AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-03-21Player, Enemy AnimationsHEADmasterIndrajith K L
Collision Changes
2022-03-05* Player/ Enemy ChaseIndrajith K L
* Pickable Entity * Enemies
2022-03-02Re-Added Aseprite Source filesIndrajith K L
2022-03-02Re-Added TMX FilesIndrajith K L
2022-03-02* Test Enemy AddedIndrajith K L
* Basic Hacky Enemy AI
2022-03-01* Adds ScreenshotIndrajith K L
2022-03-01* Adds Fullscreen+Toggle SupportIndrajith K L
* Window Resolution changed to 1280x720
2022-03-01* Cosmetic Changes in MenuIndrajith K L
* New Fonts Added * Menu rendering changes * Removed Hacky text co-ordinate calculations * Replaced with love.text * Disappearing Notification messages implemented
2022-03-01* Adds Ambience SFX & ManagementIndrajith K L
* Notification - In-Progress * Collision Callbacks * Interactive & Pickable entities - In-Progress
2022-02-28Adds SFX for monster growlIndrajith K L
2022-02-28Adds Screen Shake on every 10 secondsIndrajith K L
2022-02-28* Fixes DELTA issue in GameState => Map ClassIndrajith K L
* Shader Changes in Menu * Adds New Particles generator for Starfield * Player Movement * Basic Collision Detection
2022-02-27Player Follow Camera - DoneIndrajith K L
Camera Zoom and Camera Map boundary bound - Done
2022-02-27Initial CommitIndrajith K L
* ECS - In-Progress * GameStates - Skeleton Implemented * Library Integrations - Completed * Levels - In-Progress