you may use the arrow keys instead of exiting and + reentering Insert mode. + Note: The status bar will display your current mode. + Notice that when you press i, 'NOR' changes to 'INS'. + +================================================================= += MORE ON INSERT MODE = +================================================================= + + As you saw, you can press i to enter Insert mode at the current + position of the cursor. There are a few other ways you can + enter Insert mode at different locations. + + Common examples of insertion commands include: + i - Insert before the selection. + a - Insert after the selection. (a means 'append') + I - Insert at the start of the line. + A - Insert at the end of the line. + + 1. Move to anywhere in the line below marked -->. + 2. Press A (<SHIFT> + a), your cursor will move to the end of + the line and you will be able to type. + 3. Type the text necessary to match the line below. + + --> This sentence is miss + This sentence is missing some text. + +================================================================= += SAVING A FILE = +================================================================= + + Use :w/:write to save a file. + + 1. Exit Helix using :q! as explained before, or open a new + terminal. + 2. Open a file in Helix by running: hx FILENAME + 3. Make some edits to the file. + 4. Press the : key to enter command mode. + 5. Type w or write, and press <ENTER> to save the file. + + You can also use wq or write-quit to save and exit. + + Note: You can optionally enter a filepath after the w/write + command in order to save to that path. + Note: If there are any unsaved changes to a file, a plus [+] + will appear next to the file name in the status bar. + + + +================================================================= += RECAP = +================================================================= + + * Use the h,j,k,l keys to move the cursor. + + * Press : to enter command mode. + * The q/quit and q!/quit! commands will exit Helix. The + former fails when there are unsaved changes. The latter + discards them. + * The w/write command will save the file. + * The wq/write-quit command will do both. + + * Press d to delete the character at the cursor. + + * Press i to enter Insert mode and type text. Press <ESC> to + return to Normal mode. + + + + + +================================================================= += MOTIONS AND SELECTIONS = +================================================================= + + Press w to select forward until the next word. + + The d key doesn't actually delete the character at the cursor, + it deletes all selected text. Your cursor is like a + single-character selection. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + 2. Move to the beginning of a word that needs to be deleted. + 3. Press w to select until the beginning of the next word. + 4. Press d to delete the selection. + 5. Repeat for all extra words in the line. + + --> This sentence pencil has vacuum extra words in the it. + + + + + +================================================================= += MORE ON MOTIONS = +================================================================= + + As you saw, pressing w moves the cursor forward until the start + of the next word, selecting the text traversed. This is useful + for moving around text and for selecting text to operate on. + + Some common motions include: + w - Move forward to before the beginning of the next word. + e - Move forward to the end of the current word. + b - Move backward to the beginning of the current word. + + The w,e,b motions also have counterparts - W,E,B - which + traverse WORDS instead of words. WORDS are only separated by + whitespace, whereas words can be separated by other characters + in addition to whitespace. + + All of these motions select the text they traverse. + + + +================================================================= += THE CHANGE COMMAND = +================================================================= + + Press c to change the current selection. + + The change command deletes the current selection and enters + Insert mode, so it is a very common shorthand for di. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + 2. Move to the start of an incorrect word and press w to + select it. + 3. Press c to delete the word and enter Insert mode. + 4. Type the correct word. + 5. Repeat until the line matches the line below it. + + --> This paper has heavy words behind it. + This sentence has incorrect words in it. + + + + +================================================================= += COUNTS WITH MOTIONS = +================================================================= + + Type a number before a motion to repeat it that many times. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + + 2. Type 2w to move 2 words forward. + + 3. Type 3e to move to the end of the third word forward. + + 4. Type 2b to move 2 words backwards + + 5. Try the above with different numbers. + + --> This is just a line with words you can move around in. + + + + + +================================================================= += SELECTING LINES = +================================================================= + + Press x to select a whole line. Press again to select the next. + + 1. Move the cursor to the second line below marked -->. + 2. Press x to select the line, and d to delete it. + 3. Move to the fourth line. + 4. Press x twice or type 2x to select 2 lines, and d to delete. + + --> 1) Roses are red, + --> 2) Mud is fun, + --> 3) Violets are blue, + --> 4) I have a car, + --> 5) Clocks tell time, + --> 6) Sugar is sweet, + --> 7) And so are you. + + + + +================================================================= += UNDOING = +================================================================= + + Type u to undo. Type U to redo. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + 2. Move to the first error, and press d to delete it. + 3. Type u to undo your deletion. + 4. Fix all the errors on the line. + 5. Type u several times to undo your fixes. + 6. Type U (<SHIFT> + u) several times to redo your fixes. + + --> Fiix the errors on thhis line and reeplace them witth undo. + + + + + + + + +================================================================= += RECAP = +================================================================= + + * Type w to select forward until the next word. + * Type e to select to the end of the current word. + * Type b to select backward to the start of the current word. + * Use uppercase counterparts, W,E,B, to traverse WORDS. + + * Typing d deletes the entire selection, so you can delete a + word forward by typing wd. + + * Type c to delete the selection and enter Insert mode. + + * Type a number before a motion to repeat it that many times. + + * Type x to select the entire current line. Type x again to + select the next line. + + * Type u to undo. Type U to redo. + + +================================================================= += MULTIPLE CURSORS = +================================================================= + + Type C to duplicate the cursor to the next line. + + 1. Move the cursor to the first line below marked -->. + 2. Type C to duplicate the cursor to the next line. Keys you + press will now affect both cursors. + 3. Use Insert mode to correct the lines. The two cursors will + fix both lines simultaneously. + 4. Type , to remove the second cursor. + + --> Fix th two nes at same ime. + --> Fix th two nes at same ime. + + Fix these two lines at the same time. + + + + + +================================================================= += THE SELECT COMMAND = +================================================================= + + Type s to select matches in the selection. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + 2. Press x to select the line. + 3. Press s. A prompt will appear. + 4. Type 'apples' and press <ENTER>. Both occurrences of + 'apples' in the line will be selected. + 5. You can now press c and change 'apples' to something else, + like 'oranges'. + 6. Type , to remove the second cursor. + + --> I like to eat apples since my favorite fruit is apples. + + + + + + +================================================================= += SELECTING VIA REGEX = +================================================================= + + The select command selects regular expressions, not just exact + matches, allowing you to target more complex patterns. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + 2. Select the line with x and then press s. + 3. Enter ' +' to select any amount of consecutive spaces >1. + 4. Press c and change the matches to single spaces. + + --> This sentence has some extra spaces. + + Note: If you want to perform find-and-replace, the select + command is the way to do it. Select the text you want + to replace in — type % to select the whole file — and + then perform the steps explained above. + + + + +================================================================= += COLLAPSING SELECTIONS = +================================================================= + + Type ; to collapse selections to single cursors. + + Sometimes, you want to deselect without having to move the + cursor(s). This can be done using the ; key. + + 1. Move the cursor to the line below marked -->. + + 2. Use the motions you have learned to move around the line, + and try using ; to deselect the text after it is selected + by the motions. + + --> This is an error-free line with words to move around in. + + + + + + +================================================================= + This tutorial is still a work-in-progress. + More sections are planned. |